Instead, what is gained is that the fetus in the belly can have cultivation skills as soon as it is born. Even if it is separated from the care of the mother animal, it will not be said that it has no ability to take care of itself.

In terms of the nine-tailed fox bloodline, Su Yan should have had the power of a monk in the Golden Core stage when he was born, but now he only has the power of the Qi Refining stage. This is something that goes against common sense and common sense.

But this is not unexplainable!

Judging from Su Yan's flawless human form, Chong Qiong probably knew where the spiritual energy flowers went when Su's mother was pregnant with the fetus in her belly.

The nine-tailed fox was born noble, but he was also a fox and did not have the ability to transform at birth.

Nowadays, the human race is flourishing in the world, and the human race is favored by heaven. The luck of the human race is endless. As long as the creature has a human form, it can be favored in this way.

Su's mother should have given Su Yan all the aura she had when she gave birth to him to shape the human form. In this way, the demon race, which was originally extremely slow in cultivation, could also receive the blessing of heaven and gain blessings in cultivation speed.

If the demon clan wants to transform into a human form, it needs cultivation at the Nascent Soul stage.

The human race has a fast cultivation speed in exchange for a short life. The demon race is born with immortality and has a strong body, so it is understandable that it is slow in cultivation.

Normally, when a mother beast transforms into a fetus, she can generally take the form of a beastman, so that her fetus can have some cultivation power when it is born. It is rare for the fetus to be completely transformed into a human form.

Because this means that the mother needs to take care of her cubs until they are able to protect themselves.

Judging from Su Yan's current situation, Su's mother plans to take care of him until he reaches adulthood.

As a result, an old man from the nine-tailed fox clan came to visit.

For the sake of Su Yan's physical and mental health and Ling Ding's, Su's mother had to foster Su Yan into a friend's home.

Chong Qiong can probably take good care of Su Yan, right?

It should be ok?

Ah Chong, you won't let me down, right?

Sorry, I'm not feeling well, so the update is slow.

I have a slight fever, but I have already said that if I open a new book within three days, I don’t dare to talk nonsense.

Because I didn’t buy a self-test.

I don’t know what my condition is now. Anyway, my lungs feel like being stabbed with a knife. I occasionally have low-grade fever, cough, and high pressure in my eyes.

Chapter 3 When people listen to music on the hook, how can I sing it?

In the primitive continent, "Taoist couple" refers to like-minded companions on the path of spiritual practice, close friends who have experienced life and death together, and have always maintained a close relationship. Only those who are qualified to be called "Taoist partners".

Taoist companions can be said to be the most trustworthy Taoist companions after blood relatives such as parents.

Chong Qiong was Su's mother's Taoist companion. Considering her seniority, it was not an exaggeration for Su Yan to call her aunt.

Su Yan thought the same way at first. After all, he would have to count on Chong Qiong in the future in the Xia Yu Dynasty.

It’s just that plans don’t change as quickly as they do.

"I've heard it. I've heard it too. True dragon-like monsters are actually like snake monsters. They are all two-headed. Can you give me some knowledge?"

After Chong Qiong checked Su Yan's body and made sure that Su Yan was not injured or had any incurable injuries during his escape, he approached Su Yan's ear with a sullen look on his face and asked. Su Yan has some rumors in the world of cultivation:

"I have asked your mother before, but she always told me with a mysterious face that it was a confidential matter and never mentioned the relevant matters."

The four seas are the territory of the four major dragon clans, but the number of true dragons can be counted on the palm of a hand. Even if the true dragons take birth control pills every day and work hard, the number of true dragons is still so small that even if you want to look for them, you can't see them.

Therefore, although there are no dragons in the world, there are legends of the real dragon family everywhere.

Among them, Chong Qiongrang was most curious about how Black Dragon managed to seduce Su Qing in the first place. She didn't believe it if there weren't some strange powers in it.

Nine-tailed foxes of the Su family are the most charming, with charming talents and supernatural powers that can charm a city with a smile, or a smile that can seize people's hearts and make people disappear, and they will no longer exist here.

Charming is the power of killing for the Su family. It is difficult for lustful people to get close to each other. One by one, they will die. However, Su Qing ends up with the black dragon. This makes Chong Qiong puzzled. What is the big lecherous insect like? Who can get close to Su Qing and reproduce with her?


Hearing Chong Qiong's question, Su Yan opened his mouth wide, and after a while he replied in a daze: "I may have inherited more power of the nine-tailed fox bloodline. At least for me, my body should be indistinguishable from that of a normal nine-tailed fox." different."

Chong Qiong's question shocked Su Yan, and the image of the senior demon clan member in his mind gradually cracked.

"That's a pity. I thought you could answer my confusion for many years. I have never understood why your mother chose a big worm. In fact, I have always been optimistic about the innocent little brother of the Tengu family."

Chong Qiong shook his head with disappointment, sighed at the green years of the past, and said:

"Since there's nothing else, I'll take you out to get acquainted with Xia Yu's main city before going home!"

"My father may not be that promiscuous. I should say that the way my father and mother get along is quite strange."

In Su Yan's memory, he didn't actually have a deep impression of his father, because he had always been in a hurry, coming back tonight and running away tomorrow, or hurriedly setting up formations to hide after he came back.

But one thing Su Yan was sure of was that he and his old father were standing side by side. They were as young as brothers. From this, it could be seen that the old mother was just like a young man.

If Su Yan hadn't known that his father was the Great Demon of the North Sea, Su Yan felt that if he had to go to the Yamen and hold a court session without outsiders knowing the situation, the old mother would have been imprisoned for three to five years.

"Wait for me first, I'll leave you a letter."

When Su Yan saw Chong Qiong waving to him, he probably knew that she was going to take him out through the window and not through the front door. Su Yan quickly walked to the table, picked up a brush and left a letter on the page on the table:

[I went to be rich and wealthy, don’t think about it. 】

Su Yan's handwriting was short and powerful. When writing the signature, Su Yan deliberately changed back to the form of a white-furred fox and made a hard palm print on it, as if to sweep away all the resentment he encountered on the road.

Yu Yanning is the most perverted yellow-haired girl Su Yan has encountered in Xia Yu since he broke out of the eggshell!

Although there has always been a saying in Xia Yu that no village would be complete without a fox fairy, but the other boys and girls in the convoy could only rub the fox's belly, which was already the most excessive thing.

But Yu Yanning didn't like it. She just liked holding the precious bell of the Fox family with one hand.

She even proudly told her fellow travelers that this was the most effective way to seek marriage in her hometown!

Such a flawless and cute little white fox must be the incarnation of the legendary nine-tailed fox!

If you touch her more, your husband will naturally come to you.

"Go ahead and touch your own thigh!"

Su Yan snorted and wiped his front paws on the tablecloth with an unhappy face. He used his dragon talent to condense a ball of water and wash the ink on his hands.


After leaving a letter to Yu Yanning, Su Yan jumped to Chong Qiong's side and took on a human form.

Chong Qiong took a look at Su Yan's original appearance, nodded thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking. The next second, he raised his hand and put it on Su Yan's shoulder, grabbed the shoulder strap of Su Yan and jumped out of the window and started to rise above the sky. stroll.

"Although I don't think it is necessary, I still want to tell you that Xia Yu's main city is a restricted air zone. If you wield a sword or fly in the sky in the main city, you will be fined so heavily that you will lose your fortune."

Chong Qiong condensed the aura bricks in front of her and led Su Yan to run over the crowded crowd: "It is legal to visit brothels or sex bars here, but it is illegal to seduce someone's husband or wife. If you are caught, the lightest punishment will be given." The parade started at noon and lasted until evening.”

"Well, the problem of widows is not big, but you must not force it, because Emperor Xia Yu knew your audacity and the temptation of widows, and specially made a perfect law to castrate those bold and crazy people. After castration, you still need to go to Hard labor in the palace."

The founding of Xia Yu's kingdom was supported by the empress. Even ordinary women in Xia Yu's territory had a certain social status, and they did not necessarily need to be monks to obtain the social status that should originally belong to them.

From powerful ministers to merchants, there are women, and it is not uncommon to hear rumors of ladies visiting brothels.

Chong Qiong felt that these things might need to be explained to the little fox. Xia Yu's shrew could catch her husband in a brothel and shoot her head with a bench.

With the appearance of the little fox, he should attract many ladies to be jealous of him when he comes home.


Chong Qiong took Su Yan for a walk in the sky. Although he seemed to move slowly, every step he took could cover a distance of more than ten meters and visit the bustling city of Xia Yu.

But when he fell from the air, Su Yan saw Chong Qiong falling into a Goulan tile house. Su Yan was stunned for a while: "Auntie, it's not appropriate for you to bring me to Goulan in broad daylight, isn't it?"

Su Yan has also been to Goulan before. In her free time, Su Yan's mother would carry Su Yan in the form of a fox to eat cakes there.

Goulan is actually equivalent to a theater, except that the practitioners there are mainly women. They usually perform opera and dance on the stage in slightly revealing clothes.

To put it in modern terms, it’s a pixelated foot massage city.

"Why go to the hook? It will be your home from now on!"


"Don't you know, sister, that I own a hook bar?"

Su Yan: "???"

My old mother never mentioned this problem to me. She only said that there was a reliable old friend in Xia Yu who asked me to come and join him.

Auntie, are you too "reliable"? Let's not talk about being a moth when enjoying happiness. There is no need for you to arrange for Sajia to play and sing in the hook fence, right?

"What's that expression on your face? In the human world, monsters also need to spend money, but the trivial income they make from working is not as good as the money I make from robbing monks. But Xia Yu was caught robbing and had to pay three times the fine, so I can only Open a Goulan restaurant to earn living expenses.”

Seeing Su Yan's expression of seeing a ghost, Chong Qiong comforted him and said, "Don't worry, we are a regular official company that cooperates with the imperial court. On weekdays, you can just sit with me and count money or clean up."

"Of course, if you like, you can also provide some psychological guidance to the girls. Most of them will be depressed when they are sent here."

Chapter 4 The business is about to collapse

Facts have proved that Aunt Jiao Chong really did not play tricks on the young fox.

She really opened a hookup in Xia Yu territory, and the girls in the stall were all in bloom, from the common fair-skinned, beautiful, dark and straight girls to the exotic girls with golden hair and big waves, all of them were in my aunt's stall.

According to Aunt Chongqiong, the girls in her column are all descendants of criminals. After being interrogated by the Ministry of Punishments, they were sent to the Jiaofang Department under the Ministry of Rites to perform hard labor.

However, the talented women who can be admitted to the Jiaofang Division are all required to attend major banquets and performances in the palace. Not all Jiaofang Divisions are required by the Ministry of Justice. They need to go through layers of selection to find those who are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Then the ten most beautiful people of the same session will be selected.

As for those who were eliminated, they were all thrown into the brothels that had a cooperative relationship with the court, so that the descendants of the criminals could make money through performances to repay the mistakes made by their families.

In short, the girls in the brothel of Jiao Chong Xiaoyi were all born in wealthy families. They were either the elders of their families who committed the crime of corruption, or they committed serious crimes but did not bring disaster to the whole family and were executed, which led to the female relatives of their families being sent to the Jiaofangsi.

The girls in the brothel of Xiaoyi needed to use their talents to earn rewards to repay the silver embezzled by their family blood relatives and the losses caused.

The descendants of criminals who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun were not even qualified to enter the brothel, and would be directly sent to the brothel.

What else can you do except go to the brothel if you can't play any instruments or sing, and you don't have a beautiful and stunning appearance?

Unless you can make up for the loss of our Xia Yu, there is no need to talk about it. If you keep talking, you will be dragged to the brothel.


"No wonder the people in Xiayu are rich. They are all greedy for money. I heard the calculations of your royal family when they robbed. "

After living in the brothel for a few days, Su Yan gradually had a more comprehensive understanding of Xiayu. It was not limited to the prosperous and strong times in the mouths of the candidates. Xiayu's laws were simply a model of greed for money. Except for some treason and some principled serious crimes, they could basically be settled by paying money.

"Xiaoyan, go to the second floor and comfort Xiaohong. Now she is hanging herself and cutting her wrists!"

As the owner of the brothel, Chongqiong sat on the side of the guardrail of the cylindrical building. As if sensing something, he poked his head out and shouted to Su Yan downstairs.


Su Yan, who was eating melon seeds on the first floor, glanced at the empty lobby of the building, sighed, turned around and went up to the second floor from the wooden ladder behind the stage, looked around and found Xiaohong's dormitory and pushed the door and walked in.

Su Yan pushed open the door of the dormitory and saw a girl wearing a red shirt with a gold-studded sash around her waist, standing on the wooden chair of the tea table. A simple white silk made of a bed sheet had been passed through the beam. The talented girl named Xiaohong held the white silk with both hands and looked determined.


Su Yan saw this and said nothing more. He jumped into Xiaohong's dormitory. His body had already completed the transformation from human form to white fox form in mid-air. He landed on the tea table with a pitiful expression on his face, blinking his black and round eyes and making cute sounds.

It is not uncommon for girls in the brothel to be depressed. They used to be daughters of wealthy families. When their families suffered a great change, they fell into the streets and showed their faces to earn rewards. This is absolutely unacceptable to some talented girls with strong temperaments.

But they still owed Xia Yu money, and their lives were not decided before they paid off their debts.

In addition to maintaining the brothel business, the most tedious thing for my aunt is to guide the girls.

"Little fox, you don't need to persuade me. My family has basically been exiled to the frontier. The reward money earned in more than half a year can't even redeem my father. By the time I earn the reward money to redeem their freedom, they will probably have all died of exhaustion."

"There is no point in living alone." Xiaohong looked at the little fox with a sad face, but her hands unconsciously loosened from the white silk, squatting on the wooden chair with her hands on her knees, her eyes could not move away from Su Yan's original form.

The talented girl named Xiaohong, her grandfather was a local official in Xiayu, but because of the crime of embezzlement, the court's material transportation team was delayed. The Ministry of Justice sentenced Xiaohong's family as follows: men were exiled to the frontier to mine, women stayed in Xiayu to serve hard labor, and women were exiled to the Jiaofangsi.

Xiaohong was not selected on the list of the Jiaofangsi and was eventually assigned to my aunt's brothel.


Su Yan continued to moan twice.

Su Yan was not good at soothing people, but it was not too difficult for the nine-tailed fox to temporarily bewitch people.

After the white fox moaned twice, Xiao Hong, who originally wanted to commit suicide, could no longer suppress her inner restlessness.

From squatting to sitting upright, she pushed the cute white fox on the table and buried her head in the soft and warm fleshy belly of the fox, occasionally showing a suspicious blush on her cheeks:

"Little foxes are so cunning!" Xiao Hong's eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and she gradually became dissatisfied with the friction on her cheeks and began to suck the nine-tailed fox directly.

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