

   "You look down on me?" Wildfire's face suddenly showed a bit of anger, not only Wildfire, but the wolf heads also showed a bit of irritation.


   If you say it, the students of Federal University are of course all talents in civil and martial arts, and Yun Wen Yunwu, but they are more inclined to martial arts or liberal arts. In the general sense, students of Federal University can definitely be called all talents in civil and martial arts.


  To talk about high-quality talents, you have to push Federal University!


   No one is dissatisfied with this!


   But for the elites in the army, as far as others are concerned, they may have a gap with the students of the Federal University, but when it comes to killing, they are second, and no one dares to say first.


   Even assassins who specialize in killing have never been in their eyes. The reason is simple. The assassins only dared to attack secretly, but they assassinated, broke through, and all kinds of killing methods were not bad.


   So they don’t even look down on the students of Federal University. Although the students of Federal University say that they have no real practical experience, it is indeed a bit exaggerated, but compared with their daily life and death through the rain of bullets, it is far worse.


  Wildfire, he asked himself that his killing experience was ten times, or even dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary Federal University students, so he dared to say three ways to defeat Chu Yunfan.


  Federal University teaches martial arts, and what they teach is the way of killing.


   is not the same thing at all.


"Look down on you? No, I'm just telling the truth. I know you don't look down on the students from our Federal University. You are consciously experienced in fighting! It's true that you may suffer from the same level of Federal University students. , But all of this must be based on similar strengths!"


   Chu Yunfan said lightly, there was no irritation on his face, he was just telling the truth.


   "The way of killing is really hard to match for a while, but it has deviated from the true meaning of martial arts!" Chu Yunfan shook his head and said. "The true meaning of martial arts is to break through one's own limits, complete transformation and evolution, and evolve to a higher level of life!"


   "You said that we have deviated from the true meaning of martial arts? Don't you learn martial arts yourself?" At this moment, Langtou suddenly said.


"Of course this is impossible. On the path of spiritual practice, there are many disasters, natural disasters, land disasters, and human disasters. All kinds of dangers threaten us. As the saying goes, when the Buddha is angry with the vajra, the Buddha must also have the means to cast down demons and eliminate demons , Even the Buddha, what about us?" Chu Yunfan said openly with his hands behind his back.


"Martial skill is a means for me to protect myself on the other side of the avenue. The road can be used to drop demons and eliminate demons, and be a boat to survive the painful sea of ​​cultivation. If one day I can reach the other side of the avenue, then this ship can naturally give up! Yun Fan continued, "But now I haven't reached the other shore yet, this ship is a necessary tool!"


"But the tool is only a tool after all. It is my means to the Dao, but not the Dao itself. But you regard this as a Dao. You don’t pursue your own breakthrough and evolution, but are obsessed with the way of killing people. What a pity?"


"Okay, good point!" Xue Bailong said, touching his palm, his eyes brightened. Although his realm is higher than Chu Yunfan, he can feel that Chu Yunfan has a deeper understanding of martial arts. .


   Chu Yunfan’s words are like opening another door to him. The way of killing is a means of self-protection, but it is not the way itself. If it is confused, then I am afraid that this life will be limited.


   Chu Yunfan was able to say such words, and the champion of the Lundao Conference really deserves its name.


   He knew Chu Yunfan very early. At that time, Chu Yunfan was only a state of air, so he was even more surprised at Chu Yunfan's transformation. He actually had a bit of a martial arts master.


Xue Bailong didn't know that Chu Yunfan had many memories of Emperor Pill in his mind. Of course, Emperor Pill could only be regarded as the bottom among many emperors in terms of combat effectiveness, but he was also an emperor, and his understanding of the great road was not modern at all. The warriors of the Human Federation can be compared.


   For Chu Yunfan, these things were only known, but he didn't have a deep understanding, but as his cultivation level deepened, he could gradually turn into his own experience.


   slowly changed from knowing what it was to knowing why it was.


   "It's nice to say, one set of sets, but it's useless, dare you to make gestures with me?" Wildfire sneered.


He is the same age as Chu Yunfan. Hearing of Chu Yunfan’s "great achievements", Chu Yunfan can be incomparable to others, and he thinks he is no worse than Chu Yunfan, but he can only be silent, and it is inevitable that he feels a little unhappy. I have to prove that he is much better than Chu Yunfan.


   "Since you insist, try it!"


   Chu Yunfan said.


   At this time, after a slight movement of his feet, his calm was restored. Everyone knew that the battle was maneuvering.


   "It seems time is running out, let's fight!"


   Chu Yunfan said.


   "Too arrogant, what about Federal University!"


   Wildfire roared, stepped on, and instantly the whole figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Chu Yunfan.


   His imposing manner was inexhaustible, and he was in line with the aggression in the art of war, and he grabbed Chu Yunfan with one claw.




   He grabbed into Chu Yunfan's body directly, but instead of grabbing Chu Yunfan's flesh and blood, he penetrated directly into the past.


"not good!"


The wildfire's reaction was very fast. After all the battles, he almost immediately noticed something wrong, and retreated faster than he had come. However, Chu Yunfan's figure appeared almost flashing in his body. In front of him, he caught up with him in one step.


   "The King of the Forest!"


  Chu Yunfan shot ~www.ltnovel.com~ as if the sky broke and the earth burst, the air burst out suddenly, there was a faint roar of tigers, and instantly hit the wildfire with a punch.


   Wildfire was a standard block, but then he felt a terrible force raging on him.




   Then countless infuriating energy exploded directly around him, and he himself was directly blasted out, standing still unsteadily, and directly hitting the bulkhead of the plane, which finally stopped.


  Chu Yunfan didn't take any further shots, but Wildfire already felt like he was left behind. He could even feel the possibility that that punch would directly injure him or even kill him.


   The difference is too far!


   But he did not feel that he was hurt all over his body. It was not that he couldn't hurt himself, but he controlled his power to the smallest detail.


   "I lost!" (To be continued.) 8

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