The return point of the immortal witch is random. Before they completely recover their strength, their behavior is based on instinct.

The Netherworld has no deliberate control, it just scatters the immortal witch as seeds, waiting for the fruit to bear.

The creatures that died in the process of the immortal witch's rampage are all creatures with bad luck.

Those with great luck will not die in these disasters.

If there are creatures that can survive the disaster, they can comprehend the supreme magical powers from the immortal witches. The creatures can directly take revenge on the immortal witches, and the Netherworld will not care.

"The disgusting Fengxi evil beast" Bashe beauty watched Fengxi leave with disgust on her face.

The main body of the Fengxi tribe is a black-skinned wild boar, which is very greedy like Taotie and Bashe.

The term "same-sex repulsion" is very appropriate here. Originally, Bashe and Fengxi were very incompatible. Now seeing an immortal witch Fengxi, it can be said that new hatred is added to old hatred.

Being stared at by Feng Xi with greedy eyes, the beautiful Bashen almost couldn't hold back and slapped him.

"You are so ugly, you deserve not to be able to attend the Ten Thousand Immortals Banquet and have no buffet to eat," the beautiful Bashen cursed with disgust.

The beautiful Bashen watched Feng Xi leave, and did not rush to disperse the giant skeleton shadow behind him, but controlled the skeleton shadow to arrange some things around the cultivation world.

After this arrangement, although it cannot be said that the cultivation world is completely worry-free, it is difficult for the undead witches whose cultivation level has not recovered or increased to the level of true immortals to directly cause any harm to the creatures in the cultivation world.

The creatures in the cultivation world may not need it, but the beautiful Bashen took the trouble to arrange these, not for charity.

She just wanted to show it to Su Yan, after all, this is Su Yan's hometown.

Well. This should add a lot of points to herself!

A good wife and mother, but also a coquettish snake beauty.


"Hey? Why are you here, little Nuoji?"

When the beautiful Bashe was confronting Feng Xi, Su Yan also came to the Bihan Villa.

When the West Sea Dragon Mother saw the space gap open, she subconsciously blocked a little white dragon behind her. It was not until Su Yan in the form of a little fox jumped out that the West Sea Dragon Mother's face showed a puzzled expression and she stepped forward to greet him.


When the little white dragon Ao Yu, who was hiding behind his mother, saw Su Yan, his eyes suddenly lit up and his eyes subconsciously glanced at the fox's lower three roads.

"Little Nuoji, come here quickly, let the queen hug you!" When the West Sea Dragon Mother saw Su Yan being picked up, she raised her hand and kneaded Su Yan's face with a smile on her face. Obviously, she was very happy to see the treasure of the Dragon Clan's Yazi Clan.

After all, since the existence of Yazi, there has never been such a lovely and polite tribe member.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the treasure of the Dragon Clan.

"Dragon Mother——"

Su Yan called the senior obediently, staring at Ao Yu, fearing that this little devil would attack him.

Chapter 741 Su Yan's Worry

"Xiao Nuoji, why did you come here alone? Where are your husband and other Taoist friends?"

The West Sea Dragon Mother smiled, hugged Su Yan in front of her and placed him in the air. While talking to him face to face, she did not forget to touch the head of the "Dragon Clan's Treasure".

The Yazi Clan, who killed people without hesitation and exterminated the whole clan at will, and was feared by some clans within the Dragon Clan, could give birth to such a soft and tender descendant without the aura of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. It was simply incredible.

Although the blood of the Jiaozi tribe mostly comes from the mother of the jackal tribe and is born fierce, the nine-tailed foxes are not necessarily so pure, especially the nine-tailed foxes of the Yousu clan. The foxes of the Yousu clan have done a lot of things that bring disaster to the world.

However, the Yousu clan foxes are very clever and often make creatures mistakenly think that it is the beauty that brings disaster.

The Yousu clan foxes are all innocent. If you want to blame them, you can only blame their beauty, which attracts the world's perverts to voluntarily sacrifice their lives for them, but the real way for the Yousu foxes to make themselves rich is to [create the United States].

Build a dreamland similar to the sound domain, then kill all the creatures inside, rob the perverts of the spirit stones, and then use the power of dreams to extract the spirit of the cultivators for alchemy.

When all the cultivators are left with nothing, the dreamland will perish, and the nine-tailed foxes will fake their death and escape.

The girls of the Yousu clan are ruthless, and the wealth of each fox is extremely amazing.

It's not that the Xiayu Dynasty doesn't want to introduce the nine-tailed fox, but the Yousu clan believes in the immortality of the strong. A group of robbers who enrich themselves at the expense of others are not suitable for introduction. The Qingqiu clan has always been immutable and will not change the laws of their ancestors.

Tushan clan is also a pit. The population of the Xiayu Dynasty is already large enough, so large that it often needs to expand its territory to meet the needs and does not need matchmaking.

Although the Dragon Mother of the West Sea does not care about the government, she also knows the business of the big families in the cultivation world.

Of course, she can't say these things outside.

Therefore, it is incredible that the well-known evil dragon and the Yousu clan fox can actually give birth to a good person.

The Dragon King of the West Sea has committed many evil deeds and has a bad character, while the Dragon Mother of the West Sea is kind and kind, and finally gave birth to a dragon of evil.

She and her husband belong to one negative plus one positive and one negative, while Dragon Dad and Fox Mom belong to one negative plus one positive. No matter how many times she sees Su Yan, the Dragon Mother of the West Sea will sigh subconsciously.

"The Dragon King of the West Sea and other seniors are currently visiting Kunlun Mountain and eating the banquet of all immortals." Su Yan pulled the dragon of Slaanesh that was wrapped around him and wanted to wrap his bell, while explaining to the Dragon Mother of the West Sea what was happening in the fairyland, and said that the purpose of his trip was to invite the dragons to the banquet.

Although the dragon clan has a domineering and violent temperament, their appearance has always been very qualified, masculine and heroic.

Seeing the return of the world of cultivation, Su Yan could be said to invite anyone he could.

The Queen Mother of the West returned to her kindness and held a banquet, inviting all the beauties and handsome men from all over the world to have a banquet. What a rare opportunity!

"Your Majesty, quickly pack up your belongings and go with me to other Dragon Clan territories, inform the elders to have a feast, and then I will go to the Southern and Central States." Su Yan told the mystery of the Ten Thousand Immortals Banquet with a happy face.


The Dragon Mother of the West Sea looked at Su Yan's foxy face, pondered for a moment and then slowly said: "Are you planning your own affairs? It shouldn't be said that when you encounter a disaster that you don't have the confidence to survive, you intend to invite others The cause and effect of our own world come together to meet each other? "

As soon as the Dragon Mother of the West Sea spoke out, the happy smile on Su Yan's cheeks froze.

Seeing Su Yan's sudden abnormality, the Dragon Mother of the West Sea became even more convinced of her guess.

"Your Majesty's mind is extremely sharp!" Su Yan said with the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

"Hahaha, I have just become a mother of a child, so I am a little sensitive to emotions." The Dragon Mother of the West Sea said with a smile: "There is an inexplicable hint of melancholy and helplessness in your words. It is an insincere smile."

"There are indeed some things, but they are not as pessimistic as preparing for the aftermath." Su Yan had no intention of explaining, but just urged the Dragon Mother of the West Sea to quickly pack up her belongings and go with him.

The general trend of the Netherworld had been weighing on his mind. Although Su Yan was not in a hurry on the surface, deep down he was still stressed about what was about to happen next.

Su Yan had a premonition that the fierce battle between himself and Senior Bai Ze was the prelude to a melee between heaven and earth.

It is also a head-on confrontation between the Emperor of Heaven and the Netherworld.

Senior Bai Ze is an important role in the Netherworld's conquest of this place and the selection of destiny. The ancestor of the nine-tailed fox god is a sharp sword in the Netherworld. Now that these two important characters are dead and one is crippled, how can the Netherworld give up? Su Yan has witnessed Jiutian Xuannv's determination and dominance with his own eyes, and knows her courage and strength.

When he fights with Senior Bai Ze, the Netherworld Underworld will definitely recover the power of Bai Ze's inheritance in his body, allowing Bai Ze to return to the peak of his strength and reach a higher level.

If it weren't for the power of inheritance that only Bai Ze could recover, Su Yan would have been blocked by the Holy Spirit of the Sky Zone.

Although Senior Bai Ze kept comforting himself, just let him go all out and he would arrange other things.

But the real focus of his battle with Senior Bai Ze is not between himself and his senior, but the collision between the forces under the Emperor of Heaven and the forces of the Netherworld. One side wants to gain vitality in the mass extinction, and the other wants to bring the old order together. Destroyed together with the Holy Spirit, this place returned to the era of chaos and became one of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

If Su Yan wins, the underworld will be severely damaged. Bai Ze will lose his ability to know destiny and save trillions of living beings, and he will also lose the nine-tailed fox god ancestor who has the power of immortality.

If Bai Ze wins, everything will come to an end. Trillions of creatures in the world, including the Holy Spirit under the Emperor of Heaven, will be reduced to sacrifices. Only some lucky people and the creatures protected by the Emperor of Heaven can survive the mass extinction.

It can be imagined that Su Yan was under great pressure. He had never had any great ambitions.

He is strong enough to protect himself, he can spend his daily expenses without worrying about it, he can lie in the arms of his elder sisters for a long time, he can drink and talk with fellow Taoists and brag, and occasionally he can explore the graves of strong men when he has nothing to do. Excitement is Su Yan's interpretation of his pursuit of immortality.

As a result, the more I cultivate, the busier I become, and the responsibilities on my shoulders are getting bigger and bigger. When I meet the little fox I like, I don’t dare to speak up and say that I am greedy for her body, for fear that one day my life and death will end, leaving behind a pretty widow who will shed tears all day long.

These responsibilities cannot be escaped. Even if there was no incident involving Senior Bai Ze and the Queen Mother of the West, Su Yan would still be involved in the general trend of the Netherworld.

The only difference is whether you die knowingly or you die confused.

Su Yan couldn't wait until the Ten Thousand Immortals Banquet was over, and after gathering with his relatives and friends, he was going to ask the senior gods to train him in a targeted way, and to retreat and think about ways to break the situation, just to defeat the controlled Bai Ze.


The Dragon Mother of the West Sea looked at Su Yan, sighed, and said, "I still have some things to do, and I didn't really want to leave the world of cultivation, but Xiaonuo Jiji personally invited me, so I can't do it if I don't go. ”

"There are a few other people sitting here, so there shouldn't be any big problems."

The Dragon King of the West Sea once invited the Dragon Mother to travel to the fairy world together. The fairy couple had a happy time and wanted to have another child. However, there were also matters within the Dragon Clan that required a strong person to take charge. The Dragon Mother of the West Sea did not agree to her husband's invitation. After all, things had to be prioritized.

But when Xiao Nuoji opened her mouth, Xihai Longmu, a first-time mother, couldn't help but agree.

How could there be only one Nuoji dragon like this, and his daughter likes it so much?

Just give her husband some coaxing at night and it will be fine. At worst, she will have a second child!

By the time the second child is born, Yan'er will be old enough that she won't be jealous of the second child and dilute her parents' affection for her.

Chapter 742 Qilin Fairy and Princess Wuxi

Su Yan lay in Mother Dragon's arms with a smile on his face, and went to various parts of the Dragon Clan to invite Taoist friends back to the mountain gate. He also asked fellow Taoist aunts to intercede for mercy, so that brothers and friends of the Dragon Clan could raise their noble hands and give the hatchling chick a chance to live.

The good Lord Fentian Fuhai was surrounded by the Three-Legged Golden Crow and the Dragon Clan. The Three-legged Golden Crow punched him in front and changed his name.

Then the dragon clan followed him and blocked him in the cave, changing his Taoist name once to Zhenjun and completely changing his name to Hatching Chicken.

Hatching chicks. I’m talking about the Three-Legged Golden Crow. After all, when the Three-Legged Golden Crow took action, he only asked True Lord Burning Sky and Fuhai to change the word “Fengtian”, but he didn’t ask True Lord Fentian and Fuhai to change the word “Fuhai”. Change it.

Such behavior naturally made the dragon creatures extremely dissatisfied with the True Monarch Burning Heaven and Sea and the Golden Crows.

Now that Su Yan has some say, the Chicken Hatcher can finally change his Taoist name to a normal one.

The next time the Chick-Hatching Master takes the Dao number, he shouldn't be so arrogant anymore, right?


When Su Yan was traveling around the mountains and rivers, accompanied by the white dragon girl on the left and the black dragon girl on the right, the Qilin Fairy who came to the cultivation world from outside the Five Sealing Formation did not go directly to Su Yan or visit the Dragon Clan.

Fairy Qilin came to the Xia Yu Dynasty!

"Fuck you, the military attache is not good at speaking. If he is not good at speaking, he can beat up the scholar, right?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue raised a bench high and hit the military attache general on the head, yelling: "You are not good at speaking, so why don't you hand over your diplomatic power! Let us civil servants who can speak well protect the interests of the dynasty!"

The general of the Zhenkong area showed a fierce look in his eyes, picked up the fruit knife on the Wanshi Palace, pointed it at the chest of the Minister of the Ministry of Finance and stabbed it three times and angrily said: "It's useless to talk, and I can't even lift a fairy boat without the strength of my hands." Get up and want the diplomatic and garrison rights we have, you want nothing more than that!"

"Eat shit, you! Get the knife!" Seeing that his boss was defeated, the left and right ministers of Tobe quickly raised the long table and charged at General Zhenkong and other military attaches, knocking a large group of military attaches and deputies to the ground. The Cultural Management Group Seeing that the pressure was high here, the staff also stepped out to help fight.

"Gorilla, die!"

The Taifu, who was tall but had a tall chest and a tall chest, picked up a tall vase under the emperor's throne and aimed it at the head of the Taibao who was kneeling in the crotch after being kicked by him. He hit the Taibao with three or five blows and his blood spattered three feet.

"Smelly bitch!"

The Taibao, whose head was split open by the blow, immediately hit the Taifu's waist with red eyes, pushed him to the ground, turned over the Taifu, raised his fist, and directly hit the Taifu's sexy face with his left and right bow.

Taifu did not defend himself, gritted his teeth, raised his hand and punched Taibao directly in the crotch. Taibao's eyes almost popped out of his eyes. However, Taifu's combo did not mean to stop, and he straightened his waist and knocked Taibao away. .

The Taifu carp flew up, looked at the right position in the air and stepped on the Taibao's cheek. Taking advantage of the moment when his hand was covering his nose, he directly went around behind him and held the Taibao's legs under his armpits, all over his face. He shouted angrily:

"Bold gangsters who have no regard for the future. If you follow your plan, you will end the dynasty's retreat! Don't you like to leave no escape route? Damn it, your mother, I will cut off your descendants today!"

The Taifu pinched the Taibao and spun him around at high speed, then slammed the Taibao onto the steps of the throne. He kicked the Taibao in the crotch more than thirty times a second, causing the Taibao to scream in agony.

"grown ups!"

The military attachés who originally had the upper hand and overpowered the civil servants to fight, saw that their boss was being humiliated by the Taifu, and immediately stepped forward to intervene. The civil servants tried their best to stop him, picked up some useful things from the Wanshi Palace, and stuffed their heads with those muscles. The military attaches attacked fiercely.


Princess Wuxi, who was sitting on the throne, glanced at the more than 300 people fighting in the Wanshi Palace, but did not open her mouth to stop them. She opened her mouth and yawned.

Cultivation is prohibited in the Eternal Palace, but the physical strength and resilience of the monks are not prohibited. All the objects in the palace are blessed with formations so you don't have to worry about them being broken.

Although the officials under the high platform fought fiercely, neither side had the power to kill the other. The civil and military officials who were able to live high in the temple were of high cultivation, and they would not die from a mere three to five hundred knife wounds. .

Therefore, the princess had no intention of stopping it. Anyway, when the two parties in Xia Yu's court had different political opinions, whoever won the fight could speak loudly, and the loser would argue with words.

The fight is not too severe now, but the most severe time should be when spring budget allocation begins.

All civil and military officials wore armor and carried weapons, and even went to work with mounts and chariots. It was not uncommon to drive small immortal boats to kill in the square outside the Wanshi Palace.

The ancestor of the Feng family, the Medical Fairy, and the eight kings were all sitting on the steps next to the throne, watching with relish the scene of blood and flesh splattering under the high platform. They did not mean to stop them, and even started to comment.

There are even some kings with different surnames who are still saying something with sighs on their faces. They are not fierce enough. When they were fighting in the court in the past, they were much more vicious than the civil and military officials now.

Not all kings with different surnames are military officers. Some kings with different surnames are good at business, and some have connections with gods.

The abilities of kings with different surnames cover all regions. The fierce men who jointly opened up territories for the Xia Yu Dynasty do not necessarily have to be very powerful in terms of cultivation. As long as they are capable of trance, the Xia Yu Dynasty can use resources to pile up their cultivation levels.

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