The Five Heavenly Emperors can be called the ones who disturb the world. As long as they exist in the world, they are a deterrent.

The return of the punishment of heaven is equivalent to the normal order of the world dominating the world again. The destruction of the five remnants in the heavenly way will no longer be passive, but will actively pursue those who attempt to harm the world.

In other words, the netherworld, the corpse-resolving immortal alliance, and the nightmare town will not be so unscrupulous.

With the completion of Youchao's layout, it will need the Queen Mother of the West to preside over the world's justice. During this period, the luck of all evil and thugs will be reduced, and it will be difficult to survive the second round of the great chaos of heaven and earth. At that time, the creatures who can get out of the great chaos of heaven and earth will live in a new world with perfect order.

This is why Youchao expelled the Queen Mother of the West.

There are some things that Dong Wanggong knows, but she has no way. Youchao needs the lack of order. It is meaningless to save the Queen Mother of the West. On the contrary, it may awaken the will of heaven and turn everything back on track.

Among the five heavenly emperors, only Dong Wanggong, who is facing the sunny side of all things, has not fallen into a deep sleep.

Tianyi and Youchao need to symbolize the escape from the sky and love that Dong Wanggong, who is facing the sunny side of all things, controls.

That is to say, it refers to the feelings that go against nature. All living beings cannot be lazy for a moment and are forced to climb to a higher level of cultivation. Once they stop, they will inevitably fall into the abyss.

Part of the various possibilities of the Nightmare Town's followers actually comes from the escape from the sky and love that Dong Wanggong controls.

Their irrationality, their combat power, and their tenacious life are related to the escape from the sky and love.

Dong Wanggong turned the impossible into a possibility.

The return of the Queen Mother of the West, in a certain sense, has checked and balanced the escape from the sky and love of Dong Wanggong, allowing the possibility of disorder to gradually return to rationality.

This is also the reason why Dong Wanggong and the Queen Mother of the West smiled at each other and stopped talking.

They already know the inside story, and everything is developing in a good direction.

When the remaining three Heavenly Emperors return, the peace here will return to its former state.

But before they return, the biggest challenge facing all living beings is.

How to survive the great battle between heaven and earth?

Although the Creator Spirit and the Heavenly Emperors of all parties can protect the living beings in their own territories, who can avoid the cause and effect?

Once the cause and effect line spreads, no one can avoid it.



Su Yan doggy-paddled in the bathtub, poking his head out and swimming around the seniors, watching the seniors either not talking or talking about some more daily things.

Su Yan felt very disappointed about this. He originally thought that the gathering between the big guys should talk about some very explosive and exciting insider information, but the most explosive news Su Yan could hear was that Zhu Yin had gained weight and seemed to have grown two taels of meat on his chest.

Because the Queen Mother of the West had been sleeping for too long, her waist had become thinner, and the fat on her buttocks seemed to have decreased. She was not as plump as when she was active in the primitive fairyland.

"Is there no content about the blood flowing into rivers?" Su Yan was disappointed and stopped at the Wushengdi Harbor.

When Wushengdi saw the little fox swimming over, he had a disappointed expression on his cheek, as if he knew what he was thinking, and said lightly: "There are some things that everyone has some tacit understanding, and there is no need for words. Those that can be expressed in words are naturally trivial."

"A glance and a movement can express what you think and what you want clearly, so why do you need words? If you can't understand the tacit understanding inside, it means that you are not of the same path, and it is useless to explain it clearly in words."

Wushengdi picked up Su Yan who was paddling, and said with a smile on his cheek:

"If you grow up a little more, or if you have a breakthrough in your cultivation, you should know a lot of things."

The little fox is not small, and its cultivation is not low, but there are monsters coming in and out around it.

Su Yan looked particularly weak and helpless, as if he would be easily killed by the Nightmare Town when he went out.

He had no dignity at all as a cultivator in the Tribulation Crossing Stage.


Two days passed again.

As one of the creators of the Way of Music, Ling Lun was fully responsible for the banquet accompaniment. Yu Ershen, the lighting engineer who ran back to the Queen Mother of the West, directed the female fairy to start rehearsing the dance.

The Queen Mother of the West was full of expectations and named Su Yan, asking him to perform the one he performed at Zhu Yin's house.

In response, Su Yan was embarrassed and leaned close to the Queen Mother of the West's ear and whispered something.

Su Yan had never practiced dancing. The dance he performed at the Zhu Yin Awakening Banquet was a display of masculine posture in a nice way. To put it bluntly, it was to show his chest and abdominal lines by posing and lifting his clothes.

And thanks to the nine-tailed fox's many tails, well-developed hip muscles, and a slight charm, Su Yan can create some lines that make females drool.

Let's not perform at the Wanxian Banquet, right? Zhu Yin's performance was only a few dozen spectators.

Who knows how many people came back from the Wanxian Banquet? Su Yan didn't want to be socially dead before he was an adult.

Su Yan explained the reason to the Queen Mother of the West, who agreed with Su Yan after pondering.

But the Queen Mother also leaned close to the little fox's ear and whispered to Su Yan softly: "Well, it makes sense. Your own fox can't be seen by others at a disadvantage. After the banquet, go to the Queen Mother's Qiongtai to perform. Remember to take off two pieces of clothes, but don't take them all off. There is some hazy beauty."

"Of course, if you don't mind, I don't have any objections to it. Misty beauty is beauty, and there is also the beauty of strength in the strong and muscular posture of a male."

The Queen Mother of the West turned her eyes towards Su Yan, and the little fox subconsciously looked towards the Queen Mother of the West with her trembling pupils.

One blue and one black eyes looked at each other, the blue pupils silently shifted their gaze, not daring to look into the black pupils.

"Ahem, empress, let's discuss this later! I still have to go to the mountain gate to greet you seniors."

Su Yan kept a stiff smile, walked out of the Empress Baiyu Qiongtai, and went to the foot of the mountain, preparing to welcome the guests with the ancestors of the Nine-tailed Fox and colleagues from all walks of life in Kunlun Lingshan.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Banquet is a very large event, and it may take several days just to welcome fellow Taoists.

The guests first go to the White Jade Terrace to be guests. When the dishes are prepared, they go to the mountainside to dine and enjoy the performances of the dancers and the scenery of the Yaochi. Of course, if they are in the mood, they can also have a swimsuit party at the Yaochi.

These are all allowed by the Queen Mother of the West.

It would be better to say that such a beautiful Yaochi was used by the Queen Mother of the West to hold swimsuit parties.


When Su Yan arrived at the foot of Kunlun Ling Mountain, the nine-tailed fox ancestors were not yet in place, but Su Yan's colleagues had already arrived at the mountain gate and were waiting here silently.

"Good morning! Little fox."

A three-legged turtle was lying in front of the mountain gate. When he saw Su Yan appearing, he couldn't help but sigh:

"It's still some time before we welcome fellow Taoist disciples. I didn't expect you to come so early and have such a rigorous and serious attitude, just like an old fox!"

"Senior, you have given too much praise. It's just our job. As the guardians of Kunlun Lingshan, we naturally cannot let the empress do anything wrong."

Su Yan said and sat on the three-legged turtle's shell. The three-legged turtle muttered slightly and said:

"One hundred and twenty-three pounds. It's a bit on the light side. Remember to eat more meat during the Ten Thousand Immortals Banquet!"

As the three-legged turtle who is Su Yan's colleague, apart from the factors related to his cultivation level, he has some special abilities.

As long as he sits on his turtle shell, he can accurately obtain the weight of the other party and measure whether it is reasonable or not.

The weight can even be accurate to how much it weighs, and whether there is any fraud such as increasing weight.

Su Yan controls the appearance, and the three-legged turtle controls the figure.

No fish will be allowed to slip through the net and disturb the purity of the Queen Mother of the West.

There will be another update around two o'clock.

I had to go out for some things on the way

Chapter 648 The Mysterious Girl of the Nine Heavens (Third update)


As time gradually came to noon, some immortals who learned about the Banquet of Ten Thousand Immortals gradually and spontaneously gathered at the foot of Kunlun Lingshan Mountain. Su Yan, who had manifested the form of a little fox, took the lead in blocking the immortals who wanted to go up the mountain.

Su Yan followed the instructions of the Queen Mother of the West and began to test the appearance of the visitors. Beings who can become immortals basically have luck in their bodies. Most of them have good looks when they are reincarnated. The stronger their cultivation, the better their appearance. The top is naturally more beautiful.

A female fairy whose cultivation Su Yan couldn't tell sat on the three-legged turtle's shell. The three-legged turtle's eyes widened and veins protruded from its forehead, and its three trembling legs barely stayed in place:

"Come in and invite one of the guests, Ba Snake!"

The beauty of the Ba snake sat on the turtle shell. The Ba snake, which is said to be able to accumulate a mountain of bones in its belly, was so terrifying that it almost paralyzed the immortal three-legged turtle on the ground, causing the three-legged turtle to shout directly: "turtle" turtle!


With a charming smile on Ba She's face, Shi Shiran stood up and raised his finger, gently placed his green and black lips, made a silencing gesture towards the three-legged turtle and said: "Pretty girl, please help me guard my weight, senior turtle, after all. No girl wants to reveal her weight."

After Ba Snake finished speaking to the three-legged turtle, he turned around and came to the nine-tailed fox ancestors. He presented his name and the gift marked with his name on the edge of the long table.

After doing all this, the beauty of Ba Snake twisted her waist and hips and walked towards Kunlun Lingshan Mountain.

"Senior, can you survive it?"

Su Yan looked at the tired three-legged turtle, couldn't help but take a breath, and asked slightly worriedly.

"It's not bad. At least it's lighter than Xihe. Senior, I was just careless and didn't use my magic power for a while." The three-legged turtle slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and couldn't hold back a complaint.

The beauty of Ba Snake actually weighs well, but the turtle has not been on a weighing scale for a long time and has lost its vigilance. Just now, it used its physical body to shake the weight of Ba Snake, which almost caused the three-legged turtle to sink into the ground.

Of course, although the beauty of the Ba Snake is heavy, the heaviest creature that Gui Gui has ever weighed is not the Ba Snake.

Xihe, known as the Mother of the Sun and the Emperor of the Sun, was the turtle's lifelong enemy. The moment he sat down, the three-legged turtle's shell almost collapsed.

"Suddenly I feel so pitiful, senior." Hearing this, the little fox couldn't help but hold his forehead with a strange look on his face.

"No, they were just accidents," the three-legged turtle said slightly, proving that he was not miserable.

"Yeah, yeah," Su Yan nodded in agreement and thanked Senior Nu Nu for not killing.


On the first day of the Ten Thousand Immortals Banquet, famous immortal families in the immortal world, and even immortal families who lived in the sky area and disdained to visit the big area, also gathered on Kunlun Lingshan Mountain to offer congratulations to the Queen Mother of the West for her return.

The three-legged golden crows, which had not landed in the western sky to rest for tens of thousands of years, also took off from the big hibiscus tree in the east sky, flew over the fairy world, and landed on the big Ruomu tree behind the White Jade Qiongtai in Kunlun Lingshan Mountain to rest.

The three-legged Golden Crow used to set out from the hibiscus tree to rest in Ruomu every day.

But since the disappearance of Kunlun Mountain, the three-legged crows have never stayed in the West Heaven. The West Heaven without Kunlun Mountain seems to be abandoned here. The daylight hours are obviously shortened, and the days in other high heavens are visibly increased.

In the Chunshu area at the extreme of the northern sky, the longest sunshine time can even last for several months.

The imbalance here is now gradually corrected because of the return of the Queen Mother of the West.

Xihe does not have to chase her son all over the street to catch all the running crows.

Kunlun Mountain is full of joy, and thousands of rays of light are emanating directly from the towering mountain.


After the arrival of the crows, their mother Xihe walked out of the space gate leisurely. Xihe has long silver hair and a sexy and tall figure. She stands on tiptoe barefoot on the ground, wearing light clothes, and symmetrical ribbons floating around her. Behind her is a golden sun and a silver half moon following behind Xihe.

Seeing Xihe's arrival, the three-legged turtle quickly retracted its head into its shell, and did not dare to ask Xihe's weight, and started to play dead.

"She is the Sun Mother."

Su Yan's face was full of amazement. Looking at the tall and sexy woman in front of him, he muttered in his heart:

"It perfectly fits my impression of Jinwu. Female Jinwu are big sisters with explosive bodies and boldness, and male Jinwu are basically bear children who never grow up."

Xihe did not care about the creatures around her, and led her children to register and walked up the mountain.

A heavyweight holy spirit appeared.

"Wuwuwu! You are finally willing to come back! We are all living so miserably!"

A burst of crying came from the void. Five gods from various tribes of the demon clan covered their faces and cried while running out of the space gate, kneeling at the entrance of Kunlun Lingshan, and their tears splashed on the ground.

Su Yan quickly moved away. He couldn't bear the worship of the five gods. He looked at the turtle and said, "Senior?"

"They are the five plague messengers!" The three-legged turtle showed some surprise on his cheeks and said, "I was also a member of the immortals under the command of the queen, but..."

The three-legged turtle thought about it and was a little embarrassed to speak.

From the names of the five gods, it can actually reflect what they do under the command of the queen.

To put it bluntly, they are a group of monsters born with the way of plague, and they are very authentic plague gods.

When the Queen Mother of the West was still alive, all the monsters born with the way of plague were under the command of the queen.

"What's so special about it! Since the Queen Mother disappeared from the fairy world, we have gone from being heavenly soldiers to plague gods that everyone beats up, and we have all been driven into the void."

A green-faced demon bird choked up and said, "They even said that if they see us once, they will beat us and spit on our faces."

The Five Plague Messengers used to be so glorious. They were born with the way of plague. However, the Queen Mother of the West gave them the order to eliminate the five plagues in the world.

That is, the plagues of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, as well as the plague of more special infectious diseases.

But since the Queen Mother of the West disappeared, the Five Plague Messengers directly became villains who spread the plague, and were suppressed by some holy spirits and the netherworld, and kicked into the void.

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