I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2207: You are the one who needs to steal a life now

As soon as Chu Yunfan got started, he used the Disaster Star Eye to far exceed what Jun Tianci could do. This was where Jun Tianci could not look at him.

Obviously it was his trump card, but now it has become one of Chu Yunfan's abilities!

This is a monster!

In the last mind of Jun Tianci, only such a thought came out!

But Chu Yunfan's face was plain, which was too ordinary for him. He had three completely different emperor physiques. How could he cultivate to the present without two brushes.

Not to mention the help of the godhead, in a short period of time, Chu Yunfan unearthed more connotations and details of the Disaster Eye.

After being torn apart by the catastrophe star pupil, Jun Tianci's corpse was torn by the disaster star pupil's disaster power, turned into a sky full of light, and poured directly into Chu Yunfan's eyes.

Chu Yunfan could feel that his eyes had gone even further, even more powerful.

At this time, the indigenous masters outside the battlefield watched this scene, almost not being scared to death, some people almost wanted to escape regardless of the battlefield.

The current Chu Yunfan was too terrifying for them, just like a legendary demon god.

On the other side, the battle between Tang Siyu and Lu Yixian also entered a white-hot stage.

Lu Yixian had already noticed the embarrassed Jun Tianci who was beaten by Chu Yunfan, he wanted to support but was stopped by Tang Siyu.

If it is said that he originally blocked Tang Siyu from going to rescue, then now as the situation turns, it becomes Tang Siyu blocking him from supporting Jun Tianci.

Even with the passage of time, he became more and more chilled in his heart.

With his many years of veteran Juvenile Supreme, when facing Tang Siyu, the new Juvenile Supreme, he doesn't have any advantage.

Both sides are at the pinnacle of the Great Heaven Position, and they are both emperor physiques. It can be said that all aspects are above the same level, and his skill is indeed stronger than Tang Siyu.

But it was only stronger. He had the upper hand in the battle with Tang Siyu, but there was no way to turn this upper hand advantage into an opportunity for victory.

If the two sides continue to fight, they can only maintain a degree of invincibility in the end.

He even felt that Tang Siyu was making progress while fighting, and learning his fighting methods during the battle, growing up at a very astonishing speed.

If it was just Tang Siyu, that would be fine. He still had complete certainty that he could escape, but now with the addition of Chu Yunfan, things would completely change.

When he saw how Chu Yunfan killed Jun Tianci, almost his entire face suddenly changed, as if he had seen a monster.

"No, I have to retreat!" At this time, Lu Yixian had already retreated, "After I leave, I must let the Zongli kill two people at all costs, otherwise, it will inevitably become the confidant of my Destiny Sect. , They must be delayed!"

At this time, Lu Yixian had already made a decision to let these indigenous masters delay him. Although these were the foundation accumulated by the Destiny Sect for countless years, it can be said that it is not easy.

Once all are dead, the strength of the Tianming Sect in the Tianjiao battlefield will be completely wiped out, and it will take years to rebuild.

However, he has no other choice, and he also believes that the senior officials of the Destiny Sect will definitely not object, and exchange the lives of these natives for the life of a young supreme one.

These native masters themselves should have the determination to die for him at any time.

But it is not waiting for him to order, let these people die for him, for him.

But seeing the other side of the battle formation, Chu Yunfan opened his eyes and turned into a catastrophe star eye. The force of the terrifying disaster instantly shredded the formation, which was originally separated into two parts of the battle formation. At this time, unexpectedly Was directly torn through.

Chu Yunfan's figure flickered, the dragon rose and the phoenix fell, and in an instant, he had rushed into the battlefield between Lu Yixian and Tang Siyu.

"Chu Yunfan, you dare to kill me, the young supreme destiny of the Heavenly Destiny Sect, you are done, there is no place for you to steal your life in the sky and the earth!" Lu Yixian glared, and at this point, he already knew that he was there. Who is the hunter?

He also knew the name of Chu Yunfan for the first time, but it did not prevent him from knowing some basic information.

This is actually a disciple from Fei Xianzong.

In the past, the huge Fei Xianzong, Huangfu Long Hao, was valued by him, and other people didn't pay attention to any arrogant or top arrogant.

Now the name in his heart needs to be added one more.

At the moment Chu Yunfan broke in, Lu Yixian suddenly blasted a huge golden handprint towards Chu Yunfan, trying to take advantage of Chu Yunfan’s just coming in and his footing was not stable. He bombed.

"Snatch a life? You are the one who needs a slap now!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and then squeezed his fist with his five fingers, and then slammed out with one punch. In an instant, eight Tianlongs were transformed.

These eight heavenly dragons directly condensed the phantom, and suddenly blasted on the huge handprint.


The huge golden handprint was dissipated by the smoke of the direct shock.

"Jun Tianci is dead, now it's your turn. Jun Tianci attacked and killed me, and your Destiny Sect protected him. Now it is time to pay the price!" Chu Yunfan opened up the disaster at this moment. Xingmu~www.ltnovel.com~ Endless disasters swept out like a violent wind.

There are volcanic eruptions, tsunamis sweeping, earthquakes tearing everything apart, comets and comets hit the earth.

All the various natural disasters were all integrated into it, and suddenly enveloped Lu Yixian, to tear his whole person apart.

"I want to kill me, it's impossible!" At this time, Lu Yixian's whole person was already mad. In his whole body, an astonishing blade light appeared directly, and the blade light flashed past. In an instant, everyone had no time to see clearly. What happened.

But I saw that this blade of light actually cut Chu Yunfan's disaster power away, and dissipated in the sky and rain between the sky and the earth.

After a while, the light rain dissipated. At this time, the people finally saw clearly what the amazing blade light was, but they saw that it was a blade light that looked like a crescent moon, and the blade light kept flashing in the void. Uncertainty.

The endless sword aura spread out like entanglement, and turned into a piece of various talisman, which condensed one's sword intent into a talisman.

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