I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2420: Dead Sea King

?Chu Yunfan has already defeated the opponent first and sealed the evil god!

Looking around the battlefield, they are still fighting fiercely.

Although Chu Yunfan had joined, the difference in absolute strength of the human masters was still very obvious.

The almost beaten ones retreat, but they cannot retreat because they are masters of all races in all directions.

However, the arrival of Chu Yunfan greatly inspired the masters of the human race, and let the masters of the race see the light.

Especially Chu Yunfan defeated the Heretic God almost in a sweeping sweep and sealed the Heretic God.

This undoubtedly made the momentum of these human masters soar, and the masters of other races couldn't help but worry about them. One of their strength, ten percent can show up to eighty percent.

Everyone knows that the most important thing in today's battle is the victory or defeat between the few king-level peak-level masters.

Now one of them had already been defeated in Chu Yunfan's hands, which made the offensive of the masters of all races unable to help but stagnate.

"Come and help me!" When the princess saw this, she was overjoyed. Under the joint siege of the Dragon King and the Sea Emperor, she can be said to be quite embarrassed and precarious.

If it weren't for her to be extraordinary, I'm afraid she would have already been defeated and killed.

However, the other two weren't able to kill the princess in time, and now she was actually waiting for her help.

"Damn, she really waited for her help!"

Sea King roared and flew directly at Chu Yunfan.


The war broke out in an instant, the Sea Emperor Bell was suppressed from top to bottom, and the terrifying power suppressed the heavens.

But Chu Yunfan didn't dodge, he directly squeezed his fist with his five fingers, and blasted out with one punch.


This punch hit the Sea Emperor Bell, and the trembling sky trembled, and the space burst instantly.

At the same time, the Sea King flew down and shouted: "Chu Yunfan, it's useless even if you come today, the human race will be annihilated today, I said!"

Sea King shook his fists, and in an instant, he turned into a giant of the sea and blasted towards Chu Yunfan.

This blow shocked Huanyu!

However, Chu Yunfan didn't give up in the slightest, stepping directly out of the way, and a terrifying collision erupted with it.


The terrifying collision broke out again, and the blood swept out along with the frenzy.

Hai Wang flew out, the muscles on his arms exploded, and in the collision with Chu Yunfan, the muscles on his arms were shattered with a punch.

Aquaman backed back again and again, and the muscles on his arms recovered almost immediately, and he was completely at a disadvantage in the pure physical competition.

An unbelievable expression flashed in his eyes, his physique was not ordinary, he could fight with the strongest physique in the world without losing the wind.

But now it's just the physical gap, it's already so big.

He didn't know what kind of physique Chu Yunfan really was, and his progress was able to exert such amazing power.

Almost in the next instant, the Sea Emperor Bell flew out instantly and suppressed it in the direction of Chu Yunfan.

At that moment, it seemed that it was not the Sea Emperor Bell that was suppressed, but a water world.

This is a real imperial Taoist magic weapon, the imperial magic weapon of a former emperor among the sea clan, and later fell into the hands of the sea king.

Relying on the emperor's magic weapon, he was able to force the princess to be so embarrassed.

Chu Yunfan's reaction speed was even faster. From the top of his head, Shanhetu flew out directly.

The two emperor's magical weapons exploded with extremely dazzling light in the sky.


In an instant of the terrifying collision, the turbulent sky burst out with the light of the avenue, and a terrifying emperor's coercion was released.

All the kings and other masters were directly shaken out.

"Emperor Dao magic weapon, this is a collision between the emperor Dao magic weapon!"

Many people were shocked. For many kings, the imperial way was still something that could not be expected.

Because the emperor's magical artifacts can only be refined by the emperor, they are now rare.

Let alone intact, so much less.

Because the decline of the ancient times was due to the battle of the emperors, even the emperors must do their best.

In such battles, many emperor's magical instruments were also damaged, or even completely destroyed.

The ones that can survive are rare.

The horrible road rules spread out like a horrible halo.

The space is shaking and shattering, and the chaos in it is pouring out.

However, this confrontation was only a moment, and it was over.

To be precise, the two sides have already decided the victory and defeat, and the mountain and river map has already defeated the Sea Emperor Bell, and even the Sea Emperor Clock is wrapped in it, and it is suppressed in the mountain and river map.


Sea King backed back again and again, his whole body was trembling, as if he had seen something extremely incredible, he couldn't believe it at all.

Chu Yunfan was actually just a face-to-face, and he suppressed the Sea Emperor Bell.

Since he got the Sea Emperor Bell, he has never had such a thing, even if it is against other emperor's magical weapons, he has never been a disadvantage.

There is no difference between the imperial Dao and the magical instruments compared to the king's realm.

Because for Wang Jing, it was too far away from them.

The only thing that can make it win or lose in the shortest time is the strength gap between users.

In other words, his strength was crushed by Chu Yunfan in an instant, and he was completely defeated in an instant.


Aquaman was totally unacceptable, he was so much worse than Chu Yunfan.

It was also the peak of the king realm, and the strength he showed was far from Chu Yunfan.

Suddenly, at this moment, Chu Yunfan's offensive had already been launched, smashing the sky with a punch and directly blasted into the universe, directly blasting towards the sea king.

Aquaman also waved his fists, trying to resist.

On one side are the eight golden gods, suppressing the heavens and the earth, and on the other side are the azure ocean giants, crushing the sky.

But the confrontation between the two sides ~www.ltnovel.com~ had already been decided in an instant, and the ocean giant had been defeated in an instant, and was directly blasted to pieces.

Immediately after that, Chu Yunfan's fist was undiminished, and he directly hit the Sea King.

Sea King only had time to scream, and his body was hit, and the sky fell apart.

Blood splattered out, bone blood flying.

In an instant, Hai Wang ushered in a disastrous defeat, and in an instant the defeat fell to Chu Yunfan's hands.

His body collapsed, and the soul hidden in it was ignited by Chu Yunfan's fist and burned in the air. In a moment, it was burned completely.

Another peak king was defeated, and Chu Yunfan looked terrifying at this time!

As the same emperor is alive!

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