I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1931: Turned upside down outside

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Although for the Great Xia, the scattered fish and dragons on the East China Sea are mixed, I don't know how many demonic cultivation, evil cultivation, etc. are mixed in it, it can be one of the hostile forces of the Great Xia Dynasty.

But after all, they belong to the same human race, the same language and the same species. If the Sea Clan is pressing, these casual repairs on the East China Sea may take refuge in the Great Xia Dynasty, but in the future, these earth snakes will lead the way, and the military power of the Great Xia Dynasty can even directly penetrate into the East China Sea. Place.

At that time, the East China Sea would not be the world of the Sea Clan, and it was absolutely impossible for the Daxia Dynasty to confine its activities to the Inland Sea.

The senior members of the Sea Clan clearly understood this. Although there were some radicals who wanted to do something bigger, they were quickly suppressed.

In the end, all the spearheads were directed at the Li family. A large number of sea tribe troops drove countless beasts in the deep sea to attack one island after another, and the target was directed at the stronghold of the Li family on the island.

All the forces in the Sea Clan decided to use absolute power to deter those who were conspiring to go wrong. After starting to join forces, the Li family was unable to stop such a frenzy.

It is only the Daxia Dynasty family that can contend with forces of this level, and the other forces are simply not the same.

But in a short period of time, the forces that received the news did not even need the Sea Clan to act. They spontaneously drove out the Li family directly and destroyed the stronghold. They also did not want to let the Sea Clan finally come true because of the Li family. The fierce beasts attacked the city, and even their foundation was destroyed.

But the Li family were driven out, and there was no way to go. The sky, the sea, the sea, and all the places where they could escape, were all blocked by sea tribes and deep-sea beasts.

In a short period of time, the arrangement of the Li family on the East China Sea for hundreds of years was destroyed and uprooted.

Although the Li family has just marched into the East China Sea on a large scale today, in fact, it has been arranged one after another hundreds of years ago, but at that time it was just setting up a stronghold, collecting some resources unique to the East China Sea, and exploring some. Intelligence is nothing.

At that time, the Li family was not strong enough, and it could only slowly penetrate into the East China Sea. Only now did I feel confident enough to open up a foundation in the East China Sea.

Who knows that in just a short time, the entire foundation on the East China Sea has been uprooted, and there is no place to bury it. Obviously, the Li family’s foundation on the East China Sea has already been noticed.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, the Patriarch of the Li family had just received the news and couldn't help but his face was pale, almost squirting out a mouthful of blood.

The foundation of the Li family for hundreds of years was uprooted, and the loss was so great that it was unprecedented, and the elite backbone of the Li family stationed in the East China Sea was beheaded to death.

The Li family's foundation, which has been in the East China Sea for hundreds of years, has also been occupied by various forces in the East China Sea.

These forces have been greedy for a long time, but they haven't taken any action. This time, instead of being persecuted and befriended by the Sea Clan, it would be better for them to fall into trouble and take advantage of the fire.

And all this is just a piece of news, that is, Li Qianyuan beheaded the Sea Prince and killed all of the Sea Prince's guardians, and the Li Family and the Sea Clan were completely torn apart.

When the news was transmitted back to the Li family by the jade talisman at the fastest speed, don't be outsiders. Even the people in the Li family believed that Li Qianyuan killed the Sea Prince.

After all, Li Qianyuan had this strength and this motive. If someone else caused the Li family to lose so much, it would be hard to escape punishment or even death.

But Li Qianyuan is different. He is the hope of the next generation of the Li family. Even if it is something big, the Li family must protect him.

"No, now that the Sea Clan got the news, how could I let Qian Yuan go? I immediately went to the palace to see the prince, and asked the prince to open the royal teleportation array, and immediately rush to the East China Sea to pick up people with the teleportation array. Otherwise, it would be too late!" The Patriarch of the Li family immediately realized this, "You have to go on with the order, let the old man in the family leave the customs immediately and rush to the East China Sea immediately, whether it is made by Qian Yuan or not, can't let him be killed by the sea clan!"

"I will also ask the prince to mobilize some royal offerings, and I definitely can't let Qian Yuan have something to do!"

The Li Family Patriarch made the decision immediately, and he was also anxious. If he was in the Great Xia Dynasty, he was absolutely sure that he could protect Li Qianyuan, but now it is happening in the distant East China Sea, no matter how powerful the Li Family is. It's also a bit beyond reach.

No one would have thought that it would eventually evolve into a collision between two big forces!

But he has made up his mind that no matter how great the sacrifice is, he will not let Li Qianyuan have an accident. That is their greatest hope for the rise of the Li family.

It didn’t take long before the Li family masters in the half plane suddenly realized that the sea clan masters in front of them were almost crazy. There were still some hands left, but now they are completely fighting. Killer.

Almost there must be a kind of momentum to die with them~www.ltnovel.com~ This frightened the masters of the Li family as well, they didn't know what happened.

But soon, news came from outside that Li Qianyuan actually killed Sea Prince?

The news spread too quickly, and soon everyone knew.

"Can't let them in and hurt Young Master, fight with them!"

After learning about the crude oil, the people of the Li family certainly understood why the people of the Sea Clan struggled so hard, and naturally they couldn't let them in and hurt Li Qianyuan.

For a while, the entire battlefield was even more frantic, and casualties were countless.

At the same time, in True Monarch Fuhai's cave, the two people who had been upset outside were confronting each other.

Li Qianyuan's expression became serious, and for the first time his reason overwhelmed his anger, because he knew that the horror of the man in front of him far exceeded the pressure that anyone had put on him before.

Just as he wants to kill the other person, and the other person wants to kill him too!

"Although I don't know who you are, but if you offend my Li family, there will be no way for you to survive in the sky or on the earth!"

Li Qianyuan said coldly.

"What if I offend you the Li family? What can you do?" Chu Yunfan laughed loudly, "Li Qianyuan, you are too conceited. Your family background, your physique, and your talents are all the root of your conceit. , But you don’t know what is meant by heaven outside, there are people outside of people, today I will let you know that your arrogance is of no use at all!"

"Okay, I want to see, how can you let me know!"

Li Qianyuan’s face showed arrogance. In this respect, he does have enough pride. He has been invincible among his peers for too long and too long. No one is his opponent at all. If he confronts those old monsters, he He may not be strong enough, but he has never been afraid of other people.

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