I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2355: Kill the old khan

The old Khan launched an attack instantly, because he knew that Chu Yunfan could wait, but he couldn't wait. The more he delayed, the weaker he became.

After all, the whole person is already old, and there is no way to compare it with the peak state at the beginning.

The protracted battle is really too much for Chu Yunfan, and there are not many choices left for him. Only a quick battle can repel Chu Yunfan and prevent Chu Yunfan from continuing to wreak havoc.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan was emitting a faint golden light all over his body, making him look like a living god.


In the next instant, Chu Yunfan's eyes opened and transformed into catastrophe star eyes, revealing the power of unimaginable terrifying disaster.

Anything pointed out by the power of disaster turned everything into nothingness, and the attack of the old Khan fell into the domain of the catastrophe star eye, and disappeared without a trace.

Chu Yunfan stood still, but relying on the catastrophe star could be compared with the old Khan.




Everyone watched this scene, especially the Zhenyuan army, and was full of joy.

In contrast, the grassland coalition forces were almost completely desperate.

In reality, their Heavenly Wolf God, and then in their eyes, should be the strongest old Khan in the world who also performed very hard in front of Chu Yunfan.

In the next instant, Chu Yunfan moved suddenly.


Chu Yunfan's speed was too fast. Almost in an instant, he had disappeared in front of everyone. In the next instant, he had appeared in front of the old Khan, and the power of terrifying thunder was boiling over his palm. , And then patted it out with a palm.


This blow directly penetrated the old Khan's domain, and directly blasted the old Khan's body.

In the next instant, the old Khan was directly hit, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his whole body was instantly blown away like a kite with a broken line.

Indeed, compared with the Blue Wolf King, the strength of the old Khan is much stronger, and he is already a terrifying existence that has broken through to the nine thousand laws at a fair price.

In the king's waiting list, they can easily rank in the top 30.

But Chu Yunfan was too strong and had no chance of winning at all.

The old Khan was blasted out, his whole body was coughing up blood, his eyes flashed with a terrifying light.

"This is what you forced me. All of you will be buried in the grassland and sacrifice your flesh and blood to the evil god. Only in this way can you wash away your sins!"

The old Khan roared. At this time, on the grassland around Zhenyuan Army, a huge circle was forming, followed by a breath of terror, which was gradually forming.

With countless flesh and blood and countless creatures actually forming blood sacrifices, a terrifying existence slowly appeared.

"Hahahaha, you are all going to die!"

Old Khan shouted frantically.

This is one of the backgrounds of the Hu nationality. Countless people killed on the grassland, whether it is their own or a place, will be sacrificed in blood to a certain evil **** unknown to ordinary people.

At this time, I was going to invite the evil **** to appear!

Chu Yunfan saw that a huge eye suddenly appeared above the sky.

This huge eye is cold and merciless, looking at the human below as if looking at a lamb.

In the next instant, a terrifying torrent of energy erupted from that huge eye, blasting straight towards the aloof Chu Yunfan.

At this moment, Shanhe Ding flew up in Chu Yunfan's body, protecting him in it.


With a huge sound like the humming of gold and iron, the terrifying flood of blood energy directly blasted onto the mountain and river tripod, but it seemed to have been absorbed and disappeared without a trace.

"It turns out that there is still such a hole card!"

Chu Yunfan has already felt it, covering one eye is so powerful, I'm afraid it's not much worse than him.

Probably all have the level of ten thousand laws, but they have not yet become a master at the king level.

It should be that a certain kind of will has been awakened, but it has just been awakened, and the strength still needs to be improved, but if you leave it alone, it will not take long to raise your strength to the king state.

This is also a useful method among the Hu people. They worship and believe in evil spirits, so evil spirits give them back.

The Hu civilization was established under these circumstances.

"Human, wait for death!" The old Khan laughed loudly, and at the same time, he was still running his skills, trying to heal his wounds.

But in the next instant, Chu Yunfan had already arrived in front of the old Khan.

The old Khan was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that Chu Yunfan hadn't followed the usual routines, and had cleaned up the evil god's will without electricity.

Instead, he chose to deal with him first.

Suddenly shocked and angry.

"I will kill you first, and then deal with that eye!" Chu Yunfan said coldly.

Chu Yunfan's speed was too fast, the energy of the thunder in his hand condensed, turned into a long knife, and the long knife slashed across it.


The long knife slashed the old Khan's neck, the old Khan screamed, his head was cut off, and the blood rushed up, and the old Khan directly turned into a headless corpse.

There was disbelief and unwillingness in his head that had been slashed out, and he was actually defeated in the hands of a younger generation of a human race.

He was careless, careless!

But if Chu Yunfan could know his thoughts, he would definitely disagree with his thoughts, even if he didn't care about it, there was no chance of winning.

Chu Yunfan's strength completely crushed him, and was still above him, which was not something he could expect.

Whether he is careful or not, he can't change the fundamental result.

Chu Yunfan operated the Disaster Eye ~www.ltnovel.com~ and collected the corpse of the old Khan into his eyes, turning it into the nourishment for the evolution of the Disaster Eye.

Another extremely powerful half-step king realm master was in his hands and turned into the nourishment for him to advance.

Immediately, Chu Yunfan looked at the sky above, the huge eye that had been opened.

There was an extremely evil aura in that eye, and the terrifying and evil aura made Zhenyuan Army feel extremely uncomfortable.

One after another, they opened up the army to fight against the evil breath that seeped through that eye.


In the next instant, that huge eye blinked again, and a terrifying aura fell over the sky, and then countless thunders turned into countless swords, spears, swords and halberds, smashing down towards Lu Xuan.

What surprised Chu Yunfan was that these thunder powers were not upright masculine powers, but had an extremely evil aura. Ordinary people were struck by thunder, and they were afraid that they would die tragically.

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