Other Creation Spirits, Hongmeng Guardians, and Youchao are very likely outside the door at this moment.

Although Su Yan has the method of returning to the void and merging with the Tao, and can borrow the power of flesh and blood will, he is not crazy enough to fight against multiple Creation Spirits, or the biggest evil forces in the primitive fairy world such as Youchao's gang.

But after Su Yan stuck his head out, the situation outside was different from what he expected. He did not see the Emperor of Heaven fighting the Hongmeng Guardian or the Creation Spirit, or Youchao's face full of indifference, saying to check his courage.

Outside the Nameless Gate, there was nothing, no Emperor of Heaven, no other hostile forces, Creation Spirits and Hongmeng Guardians, and it was quiet.

"No one is here at all?"

Su Yan sent out his mind to sense the environment. After confirming that there was no ambush, he walked out carefully, looked around with a confused face, and said secretly:

". The Emperor of Heaven is not here, and even Youchao is not here, so. There is a big problem."

No living creature is in front of the Nameless Gate, so where can they be?

Su Yan can only think of two places. The Creator Spirit is either in the broken world barrier, or now in the original fairyland, and is engaged in a head-on confrontation with the forces led by the Queen.

Su Yan returned from the Nameless Gate, and he had two things to do.

The first thing is to go to the broken world barrier and tell the win-win theory of the will of heaven to the ancestor Yinglong who is fighting with the original will.

Su Yan does not understand the will of heaven, so he cannot judge the truth of its words, but if all this information is told to the ancestor of Yinglong, then the ancestor of Yinglong has a high probability of guessing the ultimate purpose of the will of heaven.

The second thing is to defend!

The creatures of the flesh and blood world. To be honest, even if they are fellow countrymen in a sense.

But Su Yan is extremely wary of them. The reincarnation of the flesh and blood will world is essentially because the power of the flesh and blood creatures has caused irreversible erosion and pollution to his original world. Therefore, it is necessary to use the reincarnation restart characteristics to purify the entire world.

The strongest in the flesh and blood world. To put it bluntly, they are a group of irreversible pollution sources. Wherever they go, whether living beings or inorganic matter will be distorted.

Every minute and every second of their existence is pushing the world to rush towards the reincarnation restart.

Su Yan wants to send a message to Yinglong, then return to the earth to inform the old order forces, to prevent the strongest in the flesh and blood world from ascending to the five worlds, and try to intercept them in the universe.

Well. Or send it to the underworld. Anyway, Su Yan doesn't want to see the stone in the courtyard scratching the little bell and laughing foolishly when he wakes up one day.


Chapter 895 Digging up the coffin of the original will

"The broken world barrier. If I remember correctly, it should be in that direction."

Su Yan saw that there was no one outside the door. After spending a little time to sort out his thoughts, he moved to the outermost area of ​​the broken world barrier, trying to pass important information to the Yinglong ancestor outside the world.

As Su Yan expected, the Creation Spirit and Youchao who disappeared in the Nameless Gate were either in a large area or in the broken world barrier.

When Su Yan came to the broken world barrier, he saw the Emperor of Heaven, who he had met once, and Youchao, and a dozen completely unfamiliar beings, but the aura they exuded was far beyond the level of the Holy Spirit Realm. Even if he didn't need to introduce himself, Su Yan knew clearly what kind of beings they were.

Su Yan's arrival, except for causing the Emperor of Heaven and Youchao to look at him slightly, did not cause any waves or any kind of commotion.

Because they were all in a confrontation.

The full invasion of the will of flesh and blood is not only a fight between the wills of the two worlds, but also a confrontation and brutal fight between all living beings, thus creating opportunities and strengthening the foundation for the will of one's own world.

In the place where the world barrier is broken, the strongest people in the original fairy world, led by Youchao and Tianhuang God, guard the broken barrier and watch the strongest people in the flesh and blood world.

In the flesh and blood world, the existence with a white and thin figure, wearing a white cloth, and various pupil patterns on the body, now transformed into a giant eyeball, with several overlapping and rotating flesh rings like star rings with a large number of eyes around it, and a strange Sanskrit sound murmured around it, shocking the universe.

Those seemingly human-like flesh and blood strongest people, there is no human at all.

The faceless man turned into a starry sky worm, whose body size could no longer be described by numbers. Endless black holes lingered around it, and its body surface was uneven with black bone spikes, and its face was simply a black hole.

And some huge humanoids, with shawls all over their bodies, sharp or twisted, they have revealed their hunting or predatory forms, ready to attack at any time.

But the two sides were still relatively stable, because although the spatial dimension was damaged, the strongest people on both sides of the original will and the flesh and blood will did not dare to rashly break into the enemy world, and were all spying on the opportunity.

Su Yan looked at the confrontation between the two sides for a moment, maintained the shape of a little fox, and tiptoed to the side, preparing to go to the damaged gap in the world barrier, and send a message to the blood-red six-eyed man who did not reveal the truth, so that the other party could pass the message to the ancestor of Yinglong.

Su Yan didn't recognize the creature with blood-red skin, six eyes, and an eyeball staff in his hand, but it had helped him and Yinglong Ancestor break the distorted worldview of the Will of Heaven. It was very likely that the other party was a special existence similar to Youchao.

Therefore, Su Yan was ready to contact it.

"Where do you want to go?"

Su Yan, who was creeping on tiptoe to reduce his presence and make himself almost invisible, suddenly felt a hand pinching the back of his neck and pulling him out of his latent state.

Queen Mother of the West held Su Yan and looked at the little fox who appeared here with a strange face and said:

"Shouldn't you be in the void world? Why did you run to the junction of the two worlds?"

Su Yan followed Yinglong away. Queen Mother of the West and other Heavenly Emperors knew that Yinglong must have taken the little fox to seek revenge on the Will of Heaven, and they also vaguely guessed something. Therefore, Queen Mother of the West felt strange when she saw Su Yan suddenly running here.


After Su Yan was picked up, he did not show any fright or struggle. Although he could not sense the approach of the creature before, the moment the other party's arm touched his hair, Su Yan already knew who the other party was:

"Why did you come here? Uh, so all the seniors are here?"

Su Yan was carried by the Queen Mother of the West, and finally had time to look behind him. Although the two sides were separated by billions of light years, Su Yan could still feel some familiar eyes cast on him.

"Empress, I want to ask you this question! Didn't you run away from home with Yinglong? How did you run to the most filthy place in the entire primitive fairyland?"

The strongest people of flesh and blood will, at a glance, all look strange, and their bodies exude a force that is obviously corrosive and polluting. They are simply the source of filth for the creatures of the primitive will.

Dung beetles will spit secretly when they come over.

In the eyes of the Queen Mother of the West, Su Yan, who sneaked to the battlefield, was no less than using shit to build a sand castle.

Although the Queen Mother was particularly tolerant of the little fox, she did not want the little fox to hold her cheek and kiss her, or touch other parts of her body with her hands that had played with shit.

Therefore, when she saw Su Yan appear, she directly came behind Su Yan with the Kunlun Mirror and pinched him.

"Why am I here? The whole thing is very complicated to say."

Su Yan roughly explained the current situation to the Queen Mother of the West by voice transmission.

The ancestor of Yinglong turned into flesh and blood will, and was fighting with the original will, grinding each other's foundation.

And he needed to send a message to the ancestor of Yinglong, and ensure that while weakening the foundation of the original will, it would not cause devastating damage to the life span of the original fairy world.

The original fairy world has gone through the Hongmeng era, the chaos era and the Taichu era, and has come to the primitive era.

According to the cycle of 6.4 billion years, it is now in its primeval age.

The strongest in the flesh and blood world will reduce the life span of the world when they are fully fired, thus bringing the doomsday of reincarnation to an earlier date.

"They actually have such abilities? My queen thought they were just ugly."

Upon learning about the abilities of the alienated creatures on the opposite side, the Queen Mother of the West showed an obvious surprise and was shocked.

As the lucky god who controls the death and decay of the original fairy world, the Queen Mother of the West is already a very filthy and evil existence in terms of physiognomy, but the Queen Mother of the West does not have the ability to directly threaten the life span of the world's will.

My queen was shocked that there are even more ominous beings in the world than her?

The abilities of these extraterritorial demons are really quite auspicious! It's just that they are a little ugly. Could it be that their power is exchanged for their appearance? The Queen Mother of the West muttered secretly in her heart.

"It is because of their characteristics that I am going to send a message to the ancestor. On the one hand, I want to tell her that I have found out the information about the will of heaven, and on the other hand, I hope to minimize the damage of destruction."

"After all, we don't have the ability to jump around alive when the reincarnation starts again." Su Yan said to the empress with a helpless look on his face.

When the Yinglong ancestor and the will of heaven fight, the most injured are not the two main ones, but the minions below.

Su Yan does not want the flesh and blood will and the original will to enter the reincarnation at the same time after the two fight.

The two big guys will definitely be able to bear it, but he and other predecessors can't stand it.

Only the spirit of creation can eat melons on the side, and the guardian of Hongmeng keeps a trace of true spirit, following behind Youchao and watching the spirit of creation eat melons with relish.

"Although the Queen Mother doesn't want to get close to the dung heap, since you've said so much, I'll go with you."

The Queen Mother of the West thought for a while and shook her head, put Su Yan in her arms, walked towards the Creation Spirits, prepared to say hello to them, and then went to the place where the world barrier was broken to send a letter to Yinglong.

Chapter 896 The Ultimate Purpose of the Primal Will

"Queen Mother of the West? This is not like your character"

The sudden appearance of the Queen Mother of the West made most of the Creation Spirits look sideways, and the Emperor of Heaven smiled and spoke to the Queen Mother of the West who suddenly appeared here.

As the Queen Mother of the West loves beauty, if she lets her look directly at some filthy things, then one of her and the filthy things she sees must die. Over the years, the Queen Mother of the West has never lost.

The strongest people in the world of flesh and blood will can no longer be defined by the words of beauty or ugliness. As long as you look directly at them, or look over, you can feel the spiritual pollution. It is more uncomfortable for Queen Mother Xi to look at those things directly than to kill her.

The Emperor of Heaven teased without any hesitation.

"I am not familiar with you."

Queen Mother Xi's cheeks showed a look of disgust, and she did not have a good face for the Emperor of Heaven.

Since Queen Mother Xi could remember, she had no good feelings for the Emperor of Heaven, because she always felt that these creation spirits were very enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that Queen Mother Xi felt that there must be something wrong with his head.

Queen Mother Xi, who had experienced reincarnation, had long forgotten her past experiences and had forgotten that she had once belonged to the creation spirit.

Her root existence, in a sense, actually predated the Emperor of Heaven. These most ancient creation spirits were once familiar with her, but Queen Mother Xi had long forgotten all this.

Moreover, no one would mention all this, because the existence of Queen Mother of the West is also a taboo in the Creation Spirit.

No one knows how she was freed from the curse of killing the sky, and no one knows how she can keep her true spirit immortal and be born with the reincarnation of the world after getting rid of the curse of killing the sky.

Including the omniscient and omnipotent Heavenly Will, who does not know how Queen Mother of the West got rid of the curse.

It may be that Heavenly Will is empty and worried that other Creation Spirits will follow the example of Queen Mother of the West, or it may be because of other hidden dangers, Queen Mother of the West has become a taboo, and no Creation Spirit talks about her under the high pressure of Heavenly Will.

No Creation Spirit dares to contact her rashly, and the Emperor of Heaven only approaches her to get close to her, wanting to understand the way to get rid of her, but has been dragged back by Heavenly Will himself more than once.

It also caused the Emperor of Heaven to assassinate Heavenly Will several times.


Seeing the Queen Mother of the West put on a face, the Emperor of Heaven did not feel offended. He chuckled a few times and slowly moved his eyes away from the Queen Mother of the West, and even ignored the fox in her arms.

The Emperor of Xuanqiong Gaodi, Jiuguang Yunnu and Huang Laodao on the side smiled and did not say anything.

Although the Queen Mother of the West in front of them was the Queen Mother of the West, she was not the Queen Mother of the West in the past. There was a natural separation and unfamiliarity between them. In addition, under the suppression of the will of heaven, they naturally would not deliberately step forward to say hello.

After all, they were not like Zhu Yin, who was still in the stage of enjoying eternal welfare. They had very obvious rebellious intentions and wanted to stab the will of heaven.

They were ordered not to approach the Queen Mother of the West.

"I am going to do something. It should be okay to get close to the damaged barrier, right?" The Queen Mother of the West asked the Emperor of Heaven and Youchao.

The invisible and intangible Youchao shook his head and said something slowly.

After listening to the story, Queen Mother of the West and the Emperors of Heaven nodded thoughtfully.

"What did Master Tiandao say?"

The Creator Spirits or the Hongmeng Guardians present seemed to understand Youchao's words, but Su Yan in the arms of Queen Mother Wo was confused and didn't hear what Youchao said at all.

Strictly speaking, Youchao didn't have a mouth and couldn't speak. Its words and deeds were just imitating the behavior of living beings, so that the living beings who saw it would not fall into panic and horror.

Things that look like oneself but are not oneself can often arouse the most primitive fear in the hearts of living beings.

Youchao's behavior is to imitate living beings. Except for the time when it was forced to speak by Yinglong, it conveyed its meaning through thoughts and preaching.

No matter how awkward its words are, the living beings around it can always understand its words at the first time.

So, Su Yan really didn't know what Youchao said.

After all, Youchao didn't talk to him.

"Help to stop them."

Although the Queen Mother of the West nodded in agreement with what Youchao had just said to her, she didn't care much. She hadn't originally thought of contacting those strange creatures on the opposite side.

She was just preparing to get closer so that Su Yan could send a voice message to Yinglong.

She was not interested in fighting with the flesh and blood deformer.

"This matter is related to Yinglong, which will help her to press the will of heaven under her crotch."

When the Queen Mother of the West turned around, she seemed to remember something and said something to the Creation Spirit.

After these words came out, the Creation Spirits who were originally indifferent and not prepared to intervene suddenly became energetic.


The Emperor of Heaven took the lead and came straight behind the Queen Mother of the West, facing Youchao and the Hongmeng Guardians led by him, and smiled.

Whether to help the Queen Mother of the West depends on her mood, but if you say you can kill the will of heaven, then you are my brother.

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