"Okay!" Fairy Qilin opened the door and opened the space door directly in front of the gate of Kunlun Lingshan.

"Princess, come quickly! I'll take you to see the Queen!" Su Yan happily took the princess' hand and led his wife to see the Queen Mother of the West and pay homage to her.

After passing through Fairy Qilin's space door and returning to the gate of Kunlun Lingshan, Su Yan simply explained a few words to Senior Turtle in front of the gate and flew to the top of the mountain with the princess.

Chapter 749 Princess: You are looking for your relatives in the fairy world!

"The White Jade Terrace is very complicated now. Not only is there our boss, the Queen Mother of the West, but now the Duke of the East and Senior Zhu Yin are both in charge here."

"The Queen Mother is kind and is a rare good person for us little foxes."

"Lord of the East is also kind and likes to take care of the younger generation. He has a move called Duntian Beiqing, which is extremely powerful and can help cultivators realize and awaken the world and Taoism. Duke of the East is a good man."

"As for Senior Zhu Yin, what should I say? She has a rather strange personality and is usually very cold, but as long as she caters to her needs and offers emotional value, or is enough to arouse Senior Zhu Yin's interest, she is also a good person!"

"My current family background and some means are also obtained with the guidance of Senior Zhu Yin."

On the way up the mountain, Su Yan led the princess to land in the outer area of ​​the White Jade Terrace, walked to the White Jade Terrace, and smiled as he introduced the princess to the top masters who might meet later.

In Su Yan's memory and impression, Queen Mother of the West, King of the East, and even Senior Zhu Yin are all very good people.

Although Senior Zhu Yin likes to play tricks on people occasionally, Queen Mother of the West likes to tease herself, and King of the East may be a bit weird in appearance, it must be said that they all chase Su Yan with a spoon to feed him. Even if the little fox says that he is full, they will still feed him.

Two supreme beings who slaughtered the Chaos Era and achieved the title of the strongest emperor, and a creator spirit who was powerful enough to compete with the Great Dao at the peak of the Hongmeng Era, are absolutely fierce, evil, and terrifying beings.

In Su Yan's mouth, they are all good people who chase him and feed him, for fear that he will starve himself.

Su Yan pulled the princess's arm and told about his acquaintance with the three seniors with a happy face.

Princess Wuxi looked at Su Yan with a strange expression, and complained in her heart: "No wonder they are all good people. You and Zhu Yin met because of the relationship with Yinglong, and Queen Mother of the West is your elder, so in a sense, Prince of the East is also your elder"

"It turns out that either it is the influence of your ancestors, or there is a direct generation relationship. No wonder they are all good people."

"During the three years you have been in the fairy world, I am afraid that in addition to looking for Bai Ze's inheritance, you have also been looking through the genealogy of the Nine-tailed Fox and the Four Seas Dragon Clan to recognize your relatives all over the world?!"

When Su Yan first introduced Queen Mother of the West, Prince of the East, and Zhu Yin, the princess still felt strange. How could the beings who ruled over all living beings in the obviously more cruel fairy world be so kind? Logically speaking, it is impossible for a kind-hearted person to reach the top of the universe.

The beings who can sit in those positions must be crazy people with eight million hearts and eyes, killing people in the heavens and the universe. No one dares to disobey their will.

Such beings. Are they all good people? Are you telling me a myth now?

Until Su Yan said that she had some of the windfall of Yinglong Ancestor, and when Yinglong Ancestor, who had long since fallen, was alive, he was a good friend of Zhu Yin

The Queen Mother of the West is the head of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. She likes beauty the most and is the most beautiful person in the fairy world. Su Yan has been tested in terms of appearance and practicality.

The King of the East and the Queen Mother were comrades in the Chaos Era. They cooperated to kill the Chaos Demons and exterminated their clans. Together with the other three Heavenly Emperors, they were collectively called the Supreme Order of the Five Directions of the Original Fairy World.

After hearing this, the corner of the princess's eyes twitched slightly. She had already understood that Su Yan was in the fairy world, and he recognized his relatives all around.

Everyone is related, how can it be bad?

"We are here."

Stepping into the Baiyu Qiongtai area, Su Yan raised his head slightly and saw the Queen Mother of the West enjoying a good quality of life on the second-floor terrace.

Fairies were wandering around the building, their clothes were a little conservative, but without exception, they all had no makeup on their faces. Aloof fairies, fairies who looked like young girls, fairies with chubby cheeks and childishness, and even beautiful women with a slender figure all gathered together for the Queen Mother of the West to appreciate one by one.

As for fellow Taoists, they were not included. The Queen Mother of the West had seen the beauty of the fox cub, and now she was looking forward to his blooming every day, rubbing her hands and waiting for him to collect honey.

"Little fox!"

When Su Yan was looking at the Queen Mother of the West, the Queen Mother of the West also noticed his arrival, smiled and greeted Su Yan, and said: "Ah~ Open your mouth!"


Su Yan was confused, but when he saw the Queen Mother throwing a pill at him, the pill exuded a terrifying aura comparable to the existence of a god with the pill coat on it.

Su Yan's eyes lit up immediately, and he jumped up and bit it without thinking.

As soon as the pill entered his mouth, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth around him turned into an invisible net, trapping the little fox Su Yan and the princess. In the next instant, the sky and the earth changed and the two appeared directly on the Qiongtai.

"As expected of a fox that the queen values, his mouth is as sweet as honey."

Queen Mother Xi slowly sat up from her seat, raised her hand to wave away the fairy on the terrace, and with a smile on her face raised her hand to caress Su Yan, who was standing in the void. She also saw the tails of Su Yan and Princess Wuxi entangled with each other. .

With just one glance, the Queen Mother of the West, who was very familiar with the customs and habits of foxes, already knew that Su Yan and another little fox should be entangled with each other in the love nest and even have a relationship with each other to get pregnant.

"My Majesty, I like your compliments very much. Please tell me more in your ears when you have nothing to do. I like to hear it." Queen Mother Xi just glanced at her and didn't say anything more about the matter between Su Yan and the Princess.

The princess next to Su Yan also reflected the figure of the Queen Mother of the West in her green eyes.

The Queen Mother of the West is naturally very beautiful, but she is not plump and beautiful. Her long black to brown hair is casually scattered on her shoulders. Perhaps because it is leisure time, she does not have many accessories on her body.

Although there was a smile on Tao Li Nianhua's face, there was still a chilling air lingering between his brows.

The fair face is glowing with luster, and the shunsheng-colored lips exude sexiness and charm, which is unforgettable.

Princess Wuxi stared blankly at the Queen Mother of the West, feeling the rhythm that came naturally from her body. No words could describe it. In front of her, she looked like a beautiful woman in her twenties and forties, but her words were stuck in her throat.

"There is no need to say polite words." The Queen Mother of the West covered the princess's head with her palms, kneading the little fox's thick ears and stroking her head, and said:

"Coming to Kunlun Lingshan is like going home. Later, I will take a bath with my empress and talk about some little secrets between girls to build friendship with each other. If you encounter anything in the future, just report my name. In this part of the fairy world On this land, the empress still has three points of thin noodles.”

The Queen Mother of the West smiled and touched the two little foxes with equal looks in each hand.

"You can't bite it into pieces!"

Su Yan felt the touch on the top of his head, but didn't feel anything. He was chewing the elixir that his empress gave him in his mouth, but this elixir was different from the previous elixirs that melted into spiritual liquid in his mouth.

This elixir was powerless even with Su Yan's first-level dental power. He chewed it for a long time and almost broke Su Yan's back molars, unable to bite them open.

Su Yan had a look of helplessness on his face, and rolled up the elixir with his long fox tongue. He handed it to the empress and asked her why she couldn't bite the elixir.

Chapter 750 You can’t eat me! My elixir said so!

Watching Su Yan reveal his long red tongue, which was nearly thirteen centimeters long, and the tip of his tongue was slightly curled, holding the elixir like a spoon.

The Queen Mother of the West couldn't help but was slightly stunned. She recalled the cold and aggressive joking expression of the young Su Yan in her mind, and then compared it with the little fox form that was often unconsciously cute. The Queen Mother of the West licked her lips subconsciously.

He is really a little thing that really pleases the queen. He spends the whole day giving out welfare to tease the queen’s mentality.

"It's normal that your teeth can't bite." Queen Mother Xi dispersed the evil thoughts in her mind and didn't mind the fox saliva on the elixir. She picked up the elixir with two fingers and put it in front of Su Yan. After thinking about it for a moment, she said :

"How should I explain it to you? This elixir once followed the queen to sleep. It was supposed to be taken by the queen when she woke up to restore her weak body."

"But because you collected enough fairy crystals, the empress woke up in full glory, so naturally she didn't take it."

As the Queen Mother of the West slowly explained, Su Yan probably understood the meaning of the Queen Mother's words, although there were a lot of unclear words.

It's just that the elixir has been refined, and its strength is extremely strong. The power of one elixir is enough to kill thirty or fifty immature little foxes like Su Yan.

The empress originally wanted to feed the elixir to the sweet-mouthed little fox while the elixir was not paying attention. However, Su Yan's teeth were a little weak and could not bite off the elixir's coat in one bite, causing it to enter a defensive state.

"Is this so outrageous?" Su Yan's fox eyes suddenly widened, and his blue eyes, which were as clear as the ocean and revealed the meaning of tranquility, were full of shock.

The physical strength of a true immortal from the demon tribe is at least as strong as that of a dozen human monks of the same level.

Alien beasts are stronger than ordinary monsters, and the physical power of the divine beasts above the alien beasts is even more powerful. Regardless of the divine beasts of heaven and earth, among the divine beasts, the body of the female dragon race is the most respected.

A pill that even mythical beasts and immortals cannot bite off. Is such a thing really needed here?

Su Yan couldn't understand this and was greatly shocked, recalling his childhood experience of eating shrimp and being chased and beaten by lobsters.


Su Yan, who was autistic and doubtful about his strength, seemed to have thought of something. He looked at the Queen Mother of the West in disbelief and asked, "My dear, the elixir in front of you is not the legendary elixir, is it? It is said that there is an elixir here. There is no trace.”

"And it has never been subdued by any living creature."

“The legend is not wrong”

The Queen Mother of the West nodded gently, looked at Su Yan and Princess Wuxi and said, "After I refined the elixir, I drank one to taste it, and gave the other to the white fox. I originally wanted to help him ascend to the position of Holy Spirit, but He did not directly digest all the medicinal power, but chose to comprehend the power of the laws of heaven and earth contained within."

"This elixir was originally given to Chongming, but Chongming said it was not necessary. Immortality would actually affect his experience of the dangers of the world."

Senior Chongming is a mutant of the Phoenix clan. Although he has lost the graceful posture of soaring into the sky, his physical strength is extremely strong, plus the power of magical dispersion, even the Holy Spirit will change his face when he sees it.

Chongming enjoyed the thrill of battle exceptionally, but the existence of the elixir hindered his happiness.

Naturally, he refused to be fed by his adoptive mother.


Queen Mother Xi looked at the elixir in her hand, then looked at Su Yan, and sighed helplessly: "It seems that this elixir is not destined for you. Let's see if the fresh elixir in the furnace can be freshly baked."

The Queen Mother of the West said that she had no intention of taking back the elixir, and handed it back to Su Yan, asking him to try to use the elixir as a molar, wash it, put it in his mouth and chew it twice, and try to use it as a fox. Sincerity touches the elixir of the stone-hearted person in front of you.

"This thing won't bite me, will it?"

Su Yan, who had taken on a human form, looked at the elixir in his hand, which had a dark appearance and endless purple rhyme lines, with a strange expression on his face, and started to talk about the elixir.

Su Yan looked strange as he accepted the elixir, planning to ask Senior Bai Ze later if he could take the elixir into his stomach without losing its potency.

"That's right - empress!"

After being interrupted by the elixir, Su Yan remembered the business of coming to Baiyu Qiongtai. He poked the princess next to him with his elbow, took a deep breath, held the princess's arm and saluted, and said, "This is a cultivator." Xia Linghuan, the princess of Jie Xia Yu Dynasty."

"While I was back in the world of cultivation, I got married to Princess Linghuan. Today I specially brought Linghuan home to show my concubine. I want to hold a wedding banquet for Princess Linghuan and I on Kunlun Lingshan Mountain. "


Queen Mother Xi looked straight at Su Yan and the princess, with a strange expression on her cheeks.

From a positive perspective, Su Yan's move really just made his wife go home to visit the old man. But somehow, due to some misunderstanding, the empress always felt that this little fox seemed to have something to say?

Is it possible that the little fox wants to say that he is going to act according to the traditions of the fox clan?

In other words, after the official wedding, you will settle down? But the little fox is not a pure fox, and the other half of the dragon blood in his body may not agree with him.

"That's it? Don't you have any other meaning?" Queen Mother Xi said after considering her words.

If you want to get married, your Majesty will naturally welcome you. After all, you two little guys are so handsome. It would be a waste not to leave some blood for the world to appreciate your appearance.

But you said you wanted to take it easy, so my dear, I will prepare some sacks and ropes in the shrine, and tie you back when you really grow up.

"The empress has a sharp eye!"

Su Yan scratched his cheek with embarrassment and said to Queen Mother Xi: "I do have a request. After all, it is the first time for the princess and I to hold a wedding banquet. We have no experience at all, and we don't have many connections."

"Want to try to get married once before getting married? After accumulating some experience, you can also have some debauchery?"

Zhu Yin, who had been sitting next to him and had not spoken a word, was holding a photo crystal to record the luxurious life of the Queen Mother of the West and the humiliation of the little fox by the elixir. His face showed great interest and interrupted what Su Yan was about to say:

"Is the other party of noble status, you little fox, planning to invite the Queen Mother of the West to come out and tie her up?"


Su Yan, the princess, and the Queen Mother of the West were all shocked by Zhu Yin's words. They had no idea that a living being's mind could be so open when discussing serious topics.

Su Yan's face was full of black lines and he said: "Senior Zhuyin, although I cannot say that I am pure and virtuous, it is impossible for me to come up with such a crazy idea."

"I just want to say that I have few connections in the fairy world, and my strength is average, but I don't speak much. But I want to give Ling Huan a grand wedding, and I want to use the appeal of the Queen Mother of the West to attract people."

"Simple." Queen Mother Xi smiled and said: "As long as your wedding is grand enough, I can even summon those creation spirits who have been sleeping and only awakened at the beginning of reincarnation to come and have a feast together. The guests are You don’t need to worry, I can guarantee that the noodles will be perfect.”

"The question is when are you going to have the wedding?"

Su Yan looked at Princess Wuxi. After a moment of silence, they seemed to be communicating through sound transmission. Then they said in unison:

"After the great melee between heaven and earth, let's invite all the living beings to come to Kunlun Lingshan for a feast!"

The Queen Mother of the West raised her eyebrows, and the fake smile on Zhu Yin's cheeks faltered, and then her smile became even brighter.

Chapter 751 Lord of the Night: Let me lend you the fox

"Want to schedule the wedding banquet after the melee between heaven and earth?"

Queen Mother Xi had a strange look on her face and looked at the children holding hands in front of her: "Are you really sure?"

The melee between heaven and earth involves all living beings. Although the Queen Mother of the West can protect some living beings, it is absolutely impossible for her to protect all the little fox's relatives and friends because she cannot come forward in person.

You know, great terror often represents great opportunity.

To put it simply, the more you kill in the melee of heaven and earth, the greater the benefit to living beings. Whether it is destiny or cultivation, although the immortal witches are extremely powerful, from a macro perspective, the immortal witches are actually It can also be seen as an advanced experience package.

As long as you can kill it, you will be able to gain improvements in luck and cultivation.

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