Su Yan and his friends all arrived at the top floor of Luoheju before noon on August 17th as instructed by Grand Master Jin, ready to report all the details of the outing to the academy, and to hand in the detailed homework they had written every day for the past six months.

"Why is there something wrong here?"

Su Yan went to the elevator with familiarity, ready to take the elevator to the top floor of Luoheju, and then saw a group of disheveled beggars in front of the elevator.

Su Yan did not discriminate against beggars, but just felt that these people in front of him looked familiar, and he could also feel that they all had spiritual power in their bodies, and their cultivation had reached the level above the foundation-building stage.


When Su Yan was observing the group of beggars opposite, the group of beggars sitting next to the elevator also noticed the bright and beautiful Su Yan and his group.

A beggar woman with a messy hair, branches stuck in her head, and skin blackened and cracked by the scorching sun, was stunned when she saw the Lady of Luanming County. Then, with tears in her eyes, she changed from squatting to rushing forward and pounced on the Lady of Luanming County:

"Woo woo woo Sister Junxia, ​​I'm so miserable!"

"Stop, stop, stop"

The Lady of Luanming County saw that the person coming was not only sloppy, but also exuded a strange smell. She quickly waved her hand and called the beggar woman who was about to pounce on her. Everyone would need to see the Grand Master Jin in front of them later, so it was not suitable for them to go there dirty.

"You are. Hu Ruoying? What are you doing? Why are you squatting in front of Luoheju with your whole body dirty and not going up?"

The Lady of Luanming County looked carefully, but she had no idea who the person in front of her was. She could only open her spiritual vision to recognize that the sloppy female beggar in front of her was an acquaintance she had met several times in Xiayu City.

Hu Ruoying is a member of Yongle Academy and a member of the middle and senior group who participated in the academy's outing.

".Without spiritual stones, I can't go up." Hu Ruoying choked up and said.

"What's going on, you guys?" Luanming County Lord asked with a little puzzlement.

According to the information she knew, the students who participated in the outing were distributed in the marginal counties of the Chiwang fiefdom and took office as county magistrates.

How did Hu Ruoying become a beggar?

"Wow, our city was broken and swept by the demon tribe. I was almost caught by the demon tribe and taken to the mountains and forests..."

Hu Ruoying cried and complained, telling Luanming County Lord all the grievances she had suffered in the past six months.

Like Su Yan, Hu Ruoying and her group were airdropped to the marginal city by Master Jin to serve as county magistrates.

The closer the city is to the edge, the more chaotic it is. The Chiwang also relies on absolute force to suppress the local snakes, and implements extreme high-pressure rule to force out the troublemakers, and then kills the chicken to scare the monkey.

But Hu Ruoying and others didn't know this. They were excited to take up the post of county magistrate, full of confidence and ready to make great efforts to boost the local economy.

Then they encountered something similar to Su Yan, that is, the power of the government office was not great, and the majority of the local economic income and land were in the hands of the landlords.

Hu Ruoying and his party angered the big landlords, and were taught a vivid lesson by the local people. The landlords almost succeeded in killing people with borrowed knives, and put all the blame on the local monsters.

Yihe City was broken by the monsters.

Although Master Jin took action afterwards, Hu Ruoying and his party were also out, and Master Jin sealed their cultivation and threw them into the wilderness as punishment.

After wandering for more than half a year, they finally received a recall notice issued by Master Jin.

Hu Ruoying and her group ran to the Chiwang Mansion crying, and then came to the gate of Luoheju, but because they did not have spirit stones to pay the fee, the guard did not let them take the elevator at all. They could only squat in front of the elevator door, hoping that the students in the academy could take them to the top of the building.

But the students who came here one after another were either beggars like themselves, or poor people with beautiful clothes but no copper coins in their pockets.

"Let's go! Don't waste time."

After listening to Hu Ruoying's explanation, Su Yan had a bunch of black lines on his forehead.

The fiefdom of the Chiwang. How to say it? The creatures on the land not directly under the Chiwang are afraid of the cruel and greedy Chiwang from the bottom of their hearts, fearing that they will be found by the Chiwang army to confiscate their homes and behead them if they do something wrong.

Although the cities are different, as the rulers are the same Chiwang, the landlords in Hu Ruoying's city should also be extremely afraid of the Chiwang.

So here comes the question.

What did Hu Ruoying and her group do to force the landlords to risk their lives and kill them. No, it should not be killed, but the men were sold as rabbits and the women were sent to the demon tribe to be that.

Su Yan couldn't figure it out at all. What kind of deep hatred did Hu Ruoying and the local snakes over there have to make the story develop like this.

"What did you do?"

"Well, after taking office, we learned that the reason why the business here is not developed is because of the poor public security, so we began to vigorously rectify the public security in the city and the surrounding areas."

Going up to the elevator, Su Yan couldn't help but ask Hu Ruoying and her group about their experience. He learned a very unexpected information and then fell into silence.

Rectify the public security as soon as you take office?

Good guy. You have offended all the local black demon cultivators!

Do you really think that the border areas all obey Xia Yu's laws!

Chapter 366 Differential Treatment

"Actually, we are pretty good."

Hu Ruoying saw Su Yan and his group looking at her with strange eyes, which seemed to contain surprise, pity, and speechless emotions. She weakly explained to her group:

"We just lived as beggars for half a year, sleeping in the wilderness and being unable to enter a city. Not long ago, another group of students had a miserable experience. It seemed that they were about to overthrow the local clan, and were forked onto the altar by the earthly immortals to feed the big birds."

"There are still a few classmates who have fallen into the brothels to play music and sing."

Hu Ruoying said proudly. Although her group looked dirty on the outside, compared with those classmates who were forced to fall into the brothels, working day and night to earn money to subsidize the government finances with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, they were living a fairy-like life.

The predicaments encountered by taking office in different counties were completely different.

Some were dominated by clan forces, and the powerful dragon could not resist the power of the local snake. Some county towns were simply so poor that they could not even pay the salaries of the yamen runners. Everywhere you looked, there was a wasteland. The people's clothes were all covered with puddings, and they had to gnaw on tree bark and weeds along the way.

The group of students that Hu Ruoying mentioned were those who took office in such a deserted city. The people basically lived on the porridge distributed by the Red King's Mansion. They were already pale and thin, so how could they have the energy to build the city.

The students who just took office had no choice but to take a van to the next city in the morning. Those who sang went to sing, those who sold paintings went to sell paintings, and those who told fortunes went to tell fortunes. They worked frantically to subsidize the city under their jurisdiction, hoping to make their city through the most difficult period.

A group of Xia Yu noble young masters were thrown into the border city of Xia Yu by Master Jin and they were tossed around.

"What about you? Look at Sister Junxia, ​​you are dressed beautifully. The city you took office should be very rich, right?" Hu Ruoying looked at Su Yan and his group and asked.

".Should be considered rich?" The face of Luanming County Lady showed a subtle expression, and she said: "We don't have as much experience as you do. It's just a simple war, a Ten Witch passing by, and the city was destroyed twice."

The Flower City where Su Yan took office did not have so many shitty things. He basically ran for his life, and then took advantage of the situation to seize power, and gradually squeezed and divided the clan forces.

Hu Ruoying: "?!"



The lift stopped at the top floor of Luoheju. Su Yan took out a spirit stone from the storage ring and threw it to the maid who controlled the lift. He went up the stairs of the top restaurant to the sky courtyard above the Luoheju platform.

The courtyard was originally empty, but today, because Master Jin reserved the whole place, he specially set up a banquet according to the student groups to find the students who had returned from their studies.

As soon as Su Yan walked out of the gate, he saw the students who had arrived earlier. Master Jin was sitting on a rocking chair with his legs crossed, flipping through the homework handed in by the students, with a bright smile on his face.

"Master Dean"

Su Yan came to Master Jin and handed in his homework books.


Master Jin waved his hand, refusing the homework book Su Yan handed in front of him, and said with a smile:

"I have heard about your experiences. Now there is only one question, how much tribute have you prepared?"

Master Jin had also heard about Su Yan's behavior in Flower City from as far away as Xiayu City.

Su Yan, this little fox, saw that the Red King was sealed in the iceberg and stretched out his little feet to tease him. After confirming that the Red King would not jump out to fight him, he dragged the Flower City clan to the South Xinjiang District to buy at the bottom and establish a dumping guild to buy all the valuable land resources in the South Xinjiang District.

After the seal of the head of the Red King was released, he cursed more than once after learning about Su Yan's behavior, and frantically wrote to Master Jin to ask him to take care of his students!

What kind of damned unruly people are these!

Taking advantage of the fact that the King cannot move, they actually formed a group and ran to my house to move things. Is there still a law? Why can't the Xiayu law control these unruly people!

The Red King was so angry that his chest hurt, but because his body was still trapped in the iceberg and he couldn't get out at all, he could only frantically send messages and write letters to Master Jin, asking him to come and collect all the unruly people thrown on his territory!

It's okay if Su Yan is just robbing, and they can't take them all away when they go back to Xiayu City, but it's different if they fall into the hands of the unruly people in Flower City. Once they get the deed, they will be protected by the Xiayu law, and the Red King doesn't dare to take the risk and rob directly.

"This number"

Su Yan glanced around and stretched out two fingers, shaking them in front of the dean: "If you really want to prepare tribute to His Majesty Wusheng Emperor, you can definitely collect about 200,000 spiritual stones in a week."

If you want to get promoted in the Xiayu system, simply doing things down to earth is not enough. You need to know how to rob the merchants of their wealth and help the court. The tribute and tributes paid at the end of each year can directly affect the Ministry of Personnel's decision on the promotion of county magistrates in various places in the coming year.

Those who are capable can be promoted quickly, while those who are incompetent may not be promoted even if they die.

The reason why Master Jin asked students to record every day and write it as homework is to let them discover what kind of virtues are needed to be an official in Xiayu and how to do it!

Su Yan knew those things because of Princess Wuxi and Sister Xier's guidance, so Master Jin didn't say anything nonsense and asked him directly how much tribute he could pay to the Xiayu treasury now.

As for the tribute, to be honest, the Xia Yu court did not have a hard target for tribute, so it would be fine even if we just randomly handed over some local specialties.

"Two hundred thousand?" Grand Master Jin asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, we can only take out this much. If we withdraw all the spiritual stones from the government office, the economic system of Flower City may collapse directly," Su Yan said.

Business in Flower City relies on money, and most of it is the money of ordinary people and landlords.

They gave the money to Su Yan, and Su Yan used the name of the Red King's Army to purchase it. Those spiritual stones have now basically become real estate and remain in the southern Xinjiang region. The government office can only raise 200,000 spiritual stones as tribute.

If there were another thousand kilograms of spiritual stones, the government office might not be able to pay out the salary next month.

"You can go home on the fairy boat." A smile appeared on Master Sumire's cheek, and he took out the storage rings of Su Yan and his party from the basket on the table, and exchanged them all with them.

The students who had already taken their seats looked at Su Yan and his group who had taken back their storage rings as if they had seen a ghost.

Although they submitted their homework, Master Jin did not return all the storage rings to them. Instead, he asked everyone to have a good meal and go back to Xia Yu City quickly.


Hu Ruoying held the wilderness survival diary in both hands and handed it to Master Jin. Master Jin pinched out her orchid fingers with a slight look of disgust, held the homework book between her index finger and thumb and put it on the table aside.

"Go sit down!"

Seeing that Hu Ruoying had not left, Master Jin felt a little strange, so she asked the group to sit down.

"That storage ring?" Hu Ruoying looked at Master Jin eagerly.

"Little Fox, they gave me two hundred thousand." Grand Master Jin looked at Hu Ruoying and said with a smile, "What about you? I haven't settled the losses from the city's destruction with you yet!"

"Can you lend me a tael, dean? I want to buy some things for my daughter's house. In the past six months, I have been sleeping on the streets and in the mountains all day, and I don't have anything like that."

Hu Ruoying said with red cheeks.

"No, you need to walk home. You are not worthy of taking the fairy boat back." Grand Master Sumire waved his hand and said:

"One person asked me to borrow a tael. How much silver do I have to lend you? Who knows if you little naughty guys can raise the money to squeeze into a van and go back."

"Go and find a place to sit down."


After dinner, I prepared to sleep for half an hour, but ended up oversleeping.

Chapter 367 Auntie!

"I'm really envious!"

Looking at Su Yan who was able to take the fairy boat back to the city, the students who could only walk back to Xia Yucheng because of their unsatisfactory grades were filled with envy.

Master Jin did not tell the students where he went wrong, because walking from Prince Chi's Mansion back to the main city of Xia Yu required passing through dozens of cities, Master Jin gave the students of the Academy one last chance to make up the exam.

Along the way, they were unable to understand the framework of Xia Yu's laws and the underlying logic of Xia Yu's establishment. Then, they could graduate directly from the academy. There was no need to stay in the academy and waste their own time, as well as the imperial court's allocation to Yongle Academy. .

It's not that there are no qualified students among them, it's just that they don't meet Master Sumire's standards.

Naturally, they can't ride the fairy boat home as comfortably as Su Yan and his party.

"Go prepare some rouge and gouache!"

County Lord Luanming had dinner in the hanging garden, and when he was about to leave from the banquet hall, he took out two kilograms of spiritual stones from the storage ring and gave them to Hu Ruoying, asking them to buy some normal clothes and rouge and gouache.

Because the city was destroyed, Hu Ruoying and her party were blocked by Taishi Jin and the Red King. They were not allowed to enter any city in the Red King's fiefdom, and could only wander in the wilderness until the outing of the academy was over.

They were also living in misery. The head of Luanming County couldn't bear to see fair and tender girls with unkempt hair and rough skin walking on the streets, so he privately sponsored two kilograms of spiritual stones to buy them an outfit.

"Sister Junxia."

Hu Ruoying looked at County Lord Luanming with tears in her eyes and said, "Don't worry! I will definitely repay you as soon as I return to Xia Yucheng."

County Lord Luanming naturally moved his eyes downwards, glanced over Hu Ruoying's little butt, smiled and said:

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