I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2184: The ultimate battle at the pinnacle of the great heaven

Princess Gu She can clearly feel that Tang Siyu's current realm is not the pinnacle of the great heaven she wants to achieve?

She was thinking about it, her heart was to push her cultivation to the peak of the great heaven, but now Tang Siyu has done it.

Why is she?

An astonishing light flashed in the eyes of Princess Gu She, who seemed to be extremely angry. Why, Tang Siyu was able to cross this step.

All of this should be under her control, but the facts slapped her severely. Throughout the ages, she has only encountered the rumored rollover.

It's just that the people who overturned the car in the past were mostly crazy things like the Fenghuang physique who dared to use the Fenghuang physique as a sharpening stone, but they didn't expect the amazing speed of the Fenghuang physique to grow up.

But she is different. She is also the emperor physique, Tang Siyu is only the emperor physique, how could she overturn.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and roared, the mana transpiring like a mist, and looking from a distance, she seemed to be immersed in celestial energy. In an instant, her combat power was restored to its absolute peak, and the injuries on her body had been restored.

But only this time, her hair was half white, and although her face had not changed, there was a little more vicissitudes in her eyes.

It is conceivable that this should be a taboo trick. It will burn her own vitality and will not use it in idle situations. There will be unsolvable sequelae, but at this point, she has nothing to lose.

The princess Gu Gushe had cold eyes, staring at Tang Siyu fiercely, and said: "Either I cut you into the way, or I will die here today and become a part of the heroic spirit!"

Seeing Princess Gu She said this, Tang Siyu couldn't help showing a somewhat surprised look on his face, and then a cold smile appeared on his face, saying: "This is how you deserve to be my opponent. You were too ugly before!"

Gu Gu shot the corner of the princess's mouth, and the aura on his body became more and more terrifying.

This is not a temporary breakthrough, but a real step into this field, but the price is too great.

She could break through to this step smoothly and normally, but now she has to break through to this step with a secret method, at the cost of burning half of her life force.

It can be said that this time she really lost her wife and lost her troops, but at this point, it is absolutely impossible for her to give in again, otherwise, everything will be nothing.

At this time she has been forced to a desperate situation, burning half of her life force, and it may be possible to make up in the future, but if she is beaten by Tang Siyu alone, how will she face Tang Siyu in the future?

So she has no other way, only to kill Tang Siyu in front of her, this obsession is too much, has already turned into a demon, only by killing Tang Siyu, it is possible to resolve this obsession.

"The young supreme battle at the peak!"

You Tian Jiao said in shock from a distance, his eyes flashed with horror.

The two of them have now both reached the pinnacle of the Great Heaven Position, and both are the Junior Supreme with an amazing heritage. Isn't this the peak of the Juvenile Supreme Battle?

At least in the Tianjiao battlefield, this is the pinnacle.

Tang Siyu was also eager to try. Not only did she become the heart demon of Gu Gu She Princess, on the contrary, during this period of time, Gu Gu She Princess forced her many times, and even almost put her to death, she also wanted to kill in her heart. Dead Gu Gu shot the princess.

When the two sides have reached this point, they just want to have grievances and cause and effect.

"This peak battle is rare in the Tianjiao battlefield!"

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that before this, everyone and everyone knew that the two people were fighting for the opportunity to enter the peak of the great heaven. This time, who would have thought that now they both broke into it. At the pinnacle of the great heaven, achieving the goal ahead of schedule, but still having a life and death battle!

"The aptitudes of the two are equally astonishing, and can be comparable to me. Although Gu She Princess has already burned half of her vitality, it should not prevent her from being at her peak state, and the contemporary Gu She Princess should have just entered this state Soon, the two sides will be considered a fair battle!"

Many Tianjiao talked about it, and even the young supreme on the scene couldn't help but look at them. No matter who wins or loses, these two people will be the top existence on the battlefield of Tianjiao as long as they survive.

"Kill!" Gu Gushe princess laughed, laughing wildly and coldly, as if he was a peerless **** of murder, with an aura of giving up to me in the world.

After reaching the pinnacle of the Great Heaven in one fell swoop, she regained her self-confidence, the confidence that she could fight against the world's heroes.

She sat down and appeared Jiufeng pulling a cart, like a chariot, rushing towards Tang Siyu with her.

At the same time, Tang Siyu's body also had amazing mana that turned into a fairy mist and filled her, setting off her like a fairy from above the nine heavens.


In the next instant, the two sides collided fiercely, the aura that belonged to the pinnacle of the great heaven was released, and the wave of mana transformed into the sky shaking the sky, deafening.

The speed of the two was too fast, and in an instant, they had directly played hundreds of miles away, and a peerless fighting spirit was permeating, and the two of them seemed to be two female gods of war resurrected.

Many top Tianjiao watched this scene, and their entire faces changed. These people have basically never reached the peak of the great heaven, but many have only been able to enter this step.

Therefore, their feelings are also the deepest ~www.ltnovel.com~ The Fenghuang physique is already very terrifying, and the same realm is enough to beat the Fengwang physique.

Regardless of whether the physique of the Feng King can be called the son of the age in any era, but facing the horror monster that may not be able to produce a single emperor in several ages, it is still too far apart.

The two of them can easily kill a large piece of them. Even in this place where the arrogance and evildoers are like clouds, they are all outstanding. If an alliance does not even have a young supreme sitting in the town, it is undoubtedly one. Great joke.

Even the aftermath of the battle between the two of them was enough to cause them severe damage, and it was not what they could expect.

"The battle of the absolute top, this is the real battle of the absolute top!" Tianjiao, who has a great position, said with excitement.

"Just being able to see this kind of battle is a big gain, but I'm not reconciled. I think I am talented forever, but now I am not as good as these people. Can physique really determine everything?"

There are top Tianjiao muttered unwillingly.

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