"So what about the mountain god? He talks so hastily!"

The aunt glanced at the Chidi Mountain God, and when the Chidi Mountain God retorted, the aunt suddenly became unhappy. She raised her hand to pick up the landscape stone, put it on the upright feet of the Chidi Mountain God, and said with a look of disgust:

"You deserve to have your spiritual veins dried up and no grass growing!"

After the aunt snorted, she walked into the courtyard where Hu Lian rented. She could see a group of warblers and swallows sitting in the courtyard. With such a view, she saw the expression on her cheeks was slightly frozen, and she muttered:

"My little nephew, one, two, three, four, five, you have to be able to endure it. There are so many witches from the southern states."

The aunt saw Hu Lian and Nanwu and learned that they both had some entangled relationships with Su Yan, so she took the initiative to make room for Su Yan to realize his dream. She did not let Su Yan die here.

When her aunt saw Su Yan sleeping in a ball on Nan Wu's lap, she felt heartbroken.

"Little fox, wake up, wake up quickly. Are you okay? Do you need me to take you to a doctor?"

The aunt took Su Yan into her arms, woke up Su Yan who had fallen asleep after playing in the water, and said worriedly:

"Children are willful and want to lose face. They know they can't bear it but they still do whatever they want."


Su Yan looked up in confusion and saw his aunt. He was about to say hello to her, but when he heard the words coming from her mouth, he immediately interrupted:

"Auntie! I'm not that outrageous. I was just tired from playing in the bath and took a nap!"

"Is there really nothing wrong?"

The aunt was suspicious and looked at the area covered by Su Yan's tail with an inquiring look on her face to see if there were any signs of burning, but Su Yan's cover was too tight and the aunt could not see the details inside with her naked eyes.


Su Yan jumped up, raised his fox paw, pushed away the suspicious aunt's face and said, "I'm fine."

"Let me know if you feel uncomfortable." Seeing Su Yan's resolute attitude, my aunt didn't know what to say, so she said, "It's not too early now. When I was wandering in the market just now, I met the father of the Shark Clan. He Invite us to have dinner in the offshore city.”


Samenan Wu, who was sitting aside, subconsciously exclaimed after hearing what his aunt said:

"Oops. After being interrupted, I forgot to inform my aunt through the sound jade about going to dinner!"

When it comes to invitations to banquets, if you can see the rightful owner, you must invite him in person. If you can't see him, or the two places are too far apart, you can use letters or other means to notify him. The invitation must be polite.

Because the Sharks are in the shipping business, they pay special attention to etiquette and etiquette.

But the dizzy Nanwu forgot about this, and now he suddenly remembered it, and the whole shark was dumbfounded.

Immediately he recalled the fear that his mother had when he was young and controlled the bamboo, and the shark's buttocks ached.

Qiuqiu tickets, Qiuqiu subscription

Chapter 392 Blind Date

"Hey~ little fox, do you want to play in the sea? The coral reef bed at eldest sister's house is quite big."

When the time came to evening, Su Yan followed his aunt and Nanwu to the offshore city for an appointment, and the offshore market was about to close. A merchant who looked like a human appeared in the form of a sea beast. The dock coast goes into the endless sea.

A Zhiyu with a human body and a white, smooth, scaleless fish tail stretched out his upper body from the sea and lay on the edge of the roadbed of the pier. There was no other clothing on his chest, but two starfish were attached to cover his shame.

The Zhiyu tribe emerged from the sea and looked at the white fox walking on the sea. His face was full of ambiguity. He raised his right index finger and thumb and made a circle, making some very seductive movements to invite Su Yan.


When Su Yan saw Sister Zhiyu, he paused for a moment and said with a subtle expression on his face: "This kid really can't bear this. Thank you, girl, for the compliment."

"Is that so? It's such a pity. This is the first time I've seen such a well-proportioned fox. I'm tired of seeing those desert foxes with big ears and big faces."

Zhiyu turned around with regret on his face, looked at the dim sea reflecting the moonlight and shouted: "Sisters, the little fox said that he couldn't eat enough food at his age, so he dispersed."


Su Yan looked at Zhiyu, as well as the dolphin girl and the two killer whale girls emerging from the sea with a face full of shock. He felt as if he had seen such a scene before.

"The lazy fish must have been paid to solicit customers." The aunt picked up the stunned Su Yan and complained.

"Auntie, hurry up, it's time to eat!"

Samenan Kiri, who was walking in front, stood on the steps of the arch bridge, turned around, and shouted to his aunt and nephew who were standing on the bridge pier and were complaining about the Chifu clan.


The Sharman Clan dinner was held in the inn, located in the southern suburbs of Offshore City.

A young man with a shark girl and friends from the shark tribe arrived one after another. Su Yan jumped out of his aunt's arms and took on a human form, and together they sat down in front of a long table that could accommodate dozens of people.

The long table is placed in the center of the banquet hall, mainly for the earth immortals and their families to sit together. The traditional round table can accommodate twenty people, which is almost the limit. If you want to get a bite of food, you have to wait for half a day.

Although the long table is weird, there are many people sitting there, and there are attendants to help the guests bring dishes to them. The other areas of the banquet hall are normal, with large round tables.


Su Yan just sat on the chair, Hu Li, who had been staying in the mermaid tribe, raised his hand with a smile on his face, looked at Su Yan and said hello: "I have already established connections in the mermaid tribe. How about we go to the city to have fun after dinner? Let me, the eldest son, also be filial to my parents."

The mermaid tribe is well-informed. They know where there are fun places in the coastal city and the surrounding areas, but they won't tell unless there is a special situation.

I am worried that the major branches of the Zhiyu tribe will secretly abduct the young talents that the mermaids have found from all over the place.


Hu Li shouted, attracting the attention of other guests, and immediately couldn't help laughing. It is not uncommon for the eldest son to invite his old father to play in the brothel in reality, but if it is said openly, other guests have really never seen it.

After they saw Hu Li, they looked across and saw an old man who was younger than Hu Li. The guests sitting at the long table looked even more strange.

"I appreciate your kindness."

Su Yan covered his cheeks and waved his hands repeatedly to reject the invitation from the fool Hu Li: "I really can't handle it."

"Dong Dong Dong"

However, the guests at the long table had not yet made any further reaction to the situation of the strange father and son. A slight tremor came from the ground from far to near, and a sound similar to drumming was faintly emitted from the ground.

A giant with a height of no less than four meters and a body as huge as a mountain, covered his body with black clothes, and slowly came to the banquet hall with the help of the clan father of the mermaids.

The mermaids put out a special giant recliner from the storage room and put it on the main seat of the long table. The mother and father of the mermaids worked together to help the old glutton, the lord of the coastal city, to sit down.

"Hahaha, don't pay attention to me, I just came here to join in the fun and have a free meal."

The old glutton moved his body slightly, found a comfortable sitting position, stretched out his arm covered with white scales and waved his hand, indicating that everyone didn't need to pay attention to his existence, he just came here to the mermaids to have a delicious meal.

As he said, the old glutton also cast his eyes on the aunt and Su Yan who were sitting in the fourth and fifth seats on the left, raised his hand and politely greeted the aunt and nephew.

"The guests are all here, let the guys in the kitchen prepare the dishes!"

After the exaggerated entrance of the old glutton shocked the monks who had never seen the old glutton, the mother of the mermaids turned around and gave an order to the mermaids beside her, clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention and said:

"Try to eat with an open mind, there will be plenty of wine and delicious food at the banquet, just enjoy it to your heart's content!"

There is no need to say too much, the mermaid girls know in their hearts that the real purpose of the banquet is to let everyone sit together and communicate and get familiar with each other, so that they will not be too shy to let go of their posture when the Winter Festival comes, and the mermaid girls will waste time to enlighten them.

Moreover, now that all the young talents are here, the girls can have the opportunity to choose again.

If you are not satisfied with your partner, you can choose the one you like now, and when the Winter Festival starts, after you have dealt with what you brought, you can go directly to the male beast you like.

Before the banquet began, the clan mother had already explained these things to the children, so there was no need to say more in front of outsiders, so as not to offend others.

"Everyone, please express yourself freely! Thank you for the kindness of the Dragon Mother for your gift to us."

After the clan mother finished her opening speech, she and the mermaid clan father moved behind the old glutton, took out three incense sticks about the thickness of a thumb, and lit them in front of a white jade painted female statue before returning to their seats.

Even the greedy old glutton did not touch the dishes on the table before inserting the incense sticks into the incense burner.

"White jade statue. Is it the West Sea Dragon Mother?"

Su Yan leaned back slightly, lifted the front feet of the chair off the ground and looked at the statue on the altar, and asked with a little curiosity to Jiao Nanwu.

Since Su Yan came to the West Sea area, he has heard the term West Sea Dragon Mother no less than a hundred times. He knows that the West Sea Dragon Mother exists, but this time is the first time he has seen a statue of the West Sea Dragon Mother.

From some conversations with others, Su Yan could roughly know what kind of dragon the Dragon Mother of the West Sea was.

The Dragon King of the West Sea did not care about the creatures on land. He was mainly thinking about reproduction and giving birth to dragons with mutated and atavistic blood.

But the Dragon Mother of the West Sea was a gentle dragon. She would control the ocean climate to protect the creatures on land, so that the people living on the mountain could live a good life and pick wild game from the hills and mountains to get rich.

It could also prevent the fishermen who went out to sea to catch fish from being attacked by bad weather and big waves, and bless them to go home safely.

Under the influence of the magic power of the Dragon Mother of the West Sea, the people lived a life of plenty and clothing, and did not need to worry about the bad weather and making them lose their harvest all year round.

It can be said that the Dragon Mother of the West Sea fed most of the people in this area and turned the desert into hills.

But with the death of the Dragon Mother of the West Sea, everything went back to its original state. The creatures living here still miss the time when the Dragon Mother was alive, so they still believe in the former Dragon Mother, hoping to gain the forgiveness of the Dragon Clan of the West Sea with their devout faith, so that the dry and withered land here can once again welcome the living gods of the Dragon Clan.

But it is a pity that since the death of the Dragon Mother, the Dragon Clan of the West Sea has no longer paid attention to the dry land.

"Well, the Empress enshrined on the altar is the belief of the creatures in our Xihai District. Whether they are creatures who have received the favor of the Dragon Mother, or creatures with the blood of the dragon clan, they all have full respect for the Dragon Mother."

After Nanwu swallowed the food in his mouth, drank a large amount of water and rinsed his mouth, he answered Su Yan's question about who the sculpture on his face was, and casually told Su Yan Anli about the deeds of the gentle and benevolent Dragon Mother. .

The other sea beast monks who were eating at the same table didn't say anything after hearing what Nanwu said.

What she said is a fact recognized by Xihai.

"Dragon Mother."

The glutton's eating arms paused slightly, and his shoulders in black robes moved slightly, as if something round was moving inside, and he turned towards the statue behind him.

Chapter 393 A banquet with earthly immortals as food

"Can crabs still walk straight?"

After the father and mother of the Sharman tribe paid homage to the Dragon Mother, the banquet officially began. Dishes with all colors, aromas and flavors were brought to the dining table by the maids. One of them, a crab dish filled with the aroma of wine, was placed in front of Su Yan.

In Su Yan's surprised gaze, the crab on the dinner plate shook off the yellow ice cubes on its body, and then crawled out from the dinner plate in a straight line, holding up a pair of mottled crab claws, foaming and threatening itself.

"Drunk crabs like to walk upright." Samenan Wu glanced at the drunk crab on the table, teased it with the tip of his chopsticks and threw it back into the wine plate. He looked at Su Yan and said with a smile:

"The texture of live drunken crab meat is glutinous. When you taste it, it has a slight aroma of rice wine and the freshness and sweetness of crabs, but they are not completely drunk yet. Come on, this is my favorite fried shallow sea shark belly with pepper. "

Nanwu tried his best to reach out his hand and put a chopstick of his favorite dish into Su Yan's bowl.

"You look very tired this afternoon. Eat more to replenish your strength."

Nanwu was not like other Mermaid girls. After entertaining her companions, she left the banquet hall and took the wine glass and flask to look for her favorite partner.

Su Yan was already very handsome both in appearance and in terms of his bloodline cultivation. Naturally, Nanwu would not do those meaningless things.

But some Mermaid girls who didn't know Su Yan's inner story but were attracted by his handsome appearance silently walked over to Su Yan. Moreover, the Mermaid girls who came were all older sisters.

"My little girl, Sameji, I hope you can show your respect to me by sharing a glass of friendship wine with me."

The shark came to Su Yan, poured out two glasses of spiritual wine from the flask in his hand, handed one to Su Yan with a smile on his face, and drank the other glass of wine in his hand.

Although the girl said it was a friend's drink, the wine actually contained a trace of her aura. If Su Yan drank the wine handed over by the girl, then Su Yan's body would be filled with a trace of the same aura besides Nanwu.

After the other mermaid girls smelled the scent, they knew how many people had booked the handsome boy in front of them. When the number reached a limit, the other mermaid girls would no longer come forward to strike up a conversation.

But Su Yan didn't know these things. He really thought that the shark girl in front of him was here to show her familiarity, so he drank the wine in one gulp without thinking.

"Come on, let me toast you too."

After Shark Ji turned around and left, Aunt Sharren came out from nowhere and invited Su Yan to have a drink of friendship wine with her with a smile on her face.

As a mermaid who knew Su Yan's dragon clan bloodline, her aunt, who was looking forward to giving birth to a son who would become a dragon, naturally couldn't avoid the custom, so she came to mark Su Yan's family with the idea of ​​​​reproduction after a long time.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, the number of shark girls who came to taste Su Yan gradually decreased.

Every winter festival is related to the future development of the members of the Mermaid clan. Although Su Yan is handsome, his handsomeness cannot be used as food. In addition, he does not show any characteristics of his own clan. The Mermaid girl naturally pays attention to it. Those males that look like they can fight.

"Go, go, drink until you want to vomit."

He showed off the strength of his tiger ears and tail, and received the attention of the Mermaid girl. Considering his strong body, he has more than 30 shark auras, and he must be able to live a fulfilling winter at the Winter Festival. .

Hulihu had a round of eating and drinking. After eating, he glanced at his unhappy mother sitting next to him, and then at the terrifying city lord who was sitting on the main seat, holding a three-meter-long shark biting with his bare hands.

Surrounded by seniors with tyrannical cultivation, Huli was afraid of violating the taboos of his seniors and did not dare to move around casually.

But he was full now and had no interest in continuing to sit in the banquet hall and drink. He wanted to go to the auction venue or the hook bar to have some fun, but he did not dare to cross the border to the opposite side of the long table and drag his father along with him. Run outside the inn to enjoy the blessing.

But there are no absolutes in the world. Hu Li seemed to have thought of something. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he got directly under the long table, crouching like a cat, and quietly ran to the edge of Su Yan's seat.

Hu Li poked his head out from under the table and inserted it straight between the seats where Su Yan and Nan Wu were sitting next to each other, so much so that the prawns that Xiao Nan Wu had just peeled and was about to put into Su Yan's mouth were inserted directly. On Huli's head.

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