I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1929: Sea Prince killed

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This gun has been brewing for a long time, and the speed is also fast to the extreme. Almost even the afterimage is not visible at all. It has already pierced Chu Yunfan's neck with one shot, and Chu Yunfan will be pierced.


There was a huge roar, bursts of golden and iron clinking sounds and countless sparks splashing around.

There is no way for this shot to penetrate Chu Yunfan's defense!

"What? How could it be possible!"

This sudden appearance of Li Qianyuan didn't react at once. How could his attack not have a slight impact on Chu Yunfan? How amazing is it to be able to achieve this level of defense?

But Chu Yunfan's reaction speed was even more astonishing, and his backhand was pressing across the sky with a stick.


This stick directly hit this Li Qianyuan, and this Li Qianyuan screamed on the spot, and his whole body broke apart in the air and turned into a sky full of organs.

This was not Li Qianyuan's body, but his puppet, which was knocked out by Chu Yunfan with a stick.

Li Qianyuan's expression was incomparably indifferent, and his killing intent was even more surging. You must know that although his puppet is only a puppet, it also has the strength equivalent to the good fortune realm.

A master of good fortune realm level, even he would feel tricky, but he was swept to pieces by Chu Yunfan's stick. The power of Chu Yunfan's stick was really amazing.

At this time, two peaks of mana, one red and one blue, were formed in the field, while Chu Yunfan was plain and flat, and all the rays of light converged.

But neither of them underestimated Chu Yunfan at all. This clearly represented that Chu Yunfan had controlled his own strength to a limit, and they had not even forced Chu Yunfan's full strength out.

At this time, both of them really felt that Chu Yunfan was very difficult. Before, they thought that each other was the real opponent, and they had to compete for these inheritances. Now it seemed that Chu Yunfan in front of them was truly terrifying.

At this time, they didn't even think about being able to easily kill Chu Yunfan on the spot.

"Hold on for time, and wait until our protector comes in, it's his death date!"

Prince Hai and Li Qianyuan glanced at each other. They would rather share the harvest equally, than let Chu Yunfan come to a snipe and clam to fight, and the fisherman would profit.

And Chu Yunfan also realized their plan. It was almost an instant effort. He said that it was too late and it was fast. The long stick in his hand swept out an amazing beam and went directly towards the sea prince. The Sea Prince had been severely injured by him, and he naturally became the soft persimmon among the two.

The Sea Prince also realized this, feeling that he was completely underestimated by Chu Yunfan, which was a shame.

Even if he had to postpone time, his pride would never allow himself to be like a bereaved dog. He simply roared directly, and his hand-held trident rushed up against the sky-shattering waves.




Amidst a huge roar, the trident and the iron rod collided thousands of times in the void. If the strength is not enough for the good fortune realm, they can’t even tell how many tricks have been made, all the tricks. , All the attacks only turned into a single blow.

This is already the ultimate battle for both sides to burn their own realm.


After tens of thousands of fights, the two crossed by, and another stream of blood spewed out, and a figure trembled violently.

Li Qianyuan was about to attack from the side and was about to step in, but saw that Prince Sea had a large hole in his chest. He was actually crossed by a bar of Chu Yunfan's iron rod, and Chu Yunfan was holding the bar. The blood flowing on the iron rod looked faintly golden, and there was an amazing energy and transformation hidden in it.

"Puff!" Sea Prince spurted out a mouthful of blood, only feeling the whole person dizzy. In the collision just now, there was no opportunism, only the collision of absolute strength.

Whether in terms of speed or strength, he was absolutely suppressed, suppressed without temper.

It was just a trance, he was actually pierced by the iron rod and was severely injured in an instant.

He was hit hard in an instant, and the two sides fought too fast. With Li Qianyuan's eyesight, he could only see the scene of Sea Prince being penetrated by the last blow.

In almost an instant, he had already reacted. He absolutely couldn't let Chu Yunfan go down like this. The spear in his hand was pressing across the sky, and amazing spear lights spattered from the tip of the spear, which swept the void directly. He was almost in the sea. The prince was hit hard the moment he was hit.

He wanted to stop Chu Yunfan's offensive and buy time for the Sea Prince. He was an old enemy before, but now he has to work together to give up the world's invincible dignity.

"Block me? How is it possible?"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and bursts of golden light burst out of his hand. These golden lights turned into a huge enchantment, which directly resisted the long spear that had been pierced~www.ltnovel.com~ The spear light swept everything. , But facing this enchantment, there is no way to make progress.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan directly picked up the iron rod in his hand, and the beam of the rod straddled the sky, crushing everything, and suddenly smashed down towards the sea prince.

"How can it be so strong!"

Before the sea prince could react, he felt an astonishing killing intent coming from the back of his head, and quickly turned around. The trident in his hand suddenly made a move to hold the sky, trying to stop the stick.


After an astonishing roar, the trident in the hands of the sea prince could not be held at all. His tiger's mouth was already bloodied in the thousands of collisions just now, and this fatal blow was already ushered in before he could heal .

After sweeping away the trident in the hands of the sea prince, Chu Yunfan's stick was cast off, and he swept down in the air.


The Sea Prince was swept directly, unable to hide, and the azure blue armor on his body was also shattered, revealing his original appearance. His head was smashed in an instant, and the blood burst out along with his brain.


The long stick fell to the ground, Sea Prince's head shattered, half of his body exploded, and the whole body fell fiercely to the ground.


Chu Yunfan said softly, as the stick fell, the sea prince who burst out of the sea king's body was also swept away by his stick.

Directly killed, when facing Chu Yunfan, there was no way to fight back!

"Prince Sea, but so!" Chu Yunfan grinned, "I'm down to you, Li Qianyuan, Huntian Hou of the Great Xia Dynasty, this name will also be removed from the Tianjiao list!"

At this moment, no matter how brilliant Chu Yunfan's smile was, to Li Qianyuan, it was like a devil's smile, and for the first time a threat of death came to his heart.

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