I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2318: Invasion of the Demon

It's horrible to think about it!

They are also aware of it now. They must have been owed at that time. This is how Chu Yunfan is now. If it weren't for Chu Yunfan, he might be swarming right now.

However, they couldn't find the wrong place. During this time, Chu Yunfan's practice was almost with them.

They also saw it.

Chu Yunfan was only doing normal cultivation, and then he was so much better than them.

This is the most shocking place. If Chu Yunfan had all kinds of adventures, it would not be enough to make them so depressed.

Because adventures are desirable but not desired, but normal practice can throw them so far away, which makes them feel embarrassed.

"If this is the case, do you plan to attack the king's realm?" Tang Siyu said.

Everyone also looked at Chu Yunfan one after another. If Chu Yunfan could really hit the king's realm, then it would surely be able to shake the world.

You should know that even the Sect Master of Fei Xian Sect has only cultivated five thousand laws, and is already an extreme domain powerhouse.

But he hasn't broken through to the King Realm yet, one can imagine how difficult it is for the King Realm.

Today, there may not be such a terrifying existence.

But the existence of any one statue can open up a behemoth like the top ten sects.

According to rumors, the founder of these ten sects is such an existence, which is also the biggest difference between the ten sects and others.

Because they have been born in the king's realm.

That's why they can sit firmly on the ranks of the strongest in the world. If they have not been born in the kingdom of existence, they will not have the qualifications to compare with them.

In the past, it was Huangfu Longhao who was most likely to break through to the king realm. If it were put in the general era, it can be said that Huangfu Longhao could become a king realm sooner or later.

It's just that it takes a long time. After all, although the golden world is cruel, countless arrogances are fighting, like Gu worms fighting, in the end only one victor can go out alive.

But in the same way, a battle with Tianjiao who is in the same realm and even stronger than themselves can also promote their rapid increase in strength.

After leaving the Tianjiao battlefield, many Tianjiao's strengths have undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is for this reason that they are brave and diligent.

Chu Yunfan shook his head and said, "I feel that I haven't reached the limit yet. If I try to break through now, I will lose more than the gains!"

When everyone heard this, they almost fainted. Chu Yunfan, who had already cultivated to the seven thousand laws, hadn't reached the limit yet, wouldn't his limit be eight thousand, nine thousand, ten thousand?

If this is the case, it would be terrible, I am afraid that the entire history of practice will be subverted by him.

But think about it, isn't the current history of practice being overturned by Chu Yunfan alone?

In the past in the Divine Hidden Realm, the ordinary Young Supreme Being able to cultivate five hundred laws was already at the limit.

The current Young Supreme Master has almost cultivated a thousand laws, and this is the effect that Chu Yunfan brought.

Even the top-level Tianjiao practiced five hundred laws, and it was a precedent for the young supreme in the past.

Every step Chu Yunfan makes, he is subverting the history of practice.

When everyone thought of this, they were relieved that he was too strong and destined to be different.

"Since there is such an opportunity, of course you have to wait until you are truly consummated and then break through, otherwise, you will leave flaws!" Tang Siyu nodded, "but I don't have the potential like you, I can feel that the Seven Thousand Dao is It’s not easy to break through our limits!"

Everyone nodded one after another. After practicing for their sake, they can naturally perceive their own path of cultivation. The Seven Thousand Principles may really be the limit. It is not easy to break through.

And Chu Yunfan may be the only one who has a chance to break through!

Everyone had no other thoughts at this time, only one thought of seeing a miracle, perhaps Chu Yunfan could create an unprecedented future.

"But that's the future too. My current cultivation resources are almost consumed. I can't get replenishment. If I want to make further progress, I have to spend time!" Chu Yunfan shook his head and said.

Everyone looked at each other, and they were almost the same. After coming to the ancient battlefield for nearly three years, their strengths have improved by leaps and bounds. Of course, it is impossible to just absorb the aura that travels between the world and the earth.

"It's just the person behind the scenes, who hasn't done anything yet, what are they thinking?" Chu Hong said impatiently.

No matter what the people behind the scenes want to do, they haven't done anything for more than a year, which has exhausted everyone's patience.

Recently, more and more people have begun to work together to break the barrier. This feeling of being locked in like an ant makes these arrogances unacceptable.


Suddenly, Chu Yunfan suddenly said something, everyone was still a little strange, not knowing when he said what.

Suddenly, above the sky, the sky was suddenly torn open a huge hole, which was thousands of kilometers long, and the entire ancient battlefield could see this huge hole.

The inside of the crack was pitch black, no one knew what was inside that crack, it was terrifying.

For a time, on the entire ancient battlefield, the masters in countless ancient cities flew up one after another.

Regardless of whether it is an ordinary person or an ancient Tianjiao, most of them are masters in the Divine Hidden Realm, and most of them are already in the Realm Realm.

At this moment, they all looked at the gap.

Because everyone knows that no matter what the person behind the scenes wants to do, it is time for the ultimate battle.

After that huge gap was torn open, suddenly, countless black shadows swept down at an extremely fast speed.

"The Demon Race, it's the Demon Race!"

Someone exclaimed ~www.ltnovel.com~ and finally saw it clearly, what are they, one by one, either in the form of a human or a beast, but the whole body is covered with black scales, and the whole body is exuding amazing magical energy. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? biological.

Many people are very unfamiliar with the demons. Although they have heard of the legends of the demons, after all, in the Middle-earth Divine State, the inheritance of many demons is, in the final analysis, from the demons.

Although the methods of obtaining them are not the same, they all come from the demons in the end.

So they know about the demons, but they have never dealt with the demons.

The Demon Race is in the outer starry sky, in a special world, which is completely different from the Middle-earth Divine State. It does not absorb aura, but feeds on demon aura.

But everyone knows that the great enemy of life and death has appeared. The Demon Race is the great enemy of all creatures in the Middle-earth Divine State. Whatever it has gone through is not only killing people, but also transforming the world into an environment suitable for the Demon Race's survival, even if it is There is no way for a practitioner to survive in such an environment.

The creatures and demons of Middle-earth China are either dead for you or for me. There is no third possibility!

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