I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1953: 1 palm slap Kim Young

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The terrifying golden frenzy completely submerged Chu Yunfan in an instant!

Jin Yong's face showed a somewhat hideous look. You must know that only he himself knows how terrifying his fist strength is. The golden mana is surging in it, and the golden mana is the most unstoppable.

Relying on this magical skill, the Jin family is almost invincible on the battlefield. They don't need any magic weapon at all, because their existence is a magic weapon.

They are extremely rare physical cultivation, physical cultivation and physical cultivation are extremely terrifying, to them, it doesn't matter what magical powers or martial arts are, and they can be torn apart at will.

Once the cultivation base is successful, it will be difficult for them to deal with masters whose cultivation base is higher than their own.

On the battlefield, go straight and rampant, invincible wherever you go!

Others were afraid of Chu Yunfan, but Jin Yong was not afraid of Chu Yunfan. Even if Chu Yunfan's cultivation was higher than him, it would be difficult for him to do nothing, let alone other things.

The gold mana is like a frenzy, enough to destroy everything, but the file frenzy swept through, everyone only found that Chu Yunfan was motionless, and let these gold mana swept through, there was no way for Chu Yunfan.

"I can't help myself, although physical training is rare, but do you think you can't help it?" Chu Yunfan sneered. Of course he couldn't understand the power of these physical trainings, and his physical body was even more terrifying. .

However, he looks like physical training, but in fact it is not physical training, but his many methods are similar to physical training.

For him, no physical training, Dharma cultivation, alchemy, etc. are his path. His path is to develop in an all-round way, with no weaknesses.

Martial arts, supernatural powers, mana, realm, and total transcendence, all of them are extremely existences.

Therefore, when a master of the same realm encounters him, he can't even stop with a finger, just like Yang Lan before. Even a master with a higher realm than him is equally vulnerable to him.

"How can it be!"

At this time, Jin Yong's expression had changed, but at this time, of course he couldn't be obediently and urged his cultivation to the extreme, bursts of golden light burst out all over his body, like a golden armored general made of pouring gold.

The mana radiated from his body is so powerful and sacred!

His cultivation base was finally revealed at this time, and he had to surpass Yang Lan, and he had entered the second level of good fortune. Basically, it can be said that he is no different from the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list. A master of this level is always available. All may enter the Tianjiao list.

It's hard to imagine, and he has always been tyrannical, even in the face of the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, he will not fall behind. For many people, I am afraid that it is much more difficult than the young man Chiyan. .

"Fist shaking the world!"

Jin Yong's whole body exudes bursts of golden light, as if the sky is set off against him like a general of the price of gold, his fists are like two huge sledgehammers that directly smashed down towards Chu Yunfan.

"I can't help myself!"

Chu Yunfan looked extremely indifferent, without sorrow or joy, but saw that he directly stretched out a plain white palm, with traces of electric light radiating from the palm, and went directly to the two sledgehammers that fell down. .


A huge and incomparable sound of gold and iron cried together, as if two huge iron blocks had collided together, and it set off a huge and incomparable storm surge.


Many people present saw Jin Yong seem to be blocking Chu Yunfan's slap, and they couldn't help showing a smile on their faces.

The strength that Chu Yunfan showed just now was too terrifying, almost the gods blocked and killed the gods, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha. He even broke the gods sword gate Yang Lan, Tianjian gate Li Xuan and others, plus the Chi that he killed before. Young Master Yan, it can be said that almost made everyone desperate.

They were all on the Tianjiao list. Chu Yunfan let them know what despair is and what a gap is. Not all of them are on the Tianjiao list. Both sides are at the same level and within the same realm.

Not to mention that most of them even feel eager and out of reach of the Tianjiao ranking.

Chu Yunfan's strength was suddenly elevated to a certain level in their hearts.

But now that it was finally blocked, Chu Yunfan was not irresistible.

But when everyone was about to laugh, suddenly, they saw a look of horror on Jin Yong's face, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Immediately afterwards, everyone only saw cracks on his face, which seemed to spread all over his body in an instant like a spider web, densely packed.

Blood seeped from the cracks, and everyone saw the horrible scene, and they couldn't help but breathe in the air.

"I can not be reconciled!"

Jin Yong let out a scream, and his eyes were filled with fear for the first time. For the first time, he understood that the gap between himself and the top arrogant, and the gap between himself and Chu Yunfan, was nothing short of heaven and earth.

Perhaps for others, he is already strong enough ~www.ltnovel.com~ but for Chu Yunfan, he is just a slightly stronger ant.


As soon as Jin Yong's voice fell, his entire body exploded in an instant, turning into a sky full of golden light mixed with blood and flesh.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe in air, they finally saw with their own eyes how Jin Yong was slapped into pieces by Chu Yunfan.

"The immortal golden body of the Jin family has always been invincible. On the battlefield, even the most powerful war beasts can easily tear apart. The strength of the physical body is almost comparable to that of the ancient monster race. Now it can't stop Chu Yunfan. This slap!"

"There is no magical power, nor is it a martial arts. Just a slap will slap Jin Yong to death. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would not believe it!"

"He is a monster, he can't be a human at all, or is he a special physique? Impossible, even if it is the physique of the king, it is impossible to explode the Jin family's indestructible golden body easily!"

At this time, everyone looked at Chu Yunfan with a look of horror in their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost. The Jin family’s immortal golden body has always been tyrannical, and it is well-known in the Daxia Dynasty, and it has cultivated to the extreme. It can compete with the physique of the king at the same level.

Otherwise, Jin Yong wouldn't be so arrogant, but now, the golden body that everyone regarded as impossible to be broken was exploded by Chu Yunfan casually, and the feeling was as if he had smashed a piece of window paper casually. , There is no difficulty at all.

In their eyes, Chu Yunfan was no longer a person, but a monster in human skin. They didn't even know what Chu Yunfan inherited and how could it be so.

"I can't help myself!"

Chu Yunfan only said indifferently, and then he looked at the remaining three people.

"It's your turn, we will send you on the road together!"

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