I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1934: Watching the theater, the war on the East China Sea

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After the death of Sea Prince, Li Qianyuan was seriously injured and fled. Chu Yunfan took advantage of the chaos to escape and closed the curtain. Fastest update

But the curtain came down only for Chu Yunfan, and for the Li Family and the Hai Clan, the fierce conflict had just begun.

The members of the Li family were uprooted on the East China Sea and suffered heavy losses.

After receiving the news, a large number of masters of the Sea Clan, together with countless fierce beasts in the sea, rushed to the sea-covering king's cave house day and night, trying to kill the masters of the Li family.

At the same time, these sea clan masters who had arrived in large numbers met the Li family masters who had been teleported from the mainland by a teleportation array, and directly collided with each other.

A **** battle unfolded unexpectedly.

The black cloud pressed the city to destroy the city, and countless deep-sea beasts rushed to the sea area where the sea-covering true monarch’s cave mansion was under the drive of the sea clan, almost with the tens of thousands of Li family and the prince who came to support the Li family’s allies. The private army collided with a fleet on the spot.


I don't know who yelled, a crossbow arrow struck through the air, blood splashed, a fierce beast in the sea was pierced by an arrow, the huge corpse sank into the sea, and was divided up after a while.

But starting with this crossbow arrow, this **** battle finally broke out.

The sorrowful blood flowed on the sea, and the blood blossoms continued to bloom. Countless crossbow arrows swept through the air like a dark cloud. The crossbow arrows were wrapped with a piece of talisman and exploded in the air. Like missiles one by one, they penetrate the clouds and blast the void.

And countless fierce beasts also jumped up their huge bodies like a hill, and countless water cannons spewed out from their mouths, like water cannons, covering everything.


There were terrible explosions everywhere, and the volley collision of two huge armies directly turned this place into a huge Asura battlefield.

In the distance, many casual cultivators who received the news dared to watch from a distance and did not dare to step into the range of the battlefield. They could feel that there was a terrifying qi and blood surging in everyone's body. The qi and blood of the terrifying strong man gathered and rushed straight into the sky, almost forming a sky.

As long as the people who are close, even if they are not completely close, they will feel a complete sense of oppression.

The expressions of those casual practitioners suddenly changed when they looked at them. Although they were acting as a third-party power in the East China Sea, only then did they truly understand that there is a gap between casual practitioners and this kind of force with a formed army. How terrible.

On one side is the sea clan that dominates the East China Sea, controlling countless deep-sea beasts, almost no one can beat.

On the other side, the coalition forces of the various military families in the Great Xia Dynasty, the backbone of the Prince's line.

The two sides refused to give up, the terrible sound of fighting turned to the sky!

On a battlefield of this level, personal strength is small, and the Universe Realm cannot protect itself. At any time, it is possible to be shot through the throat by a crossbow arrow that does not know where it came from. Even a master of the Good Fortune Realm level can only be killed. It can be regarded as self-protection, and it is impossible to exert the powerful ability to change the battle situation in a small battlefield.

"It's terrible, I've known the strength of the Sea Clan a long time ago, but the Li family is truly amazing, but it's just a military officer family of the Great Xia Dynasty that is so powerful, how powerful are the top ten forces of the Great Xia Dynasty? How powerful is the headquarters of the East China Sea Fleet of the Xia Dynasty!"

Many casual repairmen in the East China Sea could not help but take a breath when they saw this scene, especially the East China Sea Fleet of the Great Xia Dynasty had not penetrated the East China Sea for many years. Many people's impression of the strength of the East China Sea Fleet only existed in imagination. .

Now that I saw this scene, I couldn't help but breathe in air, like falling into an ice cave.

The battleship controlled by the Li family was only a eliminated model of the Great Xia Dynasty. Although its soldiers were elite, compared with the East China Sea Fleet, it was still not enough. Both the quantity and the quality were not above the same level.

From this perspective, the strength of the East China Sea Fleet of the Great Xia Dynasty may be ten times that.

Of course, everyone knows that this is just a microcosm of the collision between the Great Xia Dynasty and the Hai Clan. For the Great Xia Dynasty, the Li family is just one of the military aristocratic families. It was just a microcosm of a part of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The sea prince line is only a part of the representatives of the sea clan. Of course, the powerful sea clan can’t only have this degree, otherwise it would not be possible to dominate the East China Sea and firmly suppress the East China Sea Fleet of the Great Xia Dynasty. East China Sea area.

For a time, the blood drifted!

The battle of the regular army, all sorts of vertical and horizontal, the casual cultivators on the East China Sea were stunned, especially those forces who had been in charge of driving out the Li family at this time have regretted it, and no one would have thought that the Li family and the Li family’s. Allies are able to mobilize such a huge force ~ www.ltnovel.com~ It is naturally not enough to go all directions, but it is also a huge monster for most of the forces in the East China Sea.

If the Li family wins, the Li family returning to the East China Sea will be almost unstoppable. At this time, many people actually hope that the Sea Race will win.

At least the Hai Clan's victory will not change the current situation in the East China Sea!

In the distance, Chu Yunfan, wearing a moon-white robe, flew above the East China Sea. At this time, he was also looking at the two behemoths in the distance that had turned the sea near the sea-covering True Monarch's cave mansion into a battlefield.

Because even he didn't understand how it became like this, he didn't know what kind of sensation he caused after beheading Sea Prince, and what kind of changes he caused at the same time.

Because the fall of the sea prince triggered a full-scale battle between the sea clan and the Li family of the sea prince line.

It was not until a long time later that he received the news and learned the whole story of the war.

However, for him, both the Li Family and the Sea Clan are enemies. No matter who wins or loses, they will undoubtedly weaken each other's strength. This is of course a good thing.

At the same time, he was slightly shocked by the strength of the prince's first element. The strength of the prince's first element was indeed extraordinary. The fact that such a large army could be gathered in such a short period of time was indeed not to be underestimated.

However, he was just a little surprised, because these private troops were destined to be unable to sword light, and could not appear openly in the Great Xia Dynasty. They could only be used for overseas development, and the Great Xia Dynasty would turn a blind eye to this. Only eye.

"Whoever wins is the dog biting the dog!"

Chu Yunfan sneered. He didn't have time to watch this battle all the time, as long as he paid attention to the result of the battle at any time.

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he entered the space of the mountain and river map.

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