I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2093: Xiaolu 1 hand

When it was said that it was too late, Si Wuxie shot instantly, and a hand like a lightning shot directly on Xue Wuhen's body, and instantly penetrated Xue Wuhen's body.

Say it, just do it!

Many people present could not help but take a breath of air. They finally remembered that this innocence is the remnant of the Heavenly Evil Sect. The Heavenly Evil Sect is the first sect of the Evil Dao. Although it is not the Devil Dao, it is an enemy of the world’s creatures, but the Evil Dao is also Not a good person.

It can be said that none of the masters in these evil ways are good people. The Tianxie Sect was too unscrupulous and forced the Great Xia Dynasty to personally destroy it because of its unscrupulousness.

Otherwise, even the Great Xia Dynasty would be afraid of such a behemoth by three points, because although it can be wiped out, the strength of the Heavenly Evil Sect is enough to make the Great Xia Dynasty bite a big tooth.

If it weren't for the time to be forced, even the Great Xia Dynasty would not easily attack such a behemoth.

However, the Tianxie Sect at that time made the sky angry and people resented. Not only did it make countless enemies in the Great Xia Dynasty, even among the many evil demons, there were many sects wishing to die.

After all, the Heavenly Evil Sect back then was too strong, almost crushing those evil demons outside the realm, and conquering those who are not subject.

In that way, the last treason was the last time.

And Si Wu Xie is the Tianjiao who came out of that kind of Tianxie Sect, and his acting style is naturally the same as that of the Tianxie Sect back then.

Many people raise their own skills almost instantaneously, so as not to affect them when the two fight against each other.

Before Si Wuxie showed a cold smile on his face, in front of him, Xue Wuhen's body instantly turned into a cloud of blood and fell to the ground.

This is not the deity at all, but a clone. It is a secret method in the blood cloak building. Although it does not have the strength of the deity, the deceptive effect alone is the topmost. Even Si Wuxie and others have not seen it. , Xue Wuhen is actually a clone.

"Thinking innocent, I think you are looking for death!"

Suddenly, at this moment, the voice of Xue Wuhen reappeared, and a short sword appeared in the void. The short sword tore through the space, and instantly fell towards Si Wuxie.

When Si Wuxie realized that he was only killing a clone, he almost immediately reacted, backing back again and again, but the sword fell, and he easily smashed the defensive enchantment around him. It's as easy as splitting white paper.

However, at the moment of the moment, Si Wuxie still avoided the fatal blow, but there was a smear of blood on his face, which was scratched a little by the sword Qi of Xue Wuhen.

All of this is long, but in fact it is only a moment, when everyone did not react, the two had already completed this match.

Obviously, both sides were scrupulous about this place, so even if they shot, they were all restrained and did not burst out of the strongest strength.

Otherwise, the two of them shot with all their strength, but it's not like this.

Both of them looked at each other fiercely, but then they realized that their goal this time was Chu Yunfan, and they must not let Chu Yunfan run away.

At this time, Hu Qingxuan took the lead and stood up and said: "Two, Brother Jian is the guest we invited, but you can't kill it if you want to!"

"The person I want to kill, do you protect it?" Xue Wuhen just sneered. As soon as his voice fell, he didn't know when he had already appeared in front of Hu Qingxuan. "It's just a newcomer to the realm of Xiaotian, I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

In an instant, a horrible blood glow flickered in the mid-air. Although it looked like an ordinary blood glow, it carried a terrifying aura that ruined the world. This was exactly what controlled its aura to the extreme. The logo does not reveal a little bit.

For the warriors who practice the way of assassin, this is just the degree of instinct.

With this sword, Hu Qingxuan's expression almost instantly changed, but when she wanted to escape, she found that there was no way.

Although her cultivation is already in the realm of Xiaotian, compared to the truly powerful Xue Wuhen, it is basically the gap between heaven and earth.

Xue Wuhen has already stepped into the realm of the mid-world position, and a big realm gap is enough to crush everything.

The battle between Jun Tianci and Chu Yunfan back then was not much better than this, but Chu Yunfan was so many times stronger than Hu Qingxuan that Jun Tianci suffered a great loss.

"I don't know that you are the one who has the highest heaven and earth!"

At this moment, a cold voice came, and then in the midair, a big hand was formed. The big hand suddenly grabbed the blood awn, and smashed the blood awn into pieces.

"Who?" Xue Wuhen didn't make a contribution with a single blow, and suddenly frowned, and it was fine if he could not kill Si Wuxie. The cultivation base of Si Wuxie was the same as that of him, and he was a newcomer to the middle of heaven. realm.

Although it was only a newcomer to the realm of the middle heaven, in the outer area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield, it was already an excellent cultivation base, and many more powerful masters had already entered the middle and core areas of the Tianjiao battlefield.

That's why the two of them are so unscrupulous, even if they kill casually in front of everyone, they don't have the slightest scruples.

Among these people, the only one who can make them look at each other differently is only the last generation Tianjiao Lan Hao of Fei Xianzong.

However, Lan Hao is the ancient arrogant of Fei Xianzong, and it is impossible for him and others to tear his skin apart for other people.

That's why they are so unscrupulous!

As long as they don't kill the Feixian League members, Lan Hao won't easily make a move!

It's just that he turned his head and looked at ~www.ltnovel.com~ and followed that big hand, but he saw Chu Yunfan with a cold smile on his face.

In other words, the person who blocked his blow just now was not someone else, it was Chu Yunfan.

Hu Qingxuan was a little shocked at this time, and then a look of shame flashed in her eyes, when she was so ignored in the outside world.

If you want to kill, you have no scruples at all!

It's like treating her like an ant!

Outside, even the tycoons who founded the faction did not dare to underestimate him in this way.

Now he almost died in the hands of Xue Wuhen.

Only at this time did she truly understand what the seniors in the clan had told her before he came in, that on the battlefield of Tianjiao and the outside world are completely different things.

Everyone in the outside world regarded her as a treasure, let her and care for her, but when she entered the battlefield of Tianjiao, she was no different from a piece of grass.

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