I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2352: Hu's Hole Card

The battle between the two sides at the level of a million troops broke out in an instant!

Chu Yunfan's shot completely broke this deadlock.

On the grassland, there are Jǐng Zhong masterpieces everywhere, spreading for thousands of miles, even thousands of miles.

It has been too long, too long, for the army of the Great Xia Dynasty to be able to sweep this position.

As they continued to enter the invaders, the border troops of the Great Xia Dynasty have gradually focused on defense, and now they have finally been driven into the hinterland.

They tried to stop the Zhenyuan Army's surprise attack, but all this was in vain. In terms of absolute strength, the Zhenyuan Army is definitely the top rank among the many armies today.

Even if you fight against the most elite guards of all races, it is not bad at all!

In the depths of the grassland, behind the millions of troops, floating warships are spewing terrible attacks.

In the Zhenyuan Army, war fortresses have also emerged one by one. At this point, it is no longer a small fight, but the most fundamental collision between the two ethnic groups.

But even so, those floating warships were exploded in a very short period of time, and the Hu people were not able to research all kinds of war weapons, even if they captured the war weapons of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Many of the floating warship models are very old, and they are not the opponents of the newest model of war fortress at all.

This was a massacre, and the Zhenyuan army quickly killed this united army in the grassland.

Among the millions of troops, it is not that there are no masters, each of the domain realm masters soars into the air on extremely terrifying chariots.

"Hahaha, it's our turn!"

At this time, Chu Hong flew out of it with a big laugh.

Commanding the army is carried out by the following deputies. He directly carries a long sword, like an astonishing sword aura, directly rushing into the millions of troops, fighting against the masters of those realms.

Where did those experts in the realm level have seen such battles, and they were all easily killed by cutting melons and vegetables.

Chu Hongcai's whole body seemed to be a sharp sword, and all those who stood in front of him were dead.

Even one move could not be resisted, and those domain masters were killed as if they were cutting melons and vegetables.

Chu Yunfan put his hands on his shoulders and didn't stop Chu Hongcai's actions.

It seemed to him that all of this was taken for granted, and Chu Hongcai's strength, under his guidance, broke through from the peak of the domain realm to the half-step king realm in one go.

Although there were only a thousand more rules and 6,000 rules were reached, this was already beyond the realm of realm, and had already got a glimpse of a part of the laws of the king realm.

The strength of the Half-Step King Realm is of course not something that ordinary domain realms can contend. Not everyone is Chu Yunfan, and not everyone can have that kind of strength.

The flame-swallowing celestial sparrow, the sea dragon beast, the golden-winged roc bird, and the dragon-head fierce crocodile were followed by others, who transformed into their original form and started killing.

The qualifications of these people are not worse than those of Chu Hongcai, and they have all become half-step kings during this period of time.

Even the slightly less talented Dragon Head Fierce Crocodile and others have already surpassed the limit of the Five Thousand Rules of Juvenile Supreme. There are five thousand and five hundred rules, and one strength is stronger than one.

Although they are all the bottom group of people in the half-step king realm.

But the half-step king state is the half-step king state, and it is simply not something that the domain state can contend.

It didn't take long for the Million Army Army to be killed into duty. Whether it was the absolute strength of the army or the absolute strength of a master, the Zhenyuan army was completely capable of crushing it.


The Zhenyuan army was roaring, this is a torrent of steel, crushing all the powerful enemies that want to block them in front of them.

The warships of the Hu nationality in the grasslands were blown up one after another, even if there were new models occasionally, the strength was even stronger.

But it couldn't stop Zhenyuan Army's footsteps at all, and Chu Yunfan personally took action to clean up those newer-model warships with greater power.

And at this moment, a huge figure as large as a mountain swept over from a distance.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was a terrifying lone wolf. This lone wolf was huge, like a huge mountain standing between the sky and the earth, and it was a thousand meters high.

It seems towering into the clouds, extremely terrifying.

This lone wolf released an extremely terrifying aura.

"Sirius God, it is the Sirius God who has appeared!"

The Hu people shouted one after another, as if they had found the home of their souls, and the situation of the original defeat was stabilized.

Chu Yunfan looked at this lone wolf coldly. This should be one of the most terrifying totems in the grassland.

The Hu ethnic group in the grassland was originally a branch of the human race, but later they believed in the evil god, and then they split into the Hu ethnic group.

And those evil gods are the guardian totems of each tribe.

Obviously, this lone wolf is a totem.

These totems often live for a long, long time, even thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, and can bless a tribe for a long, long time.

The breath of this lone wolf is recovering, and the extremely terrifying half-step king's strength has erupted.

Five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand, and even finally broke through to nine thousand, which finally stopped.

This is a senior half-step king state!

He has almost touched the realm of King Realm, and is one of the oldest totems on the grassland.

And Chu Hong, who rushed to the front, felt this terrifying breath almost immediately.

Even if he was a master of the Half-Step King Realm, he could perceive the terrifyingness of this lone wolf, far above him.


The lone wolf roared, UU reading www.uukánshu.com, the huge grassland did not know how many pieces were broken, and a long knife was spit out from his mouth. The long knife was cold and cold, and then suddenly turned into a terrible one. Dao Mang slashed down in the direction of Chu Hongcai fiercely.

"Damn beast, am I still afraid of you?" Chu Hong yelled. Every cell in his body was spewing sword light, which turned into a giant sword on top of his head. Swords are fighting each other.


The terrible attacks of the two sides finally collided fiercely, and the terrible energy shredded and destroyed everything.

Chu Hong was the first to be able to resist it. Although he was also in the half-step king state, he was only in the half-step king state where he had cultivated six thousand laws.

And the lone wolf opposite him had already cultivated a terrifying existence of nine thousand laws. With such an existence, it is not surprising that he will break through to become a master of the king realm in the next moment.


Chu Hong spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body flew upside down in an instant, and was hit hard by this lone wolf all at once.

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