I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2096: In order to win Chu Yunfan, fight!

Even Si Wu Xie couldn't last long in front of Chu Yunfan!

Although many people still feel like falling into an ice cave with their hair standing upside down, they will accept the previous example of no trace of blood. . Fastest update

Although there is a difference in combat power between Si Wuxie and Xue Wuhen, they are still at the same level. Chu Yunfan can easily slap Blood Wuhen, so it is not easy to slap Si Wuxie easily. What is difficult.

"The information I got before thought he was just the pinnacle of the small heaven or just entering the middle heaven, he shouldn't be considered particularly powerful, but now that I think about it, I am really lucky!"

"I wanted to threaten him to join our alliance before. I was so lucky. Before we had time to speak, there were two unlucky guys who tested out the quality of this sword Wuchen for us!"

"I am afraid that the outer area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield will set off a bigger situation. With the addition of such a top expert, it may be possible to trigger a reshuffle!"

There was a lot of discussion, and many people realized that as Chu Yunfan showed such strength, there would definitely be a place for Chu Yunfan in the area outside the Tianjiao battlefield.

However, after having suffered such a big loss, whether it is the Destiny Alliance where the Destiny Sect is located, the Evil Dao Alliance where Si Wuxie is located, or the Blood-clothed Tower, they will certainly not give up so easily.

At that time, the two sides may have an even more amazing collision, and may even allow the entire outer area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield to complete the shuffling.

"Brother Jian is really good kung fu, I was abrupt before!"

At this time, Lan Hao stepped forward and said, as the initiator of the party, he thought it was a sure thing to win over Chu Yunfan.

You can even use protecting him from the Heavenly Mandate Sect as a condition to lure Chu Yunfan to join the Flying Immortal League.

However, only now did he realize that his previous thoughts were really naive, how could such a character be subjugated to others.

It even reminded him of Jun Tianci, who was of the same generation as him. While he was still working hard for the Fei Xian League, Jun Tianci had already independently stepped out, established the Tianmeng, and even stood up against the Tianming Sect.

The frustration of Tianjiao in other times is not very strong, but they feel the strongest, and they are completely left behind by Jun Tianci.

"But Brother Jian must be careful, because in any case, the people behind them will not let go. If it was only the Heavenly Mandate before, then now you have to be careful of the revenge of the Evil Dao League and the Blood-clothed Mansion!" Lan Hao said. . "Although Brother Jian your forehead strength is very powerful, whether it is Si Wuxie or Blood Wuhen is vulnerable to you, but you would not think that this is the full strength of their respective alliances, in fact, they It's just the person in charge of the Evil Dao Alliance and the Bloody Cloth Building in the outlying areas!"

"And now that the person in charge is killed, they will definitely have more powerful masters coming out of the central or even the core area to come and kill you!"

Lan Hao continued: "In the world, there are not many alliances that can keep you, and our Fei Xian League is definitely the most sincere of them!"

When everyone heard this, they realized that Lan Hao hadn't given up on recruiting Chu Yunfan from the beginning, and he had clearly seen the potential of Chu Yunfan, which was definitely far beyond what was currently shown.

The more amazing the strength Chu Yunfan demonstrated, the greater his potential and the limitless future.

"I can't see that I want to join your Feixian League. Our Barbarian League can also provide protection for Brother Sword. Now our Barbarian League has a person in charge in the city. As long as an order is given, there will soon be a master from the central region. Return, then, even if it is the Bloody Cloth Building, the Destiny Alliance, or the Evil Dao Alliance?"

On the other side, Meng Potian, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke.

"As long as Brother Jian is willing, my barbarian is willing to treat me as a barbarian king. As long as Brother Jian agrees, after going out, he can become the one-hole barbarian king of my barbarian clan!"

When everyone heard Meng Potian’s words, they couldn’t help but take a breath of air. Such conditions are not unbelievable. You must know that the supreme existence among the barbarians is naturally the barbaric emperor, but like the Daxia Dynasty, there is only a human king. In the same way, only the Barbarian King, unless there can be an emperor-level powerhouse among them, is eligible to become the Barbarian King.

In the history of the barbarian, there was only one barbaric emperor, the supreme figure who created the entire barbaric clan to compete with the dynasty of Middle-earth China.

Under the Barbarian King is the Seventy-two Dong Barbarian King, and under the Barbarian King are the Barbarians, the Barbarians and so on.

It can be said that the Barbarian King is already the top senior of the entire Barbarian Clan, and now he is used to win over Chu Yunfan, this sincerity is not enough.

Soon everyone wondered why?

They almost all thought of going with Lan Hao. Since the contemporary generation has never heard of Chu Yunfan, and it is obvious that Chu Yunfan could not have jumped out of a crack in the stone, there is only one possibility, that is, the ancient Tianjiao.

The sects where these ancient Tianjiao are located, and the tribes that have been destroyed over time abound. These ancient Tianjiao have their own alliance in the Tianjiao battlefield, but they are lonely when they come out of the Tianjiao battlefield.

Some Tianjiao are committed to rebuilding their sect, family and ethnic group, but there are also many Tianjiao who choose to take refuge in the existing forces.

Among the many forces in the current world, the barbarians are undoubtedly the top-ranked forces, and even the Destiny Sect is much inferior.

Obviously, Meng Potian considered not just the things on the Tianjiao battlefield, but also the things outside the Tianjiao battlefield. After all, the Tianjiao battlefield has a limited opening time ~ www.ltnovel.com~ everyone has to plan for the long-term.

"If you say that, my demon clan is willing to take a vacant seat. I think there is no problem at all with the strength of Brother Jian to become the Demon King along the way!" Hu Qingxuan said hastily.

Similar to the barbarians, there are 72 cave barbarians in the barbarian clan, and there are also various demon kings in the demon clan, of which the eighty-one road demon king is the most powerful, ruling the entire demon clan.

"Although Brother Jian is a human race, my monster clan includes all the creatures between heaven and earth, which can be called monsters. Humans are also creatures between heaven and earth. It is not unprecedented for human beings like Brother Jian to join my monster clan!" Hu Qingxuan Said quickly.

"You two foreign races should give up. Even if Brother Jian wants to join, we still have the option of our Great Xia Dynasty. No matter how good it is, it is impossible to take refuge in the foreign race and be a running dog of the foreign race!"

Meng Tianren still couldn't help but speak.

For a while, the entire banquet became a vegetable market. Everyone fought fiercely against Chu Yunfan, knowing that Chu Yunfan had just offended several alliances, and he didn't hesitate to do so.

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