I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2321: Demon prince

The demon army is undoubtedly the elite of the elite, but no matter how the elite army is compared with the masters of these gods and even the realm, there is still a huge gap.

It was not even at the same level at all. Without the protection of the military formation, there was no difference between the army of the demon race and the army of the heavens and worlds.

After the leader was killed, the demon army suddenly became confused. Some small leaders tried to command the army, but immediately arrows fell from the sky and shot him into a hornet's nest.

And then, Tang Siyu and others also rushed out, without the bonus of the army formation, even if there was a rain of arrows falling, there was no way to hurt the masters of these domain levels.

Tang Siyu and the others were like tigers entering the flock, slaughtering wildly an army of demons.

And in the distance, the Void Battleship of the Demon Race kept blasting a terrifying torrent of energy towards Chu Yufan, wishing to blast Chu Yunfan to pieces on the spot.

Naturally, Chu Yunfan would not let go of a Void Battleship at this time. His figure was like a meteor and dashed directly onto the Void Battleship. The mountain and river tripod in his hand grew up with the wind, and soon became like a huge and incomparable mountain. general.


Shanhe Ding fell fiercely and was born on the Void Battleship, smashing a huge and incomparable hole, and violent explosions occurred in various places on the entire Void Battleship.

This void battleship, which could have competed against the top realm experts, was now hit to pieces by Chu Yunfan.

Although there are only seven thousand laws, there is no doubt that Chu Yunfan is already among the top domain experts in the world.

It is not an exaggeration to even say that it is already invincible.

At least in the realm, there is no existence that can compete with him, let alone a void battleship.

After Shanheding shattered the defensive barrier around the void battleship, the void battleship had no advantage at all for Chu Yunfan.


Chu Yunfan snorted coldly, and a big hand grabbed and exploded a void battleship.

Immediately, Chu Yunfan turned over and joined the massacre of those demons.

The thunder energy in Chu Yunfan's hand turned into a big bow, and he constantly swept out one after another amazing arrows, each of which was able to shatter the heavens and the earth, and with each arrow down, a large swath of demon elites were bombarded and killed. .

This is the deterrence of top masters. On the battlefield, only such masters can cross the battlefield and be invincible.

There is no way for other people to contend with this kind of existence, and only masters in the same realm can fight against this kind of existence.

However, in front of Chu Yunfan, the demon in the waiting domain realm really couldn't stop his three punches and kicks, and would be easily beheaded.

The master of the Demon Clan army was killed by Chu Yunfan. At this time, it was natural to let the massacre.

In just a moment, he was slaughtered to death.

"You are looking for death!"

Suddenly, a huge and incomparable roar came from a distance, but saw that a terrifying figure stepped on the void and came in front of everyone.

But I saw that it was a demon wearing iron armor, which was different from ordinary demon people. This demon clan had a majestic iron armor and a black halberd in his hand, and he didn't know what material it was cast.

Under the hip, a steed full of black flames slammed its nose, causing the entire sky to collapse.

This black horse turned out to be of the domain level, and the demon wearing iron armor sitting on it was even more remarkable, the existence of the peak of the domain.

"You are Chu Yunfan!"

The demons looked at Chu Yunfan and spoke slowly.

It is the lingua franca of the Middle-earth China, not the language of the Mozu. Obviously, he has been carefully prepared before this, and he is even familiar with the lingua franca of the Middle-earth China.

In contrast, these ancient Tianjiao of them are already outstanding in the entire Middle-earth China, but none of them is proficient in the language of the Demon Race.

Above the level of preparation between the two sides, there is already an earth-shaking gap.

"We have been observing you for some time. Among the natives of the Middle-earth China, you are already pretty good. Now I'll give you a chance. If you are willing to change to magic and take refuge in this prince, this prince will give you one. Chance, be my servant, otherwise, you will be the same as a few of them!"

The demon said.

With that, he threw out a few heads, and the heads rolled onto the ground.

It was obvious to everyone that Huangfu Longhao and the others took a breath. He knew these people, they were all Junior Supreme, and some had even fought him before. They were notoriously difficult to deal with.

In other words, this demon prince has already killed several ancient youth supreme.

The prince of this demon clan is so strong that there is no doubt about it.

"Damn it!"

Huangfu Longhao also inevitably felt a bit of sorrow at this time, because he was also the young supreme, now seeing other young supreme being killed so easily by the other party, cut off his head, it is inevitable that he will be angry.

What made him feel sad and indignant was that it was not that these young supreme skills were inferior to humans.

These young supreme lords are already the best in the same realm. They are facing one-on-one singles. Apart from encountering monsters like Chu Yunfan, they have basically not been afraid of anything.

And the fundamental reason why these young supreme beings will be defeated is still because of the short practice time.

This demon prince is obviously also a special physique comparable to the young supreme, not worse than the young supreme.

And the time he practiced was longer than these young supreme beings, and his cultivation level was at least 5,000 or more, even 6,000 or 7,000.

If they were given the same amount of time for these Junior Supremes~www.ltnovel.com~, they couldn't have been defeated so easily, let alone killed several people so easily.

"This is an unfair battle. If you have the same cultivation base, you will be the one who loses!"

Huangfu Longhao suppressed the anger in his heart and roared.

"If you lose, you are defeated. There is nothing left to say, but it's just a defeated general!"

The demon prince only glanced at Huangfu Longhao and said: "You are better than them, but not much stronger. If you are willing to surrender, I can give you a way to survive. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The demon prince grinned, revealing his mouth full of sharp teeth. He was the real demon in myths and legends.

"Want us to take refuge in you? In a dream, our ancestors once defeated you once. In the ancient times, they continued to conquer the demons and severely wounded you. Now want us to take refuge in you? What a wish!

Huangfu Longhao shouted loudly.

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