I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1966: Why don't you do it one by one!

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"How can I not escape!"

Tiger Treading Wind suddenly lost his color. You must know that Yuncong Longfeng Conghu, their clan's physical strength is extremely powerful, but their speed is even faster to the extreme.

Ordinary people have no way to keep up with this speed. Even facing the number one Li Qianyuan, he is confident, and his speed alone is enough to remain invincible.

But now the facts proved that he was wrong, and it was still wrong. Chu Yunfan's divine mind seemed to lock him, no matter how he wanted to escape, there was no way to escape Chu Yunfan's seal of holding a mountain.


At this time, Tiger Treading Wind could only do his best to fight, and a wave of terrifying mana emerged from all over his body, and it poured directly into his mouth, turning into a horrible energy frenzy, toward the imprint of the mountain. Away.


A terrifying wave of mana swept through, and the mana of the wind system dispersed and turned into a violent wind, but everyone saw it clearly that the energy frenzy that dispersed and turned into a violent wind could not shake the Baoshan Seal, Baoshan Yinyi A little bit of suppression, but in a moment, the terrifying energy frenzy volleyed and dissipated.


The Baoshan Yin volley hit the huge body of Tiger Stepping Wind, and Tiger Stepping Wind was like a heavy blow, and the huge body as large as a hill fell to the ground, with a scream and screams on the spot, a huge arena. They were shaking violently, and they were smashed out of a big pit.

Tiger Tafeng's huge body still wanted to struggle, but wherever he could struggle, he saw that above the sky, a sword light fell in the sky, and it straightly beheaded Tiger Tafeng.

The huge tiger head rolled aside, and the eleventh top Tianjiao tiger stepped on the wind and died!

Countless blood soon filled the entire arena, looking like a pool of blood.

"This... Isn't it too strong, even Tiger Treading Wind is not an opponent?" Someone couldn't help taking a breath. "Such strength, I'm afraid I have the capital to compete with Li Qianyuan!"

When many people thought of this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of air. Chu Yunfan's strength obviously exceeded their previous expectations.

"The old shameless Yaozu shot me ambush, this is just the beginning!"

Chu Yunfan’s eyes flashed with icy light, and the supreme presence of the monster race took it personally, regardless of self-esteem, and almost made Chu Yunfan hate on the spot, but he was not a broad-minded person, it can be said that he will not report it Over.

Not to mention the vengeance that almost died. If you don't avenge this grudge, you will not be a man!

Everyone just remembered at this time that Chu Yunfan had been jointly ambushed by the Demon Race and the Demon God Sect before, and even one of the supreme beings among the Demon Race personally shot it.

In fact, it was precisely because they knew that the supreme figure had personally made the shot, everyone believed that Chu Yunfan must be a dead end.

The younger generation who can escape from the hands of that one almost does not exist. Even Li Qianyuan, who ranked first on the list of Tianjiao, does not seem to have the possibility of escape at all.

In fact, their guess was not wrong. At that time, Chu Yunfan was already strong enough to challenge Li Qianyuan, but if Li Qianyuan were to be replaced, the battle would undoubtedly die.

It is simply impossible to escape like Chu Yunfan!

"Young Master? You are so bold that you dare to kill the Young Master of my flying tiger clan!"

At this moment, below, the three tribesmen of the Flying Tiger clan were completely furious. The number of tribesmen in this tribe was not too large. It was only because each was an elite and each was a genius to gain a foothold in the world.

Even so, in each generation, there are still very few who can make it to the Tianjiao list. After all, the Tianjiao list is ranked by many Tianjiao masters from many ethnic groups in the world. It is not easy to have one on the list, let alone be in it. Get such a high ranking.

Almost all the people of the tribe regarded Tiger Treading Wind as the hope for the rise of this tribe, who would have thought it would die in the hands of Chu Yunfan.

The three clansmen suddenly raged into the sky, and instantly burst out with a terrifying aura, and attacked and killed Chu Yunfan.

The strength of these three people is far more powerful than Tiger Treading Wind, at least they are all masters who are more than five layers above the good fortune realm.

Even Chu Yunfan had to be serious.

"No, you dare!"

Suddenly, the elder Taishang led by Fei Xianzong was furious, and was about to stop him, but saw a plain white palm volley past, and suddenly caught the three clansmen of the flying wing tiger clan.

"Dare to break the rules made by this palace in front of this palace, and do not have to do it!"


Accompanied by this cold snort, the three flying tiger clan masters had no resistance at all, they were crushed into a rain of blood on the spot, and then wiped out by a ray of light.

Suddenly, there was deathly silence at the scene~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone just remembered. Although Chu Yunfan's performance was amazing just now, the real master of this birthday was the eldest princess.

It is faintly known as the number one master of the Great Xia royal family. One of the most powerful masters in the world. It is the rules she set to compete with Wu Zesheng. These three flying tiger clan masters have eaten the bear heart and leopard courage. Trick or treat on her birthday.

"Is this the strength of the world's top masters? The three high-ranking masters of the good fortune realm were actually slapped into a rain of blood!"

"Yes, it's time to teach these demon races a lesson. Although the Flying Winged Tiger clan is a powerful royal family in the demon realm, what's the point in our East China Sea?"

"If you say kill, kill it. You don't have to be afraid of revenge from the flying wing tiger clan, husband, take it as it is!"

After a brief deathly silence, everyone suddenly exploded like a pot.

"So strong!"

Among the crowd, Li Qianyuan's pupils shrank suddenly. The masters of the three flying tiger clan, even he was not an opponent, but in front of the princess, they were completely vulnerable and slapped to death.

No wonder the prince must have him marry Tang Siyu in order to win over the princess.

Such a top-notch existence is indeed qualified to make the prince and his family work hard to win the attachment relationship.

But then, Li Qianyuan's eyes burst into an astonishing fighting spirit, and he should be like this. One day, he will surpass the eldest princess.

Except for Li Qianyuan, everyone suddenly understood that even though the eldest princess might not want to see Chu Yunfan, as in the rumors, it is absolutely not allowed for anyone to break the rules set by him.

And because of the strength of the eldest princess, she did have such qualifications.

"It's too troublesome to go one by one. Why don't you go together!"

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