I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1948: This time, the end of Li Qianyuan!

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When Princess Yunyang saw Chu Yunfan, there was no longer the kind of victory in her eyes, she looked calmly at the world, on the contrary, she was still a little surprised.

Obviously, the appearance of Chu Yunfan was also a great shock to her.

The fall of Chu Yunfan at the beginning was almost endorsed by the two behemoths, the Daxia Dynasty and the Yaozu, and the two behemoths confirmed the news that Chu Yunfan had fallen.

However, now she saw Chu Yunfan. Based on her cultivation level, of course she could tell that this was not a fake. The appearance could be faked, but that kind of strong breath and unique temperament could not be faked.

That's why she was so shocked that after being sentenced to death by everyone, Chu Yunfan actually appeared alive.

Her mood was no different from that of others, it was as if she had seen a ghost!

But after all, she has a true dragon fate, and even a princess who wants to fight for the world. Facing the weird situation of Chu Yunfan's death and resurrection, she was only slightly shocked, and immediately regained her plain and watery look.

"His Royal Highness, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you, it's like a lifetime!"

Chu Yunfan smiled faintly. Although this period of time is not long, to him, it is indeed like a world away, escaping from the hands of that great figure of the monster race, escaping from the dead, as if escaping from hell, although At the moment of his death, he escaped the hunt.

But at this time, thinking about the situation at that time, I am afraid that if one is not careful, he will be beaten to death.

"Unexpectedly, in that situation, you can escape from the dead. Are you really the son of destiny?" Grandpa Yunyang smiled and said, with her status, she naturally knows more than ordinary people. Many, even she knew which of the most powerful figures among the monsters made the move.

Although the Taiwei's Mansion kept secrets about this matter, it still had to be presented to the king for viewing. Naturally, they, the most outstanding children of the king, have various ways to get the news they want.

That terrifying big figure of the demon clan, even if the Taiwei-sama had a headache, the status of the demon clan was not much worse than that of the emperor in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Experts of that level have mental arithmetic and unintentional, if they want to kill people, except for the few people in the world, anyone else can escape.

But Chu Yunfan just escaped from the dead, only this experience spread, I am afraid that the world was shocked, and he became famous in the first battle.

"It's just good luck, this place, sooner or later I will find it back!" Chu Yunfan said flatly, after experiencing this time of escape from the dead, like a phoenix-like Nirvana, to him, it is like experiencing another metamorphosis in his soul.

Even if the opponent is the top master in the world, Chu Yunfan definitely has no timidity at all.

Princess Yunyang smiled slightly, and she didn't take Chu Yunfan's words seriously. In her opinion, the scene in Chu Yunfan's words should be those people who cooperated with the Monster God Cult and the Monster Race to ambush Chu Yunfan.

In other words, Li Qianyuan is the man behind the scenes!

In fact, the Taiwei Mansion had set off a **** storm in the Great Xia Dynasty, and uprooted many forces involved in this matter. However, everyone knows that it was just a peripheral existence.

The real core is still Huntian Hou Li Qianyuan, but there is no direct evidence that allows Li Qianyuan to escape.

Although Hun Tianhou belongs to the most famous young talent in the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, belongs to the outstanding young generation, and ranks first in the Tianjiao list, but it is only among the young talents of the younger generation. In fact, in In the eyes of a giant like Taiwei, it was still nothing.

"This time Li Qianyuan is here too!"

Princess Yunyang smiled slightly and said.

"This time, if you want to win, I'm afraid it won't be so easy!"

"It's best for him to come. After solving it all at once, let him escape. This time it ends him!"

Chu Yunfan raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said.

"I don't know what I can do, I don't feel embarrassed!"

At this moment, suddenly, there was a cold snort from not far away.

Chu Yunfan turned his head to look, but saw that a slender young man with a handsome face of about 27 or 18 years old strode over, carrying a long knife behind his back, with a sharp sword spirit on his body. .

"Chu Yunfan, I didn't expect that you weren't dead yet, but it just so happened that I could be ashamed!" At this time, the young man looked at Chu Yunfan indifferently and said.

"Who are you?" Chu Yunfan curled his lips, and was too lazy to take a look.

"Sacred Sword Gate, Yang Lan!"

An astonishing sharp light burst into the young man's eyes, staring at Chu Yunfan firmly.

"Sacred Sword Gate?" Chu Yunfan suddenly remembered that when he had just entered the 100th place on the Tianjiao list, he experienced the first battle on the Tianjiao list~www.ltnovel.com~ to him at that time. The person who started it was not someone else, but a disciple of the magic sword, Lin Dingtian.

At that time, Lin Dingtian was ranked 99th, and he happened to be the 100th.

That was the first time he experienced the Tianjiao battle, so he was very impressed.

"Yes, do you remember when you killed Lin Dingtian, the chief disciple of the Divine Blade Sect?" Young Yang Lan said coldly.

"Sorry, too many people have been killed, I have no impression!"

Chu Yunfan fished out his ears and said nonchalantly.

However, in fact, how could he have no impression, but at that time he had no mercy for Lin Dingtian, because Lin Dingtian's sudden appearance was also under Li Qianyuan's instigation, and he clearly came to kill him.

Facing such an enemy, Chu Yunfan naturally couldn't be soft-hearted.

"Okay, okay, okay, bullying too much!" Yang Lan gritted her teeth tightly. "I heard you also said what the magic sword gate is? Today I will show you how powerful the magic sword gate is. Don’t think that you will underestimate my magic sword gate after defeating the big brother. Today I will let you see it. Look at the gap between you and the realm of good fortune!"

When it was said that it was too late, the long knife behind Yang Lan was out of its sheath, and the blade's light straddled the sky, and it fell down towards Chu Yunfan.

Yang Lan unexpectedly reached the realm of the unity of man and knife. In terms of strength, he was more than ten times stronger than Lin Dingtian at the beginning.

After all, Lin Dingtian was only the pinnacle of the Universe Realm at the beginning and did not enter the Good Fortune Realm, but now Yang Lan has entered the Good Fortune Realm, and his strength is more than ten times stronger than that of Lin Dingtian at the beginning.

The terrifying momentum of the masters of the good fortune realm shot up to the sky, and almost immediately shocked everyone. Many of the masters of the universe realm present even immediately felt that it was difficult to breathe, as if every breath of air was with a sharp knife intent. , To cut them apart.

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