Anonymous lifted up his wide cuffs, and several small vines poked out from inside, piercing the keyhole of the metal door.


The door to the Flower Administration's warehouse opened in response.

Chapter 166 The Red King’s Special Protected Animal


Anonymous raised his hand to find out the plant rhizome, inserted it into the government warehouse door and unlocked it without damaging it. He didn't care about the swords and spiritual stones placed in the warehouse, and went straight to the cell made of silver and repeated his trick, with emerald green brilliance emitting from his palms. Instantly activate the cell confinement.

As the second door opened, the fox-eared girl, who had long since turned into a wooden figure and began to mold, was exposed to normal temperature again, and the filthy air flowed from the feet of the Nameless Doe to the outside of the warehouse.

"You just don't know what to say. You are a dirty person."

Anonymous came to the wooden girl, raised his right hand, let the wide sleeves slide down, and exposed his palm like a dead tree. He hit the wooden fox-eared girl's chest with a heavy palm, and countless plant roots fell from it. The contact surface pours into its body.

The nameless person took a sharp step back, raised his hand and pulled his palm out from in front of the girl.

A large amount of wooden debris, together with mold and dust, floated into the cell, but the Nameless Doe did not pay attention to those insignificant things. His right hand formed a knife and stabbed directly into an object among the thousands of scattered wooden debris.

The index and middle fingers of his right hand, which looked like dead wood, held a drop of emerald green water that exuded demonic power.

Anonymous put the drop of blood into the bottle, glanced at the dirty environment in the cell, raised his hand and used the cleansing method to sweep all the dirt into a corner.

It can be considered as cleaning the fox-eared girl's graveyard.

After doing all this, Anonymous closed all the warehouse doors without any haste, left the warehouse as if nothing had happened and sat in the courtyard where the government officials usually practiced martial arts.


The night passed without words. The people who were assisting County Master Luanming in checking the accounts in the accounting room did not feel much about the disappearance of the Nameless One. They even felt that it was natural that the Nameless One did not come to the accounting room.

Anonymous had said before he joined the group that his main occupation was an imperial doctor, that is, a physician, and he was not prepared to participate in everyone's decision-making. Therefore, no one was surprised that Anonymous did not come to the accounting room.

".Poorer than my aunt's Goulan."

Su Yan, who had transformed into a fox form again, walked out of the accounting room with a shake of his head.

In the entire flower office, the total liquidity on the books is less than twenty kilograms of spiritual stones, and the silver and gold are not even enough to weigh one hundred kilograms together.

Flower City belongs to an indigenous autonomous region. The government office does not need to worry about city renovation, defense, or soldiers. Natural land transfer fees and taxes have nothing to do with the government office. Those are given directly to the Red Prince's Mansion. The only funds the Flower City Office needs to spend are government officials and scavengers. , three meals and salary and allowances for the cooks.

The twenty or so kilograms of spirit stones and gold and silver, according to the records in the account books, were all saved over time by the Huahua County magistrate who was stingy and did not hire enough scavengers and government servants according to the establishment. The county magistrate plans to invest the money in additional agricultural research.

The Flower Bureau was so poor that Su Yan even felt sad for it. It had been frugal for several years, and the county magistrate had swept the streets. The money it saved was barely comparable to what he earned in one day's business at Ruchun Garden. This did not include incense candles and peace charms. , help the ladies to win the silver reward.

The Flower Bureau was really miserable. Ask yourself, the worst time for Su Yan was when he just left home, but at that time, Su Yan also had about two thousand kilograms of spiritual stones in his pocket.

Even though the storage ring was confiscated, not a single copper plate could be found on his body.

But Su Yan didn't touch the spiritual stones in the official office, and planned to go out and earn some spiritual stones to build a fox's nest for himself in the official office, where he could sleep peacefully.

The magistrate of Huahua County was so miserable that Su Yan couldn't bear to temporarily borrow money from the official office to spend it himself.

"Huh? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Su Yan was walking in the courtyard, preparing to go to the official kitchen to find some food, but before he had gone far, he met the yamen and the cook who came to work. Before Su Yan could speak, a shrill scream broke out from the other side.

The yamen servants and cooks had frightened faces. Su Yan's eardrums hurt from the screams, and he couldn't help but patted his head with his forefoot. When the yamen servants saw this, they screamed in even more fear and fled quickly, crawling and rolling. :

"There is a sick fox in the official office!"


Su Yan's entire fox froze in place, with a stunned expression on his face as he looked at the government servant who climbed the tree to the roof:

"What are you doing?"

"In the territory of the Red King, because the tribal totems are different in different places, not all the new people who join Xia Yu love foxes like the Xia Yu people. Therefore, there is an iron law in the territory of the Red King. No one is allowed to do anything in any form. Anyone who harms a fox will be treated as treason."

"Any fox that dies unnaturally must be traced to the cause and source of death, and traces of human interference must be found to be killed according to the genealogy or used as a sacrifice."

Sitting in the courtyard, the nameless member of the royal family told Su Yan an iron law in King Chi's fiefdom:

"You are a protected animal here." Anonymous said calmly.

The fox was not important to the Red King, but Xia Yu's reputation among the people and Emperor Wusheng was.

This is only one aspect. On the other hand, after King Chi promulgated this decree, those high-ranking families had a large area. As long as any fox died on their territory, then King Chi would own The reason for searching their home openly.

The clans in the Red King's territory have been grudges against those completely unreasonable iron laws for a long time.

But as the old saying goes:

If the king wants his minister to die, he must die.

What makes the fox immortal is just a name that can be legally copied from the clan's family.

Kings with different surnames do not do whatever they want, their actions need to comply with the justice of Xia Yu's laws.

You can't confiscate other people's clans for no reason, otherwise who will surrender to Xia Yu and accept management in the future?

"The intention of the Red King is to break up those clans, so the clans led by the Red King are saying that when the Red King suspects that you are intending to rebel, you'd better really have the ability to rebel and raise an army, otherwise you can only scatter your family wealth. Displace the clan members."

"Thus losing the most important cohesion of the clan."

"You seem to know the Red King fiefdom very well?"

Hearing the clear female voice of the Nameless One, she spoke calmly about the Red King leading Tie Lv and the game behind Tie Lv's back. Su Yan looked at the Royal Nameless One with surprise on his face.

"My master was the leader of the Scarlet King in the old days. I knew a little bit about it when I followed my master." Anonymous did not talk nonsense and explained the reason directly:

"You scared those people."

Anonymous looked sideways. After seeing Su Yan's true form, the government officials began to climb up the roof of the government office or the tree crown. She was really worried that those people would fall to death if they slipped, so she told Su Yan. The Red King led Tie Lv and asked him not to reveal his true form and scare the passers-by.


Su Yan looked at the nameless people, and then at the government servants who were trembling on the flying roof, fearing that they would die and destroy their family tree.

With a speechless face, Su Yan returned to his human form and angrily scolded the government servants and cooks:

"Open your eyes and see, I am a fox demon from the southern state, not some sick fox you are clamoring for! My life is very tough!"

"I, Su, have a strong body!"

"What happened?"

The shrill wails of the government officials caused County Master Zhou You and Luanming, who were originally in the accounting room, to run out.

Chapter 167 Spring Society Autumn Society (please vote, please subscribe)

"Huh? Foxes still have such privileges here?"

County Lord Luanming had a look of astonishment on his face and looked at the government officials who were still shocked. The government officials glanced at Su Yan with lingering fear and nodded wildly, proving that the foxes in the Red King's fief do indeed have privileges.

The treatment of the fox may not be good during his lifetime, but after the death of the fox, it will be a bloody storm. The fox in the Red King's fief is no different from the seducing immortal.

Ordinary people would hide when they saw a fox if they could. If they couldn't hide away, they would surrender honestly. After feeding and drinking the fox, they would run away immediately. They were afraid that the wild fox would die in front of them and trigger a search by the Red King's army. .

The visit of the Red King's army ranged from a mere family member to Sibi, to a more severe visit to the family tree of the nine clans.

Living in a small border town, they are already poor. They really can't stand the torment of the Red King's army. When they see a fox, they will naturally hide as far away as possible, fearing that the fox will stick to them and refuse to leave, leaving them to feed them. It passes away.

"It's absolutely amazing. It's really amazing."

Zhou You looked at Su Yan with admiration on his face, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Su's status has been improved again!"

In the main city of Xia Yu, Su Yan had already relied on his fox appearance to eat and drink, becoming a fox-faced person, and even won the first place in the fox tasting competition and received a reward from the emperor.

In the Red King Territory, it became even more awesome and became a protected animal.

Seeing a winner in life like Su Yan, Zhou You couldn't help but recall what Brother Wen once said:

"Brother Zhou, do you want to hang yourself? Let's hang ourselves together and then be demon brothers in the next life. Well, Xia Yu fox demon."


Because the fox's treatment was too outrageous, Su Yan was ridiculed by his companions, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Go! Go! Go"

Su Yan rolled his eyes, dismissed the accomplices around him and said, "In Xia Yu, I could make money by performing arts, but when I came to the Red King's territory, I became the god of plague. How do you think we can make money now? Everything is difficult at the beginning, and we can't raise money now. Start-up capital doesn’t do anything.”

The easy way to make money by performing arts was cut off. Now that Su Yan wanted to raise start-up capital, he shouldn't say that if he wanted to improve his life, he could only rely on gambling. Unlike Xia Yucheng where her aunt was watching, Su Yan didn't actually plan to earn spiritual stones through this in the first place.

Because the risk is too high, who wouldn’t want a fox that is sure to win every bet, looks cute, and takes care of itself?

As for extortion by protecting the identity of animals, Su Yan just thought about it and threw it out of his mind. Protecting the identity of animals is a hopeless life-saving measure, and it should not be used unless it is a last resort.

Such behavior is like cheating. There are many ways to deal with scoundrels. If Su Yan engages in blackmail, the local clans have many ways to make him disappear. They don't even have to kill him personally and take him to some deep mountains and forests or war-torn places. Just throw it away.

It doesn't matter whether Su Yan dies or not, as long as he doesn't see you for decades.

"So, Brother Zhou, let's go to Flower City to see if there is any way to make a fortune!"

After weighing various methods of making money, Su Yan thought it would be better to go shopping on the street first, and then go to the theater to earn some living expenses and buy some bedding, furniture and other daily necessities for himself and his friends.

"You guys should all follow us and protect us so that we can highlight our temperament as children from a rich family."

While talking about going out, Su Yan did not forget to ask the government officials to follow him as bodyguards.

With the presence of the government officials as bodyguards, it is equivalent to covering oneself with a layer of officialdom. Although the Huaguan Bureau has no real power, there is no one who dares to directly engage in violent confrontation with the officialdom.

If you let the yamen follow you, you can reduce at least 80 to 90% of the troubles, or let Bo Xilou open a quick compensation channel for you.


Su Yan and Zhou You left the official office and came to the streets of Flower City.

This place is very different from Xia Yu City. There are no lively scenes on the streets. The width and smoothness of the roads cannot be compared with the main city. Even Su Yan's hometown city is slightly inferior and there is nothing new.

"Why aren't there any stalls on the street?" Su Yan looked at the government servant behind him and asked.

"Boss, you don't know this. Our flower area is different from other areas. The big boss strictly prohibits street vendors. No matter who they are, they need to set up stalls in the designated areas to eliminate all possible tax evasion. Situation," the officer said.

"The tax rates for traffickers and shops are different."

The flower area under the jurisdiction of the Red King does not put humanity first. They collect taxes as convenient as they can. Even if they cannot collect taxes, they still need to earn a stall fee from the peddlers.

"So that's it. Is there a Wanhua Pavilion in our Flower City?" Su Yan thought for a while and asked.

"Well, we don't have top-notch fences like Wanhua Pavilion here, and we don't open them in chaotic cities."

Wanhua Pavilion is for earning spiritual stones. A small city like Flower City with a high war index cannot attract Wanhua Pavilion to open a shop here.

"Brother Su, have you thought of a way to make money?"

Zhou You on the side saw Su Yan asking some pointed questions to the government officials, so he asked Su Yan if he had any good financial ideas.

Although everyone had been taking stock last night, it wasn't like they didn't do other things.

Xia Yu's performance evaluation was divided into several categories, such as city management, people's livelihood security, taxation and finance, accounting for the largest proportion, followed by the increase in reputation and productivity of local officials.

Or discovering a cultivating genius can also be considered a political achievement.

The achievements of city management and people's livelihood protection are basically in the hands of each clan. Su Yan and others cannot take it away, so the only thing that can make achievements is finance. Only by making beautiful financial reports and accounting books can they open their hands and ask questions. Master Sumire asked for what she wished for.

"I haven't thought of any good ideas! I don't know much about Flower City's products. The only way I can think of to make the agricultural district financially efficient is to process agricultural crops into finished products and increase the price of each item."

"As for Wanhua Pavilion, I just want to set up a relationship and get them to send me a letter." Su Yan shook his head and said.

After contacting Wanhua Pavilion, he used Huayu Zhenren's intelligence network to obtain more information.

But this path obviously doesn't work. Master Sumire chose cities where the regional situation was unstable for her outings.

The old dragon in the South China Sea is as cunning as a ghost, and there is no loophole to exploit.

"That's right, boss"

While Su Yan and Zhou You were talking about whether they could use the information gap to sell goods, or process agricultural products into semi-finished products or finished products for export, the yamen servant beside him seemed to have thought of something and said, "In seven days, we will be in the flower area." During the Spring Society Festival, you'd better not try commerce rashly."

"By then, there will be a lot of people coming to cause trouble."

Spring Society and Autumn Society are festivals in flower areas. Spring Society Festival, also known as the Land Mountain God Festival, is a grand festival with a long history in farming areas. It is a festival to worship the gods in the coming year and hope for good weather and a good harvest this year.

After the Spring Society Festival is completed, people in the flower area will start to work in the fields.

The Autumn Society Festival, also known as the Harvest Festival, is a celebration held by flower and flower people after a good harvest, to thank the land and mountain gods for their blessings for a bumper harvest.

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