The late invitation is a warning. Those methods are used secretly and cannot be brought to the table. Overtly, they need to give the county magistrate enough face. After all, the county magistrate represents the Xia Yu Dynasty and the Red King, and has great influence on the flower area. The local area has legal and reasonable management rights.

The late invitation letter tells them that the legal management rights are only on the surface. If they want to do something in Flower City, without the help of the local clans, their orders may not be able to get out of the Flower City Office. door.

Just focus on your political achievements and be promoted to a city in the Xia Yu area after enough time. Don't try to interfere in the affairs between our local clans.

It's the best thing if everyone is in peace.

“Field of Flowers—General White.”

After the Hua family, representing the local clan, made a toast, they sat next to Hua Yan. A demon with hair like snow and an indistinguishable appearance stood up and picked up the wine bowl and swept the five people lightly. He glanced at it and said, "Whatever."

If the Hua Family is the leader of the clans in Flower City, then the local demon clan is definitely led by a tiger demon named General Bai, who is the King of the Mountain.

"Su Yan"

"Jun Xia."

Facing the two forces showing goodwill, Su Yan and the other five did not say anything. They also stood up and introduced themselves, but they concealed a little bit and did not mention their origins.

Mentioning one's origin is a foul matter, otherwise Jun Xia would say: The daughter of King Xuan, the head of Luanming County, then the difficulties set by Master Jin would be meaningless.

Of course, you can say it, but it’s a matter of opinion whether you will be retaliated against by Lao Yinbi after you say it.

A certain old dragon is really not that big-minded.

By the way, I saw a reader asked about the group number. After clicking on the introduction of this book, there is a group portal.

Chapter 174 The Eternal Life Cult and the Southern Xinjiang Tribe (Third update please vote)

"Fox boy?"

After Su Yan said his name, the clan leaders and demon kings sitting on the giant round table couldn't help but look at Su Yan.

Everyone present had been robbed and beaten severely by the Red King and his army. They were as afraid of the Red King's iron laws as a dragon and dared not go beyond them.

Even the red fox demons who originally lived in the local area had to relocate due to the order of the Red King. The foxes that could stay in the area were all foxes who had not yet developed their intelligence.

In recent decades, Su Yan was one of the few people who dared to ignore the Red King's iron rules and play with foxes every day. Therefore, he became famous as a fox boy. His behavior of not being afraid of killing his whole family amazed the clan leaders.

How dare he?

Raising a little fox is considered courageous, but if you raise dozens of foxes, don't you fear that they will die suddenly due to lack of care, and have yourself and your whole family dragged to the city square to be beheaded by the Red King's army?

Hua Yan took a deep look at Su Yan and could tell that Su Yan was a monk from the demon clan in disguise. However, no monk could guarantee that no accident would happen. In the flower area, foxes were evil creatures that even the demon clan was unwilling to approach. .

"Everyone is almost here. As the host of the banquet, I would like to say a few words before the meal begins. Our most important festival, the Spring Society Festival, is coming soon."

Hua Yan retracted her gaze from Su Yan and said calmly:

“It’s time for the barbarians from southern Xinjiang to make a comeback, as well as the bizarre and skillful creations of the Eternal Life Sect.”

Just as Hua Yan finished speaking, General Bai, the leader of the demon tribe sitting next to him, added lightly: "According to the situation ascertained by our scouts, the strength of the barbarians in southern Xinjiang may reach 30,000, which is different from that during the Autumn Society Festival. The coming plunder”

Spring Society Festival and Autumn Society Festival, the former is a festival for sowing seeds, and the latter represents a harvest festival in the flower area.

Before King Chi ruled the flower area, barbarians from southern Xinjiang often invaded the flower area. But at that time, the barbarians would only plunder food after the Qiushe Festival, and plunder the food harvested in the flower area back to their own tribes to use it as winter food or brewing. Drinks.

Instead of coming twice a year like now.

"Barbarian should join forces with the Eternal Life Cult." General Bai dropped a heavy message.

At present, the troops under the command of the Red King are at war with the barbarians of Southern Xinjiang and the Eternal Life Sect. It is very reasonable for the two to join forces to attack the real estate and grain areas of the Red King. This possibility has been expected by the Huahua people a few years ago.

However, the barbarians in southern Xinjiang can send 30,000 troops. In addition, it is still unclear how many troops of the Eternal Life Sect will be invested in this operation. To give a conservative estimate, General Bai believes that the combined strength of the two may reach 40,000. number.

General Bai told the truth that the scouts had found out, causing the expressions of all the clan leaders present to change.

The 40,000-strong coalition army is not 40,000 dirty pigs who don't know how to resist. They are all soldiers who know how to arrange troops and use weapons. In fact, there are some powerful monks mixed among them.

And judging from past experience, those southern barbarians are barbaric but not stupid. Their purpose is not to kill people or loot at all. The invasion of Chunshe Festival usually focuses on destroying fields and destroying crops.

The coalition forces had gathered such strength. If the monks in the Huahua District had not repelled them, highly toxic powder would have been sprinkled on the originally fertile land, making it impossible to grow any crops in the Huahua District for several years.

"Southern Xinjiang barbarians, aren't all their forces resisting the invasion of the Red King? How could it be possible?"

"A small clan will mobilize several hundred people, and a large clan will mobilize several thousand people. Counting the merger of some tribes that have been friends with each other for many years, it is not surprising that 10,000 soldiers will be squeezed out to protect the clan and tribe." General Bai looked at the question. The person said:

"They are facing the pressure of the Red King's army. The current situation is at the end of the war. If they don't fight hard, they may not even have a chance to breathe."

The words "Red King's Army Pressure" seemed to have magic power. After General Bai said it, all the leaders present fell silent.

The Red King's army is more terrifying than jackals, tigers and leopards. The army directly pressed into the territory and captured the flower area. Even the mountain gods who originally lived in the mountains and forests and lurked underground were ruthlessly conquered by the Red King's army. The blood-red giant beasts seemed to have descended from the innate demon god. Causes the world to collapse

Facing such a large army, it is a very unexpected thing that the Southern Xinjiang barbarians and the Eternal Life Sect can survive for so long with the help of wandering in the mountains and forests.

All the leaders present had been beaten, and they could somewhat understand the choice of the Southern Xinjiang Barbarians and the Eternal Life Sect.

"So, this year we have to push the frontal battle line forward and re-defense to prevent the invasion of the barbarians from southern Xinjiang."

Hua Yan spoke up and said that the purpose of the mobilization banquet was to prepare to re-divide the defense area and push the battle line that was originally defended with the city wall to the plain to prevent the barbarians from southern Xinjiang from breaking through the previous defense line.

Once the defense front is breached, the flower people will face the terrible dilemma of having a large amount of land with no harvest for several years.



Su Yan sat in front of the giant round table, listening to the words of General Bai and Hua Yan with his friends, and watching the leaders intensely discussing the re-planning of the defense. Other members of the Table clan were also making suggestions, providing information they knew or taking the initiative to apply to serve. What position.

Su Yan and others seemed to be outsiders, but the leaders of Huahua District had a heated discussion in front of them and did not treat Su Yan and his party as outsiders at all.

The leaders of the major clans discussed until the early morning. Because it was getting too late, the meal came late.

As soon as the dishes were served, the clan leaders took a few bites and unanimously chose to leave.

In a short time, most of the guests left silently.

Seeing this, Su Yan was also ready to leave, but the Hua family's maid smiled and told him that she was going to serve sugar water, and told the new magistrate that it would not be too late to drink the sugar water before leaving.

After all the guests had left, Luanming County Chief, who was the older member of the group and took office, frowned and asked, "Why do you want to keep us here?"

After General Bai and Hua Yan looked at each other, as if they communicated something through sound transmission, Hua Yan spoke unhurriedly with a smile: "Although it may be a little strange to say this, we want to know, Do you know something?"

"Something big happened on the front line of the battle between the Red King's Army, but we can't find out what happened specifically because all the spies we sent never returned. As the county magistrate, have you received any special news?"

"There are many barbarians and immortality cultists in southern Xinjiang. We are worried that something unexpected happened to the Red King's army, which will allow those barbarians to mobilize a larger force to raid the flower area."

County Lord Luanming was silent for a moment and then asked: "Isn't your question in compliance with the law?"

No one knew the information about the Red King's army, but even if they knew it, it would be impossible to say that it was Xia Yu's military information. Anyone who leaked the information would be punished with treason in the worst case.

"We are just loyal to the emperor and patriotic." Hua Yan said matter-of-factly: "If the Red King's army encounters difficulties, our Huahua District will definitely go all out to support the front line. As the saying goes, everyone will be prosperous, and everyone will suffer."

"We just want to know some information that is impossible for us to know. In this way, it will be easier for us to show our loyalty to the country, and you can also benefit. Promotion and wealth are just a matter of seconds."


Asking for votes

Chapter 175 The oiran descended from heaven, unparalleled in the world! (Please subscribe)

"We are just loyal to the emperor and patriotic, so we are asking you to tell us. Maybe you can also benefit from this, and it is only a matter of a moment to get promoted and make a fortune."

Huayan asked politely with a smile on her face.

Something seems to have happened to the Red King's Army, which is fighting in southern Xinjiang and exterminating cults, recently, but the spies in the Huahua region have been unable to find out the specific thing. As soon as something happened to the Red King's Army, the original Hunzi County in the Huahua region The order was replaced by a group of energetic young people.

They may not know about the Red King's Army, but they definitely know some things about the court, so how about you make it easier for us, and we will also make it easier for you on your way to promotion?

"There are no walls here, don't worry." Hua Yan continued to add when she saw the other person was speechless.

“The boss of Hua Da”

Su Yan was drinking tea, waiting for County Lord Luanming, Hua Yan and General Bai to fight, but suddenly felt someone kicking him under the table, so he looked sideways and saw Zhou You winking at him crazily. .

Su Yan was stunned for a moment and then said, "Do you know what gold wrapped with jade is?"

Hua Yan looked away from Jun Xia and turned her gaze to Su Yan, frowning: "What do you mean by this?"

Gold-covered jade is a jade inlay process that uses gold to make the jade whiter, translucent, and moist.

"Jade is a good thing, but if it is not carved and inlaid, it is just raw jade, and it still cannot show its brilliance."

Su Yan's original sitting posture gradually moved closer to Princess Wuxi's posture, and said with a smile: "Everyone should be polite and show some kindness."

The most effective way to ask for information in the world of cultivation is to enter the sea of ​​consciousness and review memories. Only by letting go of the memory and letting the Hua family review it will the Hua family truly believe what they and the others say.

Su Yan could understand what Hua Yan was saying, but because County Lord Luanming was here, he felt that he didn't need to speak, so he didn't bother to pay attention to Hua Yan's unreasonable demands.

"It's a matter of discussion. I won't bother seeing you again. Isn't Magistrate Su's statement a bit excessive?" Hua Yan said with a slight displeasure: "It's just a chat after dinner, how can it rise to the level of a personal attack?"

Su Yan said "heh" without responding: "In our demon language, I'm afraid you won't be happy to hear it."

Su Yan said it very straightforwardly. We are just rich EMI people who came here. You said that we will make our life uncomfortable if we don't review our memories for you. Then you will make our life uncomfortable. When we go home, you will spend more time with us. Don't even think about peace of mind.

Who doesn't know how to act arrogantly?

"I am a demon, and I am willing to listen to you."

Seeing Su Yan jumping out to make a bad show, Hua Yan was getting closer and closer with her words, which made Hua Yan a little unsure. General Bai directly stepped in to suppress Su Yan's arrogance.

"Then you can try to review my memory. After reviewing it, if there are any residues in the flower area"

Su Yan looked at General Bai who suddenly interrupted, a fox-like smile gradually appeared on his face.


"Go to hell you bitch!"

As soon as he returned to the Flower Office, County Lord Luanming flew up and kicked Zhou You on the back. He kicked Zhou You several meters away, and with a "plop.", he fell directly into the pool in the courtyard of the official office, saying : "I asked you to speak up to help, so you might as well pass it on to Su Yan!"

"Auntie, look at me."

Zhou You rolled up his sleeves to reveal his dark arms and weather-beaten rough cheeks, and said, "With my skin type, even if someone says I am an old plowing cow, some people will believe me. Besides, you don't know that Brother Su talks about his abilities in a sports car. My ability to bluff people is not as good as Brother Su."

With his weathered skin, people may not believe him when he claims that he has a rich background. Whose young master is exposed to the sun and rain every day and jumps up and down in the woods?

It's more like being an old plowing cow.

".I'm not lying. It would be great fun if those two men really reviewed my memory."

Seeing County Lord Luanming scolding Zhou You, Su Yan silently said something in his heart.

Su Yan doesn't like to lie. If General Bai and Hua Yan really dare to review his memory, then they will know his true identity immediately and see the scene of Su's mother and herself bathing as a baby. And some scenes of feeding yourself.

My father should be the first to be unhappy.

This is still the first scene. After reviewing the second scene, the city lord of Akagi in the southern state should kill people.

If they continue to review, they will know the dark history of Emperor Wu Sheng in his girlhood.

At that time, the Holy Mother of Education and Transformation of All Souls in Ten Directions may come back to the world to destroy some old men.

Su Yan didn't like to lie, nor did he like to bluff people. If they didn't listen to his kind advice and insisted on seeking death, Su Yan wouldn't be able to stop an earthly immortal and a monk in the transformation stage from exploring his memory.

"Don't talk nonsense here, old thief. If the young master hadn't been smart and brave enough to scare two men, we might all be eating chaffy vegetables in the future!"

After Feng Shiqi took care of Su Yan, he also joined the army to attack Zhou You, and caught Zhou You and scolded him.

You abominable troublemaker! As an adult, you don't take the initiative to take responsibility, and you blame all the hard and difficult things on the underage Mr. Su!

The old thief raised his eyebrows and asked me to kick him, otherwise the anger in my aunt's heart will not go away!

Zhou You's face was covered with black lines and he stopped talking.


In the next two days, Hua Yan and General Bai probably felt comfortable letting Su Yan fight with them, and they no longer had nothing to do to send them invitations or anything like that.

Hua Yan led the leaders of the clans and began to build the city wall facing the southern border. With the efforts of the earth element monks, city walls rose from the ground one after another, and were scattered throughout the plains in endless trenches and traps. Set up directly around the flower area.

Su Yanze and his friends discussed plans to make money.


At night, Su Yan was trying to prepare chewing gum in the kitchen of the government office. Suddenly, he shuddered, and a thought suddenly came to his heart:

Why does it feel like something is wrong here? Why does it feel uncomfortable? How about going out for a walk?

After Su Yan shuddered, County Lord Luanming, who was shaping fig tree gum candy, seemed to feel something and raised his head to look in the direction of southern Xinjiang:

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