After winning over the two local bosses, Su Yan tried hard to target the flower merchants and landlords, and tried hard to trick them into investing in the city construction, saying how much the rate of return was, and talking about the future prospects of the flower city.

Then, Su Yan took the funds for the construction of the city from the Red King and began to directly operate and build brothels, wine shops and casinos in the name of the government office.

The brothel was not a proper brothel. It was clearly written in the documents that the purpose of this brothel was actually to provide for landlords and wealthy businessmen.

If you want to discuss anything with the government office, you can come here. The price of dishes and drinks inside is five times higher than that of the outside world. Whether the negotiation is successful or not, you can earn a sum of money into the government office account book.

Su Yan's strategy can be described as a little bit of money here, a little bit of money there, and a little bit of trickery here, and he made a lot of money in the name of the government office and invested it in the construction of the city.

Then he intercepted the funds from the Red King. Su Yan did not write the purpose of this huge sum of money in his homework, and the Red King frowned when he saw it.

"That big liar will come to your house to discuss this matter with you in a while."

Taishu Jin looked at Chi Wang with a frown on his face, as if he was thinking about something, and said with a smile: "The boy came to give me cakes two days ago, which means that the funds that were intercepted in the workbook were all embezzled by him."

"That capital also became the capital for the boy to deceive the flower landlords!"

"He! Raising funds from the middle-level of Flower City, saying that we should not stop at flowers, but should look to South Xinjiang and the southern states."

"Does he have any shame? I conquered South Xinjiang, and now he is raising funds in the name of a joint venture business!"

Chi Wang thought about Su Yan's plan for a while. He should use the name of developing the South Xinjiang area to fish, let the flower landlords hand in a letter of surrender, and then let them get on the car and jointly develop the business in the South Xinjiang area.

The so-called letter of surrender should refer to the construction of the city and some more detailed exchanges of interests.

With a huge amount of funds in hand, and Su Yan who has won over the Hua family and the flower demon clan, the next step should be to come to me to discuss the development of the Southern Xinjiang District.

It doesn't matter whether the Red King agrees or not. If the Red King doesn't agree, Su Yan will use funds to open the way, bribe or assassinate, to occupy the actual control of the cities in the Southern Xinjiang District and dump goods locally.

The Red King can't move him because of Xia Yu's law, and because Master Jin is watching, he can't use any means.

Su Yan doesn't fight with the Red King for anything, just wrap up a huge amount of cash and force like a gust of wind, buy low and sell high valuable assets, and then force the locals to buy his things.

The strength of Southern Xinjiang is different from the past. Those hard bones have basically been gnawed by the Red King. The strength of Southern Xinjiang is completely unable to match the strength of the current flower district.

After rolling over one city after another, by the time the Red King drives out the monks who Su Yan has corrupted with spirit stones, the shameless guy has already run away with the cash that has been cashed in.

"That white-haired fox actually plotted against me!"

After figuring this out, the Red King couldn't help but curse Su Yan for making the best use of his resources, using his name to make a lot of money, grabbing the benefits he deserved, and then using the Xiayu Law and Master Jin to counter him.

"Such a despicable student of the academy should be placed under my command!"

The Red King said to Master Jin: "Such a despicable and shameless guy should be placed in the Red King's Mansion, so that we can eliminate unstable factors and expand the territory of our Xiayu Dynasty."


Master Jin shook his head and smiled and said: "He can't take those things away. They are just making paper data for me to see. After the outing is over, they should return to Xiayu City."

Su Yan imitated the strategy of Princess Wuxi, revealing the wild style of a bandit inside and out.

The Red King likes such ambitious people. These guys are useful for maintaining stability when expanding territory. Therefore, the Red King thinks Su Yan is very useful and wants to give up some of the interests in Southern Xinjiang to exchange Su Yan with Master Jin.

But Master Jin rejected the Red King's proposal, because Su Yan's greatest value is not in himself, but in the Su Empress Dowager who is nurturing the ghost in Su Yan's body.

If Su Yan is left with the Red King, God knows how much time it will take to find the old woman.

Now she doesn't have long legs. Once the nine ghosts of the old woman can get away from Su Yan, it will be troublesome for Master Jin to find them one by one.

"After the outing, the things that belong to you still belong to you. He can't take those away. At most, he can roll some spirit stones from the government warehouse."


Just when Master Jin was still laughing with the Red King about Su Yan's shameless behavior.

Su Yan in the Flower City was sleeping soundly on his bed, while the Lord of the Night was sitting beside him, watching Su Yan compiling a book. From time to time, he would put his arm on Su Yan's head, enter Su Yan's dream and ask him about some troubles about children's growth.


On the night that should have been peaceful, a gust of wind suddenly came from outside the dormitory door.

The Lord of the Night noticed that someone was approaching the dormitory, raised his hand and waved the charcoal pencil in his hand, and the black charcoal pencil shot into the gap in the space and hit the head of the person outside the door. When the Lord of the Night came out of Su Yan's dream and used his spiritual sense to detect the person outside the door, he was stunned on the bed.

Then, the Lord of the Night slightly tidied up the books on the bed, entered the gap in the space and left Su Yan's dormitory.


A human-shaped black dragon with a charcoal pencil stuck in his head, about five meters tall, had white eyes, and fell heavily backwards in the backyard of the government office, making a loud noise.


The black dragon fell in front of Su Yan's door. Su Yan woke up from his sleep when he noticed a loud noise outside the door, and quickly ran outside to see what happened.

Su Yan saw a black dragon. The black dragon's scales were glittering with stars. When Su Yan saw this, he was completely stunned and watched the black dragon fall to the ground. After careful identification, he realized that it was not his father, and then he roared into the dormitory. With a voice, he said:

"Xiao Longnu, come out quickly, your father is seriously injured and fell in the backyard of the government office!"

Su Yan couldn't tell whether he was injured or not, but Su Yan could see blood spurting from the head of the humanoid black dragon.

Although the blood flow is not large, it is very high. It should be about three meters high by visual inspection.

Su Yan had never treated a black dragon before, so he didn't know how to judge the injury of the black dragon in front of him. He could only call out the little dragon girl to see what was going on.

"What's up?"

The little dragon girl yawned and went out. When she saw her father lying on the ground, the whole dragon was stunned and quickly stepped forward to check his injuries.

"Charcoal pen. Broken the dragon scale's defense?"

The little dragon girl flew across the void to Father Long's forehead, looking at the charcoal stick stuck in the dragon's scales with a shocked face.

The little dragon girl stepped forward and pulled out the punctured dragon scales from her father's forehead. Pulling out the dragon scales revealed the wound underneath. The wound healed again at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a slightly pinkish-white scale emerged from it. The wound area quickly grows, enlarges and turns black.


The little dragon girl looked at the dragon scales in her hand, and then looked at her father who was unconscious after all, with a complicated expression on her face.

Who on earth beat an adult black dragon with a charcoal pencil and gave it a concussion?

"You guys go get the medicine quickly, and get some western pepper over here quickly!"

Xiao Longnu was silent for a moment, and then immediately ordered Su Yan and others to get their things and prepare to forcefully wake up the unconscious Black Dragon father.

She suspected that her father might be being hunted and that he came here at night to snatch her away. As a result, he fell seriously injured in front of Su Yan's dormitory door.

If the guess is correct, it will be troublesome. Oneself and his party may need to evacuate the official office and go to the Red King Territory to seek protection from the Red King and Sumire Taishi.

Chapter 331 The latest trends of my young father

"Little Dragon Girl, your father has fallen to the ground!"

The black dragon father fell in the backyard of the government office. After Su Yan found him, he didn't know how to judge the dragon's injuries and treatment methods. He turned around and called out the little dragon girl who was sleeping in the dormitory to check the situation.

After a preliminary inspection, the little dragon girl pulled out the charcoal pen inserted in the head of the black dragon father and removed the abnormal spiritual power carried on the charcoal. The black dragon father relied on the powerful recovery ability of the dragon clan and the earth immortal to complete the task in an instant Self-healing of wounds on forehead.

However, because the charcoal pen contains huge energy, the black dragon father who was hit by the energy shock fell into a coma and could not wake up so quickly for the time being.

When Xiao Longnu saw her father in a fighting state, she suspected that her father might have just experienced a battle or was even being hunted. Therefore, without any hesitation, she ordered Su Yan and others to get healing elixirs and Pepper produced in western states comes over.

"A sneeze, a sneeze. Ah - sneeze!"

After the little dragon girl took the elixir for the black dragon father, she raised her hand to summon the trickling stream to sweep up the peppercorns, crush them, and rushed directly into the giant dragon man's nostrils along with the trickling stream.

The black dragon father, who was about five meters tall, lay on the floor of the government office and sneezed. He sprayed out the pepper water that Xiao Longnu had poured into his nostrils. Then, the sneezing seemed to never stop. After the sneezing sounds, , a strong wind blew in the backyard of the government office.

Strong winds accompanied by showers of rain spewed out from the mouth of the black dragon father, and the huge waves flooded the backyard of the government office.

Su Yan sensed that something was wrong, and quickly changed from his human form to that of a little fox, and quickly climbed up the doorpost. Four small fox paws popped out of the flesh pads and pulled at the doorpost with their fingernails, without being hit by the black dragon's mouth. Flooded by the water spouting out of it.

However, County Lord Luanming, Zhou You and others, because they did not know much about the flow of water spitted by dragons, did not see the black dragon about to sneeze like Su Yan did, and hurriedly evaded to a high place, but unfortunately were swept by the strong wind from the sneezing spit. The figure was thrown into the air.

When they were about to dodge, the trickle of water spewed by the black dragon was swept inside and rolled with the waves.

After the storm subsided, the water flow caused by the Black Dragon Father completely submerged the official office. A large amount of trickle water escaped from the official office wall, making the streets outside the official office experience the feeling of a flood.


Father Black Dragon covered his nostrils, opened his mouth to take a big breath of air, and used water to wash away the remaining western pepper in his nasal cavity.

"What happened?"

Xiao Longnu slowly fell from the air, looked at her father who was rolling around and covered his nostrils, and said.

Among the forms of the North Sea dragons, the black dragon form is the largest and most destructive. The human form is more concealable when controlling magic and magical powers. The dragon body has both concealment and the destructive power of the dragon body. It is suitable for encountering strong enemies. It's time to seize the upper hand and the best form that can't resist the enemy's quick escape.

When the little dragon girl saw her father's dragon-like form, she realized that something might be wrong, so she used some rough methods to forcefully wake up her unconscious father.

".Nothing happened."

The black dragon father shook his huge dragon head, rubbed his aching head, looked at the little dragon girl and asked: "I was running away, why did I come back to the Red King's territory?"

The charcoal thrown by the Lord of the Night was obviously a bit difficult for the Black Dragon father, and even part of his memory was temporarily lost.


Xiao Longnu frowned and asked, "Did you really encounter a strong enemy chasing you?"

"It's not a strong enemy, just that pervert Ao Renlin."

The figure of the Black Dragon father gradually shrank, and he raised his hand to make a lifting motion. All the water overflowing in the official office gathered on his palm, forming a huge water ball above the official office, and threw the official office into the sky. Return to a dry state again.

"On the way to escort Bai Ze, we met Ao Renlin on the border of the southern state. That guy is now mixed up with a group of demon clan members from Nightmare Town. If Nanhai Caterpillar and I hadn't run fast enough, we would have almost been in a wheelchair. "

Father Black Dragon, who had regained his human form, breathed a long sigh of relief and briefly explained what had happened.

Of course, when explaining the reason for the matter, the Black Dragon father did not forget to complain about the South China Sea Dragon Clan.

The Four Sea Dragon Clan, the Northern Black Dragon, the East Green Dragon, and the West White Dragon are all covered in scale armor. Only the South Sea Dragon Clan has red fur growing on its body, which makes it look a little out of place when standing next to the other Dragon Clan.

Therefore, the dragons of the South China Sea often attract verbal complaints from other dragons.

"The dragon traitor Ao Renlin is so powerful?"

As soon as Su Yan slid down from the doorpost, he heard news about his young father. With a thought in his mind, he asked loudly with a surprised look on his face.

Ever since Su's house was ransacked by the Su family, Su Yan had completely lost contact with his father. It was only when he met Fox Mother's incarnation that he vaguely knew that his father was doing something big, something that could break the His family was being hunted by the nine-tailed fox and the dragon clan.

As for what happened, Mother Fox didn't say anything. She just said that Father Long was working hard on the stars in the universe. It should involve some ancient and powerful tombs, right?

Of course, these are just Su Yan's guesses, and the real situation cannot be known. Therefore, when the Black Dragon Father said that Ao Renlin was hanging out with the Nightmare Town gang, Su Yan deliberately looked surprised and asked the Black Dragon Father about the dragon clan. The traitor Ao Renlin was so powerful that he tried to find out the news about his young father.

"If he didn't pay attention, how could he receive a huge bounty from our Dragon Clan."

The black dragon father sneered at Su Yan's question and said, "Ao Renlin is a pervert. Before he betrayed the Beihai Dragon Clan, he was extremely valued by the Black Dragon King. To use the analogy of a human sect position, he is a closed disciple."

"You didn't even win the encirclement?" Xiao Longnu asked with a strange expression on her face.

Regarding Ao Renlin, it is a forbidden topic among the Beihai Dragon Clan. The younger dragon clan members just know that they need to notify the dragon clan when they see Ao Renlin and let the elders of the dragon clan arrest him.

The older female black dragons always showed regret when talking about Ao Renlin. The little dragon girl had a vague feeling that those aunts and uncles, including her own mother, seemed to be interested in the dragon traitor.

"If we had won the encirclement, I would have taken that pervert back to the Dragon Clan to ask for the reward from the old Dragon King." The black dragon father waved his hand and said, "There is no way we can win, if not for that pervert's intention on Bai Ze. , The red-haired worm and I may not be able to come back that easily."

As he said that, the Black Dragon Father opened his palms and let his daughter look at his hands. Be it the engagement ring or the storage ring, Ao Renlin took them all away. Nothing was left for the Black Dragon Father. Let him There is no way to call the elders of the Dragon Clan to come for support.

"Why do you call the dragon traitors a pervert?"

Su Yan was slightly curious and ran to Xiao Longnu's side, looking at the Black Dragon Father with him, and asked again.

.I did a very stupid thing today.

I had dinner around four in the afternoon. There were shrimps on the table, and I prefer shrimps, so I started to show off salt and pepper shrimps. Then, after eating a dozen or so, I felt something was wrong, just like I had abdominal pain and nausea before eating crayfish. Vomiting allergic reaction.

I was so stunned that it hurt me until about nine o'clock in the evening.

Because I really like eating shrimps, after I recovered, I ate a few more salt and pepper shrimps with great disbelief.

Then I got better, a rash started to form on my body, and now I have the same color number as the salt and pepper shrimp.

Wuwuwuwu, one less hobby in life.

Now that I have recovered, I will come back and update.

Chapter 332 The Dragon Clan’s Long-cherished Wish

"Why is Ao Renlin a pervert? Because he is indeed a dead pervert!"

Father Black Dragon was looked at by Xiao Longnu and Su Yan. After saying something as a matter of course, he thought about it and continued to add to his previous statement:

"Well, we dragons are all temperamental people, and our personalities are relatively optimistic. But Ao Renlin is a person who is born with knowledge. When he came out of the eggshell, he had a dark face and an extremely cold temperament. Let's discuss the female beast Fengrun and let him come over. Just say it with an indifferent face: Idiot.”

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