I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 633: No one can stop it

The words of this new student immediately attracted the attention of other people, and the other new students finally knew who this person was.

The names that they have heard since they entered school, but only in a short time, have been the names that are like a thunderbolt.

Last year's first-year chief, Chu Yunfan!

It is said that in the last year, he has already defeated the innate masters, and his strength is unfathomable. With the strength shown last year, he is already among the best among the students in the school and can be compared with them, but it is rare.

The mentor competition has sprung up. Jiang Lingxiao, the first person in the school, is the champion of the Dao Conference and the chief student of the grade.

These piles of pieces, in their eyes, it is no longer a legend, it is simply a myth, a myth that no one can do.

"So this is Brother Chu!"

"My God, I actually saw a real person, but I don't know how many of these legends are true or false!"

"But I look at Senior Brother Sha Peng who looks like a happy surrender, I am afraid that even if the rumors are exaggerated, they are not much different!"

Those freshmen talked a lot. Although they didn't have to be admitted to the Federal University through the hard work of other students, they were still not the strongest among the entire Federal University.

Others can be faked. Only the head of the grade can not fake it. He must be the strongest person in the whole grade. Otherwise, who would dare to put a name on himself like this, isn't that a death?

Although it was strange that Chu Yunfan, who was the chief student of the grade, was not the top student in the college entrance examination, it was generally confirmed.

Sha Peng looked at Ding Yin from the side and did not stop him. He could not help but remember that he and others were the same. He refused to accept defeat. As a result, several people were hanged by Chu Yunfan. Only then did he realize what it means to have heaven outside, outside the world. Someone.

Some people are born to break so-called rules!

He grinned, Ding Yin is the most talented among this group of juniors and younger sisters. It’s not as simple as being one step ahead. The gap between each other will only get worse, like Chu Yunfan’s. The person who can catch up after planting is the legend, and it is impossible to take it as an example.

Even if he was facing himself, he didn't admit defeat. Now he wanted to challenge Chu Yunfan, this kind of thinking was too normal.

Unbeaten naive!

Chu Yunfan looked at Ding Yin's eyes, only smiled and said, "Ask for advice?"

"Well, if you can take one of my tricks without defeating me, I will show you how to do it!" Chu Yunfan said with a smile.

When Ding Yin heard this, instead of being happy, he became angry. His cultivation base can be described as the base city where he is located. Not to mention the same age group, but the seniors who were a year older than him were hanged by him. It's choking.

Such a person is a tianjiao, although after entering the Federal University, after seeing Sha Peng's strength, he has converged a lot, but Chu Yunfan's attitude still makes him unhappy.

one move?

Could it be that he couldn't even stop Chu Yunfan's move?

"Brother, please advise!"

Ding Yin arched his hands and said stiffly.

Chu Yunfan also saw that Ding Yin was not convinced, but he didn't take it to heart. He just said, "Then be optimistic!"

As he said, there were no other moves. He just pointed it out with a single finger. In an instant, the world was turned upside down, and countless auras were concentrated towards Chu Yunfan’s fingers with a force visible to the naked eye. The speed of this finger was not fast. , But every time you advance one point, that kind of terrifying aura increases by one point.

But in a moment, it formed a powerful force!

And this terrifying aura directly crushed Ding Yin's body.

Ding Yin immediately felt this aura. If the aura of the acquired master can only be regarded as breathtaking and more of a deterrent, then the innate masters are different, and their aura will even provoke the whole world aura to link together.

Even the momentum alone can crush the enemies below the innate.

He even felt that the whole world was repelling him, and a terrible pressure came from all directions, almost crushing him completely.

His long tempered body began to deform slightly, and his bones were rubbing.


Chu Yunfan only speeded up slightly, as if it was the last straw that had crushed the camel. Ding Yin finally couldn't hold on. He knelt down instantly, his palms supported the ground, and he gasped for breath. Lots of cold sweat dripped to the ground.

At this time, everyone discovered that Ding Yin's body had already been soaked in cold sweat.

Those new students were even more inexplicable. Chu Yunfan just pointed out, and he didn't even touch Ding Yin, let alone how fast, ruthless, and multiple.

However, Ding Yin seemed to have suffered a serious injury, only one blow!

But they could also see that Ding Yin's situation was definitely not a fake, and after getting along these days, they absolutely did not believe that Ding Yin's pride would cooperate with Chu Yunfan to perform this scene.

"Momentum, it's aura!"

Finally, they reflected that they were the best among the students, and they had reached the peak of the Qi Refining Realm for the last time~www.ltnovel.com~ Although they had never seen an innate master before, it was not difficult to judge.

"With Ding Yin's strength, we are not his opponents when we join forces, but I didn't expect that even the simplest aura under the hands of Senior Brother Chu would not be able to stop him!"

The freshmen were stunned and couldn't believe it.

After all, Chu Yunfan is only one year older than them. It is natural to be stronger than them, but he doesn't even need to make a move. Defeating Ding Yin with his aura is beyond their cognition.

Sha Peng, who they thought was strong, seemed to be nothing compared to Chu Yunfan.

"It's just one year away. Is the gap so big?"

"Could it be that all those legends are really unsuccessful!"

However, they were more excited. The difference of one year would not be so much. Then the only possibility is that Chu Yunfan's strength has improved by leaps and bounds during his year at Federal University.

Doesn't that mean that they may also make rapid progress in this year?

The Federal University is truly extraordinary.

Unlike these new students, Sha Peng, who had already stepped into the day after tomorrow, did indeed feel the momentum contained in Chu Yunfan's finger. It seemed unremarkable, but he couldn't stop it.

It's like a flood that crushes everything without any tricks. Anything that dares to stand in front of you will be crushed and vanished.

"Damn, the captain is really getting more and more perverted!"

He also knows the thoughts of those freshmen, and he can only smile and joke about it. If everyone can stay in the Federal University for a year and become so perverted, the Human Federation would have dominated the Kunlun world.

The reason why Chu Yunfan is so strong is only because he is Chu Yunfan! (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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