Jiutian Xuannv is not very fond of joking. Su Yan does have two peach blossom catastrophes in his life, and they are approaching.

Nu Nu didn't agree to follow Xuannv back, so Jiutian Xuannv naturally wouldn't care about Su Yan's bad affairs.

Now that the top management of Zhi Jie Xian had changed, they immediately issued a wanted order for Su Yan to be captured alive.

It's really hard for Nu Nu not to suspect that the wanted order of the Zhijie Immortal Alliance is Su Yan's peach blossom disaster.

"I have no idea."

Su Yan shook his head with an honest look on his face. Although he could not be said to be shrewd as a person, he never said he deliberately offended anyone, and he didn't even bother to argue with other fellow Taoists about unimportant matters.

Logically speaking, Su Yan had very few enemies in the world of cultivation or immortality. Moreover, the enemies in his memory were either beaten to death on the spot, or were taken in by the great immortals after being beaten to death once.

Therefore, Su Yan really couldn't figure out which fairy family he had offended, and only the female fairy family.

"I really don't understand, I don't want to think about it anymore." Su Yan sighed slowly and said, "Anyway, the members of Nightmare Town and I are in conflict with each other, and we are used to it."

Anyway, the disciples of Nightmare Town are free. They are originally some aliens who are about to expire and use the method of Nightmare Town and various evil methods to extend their life. Normal monks cannot understand those guys who have gone crazy.

By the time you can understand them, you will basically have half a foot in the Nightmare Town sect.


In the space coordinates given by Mother Fox and Father Dragon, Father Dragon and Mother Fox were not found, and everyone had no intention of staying in the ice and snow plain. The Black Dragon King raised his hand to open a space portal to the dragon paradise.

When the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas came to the fairy world, they did not search around for resources like other leaders. Without saying a word, the Dragon Kings picked up the old map and started measuring. They went straight to the source of all water, the former dragon paradise, to see what it was. Who has taken over his home.

Record them quietly, and when the Four Seas Return Formation is fully activated, kill them all.

But it is a pity that the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas did not find their expected enemies.

"Although I had known before that the Dragon Paradise, known as the source of all water, had been drained, I never expected that it would be done so brilliantly."

Su Yan came out of the space door and stood upright on Nu Nu's shoulders, looking at the surrounding scenery with a strange look on his face.

Dragon Paradise is known as the source of all water, and is the end and starting point of all water sources in the original fairyland.

But at the source of all water at this moment, there is no water at all on the entire land. Countless ravines and abyss are located on the earth. The soil layer on the ground has long been weathered into dust and scattered everywhere, revealing the deep underground. The rock layer is outside.

Su Yan took a look at the criss-crossing ravines and roughly knew that these ravines should be waterways in the past.

The source of all water has become the desert Gobi it is now, not only because the source of purification was taken away, but also because of the catastrophes that occurred in other water sources. The clear spring that should have flowed here from Kunlun Lingshan turned into a black abyss, destroying all the creatures along the riverside.

By the time the weak water in the black abyss subsides and the tide recedes, the waterways along the way will have been completely dead.

Wave after wave of evil waves came from all directions in the fairy world towards the source of water, completely destroying the place where water gathered without the source of purification.

The land here is completely dead, and even the thoughts of the death of living beings cannot be attached to this place.


Su Yan fell down from the crossbow girl's shoulder, took a long sigh, took the form of a young man, took out a red crystal from the storage ring, and said, "Let's go directly to the homeland of our ancestors!"

Although Su Yan was not born in the Dragon Clan Paradise, he should have a place here. By relying on the Dragon Clan system and returning to the Source of Water, he can be regarded as one of the princes in the Source of Water.

Now the home is gone and in ruins, and no demolition compensation has been received.

In this situation, how could Su Yan not sigh.

"Why isn't it moving? Is there something wrong with the map?" Seeing Su Yan taking out the map and saying that he was going to Yinglong's treasure house but there was still no movement, the Black Dragon King looked at Su Yan with a strange expression on his face and asked. .

"No, there is no problem, we just encountered some temporary difficulties."

Su Yan had a strange expression on his face, looked at the crystal in his hand, looked sideways at the others, and said, "You guys, wait here for me for a while. I'll be back as soon as I go."

After Su Yan said that, he didn't care about the reactions of others and went straight into his own universe.

The crystal cursor in Su Yan's hand was handmade by Senior Zhuyin for Su Yan. It contains detailed records of how to get to Yinglong's treasure house and how to open the door.

But as something made by Lezi people, it naturally contains some mysteries.

The crystal's cursor user can only be Su Yan, so before using the cursor, you need to verify your identity.

"The first ray of fire essence in the world here, the candle's shadow." Su Yan looked at the words displayed above the cursor, hiding in the universe space with a shameful face, and recited aloud:

"Your mind is so broad, and the warmth and tenderness contained in it is like a mother. Su Yan of the Fox Clan hereby authentically certifies that Senior Zhuyin's vast whiteness is my lifelong pursuit."

Su Yan suppressed his shame and went through the real-name authentication process in Universal Space. He praised everything from Zhu Yin's face to Zhu Yin's mind and beautiful legs, and finally completed the entire real-name authentication process.


After Su Yan had authenticated everything, the crystal opened like a bud, projecting a three-dimensional map of the source of all waters, showing Su Yan's location and the distance between him and the Yinglong Treasure House.

[Don't let go, otherwise there will be a surprise. ]

In the lower right corner of the three-dimensional map, there was a line of small fonts specially marked by Zhu Yin, reminding the little fox not to let go of the map after authenticating the identity.

As for any surprises, Zhu Yin did not write them.

After Su Yan glanced at the font, he firmly grasped the three-dimensional map in his hand, not daring to let go at all, for fear that he would have to authenticate his identity with voice again.

"Let's go!"

Su Yan, with a slightly red face, walked out of the universe space and looked at Senior Ruo Nu and the four sea dragon kings.

Chapter 677 The Three-Dimensional Anti-Theft Method of the Ancestors

"The depth of the gully here is a bit outrageous."

Su Yan walked in front to lead the way, leading the seniors to the location of the Yinglong Treasure House. Along the way, everyone did not encounter any form of life.

Su Yan followed the cursor's instructions and came to a tiankeng and descended to the bottom. However, according to Su Yan's own estimation of distance, he was now dozens of kilometers away from the ground. Moreover, judging from the marks on the three-dimensional map, this dozens of miles of drop was only one-fifth of the distance.

After arriving at the gate of Yinglong Treasury, he only came to one-third of the tiankeng. The bottom of the tiankeng was a passage connecting all parts of the fairyland. It was like a maze. If there was no space power, there was no possibility of escaping from it.

Su Yan didn't know what was along the way, so he didn't open the space door directly.

After all, the last time he went to Zhuyin Treasury, Zhuyin didn't use any space power and walked honestly.

God knows what kind of formation was set up in Yinglong Treasury. Su Yan didn't want to experience the cross-time and space beating of his ancestors.


After falling more than 400 miles underground, the rock layer that had originally shown a dead posture regained some vitality. Occasionally, some spiritual plants could be seen growing on the rock wall. Some creatures with degenerated eyes sensed the abnormal breath and quickly escaped from the holes in the rock wall.

"We're here."

Su Yan stopped falling and looked at the ordinary rock wall in front of him. He compared it with the position marked on the three-dimensional map and confirmed that he was now standing in front of the door of Yinglong's treasure house.

Su Yan tried to check the rock wall, using his divine thoughts and the universe to cover the exploration, but did not find any abnormalities.

"Senior Ruonv."

Su Yan and the dragon kings all stepped forward to try, but the rock wall in front of them was still a rock wall. Even if the blood of the real dragon was splashed on it, it did not cause any waves.

In this regard, Su Yan could only look at Ruonv, hoping that Senior Ruonv, who knew Yinglong, could give an answer.

"Yinglong's small treasury." Ruo Nu looked at the rock wall in front of her with a thoughtful look on her face and said:

"If I remember correctly, Yinglong once said very proudly that her treasury was not simply built in the original fairyland, but built in a corner of the future of the long river of time."

"In other words, you can simply understand that Yinglong's treasury is indeed in front of you, but the Yinglong treasury we see now is the appearance before it was built."

The long river of time is divided into: past, present, and future.

Yinglong's treasury is built in the [future], and the rock wall that everyone sees should be called [present].

Yinglong's treasury is indeed in front of you, but it is located in the [future], and everyone in the [present] time cannot touch the [future] scene.

"Is the ancestor's anti-theft method so outrageous?" Su Yan looked at the three-dimensional map, and then looked at the ordinary rock wall in front of him, and a group of black lines appeared on his cheeks.

Just when Su Yan was about to give up and go home to ask Senior Zhu Yin for the method of opening the door,

Su Yan noticed the small words on the lower right corner of the map. He looked helpless and said, "I'll be back soon."

After that, Su Yan went back into the universe and released the crystal in his hand.

As soon as the cursor crystal left his hand, the originally projected three-dimensional map disappeared instantly, and the oval crystal also changed into a fiery red round crystal.

"Senior Zhu Yin knows how to play."

Su Yan opened his mouth and complained, looking at the fiery red crystal floating in front of him, raised his hand and held it, and the words of voice identity verification appeared in front of Su Yan.

Su Yan's eyes focused slightly, and after seeing the ancient text in front of him clearly, he took a breath of cold air, and his pupils suddenly had a big earthquake, and he said in surprise: ". Such a thing, can a little fox like me read it?"

The ancient demon text that appeared in front of Su Yan, if it was changed to the language of the cultivation world, would only have a few hundred words.

But the text content is yellow text, starting with the word "I" to describe what he wants to do to Zhu Yin's delicate body.

In the text, "I" was extremely brave, knocking Zhu Yin to the ground and filling her up.

"Senior Zhu Yin's personality is really bad." Su Yan complained, turned around, took out a crystal from the storage ring, took a picture of the text displayed by the fiery red crystal with the crystal, and then recited it in front of the crystal with an expressionless face.

After Su Yan molested Zhu Yin, the fiery red crystal in his hand gradually melted, forming a door nail with a ring, and fell on Su Yan's palm.

"Now I can imagine that Senior Zhu Yin leaned on the shoulder of Yinglong Patriarch, pointed at the little fox with the recording just now, and said with a teasing look on his face: Oh! Your little fox is so lustful and bold!"

Su Yan complained, picked up the crystal in front of him, and put it in the storage ring to ensure that he could remain innocent in front of his ancestors.

After getting the door nail and the ring, although there was no instruction manual, Su Yan could roughly know what the door nail and the ring were used for.

Su Yan got out of the universe and returned to the dark cenote.

"What happened?"

Seeing Su Yan come back with a red face again, the Black Dragon King felt a little strange and asked.

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

Su Yan shook his head lightly and pressed the door nail in his hand against the rock wall in front of him. The spikes at the bottom of the door nail firmly pierced the rock wall to stabilize his body. Su Yan pulled up the ring on the door nail and gently hit the rock wall.


When the door nail sounded for the first time, there was no movement on the rock wall in front of Su Yan.


When the ring hit the rock wall for the second time, the color of the rock wall in front of him gradually became damp and wet, as if the rock had been soaked in water. A lot of moss instantly covered the rock wall, emitting a damp smell.

When the ring hit the rock wall for the third time, the rock wall in front of him exploded into black ashes and disappeared, and a solid gate formed by azure tide appeared in front of everyone.

"Solid water flow?"

When Su Yan saw the gate, a question mark suddenly appeared on his cheek. The gate in front of him, which was hundreds of meters high, was not made of any precious material in the fairy world. It was just ordinary flowing water that could be seen everywhere, but it was in a solid state.

At the moment when Yinglong's treasure house appeared, the crystal that Zhu Yin gave to Su Yan was completely shattered.

Only Yinglong can open Yinglong's treasure house, but because of the special location of Yinglong's treasure house, Taoist friends who have a very good personal relationship with her have similar doorbells.

When things are urgent, you can ring the doorbell in front of the rock wall to let the time and space in front jump to the [future] where Yinglong's treasure house already exists.

As for the gate of Yinglong's treasury in front of him, Zhuyin could only open it by force.

In this room, only Yinglong can control the opening and closing of the gate of his own treasury.

Zhuyin guided Su Yan to come here just to see if this door would open.

If the door can be opened, it means that Yinglong, who is hiding in the long river of time, is willing to communicate.

If the door cannot be opened, it means that Yinglong is currently unwilling to communicate, or has encountered something, and can't even take care of the guests who come to the treasury.

It is useless for Zhuyin to come here. If Yinglong wants to communicate with him, he will not hide all the time.

But Su Yan is different. There is a very obscure Yinglong aura on him, which means that Su Yan has come into contact with Yinglong in the past hundred years.



In the south sky, Ao Renlin, who was killing corpses and releasing immortals, suddenly froze. He looked sideways in the direction of the Dragon Clan Paradise, frowned, and said:

"What on earth is calling me to go?"

Ao Renlin, who was killing a lot, suddenly felt a throbbing feeling in his heart. He felt that if he didn't go to a certain place immediately, something he would never want to see would happen.

This feeling was very abrupt and for no reason, as if someone was telling him something in his mind, and it was not his own intuition.

Chapter 678 Yinglong Patriarch's Starry Sky Top


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