I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2286: I want to see how many people are still coming to die today

In the Primordial Age, there were countless fierce and terrifying beasts. It can be said that it was the era of beasts.

The Taikoo Ten Fiends are just the ten most terrifying among so many murderers. In fact, other terrifying fierce beasts are also countless.

The sea dragon beast was a hegemony in the water at that time, dominating for a period of time, and there was no sea clan at that time.

It's just that since the end of the Primordial Era, the fierce beasts have either died or surrendered to the later powerful ones, and the sea dragon beasts have been hunted down to almost extinction.

In ancient times, sea dragon beasts could still be seen occasionally, but after the curtain fell in ancient times, no one knew about the existence of this clan.

Even if the masters of the sea clan see him, they only think it is a certain kind of powerful sea beast. After all, there are too many and too many kinds of beasts in the sea. Although many are tamed by the sea clan, many are still absent. Under the control of the Sea Clan.

Among them, there are also powerful ethnic groups that do not obey the control of the sea clan.

"What's so strange about recognizing your body? It's not easy for your clan to survive from the ancient years. This is the virtue of heaven, but you don't know how to cherish it. You even ran out to die!" Chu Yunfan watched Said to the sea dragon beast in front of him.

The deterrence brought by the sea dragon beast can scare others, but it can't scare him.

"Human, you are crazy!"

Sea Dragon Beast looked at Chu Yunfan, opened his blood basin and said with a big mouth.

It's just that the killing intent on his body was almost materialized, and the terrifying power of the beast filled the entire space. Around him, the space was like the surface of water, shaking violently.

Just the momentum alone caused the surrounding space to vibrate violently. It is conceivable that once it was shot, it would be such a world-shaking power.

"This fierce beast, I'm afraid it has already condensed a thousand laws!"

Someone was shocked, the aura of this sea dragon beast was obviously still higher than that of Bolzhijin Shaq, and the aura of Dzogchen was exactly the same.

Obviously, a thousand rules have already been condensed!

Everyone is almost a little numb, and now one or two of them are coming out of the Tianzong wizards who have condensed a thousand laws that were rare in the past.

As if all this is worthless!

"Rampant? I don't think so!" Chu Yunfan said lightly. "You two are far from enough. I want to see how many people will die today!"

"Okay, okay, okay, what a Chu Yunfan!" Hai Fengsheng smiled coldly, and looked into Chu Yunfan's eyes as if he was looking at a dead person.

The expression in his eyes is extremely proud. To him, what the enemy is like has no meaning at all. Even in the rumors, Chu Yunfan has already cultivated a thousand laws, and he has absolute certainty that he can defeat it. .

In the same realm, he is an invincible existence.

No fear at all!

But he didn't rush to do it, because he knew that this time the person who came was far more than him. There were many people who wanted to kill Chu Yunfan, and even among them there were human forces, and internal fighting was not new.

He didn't want to become a knife in other people's hands, when he and Chu Yunfan would lose out, and he would be picked up by others.

After all, there are many people who want to kill Chu Yunfan, isn't there anyone who wants to kill him?

I'm afraid it's not in the minority, he naturally can't make wedding dresses for others!

And the idea of ​​that sea dragon beast is generally the same, he is not as good as Hai Fengsheng, his race has been destroyed countless years ago, and there is no power that can be relied on.

Once targeted, all he can rely on is himself.

Suddenly, there was a fierce roar in the distance, and then everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the roar, only to see a behemoth like a small hill moving at an astonishing speed that was completely inconsistent with his body. Chu Yunfan rushed towards him, as if a comet hit the earth.

Everyone looked at the huge mountain-like monster in shock. In the process of running, even the space directly smashed into a huge crack. It looked incredibly hideous, like a wound in the sky, and looked incredibly terrifying.


After the huge roar, the people finally saw clearly what this huge behemoth was. It was cast from a whole body of gold, like a golden demon god-like golden god.

"It's actually a golden god!"

Chu Yunfan looked at the golden **** in front of him, and he was also a little surprised and surprised. This tribe was also famous in ancient times. Among the many monster tribes, it was also a very strong tribe. There was one in the ancestor The emperor-level golden **** Ya was later beheaded.

And the reason why Chu Yunfan was so clear was that the emperor-level golden **** Ya died in the hands of the emperor peerless, and was beaten to death by the emperor peerlessly during the process of invading human territory.

Emperor Peerless is so fierce, in terms of combat power, it can basically be said that he can sling the Emperor Pill.

The Emperor Dan used his alchemy to seal the emperor, and he was not good at fighting power, but the emperor was different. His fighting power was earth-shaking, and he was fundamentally invincible. There was no difficulty in contending against several emperors of the same level.

Almost faintly was the first person among the many emperors in the world.

However, even though a golden **** Ya of the emperor level was folded, this clan is still a member of the demon clan. Because it has once been a powerful emperor, this clan can be firmly ranked among the royal clan.

In the previous battles between the Daxia Dynasty and the Yaozu ~www.ltnovel.com~, the figure of the golden **** Ya is indispensable. Although the number of them is small, they can always reverse the battle on the battlefield of one side.

The arrival of the golden **** Ya suddenly ignited the battlefield, and it seemed that the other two had already understood that this was their last reinforcement, and the three young supreme beings joined forces to besiege Chu Yunfan.

Even Chu Yunfan's wings were hard to fly.

Although Chu Yunfan had a fierce reputation and had just killed two young supreme and a group of top talents, but for them, it was just waiting.

If you change to them, you can do it, because they have also cultivated a thousand laws!


In an instant, all the auras on the three of them burst out, locking Chu Yunfan firmly, and the three of them stood at a corner to prevent Chu Yunfan from fleeing.

Chu Yunfan looked at him coldly, first the Hu tribe in the north, then the barbarians in the south, then the sea tribe and the fierce beasts in the sea, and the demon tribe in the western demon realm. The clan sent a supreme young man to besiege Chu Yunfan here.

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