I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2229: Tianjiao hits the door

However, there are naturally many smart people in the world. Soon, many people have figured out the truth in this, whether it is the king, the eldest princess, or the many masters in the world, facing these returning The ancient masters did not occupy an overwhelming advantage.

In order not to break the world, I had to choose this method.

Many sects in the Middle-earth China have received the war books, and for a while, there was an uproar in the world.

In addition to the mountain gates of the sects that received the war books, countless people have long been watching from a distance. Today's battle will determine whether the major sects can maintain their own mountain gates.

Especially outside of the top ten forces, there are huge crowds of people, just hiding in the dark and not showing up.

Everyone knows that with the strength and heritage of the ten powers, most of the world's top arrogances come from these ten powers.

Since it is the younger generation to decide the victory or defeat, then the top ten forces are still the best among them.

There will inevitably be a world-shaking battle here.

At the same time, the background of the major forces will be forced out, one by one there are only rumors, the unseen arrogance, and even the legendary young supreme.

Each one is enough to shake the whole world situation.

Many people have never seen Tianjiao in their entire lives, let alone Juvenile Supreme. To many people, this is an opportunity to see those Juvenile Supreme up close.

Outside the Fei Xian Sect's mountain gate, there was a loud noise, and the barrier above the Fei Xian Sect's mountain gate began to turbulently, and a huge and incomparable ring landed on the north of Fei Xian Sect.

"It's time to come!"

In Feixianzong, there was an ancient voice with a long sigh and said.

At this moment, there are tens of thousands of figures in Fei Xianzong rising up and heading north. Although not everyone is eligible to participate in this battle, everyone knows that this is related to Whether their Flying Immortal Sect can hold onto this ancestral foundation is the key to it.

After this figure, there was a figure surrounded by golden light strode over, and a terrifying coercion raged out. Wherever it went, the masters of all parties who were hidden in the void could not help themselves. The person who wanted to bow down, even involuntarily already bowed down.

"What's that? How could it be so terrible?" The master with a great heavenly position yelled involuntarily.

A master like him is almost the top combat power of a first-class sect, but when facing this figure, he is not an opponent at all.

Almost his breath alone made him unable to raise any thoughts of resistance at all.

"The Divine Hidden Realm, it must be the Divine Hidden Realm, the Great Heaven cannot have this kind of strength!" Someone exclaimed. "Has anyone in the younger generation cultivated to the Divine Hidden Realm? How many years have they been practicing? It really deserves to be the peerless masters selected in countless years and time!"

"Even the ordinary **** hidden realm can't be so terrible, at least it is the **** hidden realm cultivated by the Supreme Heavenly Jiao!"

Among the crowd, there was an old monster in the Divine Hidden Realm, looking at the figure surrounded by golden light in front of him, almost feeling unable to breathe.

It was also in the Divine Hidden Realm, but he could feel the horror of this figure in front of him.

"Come, obviously this is an ancient arrogant, now comes the challenge!"

Someone explained the purpose of this figure.

At this time, this figure has also come to the arena, his face is handsome and resolute, his figure is upright, like a long spear, straight into the sky, his figure is majestic, his whole body is wrapped with golden light, and he looks very horrible.

"As for the people of Fei Xianzong, come out to challenge, if you don't come out to challenge, you will be deemed to have lost!"

This figure is very indifferent and powerful, and just the natural aura makes people feel like the sky is collapsing.

His gaze swept into Fei Xianzong's interior, but was isolated by Fei Xianzong's barrier, but even so, there was still a kind of power to look over the world.

It's just that there are many Feixianzong disciples present, but no one dares to go out to fight, whoever dares to go out to fight, if there is no God hidden realm, going out is to die.

It's just that the Divine Hidden Realm is already at the top of the world. Even in the Fei Xianzong, only some old monsters in the Supreme Elder Group can reach such a realm.

It's just that this battle is a battle for young disciples, and it's impossible for them to intervene. Once they intervene, it's tantamount to abandoning their previous achievements.

"Isn’t anyone coming to fight? It’s ridiculous. You Fei Xianzong has such a great reputation. Now it seems that there is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is the king. If it were in the ancient times, it would be as weak as you. His sect also wants to occupy this foundation? It's just a wishful thinking!"

The figure laughed loudly, only to find it ridiculous, mocking Fei Xianzong unscrupulously.

Fei Xianzong was angry up and down, but no one dared to go out. Just hiding in the enchantment of Fei Xianzong, you can feel the terrible of such a master. If you stand out, the consequences are naturally beyond doubt.

Everyone's face became very ugly.

"My sect master will come right away. You don't have to be so arrogant and dare to humiliate my Flying Immortal Sect. Be careful today if you can't go out!"

At this moment, an old man from Flying Immortal Sect spoke.

"Hahahaha, don't dare to fight!"

This master obviously didn't pay attention to Fei Xianzong up and down.

"Quick battle and quick decision, today, the foundation of the Fei Xianzong, I want it, Gu Haoyue!"

His voice was like a blade, and it plunged into the hearts of Fei Xianzong's disciples. Many people were shocked. This master named Gu Haoyue was obviously here to find something, and had no intention of being kind.

Constantly blasting the flying fairy sect!

After waiting for a while~www.ltnovel.com~ Fei Xianzong still had no one to fight, Gu Haoyue just sneered and said, "It's really boring, there is not even a person who has the courage."

"It's crazy!"

At this time, in the Feixianzong that was burning with anger, someone finally couldn't help it, and flew out directly. It was a middle-aged man in a moon-white robe.

"It turned out to be him. I have seen him. He is the celestial arrogant who was famous in Fei Xianzong three hundred years ago. It's just that I haven't heard of him recently. I didn't expect to see him here!"

Everyone reacted, and the person who shot was also the former young Tianjiao of Fei Xianzong, and now with the passage of time, it has become more and more terrifying.

"Fei Xian Yin!"

In an instant, the middle-aged Fei Xianzong disciple directly turned out a huge handprint, which fell from the sky and enveloped Gu Haoyue.

A majestic might spread out in all directions.

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