I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2255: The Royal Book Treasury

Chu Yunfan and the others realized that they were in the outer starry sky. No wonder it was possible to reach it through the teleportation array, because everyone knew how dangerous the outer starry sky was.

It is not just the peerless enemy of all the creatures in the Middle-earth China living in the outer starry sky, the Demon Race.

It is even more because in the endless starry sky, it is actually an extremely dangerous place, all kinds of terrifying Jedi, and all kinds of powerful beasts, and even some beasts cover the sky and the sun, which can be compared. A star is as big as a star.

In the endless void, it is definitely a forbidden place for countless monks. Only a few extremely strong men can cross the void and go back and forth in the void, without taking the dangers in their eyes.

For example, the owner of Xiaoyao Xianshan, the eldest princess has repeatedly entered the endless starry sky to search for all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth.

Because there are endless dangers in the outer starry sky, there are endless opportunities, many rare heaven and earth treasures in the middle-earth China are very common in the outer starry sky.

"In the beginning, this ancient battlefield was used by the ancient monks to prevent the collapse of the Middle-earth China, so they moved the battlefield to the starry sky. Later, such an ancient battlefield was formed!"

Situ Xuan said.

Everyone suddenly felt that the ancient monks still had a little sense of reason, and did not fight in the Middle-earth China. Otherwise, their strength was enough to easily break the entire Middle-earth China.

"This matter is organized by the imperial court. You will also have to go to the imperial capital at that time. Only through the imperial capital's teleportation formation will you be able to go to that ancient battlefield!" Situ Xuan said. "In addition, the royal family will also open the royal family's library of books to you for a month. During this month, you can check the materials you need for various practices in the royal family's library of books to your heart's content. , This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it weren't for today, we would never have entered the royal family's treasury to read books!"

Having said this, Situ Xuan also had a look of envy on his face, because this opportunity was really rare. With his cultivation level and status, he made outstanding contributions to the world, but he was allowed to enter it to read. The number of times does not exceed the number of five fingers.

Every time a major contribution is made, there will be such an opportunity.

And Chu Yunfan, Huangfu Longhao and others actually had the opportunity to enter the book, this was definitely a golden opportunity.

Huangfu Longhao was equally shocked, because he also knew how amazing it was to be able to enter the treasure house of the royal family to read books.

Seeing Chu Yunfan's disapproval, Situ Xuan couldn't help but said, "Don't underestimate the royal library of books, this is a place that all the monks in the world hope to be able to enter one day!"

"Taizu raised his army in the late Wei Dynasty, and later swept the entire world. I don't know how many forces were suppressed before finally creating the world of Daxia. In the process, the various classics seized are countless, many of which are exercises. Even directly to the realm of the king, even I heard that even the techniques that directly point to the Phoenix realm exist!" Situ Xuan said. "Adding to the fact that over the years, the royal family has been tirelessly collecting the classics and exercises of various parties. It can be said that the largest and best collection of books in the world is in the royal collection of books. My Fei Xianzong's collection of books is less than the royal family. There is more than one-tenth of the treasure house of books, which is nothing to compare!"

"so much?"

Chu Hong couldn't help but stunned to himself.

On the contrary, Chu Yunfan was very calm, because he had seen far more than this in the human federation.

At any rate, he was also a high-level among the high-level of the human confederation, an existence that could sit on an equal footing with the president, and once held human authority.

So he knew very well how amazing it would be when a country collects these various classics with a nationwide effort.

The classics in the secret library of the Human Federation, apart from their inferior quality grades, if they only talk about numbers, they are probably above the treasure house of the royal family of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Yes, many of them are from various sects, and there are even handwritten notes on the experience and experience of many seniors of my Fei Xianzong breaking through to the realm, which should be of great benefit to your cultivation!" Situ Xuan said. "Others say that the Destiny Sect is the number one power in the world, but they don't know that if it really is to be the number one in the world, it must be the Royal Family of Great Xia!"

Situ Xuan couldn't help but said with emotion: "The imperial family's children can get the qualifications to enter the imperial family's book collection since childhood. It can be said that the knowledge is far from comparable to other forces and sects!"

"It's no wonder that the royal family will have masters from generation to generation, just like the previous generation of kings and princesses!" Huangfu Longhao couldn't help being amazed. Although he already enjoys the most top treatment, he and the royal family have all kinds of treatments. In comparison, it is still a little bit different after all.

"You only have one month. In one month, the passage of the ancient battlefield is about to open. You must be extra careful in the ancient battlefield, especially Chu Hongcai. Among the few people, your strength is the weakest. Be very careful, don't be reckless!" Situ Xuan said when he looked at Chu Hong.

"Yes, thank you for your concern!" Chu Hongcai said.

Situ Xuandao: "This time it's not just my Fei Xian Sect, and even other sects, and even those ancient inheritances will also have descendants. I don't know how many people think our Fei Xian Sect is not pleasing to the eye. You must support each other. No one can be less!"


Everyone said in unison ~www.ltnovel.com~ However, Chu Yunfan was a bit surprised. If heirs from the ancient inheritance would also appear, it would overturn Chu Yunfan’s original estimate. This time I’m afraid it’s not. In order to target the heirs of these ancient inheritances, at least not mainly against them.

There should be other reasons, but they don't know it.

"Okay, you all go back, prepare a little bit, and leave for the imperial capital tomorrow!" Situ Xuan waved his hand and said.

"Thank you Sovereign!"

Several people arched their hands one after another, and then walked away.

Situ Xuan looked at the back of the few people leaving, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "I just don't know how many people will survive and grow to the limit. I hope we will not let our hopes down!"

Situ Xuan looked deep into the blue sky, as if he could see through everything with his eyes, and saw a frightening picture.

"In the future, it's all up to you!"

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