I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2291: Territory to kill

Chu Yunfan saw that the sea dragon beast was very acquainted, and then nodded. Although some of these young supreme sires would rather die than surrender, but when it comes to their own lives, many people always need to think carefully about whether they can be better than Chu Yun. Fan's knife is even harder.

In fact, it was the golden **** Ya. If Chu Yunfan was willing to spend more time, he might be able to subdue it, but Chu Yunfan didn't have much interest.

For Chu Yunfan, these didn't make any sense at all. He wanted to subdue the sea dragon beast and the golden gods. It was a whim. If they agreed, it would be good. If they didn't agree, Chu Yunfan would not lose much.

"Let go of your primordial ban!" Chu Yunfan said.

The Sea Dragon Beast struggled, knowing that he had no way to break free from Chu Yunfan's hands, so he could only obediently open up his primordial spirit restriction, allowing Chu Yunfan to imprint his primordial spirit in it.

From then on, he was subdued by Chu Yunfan. As long as Chu Yunfan thought, he would die, exploding directly from the soul, killing him.

This is a supreme beast-taming method, but Chu Yunfan uses very little, after all, he can't use much, and not everyone is qualified to be favored by Chu Yunfan.

After imprinting his own soul in the sea dragon beast's soul, Chu Yunfan nodded, and then let go of the sea dragon beast's suppression.

The sea dragon beast didn't dare to toss around at this time. He stood there obediently and waited for Chu Yunfan's hair to fall. Although he was still a bit unwilling, when he saw the head of the golden gods rolling to the side, everything in his heart The unwillingness to disappear without a trace.

Anyway, it's better than moving my head.

"Golden God Ya is dead?" Someone said dumbfounded. "As far as I know, this clan is the one who protects shortcomings. I am afraid that Chu Yunfan has caused a catastrophe this time!"

"No, there are not many members of the Golden God-Yan clan. Each of them is an extremely precious resource. Now they are dead here, especially the best among the clansmen, who can actually cultivate a thousand Dao in the Divine Hidden Realm. The law, the talent is unimaginable!"

"I can already imagine that this race is going crazy. Even a behemoth like the Golden God Ya can cultivate a thousand laws in the Divine Hidden Realm, I am afraid that is rare!"

Some people can't imagine what kind of madness the golden gods and the Yi family will be.

Even many human masters have begun to be extremely worried. The monsters are in the demon realm not far away from the humans, and they usually make three-pointers when nothing happens, not to mention that the peerless genius of the golden gods is now dead. Chu Yunfan's hands.

In addition to the golden **** Ya, the green scaled dragon that was previously beheaded by Chu Yunfan, washed and eaten was also a famous royal family among the monster race.

Now the clansmen they had high hopes for had all died in the hands of Chu Yunfan. If they didn't take any action, it would be an impossible thing.

Even they can't believe it.

And once the two races begin to retaliate, how many amazing resources can be mobilized to retaliate against the human race.

At that time, the frontier will be overwhelmed by life, countless creatures, and countless soldiers will die under the claws of the demon race.

And all of this was brought by Chu Yunfan, but they couldn’t be held accountable. Chu Yunfan was not in their charge at all. Moreover, Chu Yunfan easily defeated a foreign master in a fair and honest battle. I am afraid that the prestige among the people will reach an astonishing level.

It is not something they can suppress. When thinking of this terrible future, many people just feel pain in their calves.

"It's not just the golden god, the sea dragon beast is also the source of trouble. Although the sea dragon beast family has been destroyed countless years ago, I heard that there are several supreme characters in the sea dragon beast family. , These supreme figures joined forces to form a sea beast alliance. This alliance only recruits the sea monster beasts with outstanding talents as their members. There is no doubt that this sea dragon beast must be one of them, but now it has been subdued by Chu Yunfan. Slave, this is a greater humiliation than killing directly!" Someone told a more terrifying fact.

Those fierce beasts in the sea that seem to be scattered sand are actually not scattered sand at all, with a giant beast behind them, but normally this giant creature does not show up, so it is not known to everyone.

"He has caused a catastrophe, and then the Monster Race and the Sea Beast Alliance will definitely not let him go easily!" The expert of the group said worriedly.

"What is there to worry about? The soldiers are here to block the water and cover the earth. Are they only allowed to besieged and killed Chu Yunfan, while allowing our human race to fight back?" Some human race masters were dissatisfied with this argument.

When everyone was talking about it, Chu Yunfan didn't care what other people thought of him. For him to subdue the Sea Dragon Beast, it was more to hide from a helper.

Moreover, the sea dragon beasts are different from the golden gods. The golden gods have their own powerful ethnic group. There are a lot of them. One or two casualties are not enough to make the golden gods be extinct.

But the sea dragon beast is different. Maybe there is only one sea dragon beast in the world. Once extinct, if you want to see it next time, it will be too difficult and too difficult.

Since the Sea Dragon Beast was willing to surrender, Chu Yunfan would naturally not embarrass him again.

Suddenly, at this moment, when everyone was immersed in Chu Yunfan's immeasurable terrifying strength.

A horrible aura came over the sky, almost instantly, it swept in front of Chu Yunfan, and then he locked Chu Yunfan firmly.

"Domain Realm Master!"

Someone exclaimed, UU reading www.uukanshu. He clearly felt the aura of a master in the field.

Especially when the masters of this realm have covered this piece of world with their own realm, it makes many people feel that all their perceptions of the world have been deprived of them all at once.

It's as if someone has taken away their right to use the laws of heaven and earth.

And those who can achieve this level are only experts in the domain realm, because the masters in the **** hidden realm just comprehend the law.

It can be said that the power for the masters of the Divine Hidden Realm is to use the power of the law to draw the power of the heavens and the earth for cultivation and battle.

But the realm is completely different. Turning a world of heaven and earth into one's own world is equivalent to rewriting once the code, covering one's own authority over the authority of the law of heaven and earth, and gaining control over the entire world at once.

One is borrowing, and the other is inherently there. There is no doubt about the gap in between.

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