The hand with black spells flowing in it reached out from the void, grabbed the trunk of the big chun tree, and pulled it out with great force, dragging Su Yan and the Xuantong Holy Mothers out with it.

Then, the hand lifted up the big chun tree and smashed it heavily into the original tiankeng, replanting the big chun tree in the tiankeng, and also smashed Su Yan and the Xuantong Holy Mothers into the big pit to suppress them.

The black spell hand slowly disappeared, and the original fairyland, which was originally falling apart, became stable because of the return of the big chun tree. The doomsday-like natural disaster scene also gradually disappeared, and it turned back to the dark scene when the yin and yang qi covered the sky.

".Are you injured?"

Zhu Yin came to the replanted big chun tree, raised his hand and touched the trunk of the chun tree, and transmitted the sound to Su Yan who was suppressed underground through vibration.

But there was no echo from the bottom of the big chun tree for a long time, which made Zhu Yin frown slightly.

"Su Yan is missing."

The voice of the Holy Mother Xuantong came from the soil. The Holy Mother Xuantong, who turned into a white snake, emerged from the soil and looked at Zhu Yin floating in the air and said, "We have searched the land once, but we didn't see him."

One after another, white snake heads arched out from the soft soil. Billions of white giant snake heads shook back and forth, which looked particularly strange.

"Little Fox, the fox is missing?" Zhu Yin said with confusion.

"Yes, we have searched for millions of miles, but we didn't see his figure or breath. He just disappeared out of thin air the moment the big tree fell."

The assimilated body of the Holy Mother Xuantong said with certainty.

The whole land was full of Holy Mother Xuantong. There were tens of thousands of assimilated bodies close to Su Yan who witnessed with their own eyes that Su Yan disappeared the moment he was hit by the big tree.

Afterwards, the Holy Mothers Xuantong went around to look for him, but there was no trace of Su Yan at all. They couldn't even sense the location of the sacrificial knife and the body.

Su Yan disappeared directly in the primitive fairyland.

"Disappeared directly?"

Zhu Yin subconsciously raised her head and looked towards the direction of the Nameless Gate. The guy who could quietly kidnap Su Yan under her nose was probably only Tian Zhiyi in the entire primitive fairyland, right?


In the void world.

"Pain, pain, pain"

Su Yan almost blew out his lungs after Tian Zhiyi hit a tree in his chest. Until now, he still hasn't recovered from that breath. He lay on the ground and cried with his chest full of holes.

The hardness of the big chun tree is one of the strongest materials here. Su Yan couldn't completely withstand Tian Zhiyi's holding the big chun tree and hitting it. His upper body and lower body were almost completely separated, but because it had been a while since he was injured, he had almost recovered.

Su Yan covered his healing wound and looked around with a painful look on his face. He tried to crawl out and find another way to dig up the big chun tree completely.

But when Su Yan saw the surrounding environment clearly, the expression on the fox's face could not help but be stunned.

In the void without the concept of space, an island floated above the void. A small bamboo forest was planted on one-third of the island. The sound of bamboo leaves rubbing against each other was automatically emitted without wind.

The empty figure of the will of heaven leaned on a stone table without table corners. The body of all changes looked at Su Yan calmly without any joy, anger, sorrow or happiness.

Su Yan also looked at the will of heaven, and the two looked at each other and fell into a brief silence.

However, compared with the old master of the will of heaven before, Su Yan noticed that it now had some blood on its body.

Those blood-red mists were not like the enlightenment in the primitive fairyland, but were somewhat similar to the substances after he opened the method of returning to the void and merging with the Tao.

"I'm injured."

The Will of Heaven seemed to see what Su Yan was thinking, and said without any concealment: "When you tried to push down the big tree, I had to distract myself to deal with the chaos you caused in the primeval forest. Yinglong and the Will of Flesh and Blood took the opportunity to leave wounds on my body."

The omniscience and omnipotence of the Will of Heaven are based on the primitive world. It knows everything in the primitive world like the back of its hand. There is no secret in front of it.

And Yinglong, who is located outside the heaven, and the power of the extraterritorial demons are unknown forces beyond the cognition of the Will of Heaven. It is not incomprehensible that it was injured when it was distracted for a while.

Although the Will of Heaven has an absolute advantage, the Will of Flesh and Blood is not an easy opponent. It is normal to be bitten back by the Flesh and Blood World for a moment of carelessness.

"Am I kidnapped now?" Su Yan looked at himself and then looked at the Will of Heaven.


The Will of Heaven did not respond, which was considered as tacitly accepting Su Yan's self-knowledge. Then, it slowly unfolded some scrolls and projected them in front of Su Yan, saying:

"Although I have the ability to read memories, I still feel that I have some curiosity, and it is more in line with my heart to get answers from you."

The first scroll unfolded, and the projection played on it was the battlefield of Tianwaitian, and the perspective was very high. Su Yan could see that the Flesh and Blood Will, which was several circles smaller than the original will, was like a blood-red octopus, with tentacles rooted in the original will, opening countless big mouths and biting the surface of the original will.

The arc of energy explosion flashed, and most of the blows of the Flesh and Blood Will were not painful to the original will.

Only by repeatedly hitting the same place can some scars be left on the shell of the original will.

The content in the second scroll is the confrontation between the Chao clan and the Crimson King. The crimson, filthy, and bloody torrent of curses has already cracked the restrictions intertwined by the Chao clan. .

As the Five Heavenly Emperors fell into deep sleep, the power of the Youchao clan fluctuated, allowing the Crimson King, the most powerful person in the world of flesh and blood, to gain the upper hand.

The third scroll shows the battlefield between Wusheng Emperor and Yuhua Holy Son. Yuhua Holy Son was beaten into a blur by Jiu Guangyun Nu, and Wusheng Emperor broke into Xia Kingdom directly. He went on a killing spree, snatched the treasure of all human emperors from Xia Wenzong's hands, and transformed into a complete human emperor to fight with Jiu Guangyun Nu.

On the earth, there are some black thunders that are swimming quickly, connected with the wedges that were driven into the ground to absorb the luck when the Wusheng Emperor gave birth to the Holy Son.

A black line spreads from the atrium world to the four worlds in the southeast, northwest, and slowly builds a huge formation. It is continuously extracting the energy of the earth veins, intending to sacrifice the power of the earth veins to directly destroy the original fairyland. Dismembered.

In the projection of the fourth scroll, Father Long and the God of the Four Seas ran wildly to the left and right, occasionally taking action to kill some of the earth and mountain gods that appeared. Huang Laodao divided his body into three to pursue Father Long and the God of the Four Seas. The remaining One person rescued the dying Earth Mountain God.

Huang Laodao's method was very crude. He directly kneaded the dead earth and mountain gods together, and then poured the scattered broken souls into the container to maintain their most basic vitality and left them alone.

The last scroll was projected, and there were no images in it. There was only one sentence written on it:

【Don’t disturb me if you are asleep.】

Obviously, the last scene without a picture should be the white jade Qiongtai corresponding to Kunlun Lingshan.

"The whole primitive fairyland."

"At present, it can be said that all living creatures are resisting me intentionally or unintentionally." The will of heaven looked at the scroll floating on the void, smiled, and asked Su Yan:

"The reluctance and resistance of the creatures have always been within my expectations. Therefore, I ordered the Nine Heavens Xuannv to create an organization and drive the Netherworld to clear the obstacles for me who intend to resist me."

"But you can see the outcome. The resistance of those whose interests have been harmed is weak, but you, those with vested interests, are particularly vigorous in your resistance."

"I am therefore very curious as to what prompted you to resist me so hard. After all, it would be easy for you to go to the new world, if Ying Long or Queen Mother Xi spoke to the Youchao clan."

"It is not impossible to give you hundreds of millions of places. Returning to the original fairyland in the era of chaos, having hundreds of millions more creatures is actually not a bad thing. There are some trivial things that the creatures still need to deal with."

"Do you have any objections to this arrangement?" Tian Zhizhi looked at Su Yan and asked slowly.

"Is this a discussion?"

Su Yan looked at Heaven's Will with a strange expression.

"No, I'm just making a hypothesis." Tian Zhizhi shook his head decisively and rejected Su Yan's guess.

Su Yan was silent for a moment, and the figures of Yinglong's ancestor, Queen Mother of the West, and the Emperor God whom he had just met not long ago slowly appeared in his mind.

Su Yan organized his words in his heart many times, trying to use gentler words to express his summary:

"Master Tianyi, you are just saying, is there a possibility that either the ancestor of Yinglong or the Queen Mother of the West are actually treating people wrongly?"

The Will of Heaven asked itself why the vested interests were resisting it, and even the Nine Heavens Xuannv often betrayed it indirectly, or even betrayed the Netherworld under different names.

After Su Yan thought for a moment, he told Master Tianzhi Will of the answer in a very gentle way.

First of all, Yinglong Ancestor has no interest in destroying the world or souls at all, and she doesn’t want to care about that. The movement of heaven and earth has its own rules that should be followed, but the reason why Yinglong Ancestor is so angry and resentful is entirely because of the will of heaven. of deception.

Not only did it delay Yinglong's time for tens of thousands of years, but it also indirectly killed the Four Seas Dragon God, the Five Elements Qilin Clan, as well as all the friends in the Wilderness Palace and some comrades-in-arms.

Now the ten-headed phoenix is ​​still oozing pus all over its body, and its foul smell is regarded as a symbol of disaster. Wherever it goes, there will be curses flowing everywhere, and the disaster will come from nothing, and it is purely a great disaster.

And all this is because of the will of heaven, which suddenly appeared and deceived Yinglong for a while.

The Queen Mother of the West sat at home singing and dancing, lingering over the beauties of her beautiful subjects all day long. She was very happy touching and pinching the faces of beautiful fairies at the Ten Thousand Immortals Banquet. She occasionally held pool parties with old friends and fairies, and lived a small life. She is very nourished and contented, quietly waiting for the birth of a husband worthy of her beauty.

But one day, she suddenly felt sleepy, and when she woke up, her beautiful subjects were gone.

The proud little foxes were wandering in the world of cultivation and became emaciated and emaciated due to hunger. Her godson, Chong Ming, was so hungry that his cultivation level dropped. There were even some traitors who dared to poop in her carefully decorated dormitory!

Queen Mother Xi blew up the dormitory and never set foot in the previous dormitory again.

That was her carefully decorated bedroom, which was originally used as a wedding room. However, everything was ruined because of her sudden sleep.

As for Tianyi Xuannv, who has been hiding behind the scenes and fighting against the Netherworld and the Youchao clan, to put it bluntly, she was forced out by the will of heaven. She forcibly split the soul forced by Jiutian Xuannv and evolved into Tianyi Xuannv.

The existences that oppose the will of heaven are basically forced out by it itself.

Beings like Senior Zhuyin, who have not been persecuted by the will of heaven, no matter what the destruction of the world or the soul, still sits on the high platform and enjoys watching the show. Unless it is requested by old sisters like the Queen Mother of the West, she is not even willing to move. , it is a matter that has nothing to do with oneself.

"Does all the responsibility lie with me?" After listening to Su Yan's story, Heaven's Will did not open his mouth to argue, but continued to ask Su Yan:

"Maybe? What about you? Why are you working so hard to oppose me? An extraterrestrial demon from the outer world came here to save people in trouble?"

"Uh, honestly."

Su Yan looked hesitant and said: "In a sense, I agree with Master Tianyi's plan. After all, my current lifespan is close to infinite but it is linked to heaven and earth. Once reincarnation comes again, I will not be able to do it." Immortal."

"It's a pity that I'm just a fox and I don't have any great ambitions."

"I do hope to live longer, and I am very satisfied with my achievements. Although those guys in the original fairy world say that I am a softie, this is also an innate talent of our old Hu family, which they cannot envy."

"Then you are still fighting me so hard?" Hearing this, the Will of Heaven raised his hand to interrupt Su Yan's words and signaled him not to make detours here and go straight to the point. Currently, the will of flesh and blood is still fighting in the sky.

"I like the pie you drew, but I hate the final outcome of the pie."

Su Yan looked at the will of heaven and said bluntly: "Assuming that I have infinite lifespan, I will end up just being reduced to a weapon in the dimensional war. I will have no time to enjoy the efforts I have put in before. Such eternal life It doesn’t matter if it’s immortal.”

The reason why Su Yan practiced hard was because he didn't have any lofty ambitions. He just wanted to be happy, whether it was the former world of cultivation or the original world of immortality.

If you want to be happy and unrestrained, you need strength. If you don't have strength, even if you spend money to go to the bar or visit the brothels, the eyes of the talented women will reveal disdain, they won't receive them, and they won't get any experience at all.

Moreover, it is very easy to die if you are weak. Su Yan does not want to become a scarf. Therefore, he has been practicing seriously. I can't say seriously, but if there is a chance to become stronger easily, he will be willing to pay some price and effort for it. Fight hard for it.

If it is said that the will of heaven simply wants to extend the lifespan here and delay the coming of reincarnation again.

Su Yan would be happy about this, but the Will of Heaven didn't think so. It wanted to conquer worlds one after another. It would swallow up everything, and it would kill all the creatures in other worlds, including those in the primitive world, leaving only those who were suitable to become warriors. .

Su Yan found it difficult to agree with this.

In this way, even if you have endless lifespan, what is the meaning of eternal immortality?

For eternity and eternity, under the will of heaven, serve as a migrant worker with no salary, no holidays, no entertainment, and also an extremely busy job?

Even street lamp pendants would not dare to exploit slaves like this.

If this does not go against the will of Heaven, then Su Yan feels that he may not be a nine-tailed fox again, but become a loyal housekeeper and guardian of wealth.

After Su Yan finished answering the question of Heaven's Will, he drew out the Tongyou Divine Sword and the Sacrificial Knife. He slowly raised his body from the little fox to the form of a young man, preparing to fight to the death against Heaven's Will.

There is no point in talking more at this point. If the will of heaven does not change its own ideas and is unwilling to apologize to the founder of Yinglong and the Queen Mother of the West and then cure Jiutian Xuannv's heart disease, then there will be no need to talk about everything that happened after that.


"In the primitive world, I was one and all, and everything was under my control."

The Will of Heaven glanced at Su Yan. Su Yan, who was about to swing his sword, suddenly retracted. The Tongyou Divine Sword and the Sacrificial Knife in his hands were as soft as noodles and sticky.

Su Yan's eyelids twitched slightly, and thousands of curse words were stuck in his throat.

He is very curious now. If the will of heaven in front of him is really as the Emperor God said, it is not the original path of the original world, but the existence of the master of the sky-watching thief who steals the will of the world.

How exactly does it steal the power of the world?

"I got your answer, and my curiosity was satisfied."

The Will of Heaven waved his hand, put a futon on Su Yan and said:

"I understand your difficulties and why you are against me. So what suggestions do you have for extending your life here?"

"You need to know that the longevity of the world cannot increase for no reason."

“Rebirth is equivalent to a snake shedding its skin and growing.”

Chapter 904 Su Yan is invited to speak

"Reincarnation is equivalent to a snake shedding its skin. It is the process of my growth and development. To put it simply, you can understand that my growth needs to draw nutrients from here."

"When the next reincarnation begins, I can become stronger, and all living beings can also gain a higher starting point."

"Although it is a new world after reincarnation, the world can also inherit the heritage of the previous world."

Tian Zhizhi looked at Su Yan and told him an objective matter unhurriedly.

In its eyes, reincarnation is actually like a living thing storing up winter food in the spring and autumn. When winter comes and there is no food, it eats the stored food. After eating and drinking enough, the will of the world will become stronger in the coming year.

"Reincarnation is an indispensable regulation, just like the avenue in the flesh and blood world, every once in a while it will automatically enter what we call reincarnation, what they call self-cleansing. Once the reincarnation mechanism is missing, will the original fairy world become abnormal, um, weird?"

"Although reincarnation is indispensable, there are other substitutes."

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