I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2272: The forces of the ancient battlefield

There was a loud shout, and then, a figure stepped out from a distance to escape the light.

Chu Yunfan glanced intently, but saw that it was actually a huge black wolf. This black wolf was completely black, like splashed ink, and was huge, like a hill, and looked extremely scary.

"The Tianjiao of the Demon Race?" Chu Yunfan glanced at this black wolf. Not all demon masters like to transform into a human form.

There are many strong monsters who just like to maintain the appearance of the deity.

This black wolf is obviously one of them.

This black wolf stared at Chu Yunfan fiercely, and an extremely dangerous aura emerged from all over his body.

"No, it's not Tianjiao, you're just an ordinary bloodline, it's really not easy to be able to cultivate to this point!" Chu Yunfan said with his arms around his shoulders.

Chu Yunfan saw at a glance that although this black wolf was in the Divine Hidden Realm, it was obviously not a Tianjiao, let alone a top Tianjiao and Juvenile Supreme.

Soon, Chu Yunfan remembered what Situ Xuan had mentioned before. Although this ancient battlefield is in the distant void, in fact, there have always been strong people in the Divine Hidden Realm here. Activities in the battlefield.

For Junior Supreme and Top Tianjiao, it is only a matter of time to break into the realm, so they may not necessarily come to this ancient battlefield.

But for ordinary people in the Divine Hidden Realm, at this point in their cultivation, each step forward may be more difficult than all the difficulties they have encountered in previous cultivation.

Ninety-nine percent of the masters at the Divine Tibetan Realm level are simply unable to enter the realm realm. Many of these masters have already left the Middle-earth Divine State and entered the ancient battlefield.

The purpose is to find the domains left by some domain experts and increase the probability of entering the domain.

And this black wolf should be one of them.

"Bold human!" The black wolf roared, and the resulting horror frenzy almost blew Chu Yunfan away.

In this roar, there is actually the law of wind attributes.

If it's an ordinary God hidden realm, facing this small black wolf, I'm afraid it will feel quite a headache.

But Chu Yunfan was different. He didn't move at all, and this gust of wind wouldn't affect him at all.

"Small bugs, dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

Chu Yunfan grinned.

Immediately, the **** wolf felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, and only felt a chill in his back. His instinct told him that the human being in front of him was extremely terrifying.


This **** wolf ran extremely fast, almost turned into a black light, and was about to flee, while Chu Yunfan sneered, transformed into a big hand from the sky, and suddenly turned towards the **** wolf. The direction grabbed the past.


With a scream, the **** wolf was caught by Chu Yunfan, and he was almost caught to death by Chu Yunfan.

Although this **** wolf does not have the bloodline of the constitution of the king and the constitution of the king, it can cultivate to this point. It is also an ancestor-level master in the demon domain, and I don’t know how many adventures it has to be able to practice. To this point.

But unfortunately, when facing Chu Yunfan, he was simply vulnerable.

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving!"

Facing such a powerful Chu Yunfan, the **** wolf decisively recognized it.

He has confirmed that he will definitely not be Chu Yunfan's opponent.

At this time, his brain was already awake, and suddenly he remembered one thing, which was about a rumor that had been circulating recently.

Recently, there will be a batch of top young powerhouses landing on the ancient battlefield, and there are powerhouses of all races, the last being the top Tianjiao, each is unfathomable.

It's just that he didn't take this matter to heart. This ancient battlefield was so big, and those geniuses were only a few people. In the past, the top geniuses could count with both hands.

The probability of encounter is too small.

Who knew he had encountered one. At this time, he would be really stupid if he still didn't understand that he had encountered a top talent of the human race.

But he didn't expect to be killed. What he encountered was not the top tianjiao of the human race, but the juvenile supreme who was more terrifying than the top tianjiao.

"It's not difficult to spare your life, but I have something to ask you!"

Chu Yunfan said faintly, this **** wolf had just revealed its ferocious appearance, and its ferocious aura was overwhelming, and it could even affect the minds of thousands of people in a city. It could be called ferocious.

Obviously, I don't know how many creatures have been killed to form such an astonishing ferocity.

But Chu Yunfan didn't care very much, and this kind of black wolf was not qualified to let him care.

"Excuse me, the little demon knows nothing but words!" the **** wolf said hastily.

Chu Yunfan let go of the **** wolf, but the **** wolf obediently crawled in front of Chu Yunfan, and he didn't even dare to move.

"I have just arrived, and I still don't know the situation in the ancient battlefield. I think you should know it. Tell me about it!" Chu Yunfan said.

The **** wolf breathed a sigh of relief, unexpectedly Chu Yunfan just wanted to ask him some information.

Almost immediately, he uttered what he knew and didn't dare to lie. He didn't dare to play any tricks at this time.

In the face of absolute strength, all his scheming was in vain, and once Chu Yunfan was able to see it, his life would be lost and he would die.

After the story of the **** wolf, Chu Yunfan knew that after countless years of development, this ancient battlefield had gradually moved closer to the direction of a world.

Gradually, there is a look that the world should have!

It is no longer the chaotic appearance when it was originally a battlefield~www.ltnovel.com~ Even because of the many masters who came to this ancient battlefield, it even formed a variety of canine forces.

In the core of the entire ancient battlefield, there is a huge ruined city. It is the core area of ​​the entire ancient battlefield. The most tragic battle of the entire ancient battlefield broke out there. The strongest masters all fell into it, even In the ancient battlefield, a middle boundary was formed.

For countless years, countless powerful people who have come will go to the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield.

Slowly, in the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield, one after another city was formed.

Of course, although the city is very large, but in fact there are not many people, because those who can reach the ancient battlefield and survive in the ancient battlefield must be masters of the Gods hidden realm level.

The strength is too weak to survive in the ancient battlefield.

Over time, different forces were gradually divided.

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