I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2247: Juvenile Supreme Mission

Even the Ang Tibetan man was stunned. He didn't expect that Chu Yunfan would deal with this ruinous flame in such a simple and rude manner that he swallowed it on the spot.

Suddenly also a little dumbfounded!

Chu Yunfan sneered and said, "Dare to be distracted when fighting with me?"

Chu Yunfan grabbed a lightsaber in his hand and slashed it directly.

The Angzang Dahan didn't react, and he was almost split in half. At a critical moment, a Yin-Yang barrier appeared in his body, blocking this amazing sword.

However, the barrier formed by the power of Yin and Yang couldn't stop Chu Yunfan's sword, and it was cut in half by Chu Yunfan almost instantly.

Immediately after this sword cast unabated, he slashed down at that Ang Zang Dahan.

But just such a short period of time was enough to make the great Ang Zang react.

The fatal blow was dodged at the very moment.


The Ang Tibetan man spouted out a mouthful of blood, and a huge crack appeared in his chest, which was chopped out by Chu Yunfan's lightsaber.

Even if it wasn't for the barrier formed by the power of Yin and Yang to stop him, I'm afraid he would have to be cut in half on the spot.

"It's still a bit interesting. There are many methods, but in front of me, it doesn't make any sense. Today, your ending is only a dead word!" Chu Yunfan stood high, looking down at the great Ang Tibetan man.

The Angzang man was furious. He knew that Chu Yunfan possessed overwhelming strength, but he didn't rush to do anything. He was obviously playing with him.

However, he has nothing to do.

He can only fight for his life!

At this point, they can still have other extravagant hopes that they can take away the foundation of the Flying Immortal Sect. In fact, it is good for them to be able to save their lives.

His whole body was trembling, his eyes seemed to be looking at a monster!

They had never seen such a terrifying monster. They knew how terrifying they were when they were combined. They knew it best. If they were the original ones, they would almost die within a few strokes.

Quantitative changes cause qualitative changes!

But when it came to Chu Yunfan's side, that was another matter.

They joined forces and were actually crushed and beaten by Chu Yunfan. If they hadn't met in person, they wouldn't have thought that there was such a terrifying existence.

"How many laws did he cultivate? Eight hundred? Nine hundred?"

This question could not help flashing through the head of this Ang Zang man.

It's ridiculous, with their skill, they can't even see through Chu Yunfan's cultivation base.

Just such a simple thing makes them feel desperate and unable to contend.

Chu Yunfan acted casually and unscrupulously, but they just couldn't stop it. They were too clear about that attitude, they were like this when they defeated the top arrogant that countless people chanted and feared.

"Well, your potential is only this level, so be it!"

Chu Yunfan seemed to reduce the laziness on his face.

Everyone else is still in shock. Because of Chu Yunfan's amazing strength, he doesn't know how many laws he has condensed to be so tyrannical.

But they didn't know how much time, experience and effort it took Chu Yunfan to have the calmness and grace now.


In an instant, in front of Chu Yunfan, a sword light seemed to tear the night through lightning, so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes. The speed of this sword was too fast, and in an instant, it had already struck the great Aung Zang man.

All the body protection qi and barriers on that Angzang Dahan were so vulnerable to a single blow, they were shattered in an instant.

And his whole person actually exploded in the air.

Four figures were cut out by a sword, it was Huo Wu, the Supreme Twins of Yin and Yang, and shivering.

The four figures fell out of the figure of the great Ang Zang man, vomiting blood one after another, and their faces became pale.

Obviously he was hit hard by Chu Yunfan's sword.


At this time, the four of them had no idea of ​​contending with Chu Yunfan. Even the last resort had been used, but there was still no way to defeat the monster in front of them.

They can only scream, it's not a crime of war!

Several people turned into escape lights, wanting to break out of the enchantment set by Chu Yunfan, one after another they blasted out their strongest skills, wanting to break through a gap.

However, who would have thought that the entire enchantment is extremely strong, and it is impossible for them to make enough gaps to escape.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan took the lead in catching up, leaping directly up high, and then suddenly trampled down.

"Huangquan Nine Steps!"

This foot brought up the sky full of yellow spring water, which directly corroded and swallowed everything. This foot fell on Huo Wu's body as if it could destroy the sky.


Huo Wu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole person suddenly exploded in mid-air, but this time, it was impossible for him to split any more people. He was truly crushed by the flesh that Chu Yunfan stepped on.

Then his body was taken away by Chu Yunfan directly!

When many people saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a pity one after another. They just felt that Chu Yunfan didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, and even Huo Wu such a beautiful and rare female teenager would not let it go. It was really a violent thing.

I don't know how many Huo Wu admirers are there, but at this time, they can only watch her die on the ring.

Died in the hands of Chu Yunfan!

Naturally, no one dared to avenge Huo Wu. There is no doubt that he was really seeking his own death.

And Chu Yunfan naturally didn't want to do that. To him, whether Huo Wu was beautiful or ugly, it didn't make any sense, because in his eyes, there were only two kinds of friends and enemies.

After killing Huo Wu ~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan immediately chased after Shiver, and now that Shiver was already prepared, a breath of cold was blown out, and most of the ring was frozen.

He tried to freeze Chu Yunfan stiff, delaying time for himself.

As for the anti-killing of Chu Yunfan, that was something that I couldn't even think of, because it was impossible to do it.

But how could he freeze Chu Yunfan, and when he was rushed by the surging Qi and blood on Chu Yunfan's body, the overwhelming cold air vanished.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yunfan took his shivering head off almost easily.

There is no difficulty at all.

"You two, now that you are here, don't leave!" Chu Yunfan couldn't help sneer as he looked at the yin and yang twin youth supreme.

The lightsaber in his hand was slashed directly, and the Yin-Yang enchantment appeared in front of this yin-yang twin juvenile supreme, but it was of no use and was split in half by a sword.

The two Junior Supremes were also unable to escape under this sword, and were beheaded by one sword.

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