I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 828: The alliance cannot be established because I don't allow it!

Because the education that Chu Haoyue received from a young age was unmatched by the masters of breeding supernatural powers, and under breeding supernatural powers, there were all ants, and the gap between the two sides could not be calculated by reason.

Even if hundreds of innate realm besieged masters who breed supernatural power realm, it is useless, a slap can slap a group to death.

In terms of strength, the quantitative change has caused a qualitative change. What's really terrifying is that the master who breeds the realm of supernatural powers is a transition of the life level, not the innate realm, and can be compared in the stage of fighting the flesh.

Throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone who can breed masters in the realm of supernatural powers with the innate realm, and that is simply impossible.

But Chu Yunfan actually said that he could do it, how could this not shock him, but the aura he felt just now couldn't be faked.

That's why he was extremely shocked, but what he didn't know was that Chu Yunfan humbled and said that, really, the masters who usually breed supernatural powers are not his opponents.

"This is simply, too unexpected!" Chu Haoyue couldn't help but said, as if she had just recovered from the shock.

Immediately he reacted, Chu Yunfan is a child of the Chu family, and Chu Yunfan is so powerful, it is equivalent to the Chu family.

Now that the major forces of the Human Federation, apart from the Federal Government, who have two masters who breed supernatural powers? It seems not yet.

In this way, it also means that the Chu family is superior to all major forces, which is also the tireless pursuit of the Chu family.

It's just that he didn't expect that this day would come so fast.

"This is nothing!"

Chu Yunfan smiled faintly: "In the future, if I truly step into the realm of breeding supernatural powers, that will sweep many evil spirits!"


Chu Haoyue hurriedly nodded and said, Chu Yunfan is already so terrifying now. If he were to grow to a realm where he could breed supernatural powers, then Chu Haoyue couldn't even think about how strong his strength would be.

"This good news, I will tell my ancestors right away!"

Chu Haoyue said.

"Don't rush for a while, anyway, I don't care about this moment and a half!" Chu Yunfan said with a smile, "Now if the publicity goes out and it is known, then the Jiang family will be prepared, then I will start again. But it’s a bit troublesome!"

"The Jiang family has chased and killed me many times. This account should be taken care of. This time, aren't they going to form an alliance with the Tang family and the Feihua Sect? I will give them a big gift!"

Chu Yunfan said with a sneer.

"Even when you are in retreat, you know about the alliance of the three families. It seems that this has really become an unstoppable trend!" Chu Haoyue sighed and said, "I don't want to hide it from you, this incident has also caused our Chu family. After the uproar, Feihua Sect will not talk about it. From the fact that his deputy suzerain is already a strong man who breeds supernatural powers, you can see how powerful it is. Although the Tang family now does not have a master who breeds supernatural powers, it is based on the Tang family. It’s not bad in terms of the background, and the strength in his hands is not worse than that of our Chu family!"

"The combination of these three is a huge wake-up call for each of us, but now it's fine, you have the power to fight against the masters who breed the realm of supernatural powers. This is undoubtedly another trump card for our Chu family. !"

Chu Haoyue said this, her face couldn't help but smile. During this period of time, she worried every day, but now, she can finally feel relieved.

With Chu Yunfan, even if the Chu family does not form an alliance with others, it can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

There is only one master who breeds the realm of supernatural powers and two. Those are completely two concepts, the same gap between heaven and earth.

"By the way, I would also like to ask, how did the Tang family become like this, why suddenly they are allied with the Jiang family again!"

Chu Yunfan asked.

"These things have already been spread in various houses now. That Jiang family's woman is a good method. In a short time, she has used the Tang family's power for herself!" Chu Haoyue said. "Originally, what is her strength alone, but according to the information we have received, two months ago, she gathered all the high-level Tang family who opposed him in the name of Dashou, and then made it into a net. Capture, clean up all those who oppose her in the Tang family in one fell swoop, it's really cruel!"

"That shouldn't be right. How can she be a foreign woman, no matter how strong it is?" Chu Yunfan couldn't help but wondered. Tang Siyu's aunt, a foreign mistress, would not be able to defeat Tang no matter how strong she was. The opposing forces of the family were caught in one go, and the strength of the Tang family was twisted into a rope in one fell swoop, something that even Tang Tianluo had not been able to do before.

"Could it be that the Jiang family was involved?" Chu Yunfan said with a flash of light in his mind.

"Yes, although it is very secretive, but according to the news reported by the spies we planted at the Tang family, there should be Jiang family's participation. That night, a lot of masters appeared suddenly, many of them were Jiang family masters. There are some masters whose origins are unknown. At that time, they couldn't find out their origins. You don't need to read them now. They must be masters of the Feihua Sect!" Chu Haoyue said. "Originally, with the strength of those high-level Tangs, it would not have been so easy to be caught in a single net, but the key is that there was a master who nurtured the realm of supernatural powers and suppressed all the resistance of those masters!"

"The ancestor of the Jiang family?" Chu Yunfan asked.

"not him!"

Chu Haoyue shook her head and said, "I didn't know his origin at the time, and now I understand it. It is very likely that it is the Deputy Sect Master of the Feihua Sect. Obviously, it has not been a day or two for the three parties to connect together, so it was at that time that the collective trouble occurred. It must have been prepared long ago. It is ridiculous to think that one of the eight great families of the Tang family would be manipulated in this way!"

Chu Yunfan was a little silent. This is also the disadvantage of not having a top expert. Although nuclear bombs are not inferior to those who breed supernatural powers, nuclear bombs cannot be used casually, and they can be used regardless of whether they are enemies or us, but they breed supernatural powers. The master is different.

And the masters who didn't breed the realm of supernatural powers would be taken advantage of by others. If the ancestors of the Tang family were still there, it wouldn't be so simple to be caught in one go.

"But even if those senior Tangs were captured by a net, wouldn't the Tang family resist at all?" Chu Yunfan asked again.

"Those masters of the Tang family were arrested, and the remaining people shouldn’t worry about it. Those who dared to stand up were all killed. The heads of people were rolling overnight. Even if they were dissatisfied, the remaining people did not dare to resist face to face. That's it!" Chu Haoyue said. "Furthermore, those senior Tangs were not beheaded, but were imprisoned in a secret place that even we could not detect. Even if they considered the safety of these people, they did not dare to act rashly. Naturally, they were detained by that. The woman has successfully mastered the power of the Tang family!"

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. There are still many people who advocate the uselessness of strength. They believe that as long as they have the highest and sophisticated technological weapons, they can be as stable as Mount Tai. They don’t know that strength is the root of everything. No matter how advanced and sophisticated technological weapons are, they need people to come. Manipulation, people are all swept away, and any high-tech weapons are useless!"

Chu Haoyue couldn't help showing a sneer on her face.

"The trend of the three alliances has been established, what do you want to give them a'great gift'?" Chu Haoyue looked at Chu Yunfan and said.

"They can't get it done!"

Chu Yunfan said calmly.

"How do you know?" Chu Haoyue asked in astonishment.

"Because I don't allow it!" Chu Yunfan said, "No matter that woman has a wrist, the Tang family is just a deterrent to her, and the deputy chief of the Feihua Sect is not afraid to act rashly. The Tang family must be angry. As long as she dies, and the Deputy Sect Master of Feihua Sect also dies, this **** alliance can't be organized!"


Chu Haoyue took a deep breath. He finally understood Chu Yunfan's methods. He didn't use any tactics to overwhelm others. He pointed directly at the key core and killed the Tang family's mistress. Naturally, the Tang family would stand immediately. Go to the side that opposes this alliance and kill the Deputy Sect Master of the Feihua Sect. The power of the Feihua Sect is immediately disintegrated. What can the remaining Jiang family do?

Hasn't this alliance just collapsed?

He finally discovered that his brain circuit is very different from Chu Yunfan. The education he received from an early age was based on the perspective of the family. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com often has a lot of scruples when doing things.

It's not as straightforward as Chu Yunfan, pointing straight to the core.

"Your plan is the nemesis, but that Feihua Sect is not an ordinary sect. It is powerful, and it only talks about martial arts masters, and it is still above our Chu family!"

Chu Haoyue said with some worry.

"But they can't all enter the Kunlun Realm at once, can they?" Chu Yunfan said with a slight smile.

"Do you know this too?" Chu Haoyue said in amazement, this is the news that only a big family like them has a terrifying intelligence network can get.

"It's a good analysis. Judging by the strength displayed by the Holy Land, if we can come out in one breath and play any alliance with us, I am afraid that the soldiers will have already pressed in." Chu Yunfan said. "Nuclear weapons are certainly terrible, but don't be too superstitious about this kind of thing. If there are enough masters in the Holy Land, all of them will ambush next to the nuclear bases, and all hands at the same time will be enough to destroy all these nuclear bases.

When Chu Haoyue thought about it, she suddenly felt sweaty. No one had thought about it before, because the Federation couldn't find so many masters who breed supernatural powers, but the Holy Land might have such strength.

Moreover, nuclear weapons are only capable of deterring masters of this level, but it is difficult to kill them. Their sixth sense is too strong. It is not easy to target them. To kill them, you must be a master of the same level. Good way to deal with it.

"The Holy Land must not be in the Kunlun Realm, but in another dimension. Even if the different ones are connected, it is difficult to stabilize the plane channel. It is difficult to achieve with the current technology of our Federation. The Holy Land must be a small group of people. Sending over in batches, if the entire sect of Feihua Sect comes over, I will still be afraid of him by three points, a sub-sect master in a mere trivial area, it will be cut!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

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