I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2305: Kill Gong Sun Hong

In the face of the absolute powerhouse in the realm of realm, any scheme is meaningless.

This is one force drop ten clubs!

It's no wonder that Chu Yunfan didn't care about them at all, and he didn't care about his plans, because he was too strong.

It was so strong that no matter how he tried, it was useless.

A bit of regret flashed in his eyes, but it was not that he regretted that he had calculated Chu Yunfan, but that the information he had obtained was not accurate enough and he underestimated Chu Yunfan.

Knowing that he was so terrifying, he should return to Middle-earth China to find a more powerful master to kill Chu Yunfan.

The more Chu Yunfan showed the strength that was hard to kill, the more jealous he was. It was not wrong to want to kill Chu Yunfan. The wrong thing was that he didn't have this ability.

"Die in my hands, you are not wronged!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

Gongsun Hong was shocked and roared: "You can't kill me, otherwise the Heavenly Fate Sect will not let you go!"

Chu Yunfan looked at Gongsun Hong coldly, but he was another bully and fearful of hardship. When he was plotting for himself, he had never thought of the anger of Fei Xianzong. He wanted to come only by relying on the powerful strength of the Tianming Sect.

If it were before, Chu Yunfan might still be afraid of three points, but now, when he stepped into the realm, his strength has changed drastically.

The world is also the best, even the Destiny Sect can't help him!

"I just want to be soft now? It's too late!"

Chu Yunfan grabbed it with one hand and turned into a big gasification hand. It was a terrifying hand like a world-destroying hand. The law of the big hand turned into a talisman gleaming with astonishing light.

In an instant, Gongsun Hong was caught in his hands.

Gongsun Hong didn't even have room for resistance at all, and the gap between whether there were areas or not was that big.

Not everyone is Chu Yunfan, who can resist the Realm Realm in the Divine Hidden Realm. If it is an ordinary beginner who only enters the Realm Realm and has only a thousand rules, Gongsun Hong may also be able to contend and protect himself.

But whether it was the realm or the mana gained through cultivation, Chu Yunfan was far better than Gongsun Hong, and Gongsun Hong had no power to fight back at all.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

At this time Gongsun Hong really realized that death was about to come, and Chu Yunfan didn't care about what he thought was the biggest backer and hole cards.


In the next instant, Gongsun Hong's physical body burst on the spot, and Chu Yunfan grabbed it into blood in the sky. In the next instant, he was absorbed by the catastrophe star in Chu Yunfan's eyes.

After a while, there was a faintly rising moon in the catastrophe star eye, which was a special ability evolved from Gongsun Hong's Lunar Eucharist.

The characteristic of Disaster Eye is that it can continuously integrate various special physiques to evolve the advantages of various physiques.

As long as the Taiyin Eucharist was integrated, Chu Yunfan felt that there were a hundred more laws in his body. This was exactly the understanding of the Yin-Yang Dao evolved from the Taiyin Eucharist.

The avenue of yin and yang is the fundamental law between heaven and earth. Chaos evolves yin and yang, yin and yang evolve the five elements, and the five elements evolve all things.

It is simply not something that monks at this stage can comprehend, that is, a divine body like the Lunar Eucharist can comprehend it in advance with its own special physique.

This is also the reason why ordinary people have almost no power to fight back when facing those divine bodies, because before they can't touch the laws, these divine bodies can already use the magical powers derived from the laws freely.

The combat power of the two sides is very different!

These divine bodies are almost the beloved sons of luck, which ordinary people can't compare.

"What? Even Gongsun Hong was killed?"

When Chu Yunfan had just killed Gongsun Hong, the masters of all parties who followed Chu Yunfan finally arrived.

Just arrived, I saw this amazing scene.

Everyone was shocked again and expected.

As expected, it was because they all knew that Chu Yunfan had already stepped into the realm of everyone.

But unexpectedly, it was because everyone did not expect that Chu Yunfan would really dare to do it.

Unlike the Juvenile Supreme who was beheaded by Chu Yunfan before, the Destiny Sect is still in the midst of the sky. To do so is undoubtedly to tear the face with the Destiny Sect.

"Is he not afraid of the Destiny Sect at all?"

Someone said almost incredible.

"Destiny Sect will definitely not give up, even if Chu Yunfan can dominate the ancient battlefield, what can he do? Isn't he going to return to the Middle-earth China?"

"As long as he returns to the Middle-earth China, waiting for him, there must be a dead end!"

Everyone talked a lot, but everyone realized that the Destiny Sect would never give up.

Many people's faces still showed a bit of secret joy. Before, many people were still thinking about **** Chu Yunfan, but now he is dying by himself, completely tearing his face away from the Destiny Sect.

I am afraid that the Tianming Sect's blow to him afterwards will not be a secret calculation, but an open pursuit.

"However, with Chu Yunfan's current strength, I am afraid that the Heavenly Fate Sect may not be able to help him!"

"Although Chu Yunfan's strength is strong, the Destiny Sect is so profound that it is beyond imagination. Even if he enters the realm, he still has no chance of winning against the Destiny Sect!"

Everyone had their own opinions. In the battlefield, the disciples of the Destiny Sect saw Gongsun Hong being beheaded, and they were shocked and frightened and angry.

Chu Yunfan actually really dared to start, and he didn't put their Destiny Sect in his eyes at all.

However, at this time they were also unable to protect themselves. The anger in the sea dragon beast's heart was completely vented, and they continued to kill these Tianjiao and the top Tianjiao~www.ltnovel.com~ Although they are also in the realm, their strength is fundamentally compared with the sea dragon It is not a level of existence.

Even if they join forces to form a battle formation, they will be quickly dissipated by the sea dragon beasts, but in a moment, they fled in all directions, but Chu Yunfan just watched by one side, and easily stopped these people and arranged them casually The barrier blocked the escape of these people.

After seeing that the back road was broken, these people were full of anger, roaring, and roaring to launch a suicidal attack at the sea dragon beast.

These Tianjiao and the top Tianjiao have a good team strength, especially in the case of giving up their lives and forgetting to die, which will cause some embarrassment to the sea dragon beast.

However, the sea dragon beast was soon disperse again, and it didn't take long for them to be beheaded one by one by the sea dragon beast.

Chu Yunfan smashed his body into flesh and blood, and half of it was integrated into the catastrophe star eye, and the other half was absorbed by the Brahma Divine Tree and turned into the nourishment of the Brahma Divine Fruit.

At this point, the masters in the Destiny Sect's resident group were wiped out, and they even failed to achieve the purpose of delaying the time they initially set.

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