"It's just that the preset model you gave me deduced some things in the world, which made me suddenly feel something and think of some things in the past."

"I have only two things in my life. The first is to turn the unknown into the known, and this goal has been achieved for a long time. So much so that I have become the biggest unknown in the primitive world."

"And the second thing is to find normal creatures." The Will of Heaven looked at Su Yan and said:

"What is a normal creature? Simply put, it is one that can resonate and empathize with me. I always feel that the creatures around me are weird, but what is weird about them? , I didn't think deeply about it until I climbed to the top of the mountain. "

"It turns out that it's not everyone who is to blame, but me."

"There is still space to climb on the top of the mountain. It took me a long time to climb up, and I created the rank of the Spirit of Creation. The reason is what I said about finding someone who can resonate with me. "

The will of heaven spoke calmly, without emotion, and without waves, but in Su Yan's eyes, the body of the will of heaven stopped changing, and a deep darkness spread from it to the outside world.

Its shape was also changing. The body of the body of the will of heaven, which maintained a human form before, grew a large number of strange limbs that Su Yan could not describe.

Su Yan subconsciously stepped back. He always felt that the will of heaven was extremely strange now.

"In every reincarnation, a Creator Spirit can be born. They are the beings that have fought their way out of the siege among the billions of creatures in the current reincarnation."

"It's a pity. The Creator Spirits that I used to talk to and empathize with have all left."

"These Creator Spirits that came later are weird."

The shape of the Will of Heaven became more and more twisted and weird, and countless things similar to insect limbs broke out of its ever-changing body:

"Until now, I am still working to achieve the second goal. As long as the time of reincarnation is infinitely pushed forward, a creature with firm will, unique talent, and who can resonate and empathize with me will surely be born here."

The firm will mentioned by the Will of Heaven here does not mean that there is really any perseverance, but I hope that this thing can last longer.

At least it will not be there after a few reincarnations, desperately thinking about escaping.

The growth of the original will requires nutrients, and the meaning of the existence of creatures is to evolve for the world's will.

If there are like-minded people, it can grow faster by assisting the evolution of the world. So far, all these are done by the will of heaven alone. Later, it didn't care about it anymore, and it was fully handed over to the incarnation of heaven, Youchao, to deduce the changes.

At the same time, the top of the original will outside the domain twisted, and spirals rose up, entangled and merged with each other to form an upper body, with slender arms hanging down on the round sphere of the lower body, and eyes closed as if not fully awake.

In the void, the deep darkness completely enveloped Su Yan.

Su Yan only felt dizzy, as if he was back to the time when his fox mother was pregnant with him.

When Su Yan regained his perception, there was no color around him, only two light shadows located directly in front of Su Yan, one light shadow was humanoid, and the other light shadow was like a reptile, with limbs piercing the other light shadow, but in some detailed positions, you can see that there are some chain-like things piercing the reptile's body on the humanoid light shadow.

The humanoid light and shadow locked the reptile. The reason why the reptile's limbs pierced its body was because the reptile wanted to break away from it, but it couldn't break free of the chains. After a long stalemate, the two became a chimera.

".Master Tianyi?"

Su Yan looked around and was silent for a moment, then asked the strange chimera in front of him.

"It's me. You are in my body now." The humanoid creature said slowly.

"Now. Is it considered a scapegoat?" Su Yan looked at Tianzhiyi and asked: "By the way, I don't seem to have offended you, Master?"

Tianzhiyi's words may be mysterious, but after such a period of conversation, Su Yan can roughly see what Tianzhiyi is like.

In short, it was born in an unknown place, but it was very awesome after it was born. It quickly passed through the original world and beat the administrator [Dao], and replaced it with confidence. Then it crossed its legs and prepared to find some people as awesome as itself to discuss justice.

As a result, there are some as awesome as it, but they usually don't live long. After tens of billions of years, they will feel bored and resign, leaving the position of the Creator Spirit.

As the Great Dao, the Will of Heaven may also be tired of the omniscience and omnipotence that all living beings think, and want to get out, but as the Will of Heaven, it has been trapped to death.

It stole the power of the Great Dao, and was trapped in certain restrictions of the Great Dao and couldn't get out.

After achieving its original dream, the Will of Heaven was trying to meet a confidant and a way to get out.

"Scapegoat? You have a great talent for humor, and I can't stop laughing."

The Will of Heaven retracted his gaze from the reptile, looked at Su Yan and said calmly:

"It's just that time has returned to normal flow, and the Emperor Wusheng detonated the five earth veins to cause shocks, forcibly activating the self-defense in my body."


"Your perception of time has returned to normal, and it is indeed due to my arrangement."

"I have something that I need your help with." Heaven's Will said seriously to Su Yan:

"Your default world is very bad, but there is something in it that touches me."

"Integrated world initiative?" Su Yan looked at the will of heaven with a subtle expression on his face and said, "I'm talking nonsense!"

The fusion world deduced by Su Yan is essentially the Will of Heaven, except that invasion is replaced by fusion. He has not solved any problems or issues in that model.

His method is to knead the dough, add more water and flour, and add water to it if there is too much flour.

Su Yan's purpose was to belittle the will of heaven and prevent it from fighting Yinglong. He also did not want to become a busy slave of the will of heaven who could not resign without salary and holidays.

Now being suddenly praised by God, Su Yan panicked.

"It's not about merging the world. What I'm interested in is the appearance of the spirits of creation." Heaven's Will said:

"Except when the world was created, they rarely appeared in such a neat manner."

"Aren't you always belittling my plans? Now I'll give you a task. You should follow your preset fusion world and reshape a primitive fairyland that can surpass me and be very lively!"

When the will of heaven was speaking, Yinglong from outside the territory and Wusheng Emperor from the original immortal world almost launched a surprise attack on both the inside and outside of the original will in tandem.

The chain connecting the Will of Heaven to the reptile also disappeared for a short time. The primitive will that looked like a reptile suddenly woke up and tried to break free from the Will of Heaven and regain its independence.

But the will of heaven raised his hand, pinched the mouthparts on the reptile's face, exerted force with his arms up and down, and forcibly tore the reptile in half from the middle, and white blood spilled into the space without the concept of color.

The will of heaven tore the reptile apart and reshaped it with its own power. A large amount of energy from the same source but more powerful than the reptile was poured into the new form.

A white box bound by countless chains floats in front of the Will of Heaven, which has lost its ever-changing body and light and shadow.

At this moment, the original appearance of Tian Zhi's will, which had successfully escaped, appeared in front of Su Yan.

The illusory female form floats in the void. There is no other color on her body, only deep black, and her whole body exudes energy that does not belong to the primitive world.

"I'll leave the rest to you." The Will of Heaven removed the reptile and the chain, and without even the slightest hesitation, walked straight out of the void world.

"To touch the sealed box, it contains the so-called omniscient and omnipotent power of the original avenue."

"You are qualified to use it"

The spirit body came to the void world and split into two. One spirit body returned to the bamboo forest on the island in the void world, and the other spirit body disappeared directly into the original fairyland.

"So, where in the fusion world touched Master Tianyi, prompting her to choose to escape from the position of Dao without hesitation?"

In the white box in front of you, the seal suppresses the great will of the original world. It was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and had to fall into a deep sleep. However, the white box contained the power of time and space. The original will was inside, and there was almost no awakening. possibility.

But as long as the chain of the box is touched, the original will can be controlled in this way, thereby driving the omniscient and omnipotent power limited by the will of the world.

Su Yan looked at the white box, then at Tian Zhizhi, who had left without saying anything, and fell silent.

"God's will has been refined into a tool."

"It's really something I never imagined. I'm afraid I'm the only one who has seen such a scene."

"So, what is she thinking? How did my nonsense about the fusion world touch her?"

After confirming that the white box was harmless, Su Yan raised his hand and put it on the white box, searching for the words that Heaven's Will had not yet finished speaking.

The omniscient and omnipotent power was activated, and an indescribable sharp pain came. A spherical hole suddenly appeared on Su Yan's chest. Dense pits and blood holes appeared on Su Yan's previously fair skin, as if he had been hit by some highly poisonous insect. Like chewing.

Su Yan snorted, and a strange perspective outside of his own appeared in his eyes.

He came to a gray world. He looked around and saw nothing, only some hazy lights and shadows. After coming to this strange perspective, Su Yan finally knew where the wounds on his body came from.

The flesh-and-blood will that was originally in the shape of a sphere was violently destroyed by the will of heaven, and was forcibly twisted from a round ball into an oval-shaped sphere, and this oval-shaped sphere is currently inserted into Su Yan's body.

The dense blood holes on his body were also chewed out by the world of flesh and blood before.

But the current world of flesh and blood has been ravaged by the complete form of the will of heaven. The shell of the entire world has been shattered, and the air has been blown out and in.

"The will of heaven is so terrifying."

Su Yan pulled out the flesh and blood will from his chest, and he became a half-length giant standing outside the world. A pair of fox ears grew out of his head, and nine fox tails grew out of the bottom of the ball in his lower body and stretched forward, wrapping the original will sphere, and the sphere There are also some fine matte scales growing on the shell.

Su Yan took good care of the injuries on his body and did not pay attention to the strange changes in the perspective. Instead, he went to find the reason and touch points for the Will of Heaven to run away with the bucket.

A stream of information far more accurate than the thirty-six ghosts and gods poured into Su Yan's mind.

"Am I considered a child laborer? In terms of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan, I have just crawled out of my swaddling clothes and crawled all over the ground in the courtyard at home."

Through the limited omniscience, Su Yan finally understood where the Will of Heaven had gone.

He also knew why the Will of Heaven chose to escape after seeing the fusion world.

In simple terms, the Will of Heaven had always wanted to be freed from the position of the Great Dao.

But after it escaped, it actually had nowhere to go. The original world was so big for it, so it had actually been looking for a close friend who could get along with it.

The Creator Spirit was the close friend it had found for itself.

But the Creator Spirits were not resistant to creation. After a maximum of six reincarnations, the Creator Spirits would become physically and mentally exhausted.

The so-called dimensional war and delayed reincarnation were just for the Will of Heaven to find something for the Creator Spirits to do so that they would not want to leave because of their fatigue with the world.

There were always things to do, and there were always new worlds for the Creator Spirits to vent.

After Su Yan proposed the concept of the fusion world, the already numb mind of the Will of Heaven suddenly gained new inspiration, and it couldn't wait to try it.

The Will of Heaven cuts itself into three parts. The first part is a white box, which contains the power of omniscience and omnipotence. The second part is the spirit that fell into the bamboo forest of the Void Realm.

This spirit seals the power of the soul and the power of the outside world of the Will of Heaven, and is its patron saint.

The last part of the pure soul was reincarnated by washing away the memory in the Sanctuary of Reincarnation.

The proposal of merging the world is a variant of the great cause of the Will of Heaven. The essence is to postpone reincarnation and devour the will of other worlds to make the world grow.

Countless worlds merged with the golden scales. The Will of Heaven has countless time to find a close friend who is in tune with himself, smart, and has unparalleled talents. Its two major wishes in life are to explore the unknown and find some creatures who are very awesome when they are born like it.

The Will of Heaven ran away.

It gave the white box to Su Yan, allowing him to drive the power of omniscience and omnipotence, and hoped that he could implement the so-called fusion of the world to make the world lively.

It doesn't matter if it fails. When the world is in danger of extinction, it will wake up and come back.

"You left a mess to me and disappeared with a new identity. Do you still have any shame?"

Su Yan, who knew the whole truth, subconsciously looked into the original fairyland.

"I have never seen such a willful person. Willful personality is not scary. What is scary is that it has the power to subvert."

"I was wondering why you ran so fast."

"If I find you, I will beat you up and send you to Senior Zhu Yin to take a photo of apology!"

Chapter 909 Return

"Let's start with the flesh and blood world! Let the original will grow, so that the turmoil in the original fairyland can be calmed down faster."

After learning about the will of heaven, even if Su Yan gritted his teeth in hatred, the most important thing at present is to clean up the mess of the will of heaven.

In order to escape, it not only gave up its defense and allowed the flesh and blood will to bombard it, but also allowed the Emperor Wusheng to detonate the earth veins of the five worlds, causing a turbulence in the spirit of the immortal spirits. In addition, Su Yan had previously dug a tree, and the matter of the spirit of the Wangchuan River and the dragon girl.

The original immortal world was in a mess inside and outside, and if it continued to wait and see for two more times, the pot would almost burn through.

Su Yan swallowed and merged the broken flesh and blood will world into the original immortal world.

In the endless void, a space isolated from the original creatures was divided for the flesh and blood will world.

"Ha, did you lose?"

The flesh and blood world merged into the original world, and Yinglong also returned to the void world. But in the void world, the scene seen from Yinglong's perspective was that the will of heaven was still sitting in front of the bamboo forest on the island in silence, and the body of all changes had no sadness or joy and could not see any ripples.

Yinglong slowly exhaled and sat up, looking at the will of heaven sitting upright. Just as he was about to speak, Su Yan's voice came from the will of heaven's body:

"Come over here, ancestor. This body of the will of heaven is actually a door. The real will of heaven has always been in the deepest part of the door."

"We were all deceived by it. The will of heaven packed up its bags and ran away. We all became its pawns to escape from the position of the avenue."

Su Yan's voice full of complaints and complaints came from the body of the will of heaven, saying: "I have never seen something so good at lying and deceiving."

"The will of heaven ran away?" Yinglong heard the expression of the whole yellow dragon became extremely wonderful.

"You will know when you come."

When Su Yan talked with the ancestor, he did not stop correcting the turmoil in the original fairy world. Su Yan, who was touching the white box, had the power of omniscience. This power could provide him with all the knowledge and data support when he wanted.

There are some powers or things that you don't know, as long as you think about it in your heart, something like instinct will tell Su Yan what to do.

After dealing with the flesh and blood world, Su Yan immediately began to calm the aftermath of the ground vein shock, and then used the strengthened nothingness and reality to bring back some creatures that had recently died in misfortunes.

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