I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2408: Purple Devil, die!

? A terrifying force spread from the heavens and the earth, almost tearing Chu Yunfan apart.

This is a terrifying force, a terrifying force released from heaven and earth!

It was the Purple Demon King who sacrificed Chu Yunfan to Heaven and Earth at the expense of himself!

This is an extremely ancient spell, but few people know it, and even if they do, they won't cast it, because this is killing a thousand enemies and hurting one's own eyes.

There is no direct benefit.

But now the Purple Demon King couldn't help Chu Yunfan at all. He could only use this method, hoping to use the power of heaven and earth to sacrifice Chu Yunfan for life.

Chu Yunfan felt that every pore of his own was spitting out a kind of flame, and this kind of flame could not be extinguished at all.

It is a kind of flame called karma fire!

There is no way to extinguish this kind of karmic fire, it is invisible, and invisible at all.

And what burns in karma is karma!

Everyone has karma, it's just a difference in how much they have accumulated.

Chu Yunfan walked all the way and killed many powerful enemies. Naturally, his karma was extremely astonishing.

Normally, these karma cannot be seen, nor will it affect Chu Yunfan, but as time goes by, the karma will become heavier and will become a scourge sooner or later.

For example, like this, Chu Yunfan could feel that an invisible karma spewed out of his body, and then caused the karma to burn.

There is no way to avoid it. Karma fire is coming out of Chu Yunfan’s body. There is no way to avoid it, and there is no escape. You can only let the karma fire burn until the karma in the body is burned out. Karma will be extinguished.

While coughing up blood, the purple-clothed devil kept chanting the mantra, watching Chu Yunfan completely surrounded by karma fire, almost burning into a burning man.

The king on the side kept coughing up blood and wanted to help, but he couldn't move at all. A big hole was pierced in his chest. It would be difficult to maintain his injury without getting worse, and he had to deal with all kinds of murderous intent from the sky.

It couldn't help Chu Yunfan at all, and it couldn't help Chu Yunfan at all.

All he could see was that Chu Yunfan's body was burning inch by inch, and he was about to be burned to ashes and charcoal almost all of a sudden.

"Hahahaha, Chu Yunfan, die!" The Purple Demon King laughed loudly.

He watched the karma flames on Chu Yunfan's body get heavier and heavier, and suddenly a sullen smile appeared on his face.

But suddenly, the karma fire between heaven and earth disappeared, to be precise, it disappeared little by little on Chu Yunfan's body.

"how can that be!"

The Purple Devil couldn't believe it at all.

In the distance, Chu Yunfan was almost burned to black charcoal, but after the karma dissipated, the coke was peeled apart inch by inch, revealing the white and tender skin inside, as if his whole person had been reborn.

Chu Yunfan showed a cold smile on his face, and said, "I have to thank you very much. With this fire, I can cleanse my karma completely!"

Chu Yunfan only felt that his brain was clear now, as if he had been covered with a black cloth before his eyes, but now it was lifted.

There is quite a feeling of not being afraid of floating clouds and covering your eyes!

The deeper the karma of a practitioner, the harder it is naturally to truly feel the way of heaven.

The way of heaven in his eyes is unprecedentedly clear.

To be any person, this is a matter of nine deaths, but he knows that this is the only way to go, and if he wants to become an emperor in the future, he will have to go this way.

In the three plagues of proving Dao becoming emperor, there is this karma fire, and most people can't survive it, just die.

And Chu Yunfan was almost burned to death under the burning of this karmic fire. At a critical moment, the blood of the Primordial Ming Phoenix, which he had incorporated into his blood, played an important role.

Although the Primordial Dark Phoenix is ​​a variant of the Phoenix, it is also a Phoenix, possessing the genital supernatural powers of the Phoenix family, and is reborn in Nirvana.

Just now Chu Yunfan completed the Nirvana rebirth, and all the blood has gone through this Nirvana rebirth to be more pure, and the future road is even more smooth.

Therefore, for Chu Yunfan, what happened this time was not a bad thing, it was a blessing in disguise.

After this transformation, it will be much less difficult for him to prove that he will become an emperor in the future.

For ordinary people, the fire of karma is really terrible, and there is no way to avoid it. There is no one in a hundred who can successfully pass this catastrophe.

Most people don't even have the qualifications to cause karma.

"How is it possible?" The Purple Demon King couldn't imagine how Chu Yunfan got through the calamity caused by the burning of karma.

The Demon Realm is also a world with profound foundations. There has been a Demon Sovereign, so he also knows the so-called three plagues. Among the three plagues, the most terrifying thing is not lightning and wind disasters, but fire.

This fire is karmic fire, and it is inevitable. It will spit out from every pore in the body and ignite itself from every cell.

The deeper the karma, the more difficult it is to escape the burning of karma!

At least he is totally unsure of this!

He was completely unable to think of how Chu Yunfan passed this level. This was already his skill, but he still couldn't help Chu Yunfan.

Almost for the first time, the Purple Demon King stepped back and tried to avoid Chu Yunfan's attack, but he couldn't stop Chu Yunfan at this time.

After just completing the transformation and completing the Nirvana rebirth, Chu Yunfan's whole body was emitting a faint light.

"Fei Xian Yin!"

Chu Yunfan slapped it down with a palm, turning into a huge seal, and the whole world turned into a universe.


This blow directly hit the Purple Demon King, who only had time to scream, half of his body had been smashed to pieces.

The Purple Demon King backed away while coughing up blood. He was horrified to find that Chu Yunfan's strength was obviously stronger.


At this time, the Purple Devil had no ambition to kill Chu Yunfan before, and his only thought was to run.

The purple-clothed devil turned into a stream of light and swept away, trying to escape from the tomb of the emperor.

But wherever he could run Chu Yunfan, a pair of thunder wings spread out behind Chu Yunfan, and he immediately caught up with the Purple Demon King.

"Huangquan Nine Steps!"

Chu Yunfan trampled it down~www.ltnovel.com~Boom! "

The purple-clothed devil was stomped by a foot, and his body was stomped and exploded in the air, torn apart, blood splattered, bloody, bloody, and flesh and blood flying.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yunfan grabbed a thunder sword in his hand and directly penetrated the primordial spirit that the purple-clothed devil was about to flee.


The primordial spirit of the Purple Demon King was screaming, he wanted to escape, but there was no way at all, only under the attack of this sword, he was killed by life, evaporating in the air bit by bit.

After a while, even the primordial spirit, who was tenacious and powerful like the Purple Demon King, was still beheaded.

At this point, the generation of demon kings who ruled the demon world has drawn a rest.

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