I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2265: Huge library of books

The undercurrent is surging.

Before he knew it, Chu Yunfan had become a target of public criticism, but he himself seemed to be okay, and he didn't care about these strange gazes.

It's not ignorant, just have absolute confidence in their own strength!

What these people think is nothing more than to reach the realm before him, and then deal with him.

However, whoever enters the realm first at that time is still two things to say!


A long bell rang, and a figure slowly emerged in the void. Everyone looked intently and found that it was a tall, middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe.

This middle-aged man has a square face with Chinese characters, but his eyebrows have a majestic color, and he has the power to look at the world, but standing quietly on the sky, he has the power to overwhelm the arrogance of the sky.

"I have seen Master Taiwei!"

The tianjiao of the current forces rose to salute one after another, and the tianjiao who passed on from ancient times also saluted.

The person here is not someone else, but the first military officer of the current Daxia Dynasty, Daxia Taiwei.

Just a look made many Tianjiao feel tremendous pressure, and many people finally remembered at this time that they could become the first person in the military in the oppressive situation of the Great Xia Dynasty.

This Grand Lieutenant Xia was definitely not what many people thought. He was only very knowledgeable in the art of war, and his strength was definitely one of the strongest in the world.

I'm afraid that the sect masters of the ten major forces can't keep up with the tyrannical power of Daxia Taiwei.

Chu Yunfan secretly figured out the strength of Taiwei Daxia. In the past, his strength was too far away from Taiwei Daxia, just like the sky and the earth, and he could not perceive the strength of Taiwei Daxia at all.

The two sides are not at the same level at all.

However, it is different now. Although the gap between the two sides is still large, it has gradually narrowed.

At least Chu Yunfan could already feel Daxia Taiwei's strength, but before, Chu Yunfan could only feel Daxia Taiwei as unfathomable as an abyss.

Judging from Chu Yunfan's perception, Daxia Taiwei's strength is far above Situ Xuan, and he may already be a powerful king, even if he is not, he must be the pinnacle of the realm.

The same is the pinnacle, Situ Xuan's potential is obviously a lot worse than Daxia Taiwei. In other words, Daxia Taiwei is very likely to be the emperor's physique, and he was also a member of the young supreme.

It’s just that it’s no better than it is now. At that time, the Junior Supreme was undoubtedly rare, and one era might not be able to produce one.

In that case, in the eyes of everyone, Juvenile Supreme was also a part of Tianjiao, but this Tianjiao was a bit too tyrannical.

Only in today's great world, the Juvenile Supreme was born more than one, and they have divided a class with their super strength, so that everyone can understand that above the top Tianjiao, there is also the Juvenile Supreme.

Above the physique of the king, there is also the physique of the king.

But now Chu Yunfan's strength is too far from Taiwei Daxia, these are just his guesses, unless he also breaks into the realm, then maybe you can find out at that time.

It is evident from this how big the gap between the Divine Tibetan Realm and the Realm Realm is.

These arrogances were all outstanding in the Divine Hidden Realm, but they were easily suppressed by the Taiwei.

However, Chu Yunfan was just a little curious. After all, his relationship with the Taiwei was pretty good, and he had been helped by the Taiwei several times.

Although for the Taiwei, it was only for maintaining the dignity of the court, not enough for Chu Yunfan, who was fashionable and weak, it was already invaluable.

So Chu Yunfan appreciated his affection very much. Of course, Chu Yunfan still doesn't have the ability to repay the favor, but Chu Yunfan is confident that there will naturally be such a day in the future.

"Everyone!" Daxia Taiwei said faintly, "I know that your time is precious, so I won't say more if you are superfluous. This time, thanks to your majesty's grace, you will have the opportunity to enter the royal collection of books. A glimpse of the classics in the treasure house!"

"I hope you will cherish this opportunity. In exchange for this opportunity, the sects behind you have paid a great price! I hope you will not let this opportunity down!" Da Xia said.

Only then did Chu Yunfan know that there was such a deal behind it, but think about it, if it weren't for a deal behind it, why would the Daxia royal family give them a chance to enter the treasury of books?

These are all treasures that the Daxia Dynasty did not know how many years to collect, for a power, this is undoubtedly the most precious thing, the inheritance of the law is the key to a power can be passed on for a long time.

It seems that the tianjiao already knew about it, so it's not surprising.

However, many of them showed eager expressions on their faces, and even a somewhat provocative expression. Obviously, even the top masters in the world such as Da Xia Taiwei could not let these top arrogances and juvenile supreme sects recognize them.

In their history, the gap between them and Tai Li Da Xia was only a matter of time. As long as they were given enough time, it would not be impossible to compare them to Lieutenant Da Xia in the future.

Taiwei Daxia seemed to have not seen it, turning a blind eye to the eager and even provocative expressions of these Tianjiao people, or simply didn't care about it.

"Well, the next time the bell rings, it is when you leave, and you must not damage any book in the treasure house, otherwise, you will have to pay the price!"

Taiwei Daxia said.


Everyone nodded.

Immediately after Lieutenant Daxia waved his hand, a huge portal of light appeared in front of everyone.

The light door slowly opened ~www.ltnovel.com~ A huge library appeared in front of everyone. The entire library space was so huge that even everyone couldn't see the bottom at a glance, as if it was bounded by some magic circle. It's blocked the same.

The rows of bookshelves within the range that Chu Yunfan could see with the naked eye were like a long and endless dragon.

On the bookshelf, books are quietly displayed on the bookshelf, separated by small enchantments.

"It's a huge library, several times larger than our Fei Xianzong's collection of books. It's really amazing!" Chu Hong said in surprise.

Because he was just allowed to enter the treasure house of Fei Xianzong a while ago.

Therefore, the gap between the two collections of books is also the most understood.

Fei Xianzong's collection of books is already very amazing, but compared with the collection of books of the Daxia royal family, it is completely insignificant.

It can't be compared at all, it has filled a whole half plane.

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