As soon as Su Yan complained, a big hand pressed on his head. The tall figure of Grand Tutor Jin appeared out of thin air beside Su Yan, making Su Yan uncomfortable and showing an awkward but polite smile. He quickly changed the subject and said:

"Su Yan meets Dean Jin. By the way, Dean Jin, because we were attacked by the wedding dress puppet, all the homework was left in the government office and now it is all destroyed."

The homework of the outing trip of the academy is to record what you do and say every day. Afterwards, the Grand Tutor will personally review and score everyone's outing.

This score is calculated separately from the political achievements. As for the final reward, Su Yan doesn't know, but since Grand Tutor Jin has specifically instructed it, it must be written.

"It's ruined if it's ruined."

Master Jin didn't care much about those things. He moved his hand that was pressing on Su Yan's head away, looked up at the yellow light that was rushing towards him from the horizon, and said, "Although the previous things are not considered political achievements, the dean is still very happy to teach you some small tricks as a reward for your cuteness."

Let's not talk about whether it is a political achievement or not. Su Yan's ability to nurture the ghost so smoothly was beyond Master Jin's expectations. He originally thought that it would be possible to wake up the nine-tailed fox ghost only when Su Yan was in danger of life.

But the ghost that had been sleeping for a long time moved just by being hurt.

That old woman still likes cute and childish things as always!

"You have never seen an army fighting, have you?"

Grand Master Jin lowered his head and looked at Su Yan, smiling and saying, "Then you can watch carefully now, so that you can make plans when you elope with Princess Wuxi, and see if your small body can withstand the pursuit of Xia Yu's regular army."


Su Yan looked at Grand Master Jin in astonishment: "Can you talk about these things casually?"

"Why not? The Third Prince knows that his precious granddaughter fell in love with a wild fox and insisted on making that fox the left protector of the nameless sect." Grand Master Jin smiled and raised his hand to let Su Yan look forward.


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Well, I am not very good at writing battle scenes, so the updates seem a bit slow in recent days.

Chapter 184 The Red King's Army Passes

"The Red King's Army is coming!"

Yellow light cut through the night sky, approaching the front line of the battlefield in the Flower Region from far to near from the horizon.

When the barbarians of Southern Xinjiang saw the familiar light, they were stunned from their original arrogance in invading the flower area. The panic spread visibly in the cavalry regiment, making the barbarians of Southern Xinjiang completely panicked:

"Retreat! Retreat! People of the tribe, retreat!"

The coalition army, which originally had the upper hand, saw the Red King's army approaching from afar. The leaders of the tribe and the leader of the Eternal Life Church were shocked. Without even the slightest hesitation, they broke away from the fight and issued the highest order to the coalition army of the Eternal Life Church and the tribe: Retreat!

"Don't let anyone go, kill them all."

The adjutant of the Red King standing on the bow of the immortal boat looked at the coalition army that was dispersing and fleeing, and gave orders to the control room of the immortal boat through the armor on his body.

The armor of the Xia Yu Dynasty is extremely precious. It looks like ordinary armor and spears, but they are all magical instruments that the weapon refiners and array masters have devoted their efforts to research. As long as the array patterns inside are connected together, they can form a military formation.

The spiritual power of all the soldiers in the army is applied to the non-commissioned officers and can also summon fierce beasts through the formation.

The armor used by the regular army is different from the rags sold by the Red King on the black market. The armor bought by the Flower People and the Southern Xinjiang Barbarians are all old goods from a hundred years ago, facing the brand-new armor that has been updated and iterated for several generations. In the case of inferior cultivation, number of people, and quality, the joint army will only usher in a ruthless massacre against the Red King Army.

The order received by the Red King's adjutant is to annihilate them all.

Whether it is the Flower City or the Southern Xinjiang Barbarians, after so many years, the remaining food in their pockets has been squeezed to a limit by the Red King through provocation or other means. No matter how much they squeeze, they can't get more resources and wealth.

Then, these joint forces who are determined not to surrender naturally have no value to exist.

Taking advantage of them before they surrender, slaughtering them all will also facilitate the Red King to take over the Southern Xinjiang region in the future.

Otherwise, future management will also be a huge expense. It is enough for the autonomous region to have a flower area!

"Boom boom"

Twenty Red King Immortal Boats were interconnected, and a detection array covering an area of ​​500 miles was deployed.

A pair of eyes seemed to appear in the sky, completely locking onto the fleeing coalition army. Countless arrays of different colors and sizes were deployed in the night sky. The light flame bombs were locked in the early stage, and after being launched, they shot directly towards the target they locked onto.


The giant beast puppet roared, opened its mouth and prepared to shoot down the immortal boat in the night sky.

But at this moment, the vertical pupils in the sky quietly shifted to the puppet giant beast, and the array also turned around and gathered at this moment, as if the spiritual power torrent with attributes directly submerged the giant beast, completely destroying it without leaving a trace.

The spiritual energy torrent pouring down from the sky did not stop because of the shooting of a puppet giant beast.

It even ignored the friendly forces of Flower City, drew a scorching crystallized gully on the ground, and flashed another puppet giant beast transport ship of the Immortal Sect.

“Sizzle, sizzle—”

General Bai raised his right hand, and tens of thousands of independent black mists condensed into a demonic wind, blocking the slanting torrent of psychic energy in front of him, so that the indiscriminate psychic bombardment of those war madmen would not harm his subordinates.

The torrent of psychic energy continued to move forward, and General Bai's eyes met the cold eyes of the Red King's adjutant on the immortal boat.

General Bai knew in his heart that the eyes of Red King's adjutant showed murderous intent.

But General Bai didn't care about this, and even enjoyed the expression of incompetent rage that the adjutant wanted to kill him, but couldn't do it openly and then couldn't assassinate him.

At the beginning, the clans, demon clans, and mountain gods in the Huahua area knew that they were unable to resist the invasion of the Red King, so before they showed their defeat, they directly surrendered to Emperor Wu Sheng to gain the title of vassal king they wanted.

Although he did not get the title of feudal king due to lack of strength, he still gained the title of autonomous region.

No matter how greedy and cruel King Ren Chi is, he cannot openly persecute the people in the flower area.

“A bit cool”

General Bai chuckled and didn't care at all about the meaningful look in the Red King's adjutant's eyes.

I just don't move, I just dominate the mountain and become the king. You can't kill me anyway, so why should I listen to you?


The Red King's adjutant snorted coldly, controlled the vertical pupils in the sky to focus on the battlefield again, and began to completely harvest the lives of the 40,000 invaders of the Union Army.

"Red King's Army! You are bullying others too much!"

When the leader of the southern Xinjiang tribe saw the large number of sacrifices of his tribesmen, his eyes immediately turned red. An uncontrollable anger filled his mind. He gave up the shield he had been holding up for the coalition army, jumped up, and raised his hand to spread out. His own magical power of flames.

Prepare for a decisive battle with the Red King's fleet.

The Red King's adjutant had an indifferent expression on his face and casually pulled out a spear made of meteorite iron from behind. The spiritual power of the Earthly Immortal Realm was poured into it and combined with the power of supernatural powers, the rock layer gradually emerged on the spear.

The adjutant drew a bow, raised the rock gun in his hand and threw it directly at the leader of Southern Xinjiang who was trying to resist law enforcement.

The orange-yellow rock gun came out of his hand, and its body expanded rapidly like a mountain. It hit the place where the leader of Southern Xinjiang was. Flames spurted out from the ground, but the burning speed could not keep up with the expansion speed of the rock gun.

The rock gun crashed in front of the leader of Southern Xinjiang, pinning him to the ground with thunderous force.

Orange light illuminated the night sky, and the ground rolled endlessly as if it had turned into a vast ocean. The rock gun fell crazily and rolled up layers of soil. Finally, the rolling land suddenly sank and condensed into rock formations.

The ground was trembling due to the rock gun, and the earthquake was even felt to the Flower City dozens of miles away, causing the severely damaged houses to completely collapse into ruins.


The Red King's adjutant raised his hand, caught the spear that flew backwards, and looked at the massacre on the ground with an indifferent expression: "Those who resisted the law were completely destroyed, and no one in the tribe was left alive."



"One more mountain"

Su Yan, who was far away on the edge of the fields in Flower City, could not hear the voices on the front line, but he could still feel the powerful fluctuations of spiritual power, and see a red rocky mountain that was fabricated out of thin air on the plain and emitted scalding heat waves. .

"The sun and stars are shining, and the mountains are hidden."

Taishi Jin watched the crushing game quietly and explained to Su Yan the skills used by the Red King's adjutant.

It is the magical power of the element of earth. It seems to disappear with every movement, and when it reappears, it can completely suppress the monks. It is a kind of magical power with extremely strong sealing ability.

If no one comes to rescue the tribal leader, his soul will dissipate in three days and become the nutrients that nourish the mountains.

"This is the foundation, and it is also something young people like you need to remember. Winning the enemy does not mean that the enemy cannot fight back against you. The longer the sect's power, the more hidden methods it has."

"The formation is one of the most representative items."

Chapter 185 You guys are happy, but Su will be miserable.

"That's right, Dean."

Seeing that the Red King's army put away their formations and that the defensive battle over there should be coming to an end, Su Yan suddenly thought of a question and looked at Master Sumire and asked:

"The invasion of southern Xinjiang should be considered an accident, right? Their large-scale invasion of the flower area should be considered to have affected the normal outings of our academy, such as the reconstruction of the official office and the loss of our previous spiritual stones."

"You don't need to pay for the reconstruction of the government office. The Red King will allocate funds for those things. As for you saying that you want the Red King to compensate for your property and financial losses."

Grand Master Sumire chuckled and said: "The Red King will give each disaster victim a pension of at most 800 cash, so that the victims will not starve to death, and there is no need to think about compensation."

"No, no, no, Dean, you misunderstood me."

Su Yan quickly waved his hand and said: "I mean we have been here for almost a week. Everything was normal before. We even earned a lot of spiritual stones here. As a result, there is a war in southern Xinjiang and Huahua. The capital we accumulated previously has been wiped out." The money is ruined.”

"This is very unfair to us. What I mean is, can we spend our own money to buy all the items we already own?"

The Wedding Dress Puppet was airdropped by the Eternal Life Sect. At that time, Su Yan was developing chewing gum and did not have time to go to the warehouse to take away valuable items. The elixirs, spiritual stones, and medicinal materials inside were lost. Su Yan initially estimated that they would be sold on the market. The price should be worth two thousand kilograms of spiritual stones.

"Little slippery man."

Grand Master Jin looked at Su Yan, smiled and said: "Since you are so cunning and unlucky, I will reluctantly agree to your request and say: Thank you, Dean."

The market price is not equal to the cost price.

Su Yan was nitpicking. Their pills should all be made by the apprentice of the Fairy of Medicine. According to the market price, they may be worth two thousand kilograms of spirit stones, but their cost is only a few hundred kilograms of spirit stones at most.

Su Yan's calculations were loud and loud, trying to get something for nothing.

But seeing that Su Yan was so shameless, the Grand Master decided to give him a favor.

The war between Southern Xinjiang and the Flower Region did affect the fairness of the outing trip of the Academy.

This thousand kilograms of spirit stones can be regarded as compensation!

"Su Yan is here, I would like to thank Dean Jin first!" Su Yan said with a happy face.

"Go and help! Don't let down the demeanor and prestige of Xia Yu's office."

Master Jin took out two thousand kilograms of spirit stones from his storage ring and put them into the storage bag. He threw them to Su Yan and told him something, then he was ready to turn around and leave.

Master Jin didn't care about the battle in South Xinjiang and the flower war. The Red King would handle those things. He came here for Su Yan from the beginning. After confirming that the ghost nurtured in Su Yan's body was gradually recovering, there was naturally nothing worth Master Jin staying here.

Putting the ghost of the nine-tailed fox into Su Yan's body and nurturing it was purely an experimental act.

If the ghost couldn't wake up for a long time, Master Jin could only take it out and make other plans. Fortunately, everything was moving in a good direction. The residual soul divided into nine parts was gradually waking up and becoming a ghost.

Just like the Emperor Wusheng split into nine ghosts, with the help of the gap in the seal of the Demon Suppression Division, Master Jin extracted the seriously injured residual soul of the Queen Mother Xia Yu, and divided the powerful soul of the nine-tailed fox into nine parts, weakening its soul power.

The Queen Mother was a celestial being in her lifetime, and her real cultivation was even better than that of Emperor Xia Yu. Ordinary means could not heal the damage to the Queen Mother's soul at all, if it were not for the help of the Black Dragon King to suppress Emperor Xia Yu and seal the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother might turn into one of the Ten Witches of the Undead Country, or her soul would completely dissipate between heaven and earth, leaving only an immortal nine-tailed fox body wandering in the world.

After dividing the Queen Mother's powerful soul, the injuries on her soul are indeed healing.

Although it is very slow, with the help of Su Yan's bloodline, the Queen Mother's injuries are indeed healing.

Master Jin turned around and left the flower area, returning to the teahouse where he had originally had tea. The Red King and Fairy Doctor had already left the teahouse and started to do their own things, but Sister E'er was still sitting in the teahouse.

"How is the situation?" Sister E'er asked.

"The injury is currently stable." Master Jin took a sip of tea and said, "As for the specific situation, we may need to wait until the first ghost wakes up to know."

"It's good if it can be cured, and it will dissipate at a certain time." Sister E'er nodded in response.


Su Yan didn't know at this moment that two top villains of Xia Yu were targeting him.

He saw that the battle had subsided, and the Red King's fairy boat fleet began to deploy soldiers to finish off the fallen southern border invaders, and the purple man-eating fruit also began to run to the front line to treat the wounded. After that, Su Yan felt that there should be no danger in the flower city now.

"Can you give me two fruits? My companions are also injured and may need treatment."

Su Yan patted the colossus's head and asked the colossus to take two purple man-eating fruits, wanting to take them back to the deserted village to treat the nameless man.

The nameless man must have been seriously injured. He was beaten out by the plant mechanism in the mansion and vomited a few ounces of blood.

So, after the war here subsided, Su Yan prepared to go back to treat his friends as soon as possible.


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