Moreover, because of the age gap, Su Yan was really too young in the eyes of the ancestors of the Su family.

What bad thoughts could a baby fox have?


Su Yan groaned with grief and anger on his face. He sat on the belly of the ancestor of the Su family, as if stepping on milk. He put his little fox paws on the ancestor's body and rubbed it. He used the double method and the sacrificial knife to cleanse the ancestor of Bai Ze's magic power. Residue.

Ancestor of the Su family closed his eyes, not caring about Su Yan's movements at all, enjoying the feeling of relief as his injuries gradually lessened and his body regained its lightness.

"Ancestor just heard you saying that you wanted to thoroughly investigate the nest. What did you mean?"

After Su Yan finished cleaning his ancestor's shoulders and belly, the next part was a little awkward. Su Yan couldn't help but ask something to divert his attention.

"The Nest? I don't know what it means. If I knew it, I wouldn't let the clan elders read the book. It's just that I don't know that makes me so angry. The reason why Bai Ze took away the remains of our ancestors is because of the nest." The remains of our ancestors were tampered with."

An ancestor of the Su family slowly opened his eyes, hummed softly and said:

"Both Chao and Bai Ze are definitely bad embryos! If they can be beaten, the ancestor will definitely stuff their heads into their own butts!"


There was renovation work next door in the morning, which made me sleepwalk for a long time in the morning, and I took a nap in the afternoon and slept straight into the night.

Chapter 514 Princess Wuxi’s clever mind


The little fox jumped up and stepped heavily on the chest of the ancestor of the Su family. It had roughly completed its homework for the day. As for the footprints on the waist, Su Yan himself had no good solution.

That was a direct injury, and the Baize mana contained in it was more intense than other parts. It could not be treated by Su Yan in just a few strokes. It would take some time to completely remove it.

Today, that’s it.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

An ancestor of the Su family sat up from the recliner, opened his arms and twisted his waist, feeling the usual comfort of the flow of mana all over his body. The clothes that were half taken off and hanging around the waist slowly floated up. The ancestor of the Su family put the coat back on as soon as he put it on with his hands.

The ancestor straightened the wrinkled clothes around his waist, rearranged the collar, turned around and picked up Su Yan, who was already lying on the recliner tiredly, sticking out his tongue:

"When you get home later, I'll ask your mother to stew some medicinal food for you."

There is an ancestor of the Su family who is plump and beautiful, but his cultivation is too terrifying. Su Yan needs to use mana to treat his ancestor's injuries. Now he basically doesn't have a drop of mana in his dantian.

Yaizi in Dragon Ball was also on his back, with a tired look on his face and his tongue sticking out, looking like he was in a mess.

The ancestor smiled and touched the little fox, and personally sent Su Yan back home. He then took out some medicinal materials from the storage ring and gave them to the monkeys, asking them to stew some tonic soup for the overworked Su Yan.


"Aha... I'm resurrected!"

When Su Yan curled up and slept at home, his inner demon, which had been silent for several days, flew out of the sleeping Su Yan's body with a leap and fell to the ground in a handsome volley. Showing a crooked smile.

“Eat, drink, be merry—and find pussies!”

With a proud look on his face, the demon fox ran towards the kitchen where the medicinal food was being cooked, kicked the steamer lid away with one kick, pinched the tonic soup inside, and poured it all into his mouth: "Wuhu—— fly!"

After stealing Su Yan's medicinal meal, the inner demon of the fox ran straight out of the Peach Blossom Garden.

As the greedy thought in Su Yan's heart, the inner demon of the fox has no concept of good or evil. The thinking logic in its heart is very simple, that is: what you have is mine, and what is mine is mine. Everything is mine, as long as it feels good. !

To the inner demon of the fox, Su Yan's body is just an inn where he can rest. When he gets tired from playing, he goes back to Su Yan's body to sleep, and when he wakes up, he continues to do evil.

By the way, I'll give Su Yan some more trouble to hinder his cultivation, lest the birdman refine himself into a super boring external incarnation.

The demon fox's face was full of anger and he could not walk properly. He danced an unknown dance. The fox's little feet did not fall to the ground at all. He stood up and stepped on the flowers on the ground of the Peach Blossom Spring.

"for you."

The inner demon of the fox was full of joy, but at this moment, a pipa was suddenly handed to him. The inner demon, who was amusing himself and fantasizing about his beautiful life, didn't care, so he raised his hand and grabbed the pipa, playing it like a guitar. went.

Although the guitar-playing techniques used on the pipa may seem a little weird, they are still possible.

The inner demon of the fox stroked the pipa and played a piece, then suddenly opened his entranced eyes, his neck was stiff, and he looked at the person who handed him a pipa: "Hello."

"I feel relieved to see you in such high spirits." The Lord of the Night stopped at the door of Peach Blossom Spring and said calmly:

"I have talked with your mother before. Your basic skills in calligraphy and painting are somewhat poor, and you do not understand the use of new and old demon scripts and the basic usage of forbidden formations."


The inner demon of the fox had a sad face, and he walked up to the Lord of the Night on all fours and jumped, letting the fur on his back hit the Lord of the Night's hand and being pinched by her.

“Good sense of self-management”

The Lord of the Night nodded, raised his hand, and threw Su Yan's inner demon into the Yin and Yang Palace. The five elements inside were condensed creatures. As soon as he saw the fox's inner demon sitting in front of the desk, he brought him a stack of ancient books. roll.

The Lord of the Night did not intend to ambush the inner demon. She just happened to be free and knew about the changes within the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, so she came to visit several clan leaders and asked them if they needed to transfer some craftsmen from the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

With the Su clan in a different space, it was naturally not affected by the previous war. However, in the country of Qingqiu, especially close to the Qingqiu clan, the forests and mountains were in ruins, even on the Qingqiu clan's land. Less than half was destroyed.

It just so happened that when the Lord of the Night came, he saw the inner demon of the fox humming and dancing on flowers, so he picked up the inner demon of the fox.

It’s okay not to learn demon script. The common script in the fairy world is the old demon script. The scripts used by the demon clan and the characters used by the human race are simplified versions. Any ethnic group with some historical background will make their children learn the ancient demon script.

Otherwise, if you encounter ancient ruins or tombs and dig them out, you won't be able to understand what is written on them.

Since you are so energetic, go and study!


"Little fox! I can do it!"

The Peach Blossom Spring is still closed at night, and the ancestor of the Su family has no intention of showing up. He is going to make those bad foxes anxious and reflect on what they have done. Don't think that you can rely on the ancestor all day long to deceive those who are far away. The nine-tailed foxes who went abroad are back.

Therefore, the Su clan is now short of manpower. The clan elders, some monkeys, and guests have all been transferred to the library by the ancestors of the Su clan to look through ancient books and look for monks or items related to the word nest.

Samenan Kiri had just come back from get off work. Because she felt the winter chill, her body temperature had changed. Now she was thinking about reproduction in her heart, so she ran back to the fox mother's house with excitement on her face, preparing to drag the little fox to the bath. Take a bath, kiss and cuddle.

But when Nanwu returned home, he saw Su Yan lying like a fox on the bed, his body as straight as if he had been completely hollowed out, sleeping like a pig.

Seeing this, a question mark appeared on Nan Wu's head.


Now Nanwu may need to quit the team again. Because of the ancestor of the Su clan, Su Yan is now unable to help even if he wants to help. All his energy is reserved for the ancestor of the Su clan to treat the injuries in his body.

"Su Yan, come here, let me show you something good."

A few days passed, and Su Yan was lying lazily on the lap of the ancestor of the Su clan, with his little feet fluttering. He had been hanging around the ancestor of the Su clan for several days in a row, and he had become familiar with her. Now he could run into the ancestor's arms. Lying flat.

Princess Wuxi hurried to the palace, looked at Su Yan with a mysterious face, smiled lewdly, took Su Yan's paws, and prepared to take him outside:

"I promise I'll scare you to the point of jumping. You've never seen anything like this."


Being carried by Princess Wuxi, the little fox with its belly exposed looked at Princess Wuxi with a puzzled face:

"Is there anything you can read? Sister Nanwu made an appointment with me tonight and she has time to discuss it."

"You'll be back in an hour or two, don't worry."

Chapter 515: Princess, are everything fully automatic?

"Hey hey hey"

Seeing Princess Wuxi's face showing a lewd smile and a sly expression, Su Yan standing upright and jumping out while being held by two small paws, suddenly there was a hint of bad premonition in her heart:

"Princess, do you have any ideas?"

Every time you see a lewd smile on the princess's cheek, it basically means that Princess Wuxi has thought of some sexy ideas in her head, and she has already reached the stage of preparation for implementation.

Of course, Princess Wuxi's lewd smile was due to her pretty face and young age. When she showed a sly and cunning smile, her smile was not sinister. Instead, Su Yan still looked a little cute?

"Hey! It's not convenient to say it now."

Princess Wuxi picked up Su Yan and flew directly outside the Su clan.


Although a few days have passed since Baize's surprise attack on the Qingqiu clan, the white light in the body of the ancestor of the Su family has been basically suppressed by Su Yan. Only the white light on the side of the chest still has traces, but the ancestor of the Su family still has He chose to play dead and not announce his recovery.

As a result, except for the clan elders and some high-level members, all the Su clan's nine-tailed foxes were waiting outside the door anxiously waiting for news about Doctor Yuetu.

Moreover, news that the ancestor of the Su family was dying gradually spread throughout the eastern states and radiated outward.

The ancestor of the Su family, Jie Jie, smiled strangely, hoping to use deception to deceive all the nine-tailed foxes of the Su family who had escaped without a trace.

Therefore, as soon as Princess Wuxi and Su Yan came out, they were immediately surrounded by more than a dozen Yousu foxes, who asked about the current injury status of the ancestor of the Yousu family.

"Seniors, please calm down."

Su Yan took on a human form and raised his hands to signal everyone to calm down. Now everyone was busy asking questions that he couldn't answer:

"We can't get close to the ancestor's palace, so we can only stay in the Peach Blossom Spring. Currently, only the clan elders and doctors can move in the ancestor's palace."

"I can only say. It is said, it is said. The ancestor's current injuries are erratic, and the domineering and difficult magical power remains in his body. The clan elders and doctors are currently studying methods of restraint."

Once the power of Bai Ze's domineering supernatural power enters the body, there is basically no possibility of self-healing. It requires external intervention to slowly remove the influence of the white light like peeling silk from a cocoon.

Without Su Yan's help, the ancestor of the Su family might need to lie down for a month or two to recover as before.

Facing the Yousu foxes, Su Yan did not say much, but simply explained the situation that the Yousu ancestor wanted to reveal.

Among the three surnames of the nine-tailed fox, the Yousu fox is the best at deceiving and inciting. Therefore, Su Yan simply explained the situation and dragged the princess away, without any intention of talking to the old foxes.

The more you talk, the more lies you tell, and the easier it is to be discovered.


Coming out of the old house with three courtyards, snowflakes slowly fell from the sky. Su Yan let go of the princess's arm and asked, "Finally we ran out, princess, where are we going now?"

"It's at the foot of the base mountain."

Princess Wuxi raised her hand and pointed to a stream at the foot of the mountain where smoke was rising. She smiled mysteriously and said, "It's already started, and you will be surprised when you see it later."

Su Yan was confused, but he still followed the princess from the middle of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

"What is this?"

Passing through the canopy of the forest, Su Yan couldn't help but close his eyes when he saw a flash of extremely strong light. When he landed on the ground, Su Yan looked at the three strange things made of pure gold in front of him with a face full of surprise.

The three pure gold creations have a square golden pedestal at the bottom, and on the golden pedestal, there is a multi-link structure that looks like a petal. The edges of the petals are hung with rings that ignore gravity and float.

In the center of the multi-link petals, on the branches that look like stamens, there is a horizontal pointer.

The base is as stable as a rock and motionless, and when the multi-link petals on it rotate slowly, it will drive the top pointer to rotate slowly. When the pointers of the three pure gold creations are facing each other, a circular array pattern loop will appear on the ground, and colorful light will flash in the air.

The three earth immortals who had been keeping an eye on the princess all the time stood in a triangle and looked at the array with vigilance.

Su Yan looked at the three creations with a question mark on his face, and looked at Princess Wuxi, hoping that she could explain it.

"It's not something amazing." Princess Wuxi raised her head slightly, and said with her chest puffed out:

"I just deduced and created a portal based on the laws of heaven and earth. When the three pointers point to each other, a majestic spiritual stone force will burst out and bombard the relative points, which is similar to the immortal passage that emerged when the Xia Yu ground veins were unstable."

Princess Wuxi smiled and introduced to Su Yan the results of her recent busy work.

"Of course. It has great limitations. Because of safety reasons, pure gold and pure silver were chosen to create the internal structure when it was forged, and every time it points to the relative points, it is 200,000. It may cost tens of millions to run all day? Probably?"

Although Princess Wuxi seems unreliable, she has the blood of Su Fox flowing in her blood. The theory of immortality of the strong has been deeply rooted in her bones, and the level of knowledge involved is unlikely to be imagined by Su Yan.

After learning about the artificial earth veins and the visitors from the fairy world, Princess Wuxi has been thinking about it and drawing the design of the device for the teleportation array between the fairy and mortal worlds.

Of course, when designing this device, the princess was worried about uncontrollable accidents, so she replaced all the original meteorite materials with pure gold and silver.

The gold and silver in the world of cultivation have spiritual guidance, but their effect is not as good as the ores produced by spiritual mines, or the ores that once existed in the fairy world in the universe.

But it is precisely because gold and silver are inferior materials in refining and array formations that they were chosen by the princess.

After the portal is opened, if there is really an immortal on the opposite side who holds the passage between the fairy and mortal worlds hostage, the princess actually has no way to restrain it.

But if inferior materials are used to build the base of the teleportation array, once the immortal touches the portal, the inferior materials will not be able to withstand such a terrifying energy influx, causing the array to overload.

If the base of the teleportation array is destroyed, spatial distortion and distortion will also occur in the space gap.

The princess has considered everything in terms of security.

"Well, although we can't catch immortals, it's easy to catch some earthly immortals or monsters."

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