I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2350: 1 year, bold words

"Those who offend our human race will be punishable even if they are far away!"

Chu Yunfan's words spread all over the world, at the cost of the fall of a powerful existence that was a candidate for the king realm.

One after another, half-step king-level masters, usually tyrannical to an unimaginable level, except for the king-level, there is no opponent at all.

Now another one fell on Chu Yunfan's hands, highlighting his horror.

"Among the many current Tianjiao and Juvenile Supreme, he should be a superb existence!" Someone said with emotion.

"Although I knew that the rise of Juvenile Supreme was the general trend, I didn't expect that even this time would not be given!"

A prestigious Half-Step King Realm spoke.

For a while, the entire world seemed to be shocked by Chu Yunfan's amazing record.

Regardless of the demons, humans, and monsters, half of the king realm fell into his hands, and it seemed that as long as he stood in front of him, none of them could have a good end.

"He slaughtered the half-step king like this, and he will definitely die in the hands of the half-step king in the future!"

An unknown half-step king is roaring.

It seems that the existence of Chu Yunfan broke an agreement and tacit understanding between them.

A news came out immediately, in the half-step king realm, there seemed to be a tacit understanding, taking advantage of the king realm masters being restrained from each other, when there was no time to supervise them, they could grab the territory and plunder resources to make their own breakthrough.

After all, they are already only one step away from the top of the world. If they are asked to give up here, they are of course unwilling.

Originally, they were suppressed by those kings, and it was impossible for them to behave in style.

But this time is different. The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity may also be their last chance to break through and become a king.

This is the fundamental reason why these kingdoms have appeared one after another, and the situation of the group of demons dancing.

If a half-step king wants to break through and become a king, the resources he needs are astronomical numbers, and he needs extremely amazing talents and opportunities.

These are what they lack, not everyone is a juvenile supreme, as long as they accumulate, they can naturally become a strong man in the realm of kings.

Many people worry that this will be an unprecedented life.

"Only the powerful in harmony in the world will have to make such a big event to be promoted to the king state. If you add those young supreme and the best of the ancient Tianjiao, you will also have to go to this state. I'm afraid of grabbing resources [m.] I'm afraid there will be endless killings again and again!"

Many people are already a little scared, and the competition of these masters in the world is already very crippled. Coupled with the growth of the ancient tianjiao, the world is probably about to be beaten and fall apart.

This is an unprecedented age. For the strong, it may be a golden age, and for ordinary people, it is an end time.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan issued another declaration.

"Whether it is the demons, humans, monsters, sea tribes, Hu tribes, barbarian tribes, as long as half-step kings dare to be born as a gangster, all will die!"

For a moment, there was a complete uproar in the world. Chu Yunfan completely pushed himself to the opposite side of these half-step kings. I am afraid that, except for a few half-step kings who belonged to the Great Xia Dynasty, Chu Yunfan was here. It is to force yourself to the opposite of the whole world.

"Is he crazy?" Many people only find it incredible. Even if he is very strong, it seems to many people that he will definitely be able to become a king in the future. This tone has offended so many people, I am afraid that it will be inevitable. To die.

Even Fei Xianzong was completely uproar because of Chu Yunfan's words.

"Junior Brother Chu is doing what? Isn't he afraid that everyone is the enemy?" Huangfu Long Hao was also shocked by Chu Yunfan's amazing handwriting.

"I'm going to help Brother Fan!"

After Chu Hongcai got the news, he left Fei Xianzong for the first time and headed to Zhenyuan City.

At the same time, the golden-winged roc bird, the flame-swallowing bird, the sea dragon beast, and the dragon-head fierce crocodile all rushed to Zhenyuan City.

Suddenly, a dozen juvenile supreme members gathered in the small town of Zhenyuan.

Fei Xianzong suddenly found out that the Fei Xianzong seemed to have more than a dozen young supreme members, and the lineup was unprecedented, but it was finally realized when it was really critical.

These people are related to Chu Yunfan. The positions of Chu Yunfan and Fei Xianzong are the same, and their positions are the same as those of Fei Xianzong. Once Chu Yunfan and Fei Xianzong break with each other, I am afraid that they will soon be with Fei Xianzong. Fei Xianzong breaks.

The young supreme who really belongs to the Fei Xianzong is only Huangfu Longhao.

Fei Xianzong seemed to have broken away from the sad fate of the bottom during this period, but in fact it was only a benefit brought by Chu Yunfan.

After issuing this declaration, Chu Yunfan soon ushered in Chu Hongcai and others, and a dozen young supreme members joined, which suddenly made Zhenyuan City's strength extremely terrifying.

These Junior Supremes are not what they used to be, they are not enough for being famous, in fact, they have all reached the peak of the Five Thousand Dao Youth Supremes.

Even if the chance is sufficient, it is not impossible to bypass the half-step King Realm and directly rush into the King Realm.

From the peak of the domain to the king realm, it is not necessary to reach the half-step king realm before breaking through to the king realm.

Throughout the ages, some people have directly bypassed the past to reach the king state, but later many people discovered that it is too difficult and too difficult to directly rush through.

This is the birth of the half-step king state.

But now ~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Hongcai and others, theoretically, it is possible to directly rush into the king's realm.

With the addition of these experts, Chu Yunfan’s management of the Zhenyuan Army became much easier at once, especially after Chu Yunfan distributed the pills given by Daxia Taiwei to the ordinary sergeants of the Zhenyuan Army, the strength of the entire Zhenyuan Army It is being promoted with an amazing strength.

However, Chu Yunfan was still waiting, waiting for Zhenyuan Army's strength to reach its limit. Before Zhenyuan Army could digest this strength, Chu Yunfan chose not to move.

Just preaching every day, and then practicing hard, this kind of time, more than a year has passed.

During this process, Chu Yunfan had never even sent Zhenyuan Army out for training.

At first, everyone was concerned about what actions Chu Yunfan would make when he made such a bold statement.

However, with the passage of time, Chu Yunfan's original words have gradually turned into a laughing stock. To many people, Chu Yunfan's words seemed to be just to please the high-level officials of the Great Xia Dynasty.

In fact, there is no such courage to fight against all the half-step king realms in the world.

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