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Chapter 457 Routine Bureau

"This friend of mine has a great status, and you won't lose money when selling your immortal boat!"

Princess Wuxi pulled Su Yan over, patted his chest and reassured the Qi Sect elder with confidence.

Who has ever seen the Nine-Tailed Yaizi? Don’t your Qi Sect give some indication? This is the first time a crystallized body has been born from the marriage between the nine-tailed fox and the dragon clan!

Not to mention shocking the world, at least he is extremely ferocious!


Taohong looked at Princess Wuxi with a black line on her face, and couldn't help complaining in her heart: "You promised not to cheat, why don't you talk in roundabout ways? Why did you fool me?"

Su Yan's identity cannot be announced for the time being. Before the Nine-tailed Fox and the Dragon Clan come to an agreement, it is not appropriate for Princess Wuxi to speak out about Su Yan and the relationship behind him, so as not to cause other ethnic groups with dissident intentions to use secret tricks. to stop the peace talks.

Therefore, Princess Wuxi could only use her own name to provide Su Yan with a guarantee that the Qi Sect would not make a loss in selling the custom-made fairy boats, and that it would not bring down the standard.


Taohong looked thoughtful, thought for a moment, and said slowly: "Since the princess said so, I am embarrassed to continue to decline."

"But! I need this little fellow Taoist to prove. If it is really as powerful as the princess said, then the little fellow daoist should be able to show extraordinary characteristics, right?"

Elder Taohong of Qi Zong also had to betray Princess Wuxi to save her face.

As a neutral force, Qi Zong, although it is a neutral force in name, as long as we live in the world of cultivation, there is no absolute meaning of neutrality. The Xia Yu Dynasty and the third prince often took care of Qi Zong's business and directly opened the door for Qi Zong's disciples in the central state.

With this level of affection, Taohong cannot say anything too serious, but the custom-made immortal boat is a gift for the Qi Sect to make friends with Taoists. Its preciousness is not comparable to that of spiritual weapons, and even In a sense, it is comparable to a damaged fairy weapon.

And a damaged fairy weapon, but the immortal energy was still intact, fell into the hands of the elders of the Qi Sect. They were able to forge a semi-finished fairy weapon based on this.

It is especially clear what a customized fairy boat means to the Qi Sect.

Therefore, Elder Taohong directly threw the question to Princess Wuxi and Su Yan. Su Yan could prove to himself that he could indeed be worth hundreds of millions of spiritual stones spent by Qi Zong and a large amount of non-renewable resources without verification of capital and identity. Use the refining materials to build a fairy boat for him.

Elder Taohong was very cunning. When she asked Su Yan to prove herself, no matter what Princess Wuxi and Su Yan said, in fact, Taohong had already grasped the judging criteria and the initiative.

How to prove yourself?

The criteria for judging qualifications are not clear, and whether they are qualified or not is a matter of Tao Hong's thoughts.

In this way, Taohong was able to shirk Princess Wuxi's commission without hurting the feelings of both parties, and put all the responsibility on Su Yan's head.

The opportunity was given to you, but you couldn't grasp it!

"Hey~ everyone comes to drink tea."

Just when Taohong made the conditions for Su Yan to prove his talent to Qi Zong, Shopkeeper Huang, who was making tea and said nothing, opened his mouth with a smile on his face and brought the hot tea to everyone, saying:

"I heard what you said about the characteristics. For the demon clan, there should be nothing that can prove one's strength better than the talent of fighting, right?"

"If you want to fight, we have a fighting platform on the roof of Jianbao Pavilion. You also know that those of us who do business often encounter multiple customers competing for goods. Usually when there is a dispute, I suggested that they go to the rooftop and have a fight to see who is right."

Shopkeeper Huang served the tea with a smile on his face, and then opened his mouth and stepped sideways to gain momentum for the princess.

Taohong frowned and glanced at Shopkeeper Huang.

As soon as Shopkeeper Huang opened his mouth, he materialized the originally abstract judgment criteria, directly shattering the trap hidden in Taohong's previous words.

"Princess, we don't have any precious tea in Jianbao Pavilion, so please forgive me for the coarse tea here." Shopkeeper Huang served tea to Princess Wuxi with a smile on her face.


Princess Wuxi nodded gently and looked at Taohong.

"Want a fight?"

Su Yan showed a little reluctance, feeling that fighting with martial arts was too troublesome. When Elder Taohong said that he needed to prove his talent, Su Yan was ready to take out a table from the storage ring and place it on the Qi Sect. In front of the elder, he bet hundreds of millions with her.

Su Yan was not very confident in other aspects, but he was very confident in his gambling luck.

If Princess Wuxi puts the seal of the princess on herself before the bet, she will receive a small amount of blessings for the national fortune of the Xia Yu Dynasty. Su Yan was confident that he could make the treacherous and cunning Elder Taohong walk back to Qi Zong in tears, or that Qi Zong could redeem people with a custom-made fairy boat.

As a result, Shopkeeper Huang stepped in and decided on the questions for self-certification in advance.

"Okay! Let me see for myself what qualities the little Taoist friend you admire so highly, Princess, has!"

Taohong glanced at Shopkeeper Huang and then at Princess Wuxi, who was silent for a moment. It was hard not to wonder whether the two were trying to trick her into talking away.

Elder Taohong felt that she was being tricked, but she had nothing to say at this point. Taohong's fantasy of being ready to go on stage in person was shattered.

They were the first to set up the game, so it’s no wonder that they didn’t follow martial ethics and bullied the small ones.

"Business is coming!"

Shopkeeper Huang saw Taohong agreeing and walked away from the tea table towards the door with a smile. When he came to the corner of the stairs, he told the waiter: "Open the platform and go to the door to sell tickets. Let's talk about the fox tasting event." The champion underage fox is ready to challenge the plump and beautiful elder of Qi Zong in hand-to-hand combat."

"You know what I mean? You kid"

"Understood! It's so vulgar that it attracts more people to buy tickets, right?" The waiter waiting by the stairs was originally trained by the shopkeeper. After a little thought, he understood the meaning of the shopkeeper's words and said with a look of realization on his face.

"Something's going to happen, go ahead!"

Shopkeeper Huang smiled and asked him to sell tickets, and secretly opened a handicap for everyone to place bets.

Although he didn't know Su Yan's origins, judging from Princess Wuxi's high regard for him, Daoist Chong, this little nephew, should have some things. As for whether there are many things, the shopkeeper naturally doesn't know.

Otherwise, he would not open a draw market, but directly open a betting market and harvest a round of betting on dogs.


As the people in the box walked out from the box to the terrace and jumped to the roof of the Treasure Appraisal Pavilion, an invisible barrier spread out on the ground to nearly two thousand square meters.

After the invisible platform unfolded, it quickly turned into black with a completely different light, blocking out prying eyes from below.

"Come on, little fellow Taoist."

Elder Taohong flew hundreds of meters away, turned around and looked at Su Yan and said lightly: "I will lower my cultivation level to test you. I hope that you can show qualities that will impress our Qi Sect."

"Senior, wait a moment."

Su Yan looked at the princess who had an encouraging look on her face and motioned for him to go up and fuck Taohong. He looked again at the elder Taohong, who had a slightly annoyed look on his face, and sighed helplessly: "Give me half a cup of tea." ”

Su Yan said, put his hands on the belt around his waist and began to untie it.

On the side, Princess Wuxi looked surprised. She didn't expect Su Yan to be so serious.

Although the secret method of immortality will not suppress the user's control over the spell when it takes form, the secret method of immortality has the flaw of suppressing the physical power of the monster race.

The power of the monster's physical body is a very comprehensive influence. It does not only refer to the power that can be used, but also contains various recovery powers, mana capacity, and most importantly, momentum.

Therefore, when she saw Su Yan taking off his shoes and preparing to untie his belt, Princess Wuxi knew that Su Yan was really preparing to attack with all his strength.

This is a very rare thing. Princess Wuxi has never seen this cute little fox attack with all his strength.

Including the martial arts performance in front of the emperor, Su Yan had never been exposed to the suppression of the demon body by the secret method of immortality, so he just fought from the first day of the new year to the fourth day of the new year.

"We love watching this!"

The two female disciples of Elder Taohong saw that Su Yan was about to take off his clothes. Their eyes suddenly lit up, and they looked at each other with squinting expressions. They continued to look at Su Yan, who was unfastening his belt and walking towards the ring.

Ahhhhh. The title was wrong again yesterday.

Sorry, I was wrong.

Extra update in the early morning to apologize

Chapter 458 Su Yan’s adult body

"What are you doing?"

Elder Taohong, who was already standing on the opposite side, took off her shoes and socks as soon as she saw Su Yan reach the edge of the ring, and began to untie her clothes and belt. She also threw her hair crown aside, making her face full of tears. question mark.

But Elder Taohong then thought about it and realized that this was not the western state where he often lived, but the Xia Yu Dynasty that advocated the fox fairy culture. The little fox demon in front of him was probably going to use charm in the next battle.

Although based on her cultivation level, ordinary pure Fox charm methods were ineffective against her, but Elder Taohong had no intention of discouraging her at all. Instead, she looked at Su Yan who was folding her belt with great interest.


Su Yan put away his belongings, loosened the string belt of his underwear slightly, turned around and looked at Elder Taohong who was looking at him with interest and said.

My aunt is relatively poor because of her hobbies, but she really doesn't know how to be frugal when spending money on Su Yan. A piece of fabric worth eight thousand kilograms of spiritual stone, she bought it directly and used it to make new clothes for Su Yan.

A piece of cloth is more than thirty meters long. Although Su Yan's figure is more than 1.6 meters, it takes nine to thirteen meters of cloth to make a set of clothes. A set of seemingly ordinary clothes requires more than two thousand meters. Jin of spiritual stones.

It is not so much a piece of clothing as a robe that can resist spell damage to a certain extent.


After Su Yan untied all the laces of his clothes, his figure, which was originally about 1.6 meters tall, began to grow taller, but no hair sprouted on his body. It was not a sign of entering the form of a monster orc, but simply growing taller.

Su Yan's slightly rounded cheeks have become thinner, and his face looks more three-dimensional. He has a pair of dull and charming eyes. When they first met, Su Yan's eyebrows showed a sharp feeling because of the shape of his face.

Su Yan raised his left hand and opened the space passage for the storage ring in his left hand. A stone handle that was neither copper nor iron was partially exposed, but Su Yan knew that he could not pull out the sacrificial knife even if he stretched his arms. Therefore, clap your hands together directly to shake out the sacrificial knife.

After Su Yan shook out the sacrificial knife, because of the blood contract signed with Su Yan, it was driven by Su Yan's power to control things and circled around Su Yan, landing on Su Yan's left hand so that the owner could hold it with one hand. Own.

Su Yan's arm held the sacrificial knife, and the sleeves that had lost their belts exposed Su Yan's arms. Because of the special nature of the robe, no one saw the blood vessels and flesh that spread out when Su Yan's arm held the sacrificial knife. The tissue connected with Su Yan's arm, forming a dark red connective tissue that exuded black-red spiritual power.

Everyone only saw that Su Yan's figure had grown taller, and he had transformed from an immature young man into a handsome young man. The stone sword in his hand that did not fit his body shape surged in Su Yan's hand and turned into a wave. A long sword that is completely white but with black lines.

"I love watching these."

Elder Taohong's two female disciples, when they saw Su Yan transforming from a younger brother to a younger brother, with his clothes open and looking very lewd, their eyes suddenly sparkled with love and they began to praise Junhu Lang.

"Isn't my left guardian powerful?"

On the side, Princess Wuxi suddenly looked proud when she heard the two girls under the Taohong seat speaking in praise.

But the female officer next to the princess had dense black lines on her cheeks.

It can't be said that Su Yan's skills were not good. For a woman, she couldn't take her eyes away. However, beside the princess, there was a little nine-tailed fox who was so lewd and knowledgeable. It was really... Is it a good thing?


"Senior, please give me some advice."

Su Yan raised his hand and touched the sacrificial knife on the ground, and looked at Tao Hong, who was still staring at him with interest.

"The specialties of the Xia Yu Dynasty are really good."

Elder Taohong chuckled in her heart, raised her hand to create a spiritual seal, and inside the hair accessory, a bell with the color of black iron rang. A crimson furnace was spit out from the bell, and landed heavily on the Treasure Appraisal Pavilion. On top of the unfolded arena.

The crimson furnace fire illuminated the night sky, and the orange-red flames soared into the sky. Several ferocious molten flame dragons crawled out of the furnace with their teeth and claws bared, entrenched themselves in front of Elder Taohong and roared at Su Yan.

"Let's play with our little fellow Taoist for a while!"

Taohong smiled, raised her hand and pointed, the molten dragon surrounding her jumped up fiercely, locked on Su Yan and opened its scorching and ferocious mouth, the eight molten dragons turned into eight orange-red streams of light and bit Su Yan. Word.


Su Yan turned his arm and started to step forward in the direction of Elder Taohong in front of the sacrificial blade. He didn't show any color when facing the evil dragon that bit him in front of him. When the molten flame dragon bit Su Yan, it seemed that it was in contact with him. The spherical thing exploded into a ball of fireworks and disappeared with just one touch.

"Jungle gesture."

The blade of the sacrificial knife was twisted, and Su Yan pointed it on the ground and flicked it. The sparkling color that was originally condensed on the tip of the knife turned into a wave. In the wave, a large number of curled leafless dead trees evolved, densely layered. The sharp resin, like an unavoidable nail wall, slammed down and killed the other seven molten flame dragons.

"The woods and fields are transformed into various forms."

Su Yan lowered the sacrificial knife and created another rolling wave on the black barrier. Each small beast rode the wind and waves to absorb the water vapor between the sky and the earth, and gradually transformed into an evil beast several meters tall with its head and shoulders. Under Su Yan's command, He went down to kill Elder Taohong.


Su Yan walked slowly outside the war zone, using the sacrificial knife to stir up waves on the ground as a test.

"The innate power of the Dragon Clan?"

Seeing that the little beast was still growing by absorbing water vapor from the sky and the earth after being separated from the group, and using the water vapor to complete its missing body, Elder Taohong instantly recognized that Su Yan's method was not an ordinary water method, but a unique one. Belonging to the Dragon Clan, he has the magical power to gather water with his spirit.

Use your own spiritual power to stir the water vapor in the world and increase the power of your own water-moving method.

"But that's all." Elder Taohong raised her hand and waved lightly, and the furnace behind her roared like a steam engine. Terrifying heat spewed out and forcibly dispersed the surrounding water vapor, leaving only the fire vapor that was extremely detrimental to Su Yan's compatibility. .

"This girl is really insidious."

Seeing Taohong's actions, Princess Wuxi showed a look of disdain on her cheeks: "Is this called lowering one's cultivation?"

The ability to control the surrounding spiritual energy can only be achieved by Yuanying monks. However, Yuanying monks only control and cannot perform such refined dispersal operations. Nowadays, there is no water spiritual power in the sky above Jianbao Pavilion. This old woman's dispersal operation It cannot be cured without the power of the Earthly Immortal.

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