"I'm his aunt, why are you looking at me?"

After being scanned by Shopkeeper Yu's eyes, it was like being measured all over the body with a tape measure. Auntie glared at Tailor Yu's chest, which made Shopkeeper Yu look embarrassed.

After dealing with the cloth, Auntie took Su Yan away from her sad place.

Six hundred stones of spiritual stones!

A full sixty thousand catties of spiritual stones! Being an official in the court makes more money than us mountain kings!

When she thought of this, Auntie was still upset and didn't want to stay in the sad place at all.


"By the way, Auntie, after passing the imperial examination, I know that I can be an official in the court, but what about after passing the military examination? Will all those candidates be military officers in the court?"

Su Yan asked curiously.

He was sitting in the motorcade for the examination. There were hundreds of candidates in it. This was just one motorcade. Su Yan had seen other motorcades on the way. Each team carried hundreds of candidates to the main city of Xiayu.

What you can do after passing the imperial examination or the military examination is a common sense question for people in Xiayu, and there is no special answer or explanation for it.

But for Su Yan, an outsider, if no one answers, he has no idea.

"Martial arts examination? After passing the examination, there are roughly three levels, right? The best candidates go to the Demon Suppression Division, the next best candidates become leaders in the border army, and candidates with only qualified scores will be assigned to various counties or towns or under the command of vassal kings."

"Joining the Demon Suppression Division is equivalent to being a royal guard. If you do well in the future, you can get close to the emperor. Those assigned to the army can return to the court if they are capable of making it. The rest can only say that there are no limit to what they can do. Whether they have a future depends purely on their own ability."

"If you pass the imperial examination, you will be a civil servant, but where you will be assigned depends on your grades and luck.

Are you interested in being a civil servant? If you want to go, my aunt suggests that you find a princess to marry into the family. The lifespan of court officials is longer than that of others. The three masters of the current dynasty are the ones who followed the first emperor back then."

"I'm afraid that you will not live as long as those old guys when you are old and gray."

The thousands of people in the martial arts competition are all those who have passed the provincial examination and the imperial city preliminary examination.

The court will select the best thirty people and assign them to the Demon Suppression Division directly under the emperor to be responsible for border inspections. Two hundred people will be assigned to the border army for training, and the remaining three hundred will be sent home with just a title.

A Juren title is not worth much, but it is true that you can get a raise by working in government offices in various places, so my aunt said that the rest of them can be any kind of people, it all depends on their ability.

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Chapter 15 Zhou You

At night, when the brothels are open for business.

"Madam, this is not okay. If your husband hangs out in brothels every day, it will be bad for your reputation if he gets sick. Can't you just tell him to come to our place?"

"You can see the environment here, and we have cooperation with the Ministry of Rites. We are different from those who run brothels under the name of brothels. We accept inspections from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Justice!"

"Let's not talk about those things between men and women. Generally speaking, our place never evades taxes and is quite formal!"

As always, when the brothel is open, Su Yan sits on the table for people to pray for blessings. Unlike those who came to pray for marriage or children in the past, today, he occasionally saw a few ladies who came to pray for a harmonious married life.

After listening to their prayers, Su Yan roughly knew what happened. It was nothing more than the husbands of the ladies in front of him running around in brothels all day long, which made their wives dissatisfied, so they invited three or five women to come to the Fox Fairy Temple to pray for blessings.

Su Yan saw the opportunity and immediately started to recommend his own brothel to the ladies. He tirelessly introduced to them how his brothel was legal and compliant, and guaranteed that their husbands would not be able to eat any meat when they came here.

The talented women in the brothel were different from the prostitutes. For the wives of the officials of the court.

The brothels under the Ministry of Rites were the last respect for the wives of the court. Their family members entered the court as officials and might have embezzled for some reason, but as long as they did not make any mistakes in principle, the boss of their faction would give his wives the last favor for the sake of their past.

The chicken bugs flirted with the talented women tonight. After the officials of the Ministry of Rites knew about it, they would block the chicken bugs in Xia Yu's territory and break their hands within three days. If they committed indecent acts, the big boss of the court faction would definitely make his body float on the river.

There was some reason why Xia Yu men did not like brothels. If they got drunk, it was not uncommon for them to have an accident or be blackmailed by talented women.

Drinking wine and risking one's life is too scary.

Only those poor scholars love this, fantasizing that one day they will get a beautiful woman, or be valued by the faction bosses behind the talented women.

These were all unknown to Su Yan before, but later he decided to expand the brothel and gradually learned from the talented women about these unspoken rules of the brothel.


"A busy day is finally over."

After seeing the ladies move to the next door and play mahjong there, Su Yan got down from the altar, stretched his body and sighed.

Let's call it the Fox Fairy Temple! At least the talented women can now get some rewards.

Su Yan is now experienced as a statue of a god. He is not as flustered as before, struggling in a hurry when the ladies pulled his pants. Now when the ladies put the rewards into his clothes with their left hands, Su Yan opens the storage ring with his right hand and stores the rewards in the storage ring.

No more feeding people into a ball.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Su Yan got off the altar table and was about to go up to the fourth floor to find his aunt and Nanwu when he accidentally saw a handsome man sitting in the corner of the hook bar carrying a black sword case, pouring himself a drink there. drink wine.

The handsome guy Su Yan knew was Mr. Zhou who jumped out shamelessly last night and was kicked angrily by his aunt. The bell collided with the doorpost when he slid down on his knees.

Su Yan was a little surprised to see him here.

Because Zhou is not a pretender, he actually has cultivation and is an immortal cultivator.

It is really rare for a cultivator to come to the imperial palace to drink wine instead of going to the Wanhua Pavilion to drink wine.

"I'm germ-free! No need to get a broom!"

Zhou You seemed to still remember Su Yan. When he saw Su Yan, he complained bluntly: "I, Zhou, have been traveling in the world for three to five years and have never stayed in any shabby stores. The only thing I have never seen is that the gangsters are sweeping people with brooms." , and then he even spat at me and called me a germ!"

Zhou You didn't know that when Su Yan said "germ", he meant bacteria or fungi, scolding him for having dirty thoughts, but based on Zhou You's knowledge and experience, he interpreted that sentence and "germ" refers to fungi.

In other words, in Zhou You's eyes, Su Yan not only brushed him off, but also said disdainfully: "Oh, you dog man."

This made Zhou You extremely dissatisfied.

What's wrong with me? Aren't you a man? Don’t men live in this world just for money and wives?

Don't you like little ladies?

Zhou You originally wanted to scold Su Yan like this, but after a brief contact, he really couldn't scold him, especially when he saw Su Yan milling around among ladies with different styles.

With his nimble movements, he could pass through thousands of women without even a trace of rouge and gouache on his clothes. Zhou You deeply understood that the little brother in front of him might really have no shortage of wives and money.

He was born to eat women, and arguing about wives and money with such a chosen one is simply a very self-degrading thing.

How can a well-fed man like him know that a hungry man is hungry?

"I want to scold you!"

Zhou You raised his hand and slapped the table and stood up, stared at Su Yan and sighed speechlessly: "But my conscience tells me that there is no reason to scold you, especially when I see you milling around among women, I shed bitter tears of envy and jealousy. Swallow it straight into your stomach."

"If Zhou knew that he would see such an enviable and enviable scenery today, he would never come!"


Su Yan made a question mark. He couldn't understand Zhou You's words at all, but it felt like he was swearing, and it was a very new and advanced form of flattery.

Are you jealous that I am surrounded by women? Have you ever known the pain in my heart?

I am a dragon, a real dragon with a fox spirit!

Now I am living in Goulan and working, and the elders of my family are planning to cut my little Dingdang into pieces. Who are you scolding for this? So you envy me for sending you to the palace, do you think that’s okay?

"A duel! You come out and lower your cultivation level to duel! I must challenge you today!"

What Zhou You thought was a compliment actually made Su Yan feel aggrieved.

"It's despicable for you to curse people! Come out and challenge me!" Su Yan pointed at himself and then in the direction of the backyard.

Zhou You glanced at Su Yan and noticed another ferocious gaze. He subconsciously looked at the guardrail on the fourth floor of the building. He saw the girl who broke three or five of his ribs last night, sitting at the guardrail table. Go up, raise your hand and make a fierce look as if you want to slap him.

Seeing this, Zhou You waved his hands repeatedly: "No, you're cheating on the old one by beating him up. Although I don't know what's going on in your head, you kicked me out of the street and scolded me. Why are you still aggrieved?" "

"I'll give up on the martial arts, but we can win on the civil war!"

"Dlevin is Draven, we must fight him alone! Otherwise, why would I, Su Yan, be hanging around in the hook bar?"

Chapter 16 It’s not impossible, I’ll try my best.

Chapter 16 It’s not impossible, I’ll try my best.

"Come on, learn more about wild beasts, herbal medicine, Jianghu forces, or even demonic restraint!"

Su Yan raised his foot on the chair, met Zhou, raised his hand and slapped the table, shouted, and asked Zhou what kind of literary knowledge he wanted to discuss with him.

Although Su Yan is a time traveler, his talk about exotic mountains and rivers or rumors is really true.

When he was a child, his family had limited financial resources. Apart from wandering on the streets, the best way for Su Yan to pass his time was to read all kinds of stories at home, including stories about strange beasts in the mountains, illustrations of plant monsters, and some fairy tales that frightened children. See big.

He read those miscellaneous knowledge as novels. Su Yan didn't believe that the guy in front of him could defeat him!

"Okay! Come!"

Zhou You took a sip of wine, banged the wine glass on the table, and directly asked the question: "Using the zoology that you monsters are familiar with, I would like to ask, what kind of eggs do birdbirds lay when they are not pregnant? smell!"


After Su Yan heard the question, he was stunned, and three question marks appeared in his head.

Su Yan knew that the biwing bird was a two-winged, one-legged beast that was born with the symbiosis of water and fire, but would birds lay eggs when they were not pregnant? Who is so perverted as to steal other people's eggs?

"Hmph! No matter what kind of birds, monsters or alien beasts, as long as they take in too much spiritual energy in the body, which may have an impact on the body, they will eliminate the excess spiritual energy and nutrients by laying eggs. Birds that are overweight are common. Monster or strange beast!"

Zhou You chuckled twice with pride on his face: "Three questions, two wins. Now for the second question, what is the average height of the flower fairy family in the mountain spirit?"

"Less than an inch!"

Su Yan understands this question. The flower fairy is a kind of mountain spirit monster that often appears in flower fields. Its function is somewhat similar to that of a butterfly, which can help pollinate plants. It is a cute little creature protected by powerful plant monsters. It is said that the flower tea can rule the world. It’s hard to find the reputation of tea fragrance down there.

"Then come to me!"

After answering a question, this time it was Su Yan's turn to ask Zhou You to answer. Su Yan sneered and said: "Then the question is, when you catch a flower fairy and want to use it to make tea, the flower fairy is protected What should you do the next moment when the great plant monster is discovered?”


Zhou You looked surprised: "Can you make scented tea?"

"Don't worry about whether it is possible or not. What should I do?" Su Yan did not answer Zhou's question. It is normal for the monster books and human books to be slightly different.

"Let the flower fairy go and beg for mercy and pay compensation?" Zhou You replied.

"Wrong, you should draw your sword and point it directly at the plant demon. This way you can die with a little more dignity. The plant demon is extremely cruel among the demon clan. In terms of speed, it can march at extremely fast speeds using the earth escape method!"

There is no good type in the classification of plant monsters. The good type of plant monsters have long been extinct. As long as the plant monsters can survive, they are basically more brutal than the other.

Once offended, they will bite and hold on, so the elixirs that need to be used to plant demons are basically ridiculously expensive in the world of cultivation. Otherwise, no monks would go into those dragon ponds and tiger dens.

"I won!"

Su Yan sneered, a little angry, and felt a little less aggrieved. After snorting, Su Yan turned around and prepared to go upstairs to find his aunt, but Zhou You refused to give up and retorted: "I don't accept it. There is nothing wrong with the second question." The standard answer is whatever you want. Is it possible that the plant demon I met was just greedy for money?"

“This time it’s me who will give the questions, and one question will determine the outcome!”


Su Yan, who had already reached the stairs, smiled disdainfully when he saw Zhou You who was like a prodigal dog but still refused to give up.

"Xia Yu theme, asking how to marry a nine-tailed fox!" Zhou You asked the question confidently. He was born in Xia Yu.

This question is just like the second question asked by Su Yan. It is a question with individual differences and no standard answer.

"I don't know how to get married, but I know that the nine-tailed fox is very important to blood. They will kill any thieves who try to seduce the nine-tailed fox. If you don't want the old one, go directly to the younger one."

Su Yan finished his answer with a dark face and ran to the fourth floor of the building without looking back.

Zhou You's question was not lethal, but it was extremely insulting to Su Yan.

How can you marry a nine-tailed fox? The bell you used to hang on the gate of the clan as a warning.

If the true form of the nine-tailed fox could not be exposed, Su Yan really wanted to evolve into the second tail and kick Zhou in the face to let him know what the flying kick of the nine-tailed fox was!


"Auntie, I feel so uncomfortable when I win."

It was clear that he had returned with a great victory, but Su Yan didn't have any knowledge in his heart. He felt so depressed that he felt so depressed and uncomfortable. Why did this bitch keep pouring salt on his wounds all day long? He was really poisonous.


As an audience member who witnessed the whole fight, my aunt naturally knew that Zhou You's heart was stabbed into Su Yan's aorta.

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