I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 324: Company establishment, future outlook

The equity purchase agreement was signed very quickly, and everything was completed the next day, and Chu Yunfan also successfully acquired the company.

Of course, he will not participate in management, and he does not have the time and energy!

After completing the acquisition, Chu Yunfan gave Lu Qingxuan the pill of a Qi recovery pill he had prepared long ago. This kind of Qi recovery pill can accelerate the recovery of his true energy. Not everyone can be like Chu Yun. For those who practice the Emperor Ji Gong to recover super fast, for them, the Qi recovery pill is indispensable.

The prescription Chu Yunfan gave was similar in cost to the Qi-Qi Dan prescription that is currently popular on the market, but the effect was more than twice as good.

Although the price of each Qi Qi Pill is not very high, it is almost a must-have for every monster hunter and mercenary who wanders into the wild, and it is likely to be able to save lives when it is critical.

The sales volume is very large. As long as you master this formula, it is not difficult to rise up a large group company.

For now, this Danfang is enough to give Lu Qingxuan a foothold, and it is not suitable for more. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of big companies to suppress the rules regardless of the rules.

Even Chu Zhiguo's Tenda Group could almost make them rush to the street, let alone those real consortia.

Lu Qingxuan was overjoyed when she got this pill. Only when she saw this pill did she feel that Chu Yunfan had said that there was hope for the company to reach tens of billions of billions.

If there is no such unique secret recipe, it is useless to just spend money, because there are too many pill companies, and the competition is getting more and more fierce. Without its own unique secret recipe, it is impossible to stick to it.

This is also the fundamental reason why her company started to struggle a bit after reaching the 100 million level.

At this point, it is necessary to increase the foundation. It is difficult to go further with some popular elixir alone, but if you want to obtain some special elixir, it cannot be solved in a short time.

It takes a lot of time to collect and sponsor those pioneer groups to open up the land. Through the land reclamation time and time again, after discovering the ruins one by one, it is possible to discover the pill that they can use.

The pioneer groups are so popular nowadays because of the funding of these big companies, but the big pioneer groups have long been behind the funders, and they don’t even care about billion-dollar companies. The small pioneer groups lack money, but their strength is too weak. , It may not be able to get any return for a long time.

This is a process of accumulation. Nowadays, well-known consortia, large companies, and the shortest ones have decades or hundreds of years of history. A behemoth like the Jiang family has developed hundreds of years after the cataclysm. Today's power.

But with the help of Chu Yunfan, this process can be greatly shortened, and it can be developed in a short period of time without any problems.

With 500 million of start-up capital, plus this remedy, Lu Qingxuan can be said to be confident and motivated, working overtime overnight, driving out a plan for company expansion, and giving it to Chu Yunfan overnight. Up.

Chu Yunfan had seen it, and it was indeed not bad. This kind of plan was very good, but whether it could be achieved depends on the results of Lu Qingxuan's own efforts.

But there should be no problem. As long as he gets better at Federal University, the less there will be no one on Lu Qingxuan's daring to trouble him.

No one dares to underestimate the influence of a federal university student.

What he can do is study hard and grow. The more powerful he is, the more protection he can provide.

The company began to expand, and there were many things. Although most of the things were solved by Lu Qingxuan, there were many things that Chu Yunfan had to achieve, and it would not get better until the company was formalized.

It was not until ten days later that the new pill company was finally reorganized and was named Shanhe Pill company by Chu Yunfan.

The company's recruitment was finally completed, and many apprentice alchemists were hired with high salaries, including two formal alchemists.

These two are the same existence as Dinghai Shenzhen, responsible for dealing with many things that may happen in the middle of alchemy.

Chu Yunfan directly let Lu Qingxuan register the patent for this Qi Qi Pill. Although others could see the specific pill, he couldn't produce it.

The protection of patents in modern society has reached an extremely harsh level. Even large consortia dare not step on the line easily, otherwise, all kinds of compensation alone can make the consortium feel distressed.

This is the best development for small companies to protect their own companies, and it is also one of a series of policies implemented by the federal government to support the development of small and medium companies.

Of course, since the patent is registered, the patent will definitely expire. The general validity period is 20 years. Within 20 years, only Sunward can produce it. Once other companies produce it, it will infringe the patent.

Although other large companies can produce behind their backs, they can’t sell them. It’s totally irrelevant to produce some of them in private.

After 20 years, when anyone can produce ~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan intends to directly disclose the prescription for the benefit of all mankind.

By that time, Sunward Corporation should have become a large group and a large company.

Besides, Chu Yunfan didn't intend to keep hiding it all the time. There were many such prescriptions in his mind, and he didn't worry about the source of profits.

This is also a way for him to avoid risks. After all, they are not like those big consortia, big families, their own strength is deeply rooted, and no one can covet them.

They can only use patented methods to block the sight of other large companies and consortia, and avoid them from taking risks. Even a great alchemist like Bai Hong who has made friends all over the world, to issue a perfect version of the bodybuilding pill, has to exchange benefits with many people. , In order to continue.

Of course, in terms of the scale of Sunward, it is still less than a fraction of Baihong. The early promotion will not be so sensational and the development will be slow, but the same, the rebound will not be that big.

In a few years, as long as a few years later, he believes that no one will dare to attack him anymore.

And Chu Yunfan also took advantage of these few days to enjoy a rare holiday, of course, this holiday is only a relative term.

During this period of time, Chu Yunfan also helped his sister to complete the foundation building, and made the best marrow pill by himself. It was not the perfect quality marrow pill that he sold out, that kind of perfection. The high-quality marrow pill was also refined unilaterally according to the standard, but completely according to the best marrow pill he knew, regardless of cost.

In the end, it cost more than 30 million to refine a marrow pill that helped Chu Qingxuan complete the marrow washing process. The effect was really outstanding, but in a short time, Chu Qingxuan had already broken through to the realm of exchange blood.

It doesn't take a summer vacation to be able to break through to the period of nourishing qi, it is much better than Chu Yunfan, and the future is unlimited.

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