The fox ears of the Western State fennec fox stand up straight like a donkey. They are completely different from Su Yan's own fox ears or other pure fox ears. They appear to be of a lighter and more breathable style.

Su Yan had wanted to touch it for a long time, but he didn't know how to feel the fennec fox ears.

"The back of the ear is OK, but the inner layer is not. The meridians and blood meridians inside are relatively dense, so it is not suitable for touching."

Faced with Su Yan's request, Qingya thought about it and agreed directly to him. There was no embarrassment or any thought of giving or receiving.

Su Yan is a little over 1.6 meters tall, half a year shy of adulthood.

Because Qingya has the blood of the demon clan and has the strongest constitution among the five elements, the wood element, she is a full-scale 1.84 meters tall, including her ears, which is almost 2.1 meters tall, making her taller than the Medical Fairy.

Su Yan was like a little brother. She had rubbed Su Yan's little brother's head so many times before and just touched the little fox's ears. Nothing happened.

"Does the fennec fox make a squeaking sound like me?"

"The fennec fox doesn't bark much on weekdays, and because of its petite size, its squeaking sounds are like coquettishness." Qing Ya thought for a while to answer Su Yan's question.

The fennec fox blood in her body originated from the donation of the fennec fox from the Western Region.

Although the fennec fox's father was a nine-tailed fox, it did not inherit any magical powers. It only inherited the power of charm and the characteristics of nine tails on its back.

It didn't inherit any of it, such as the powerful endless life, or the magical power of wood element.

If the Medical Fairy hadn't happened to pass by with Qingya at that time and saved its life, the fennec fox might have fallen into the hands of the demon clan in the Western Region and completely fallen into the dust.

Qingya had a good compatibility with the fennec fox. Considering its small size but huge spiritual power, Qingya asked the medical fairy to give her a grafted flower, and used part of the fennec fox's blood to cultivate the spiritual plant. Finally, she Grafted flowers are transplanted into the body.

Although the two are extremely compatible, they are so elegant and still cannot take away the fox ears on their heads and one of the charms derived from the nine-tailed fox.

Although there are minor problems with the grafting method, they are compared to changing the talents that are fixed at birth.

Can those little things be called problems?



Chapter 196 Sister Aier

Su Yan and Qing Ya walked on the streets of Chiwang City and went to various trading houses to collect supplies. They planned to stay in Chiwang City for lunch and then return to Flower City, which was hundreds of miles away.

"Aren't you going to buy a magic weapon?" Qingya looked at Su Yan and asked.

The biggest difference between the foundation building stage and the golden elixir stage, apart from the spiritual power and longevity within the body, is that the golden elixir stage monks can kill people hundreds of miles away through the art of controlling objects, and can also travel thousands of miles a day using the method of controlling objects.

Compared with flying into the air with spiritual power, walking around objects is faster and saves spiritual power.

Qingya knew that Su Yan owned a spiritual sword, but the red jade hairpin sword didn't listen to him now. It just so happened that she had just seen a promotion of magical weapons there, so she reminded Su Yan whether to buy a temporary magical weapon.

The magic weapon he is on duty is not used for fighting, it is just to facilitate his travel. Therefore, there is no need to choose expensive and popular weapons. He can choose some extremely unpopular and cheap magic weapons to use as travel tools.

"Let's talk about it later when we have free spiritual stones!"

Su Yan followed Qing Ya's expectations and saw the store banner that said the store's magic weapon promotion, a hundred kilograms of spiritual stone, a huge loss sale, the brows in the corners of his eyes twitched slightly involuntarily.

My good sister! The starting price of their magic weapon is one hundred spiritual stones, and all the spiritual stones in my body now weigh only one hundred and ninety-six kilograms.

Our current situation is in dire straits and we have to look for food to eat!

"Hey! Fellow Taoist, please stay. If the magic weapon is not suitable, why not come and take a look at our spiritual beasts! They are all good beasts that have been artificially bred for hundreds of years. They can be ridden, used, used for day and night, self-defense, and lose weight. All the faces!”

After stopping for a moment, the clerk in the shop approached Su Yan with a smile on his face and asked Su Yan to take a look at his treasure. It doesn't matter if he can't afford a magic weapon to fly in the air. We have some that can run on the ground here. .

Spiritual beasts that travel thousands of miles a day are not expensive. One hundred and eighty kilograms of spirit stones can buy three or five of them.

"Your mother, how dare you betray my mother!"

"Li Liang Li Liang~"

Su Yan looked sideways and saw a cage at the door of the shop selling spiritual beasts. Inside the cage stood a little Shan Huan who was swearing a lot. On Shan Huan's head stood a small gray-black bird, which was echoing Shan Huan's curses. .

"This is a combo package launched by our store. It is a combination of Shan Huan and Guan Guan. As long as you buy it, you will be able to avoid swearing when you encounter scolding battles in the future. All swearing and vulgar words can be done by them!" Store The guy also introduced with pride:

"And as our store's intensively bred breeds, our Shan Huan and Guan Guan are particularly gentle. When scolding their owners, they will never bring up their ancestral relatives, they will only attack the organs."

Su Yan looked at the mountain cannon group, and Shan Huan and Guan Guan also looked at Su Yan.

Guan Guan: "Fuck you."

Shan Huan: "Have you never seen a handsome monster?"

Su Yan looked at the clerk with a black streak on his head and sighed: "Your store is really good at doing business. Su is convinced."

Shan Huan and Guan Guan were sold together. Even a good-tempered Su Yan couldn't help but want to pay for Shan Huan after being scolded by the two beasts. He chopped Shan Huan into meat patties and put one on top. Drink the stew.

The shopkeeper of this shop is also a talented person!

Although he wasn't interested in the combination of swear words, because the shop owner was so talented, Su Yan still chose to take a look at the animal shed located behind the shop.

I want to see with my own eyes what kind of flowers this shop owner can create.

However, when Su Yan came to the animal house, he was completely stunned.

"Sister 囍囍er?!"

In the courtyard of the animal house, there was a girl wearing a white dress with a fox tail swaying slowly behind her back. The girl's cheek was covered with a white cloth. No one could see her face. She just stood there. But it seemed as if no one could see her in the center of the courtyard. The monks who selected spiritual beasts and pets all passed right through her body.


"Sister Xi'er" turned her head and revealed the word "love" marked in red fonts on the white cloth on her cheek:



Su Yan's face was full of wonder, and Qing Ya beside him seemed not to notice anything unusual. He glanced at Ai, then at Su Yan and asked, "Do you know each other?"

"You can see it too?"

This time, Su Yan and Sister Ai'er both turned their heads and looked at Qing Ya.

Jiuyou is the split soul of the Wusheng Emperor. Unless he thinks about it, he has always been in an invisible and immaterial form. Unless he is the owner of the nine-tailed fox bloodline, he cannot observe Jiuyou in a hidden state.

Su Yan knew this himself, and Jiuyou also knew that Su Yan knew this, so he didn't find it strange.

But it is impossible for Qingya to know this. She is now claiming that she can see Jiuyou, which means that Qingya actually has the blood of the nine-tailed fox!

"Why are you looking at me?" Qingya asked with doubt in her tone.

He's just a ghost cultivator. Is it worth being so surprised?

Although ghost cultivators are said to be uncommon, isn't it normal for me to have seen them when I traveled around with my master?

".Didn't you see the tail?" Su Yan was both shocked that Qingya could see Jiuyou, and also shocked that Qingya saw that the nine fox tails behind Jiuyou didn't show any abnormal concentration.

"Guest sir, why did you stop? Come this way, all the good things in our Spirit Beast Pavilion are inside."

The shop assistant walking in front saw the two Taoist friends stopping in front of the arch. He felt a little strange and asked them if there was anything wrong.

At this moment, Sister Ai'er in the courtyard of the animal house walked towards the two of them with light steps.

"I am an unobservable thing. Those who do not have my permission or have the same blood cannot observe my existence through naked eyes or perception."

"You can see my figure, but you can't observe my true body with the naked eye. Are you a member of Nightmare Town?"

Sister Ai'er walked straight through the obstacles and pedestrians, looking at Qingya to give her a reasonable explanation.

She has the bloodline of the nine-tailed fox, but there is a problem with her bloodline, that is, it is not natural. Therefore, in her eyes, her body shape may be a dream-like mist, and she cannot see her body shape clearly. .

"The body is the external manifestation of the soul. If you can see it, you can see it. If you can't see it, you can't see it."

Sister Ai'er came not far in front of the two of them and said:

"Seeing half of the situation proves that your physical body and soul are misaligned and inconsistent. Are you, soul seizing the body or devouring the body?"

"Stop it! Stop it!"

Seeing that Sister Ai'er's tone was not kind, Su Yan quickly stepped in front of the two of them and said, "There should be nothing wrong with Sister Qingya. We met in the academy. Sister Qingya wandered around in front of Grand Master Jin more than once. If she really If you are a disciple of Nightmare Town, you will not be able to participate in the outing tour of the Red King's fief organized by the Grand Master."

"Didn't His Majesty Wu Sheng Emperor light up all the disciples of Nightmare Town during the martial arts performance in front of the emperor? How could Sister Qingya be a disciple of Nightmare Town?"

Sister Ai'er tilted her head and looked at Qingya.

Qingya made Sister Ai'er stare at her forehead with cold sweat, and invisible pressure directly enveloped her heart:

"Reporting back to my senior, this junior is elegant, has studied under the Medical Fairy, specializes in medicine, and has not practiced any evil arts. Senior, I ask for your understanding."

"Medicine fairy?"

Chapter 197 There is a business called Sister Aier

"Medicine fairy?"

After Qingya announced her family status, Sister Ai'er, who was obviously hostile at first, gradually calmed down her hostility.

Although the nine ghosts of the Wusheng Emperor each inherited part of the power of the Wusheng Emperor, there are obvious gaps in the memory level, some things about the Virgin who nurtured all spirits and ten directions, as well as the original relationship between Emperor Xia Yu and Empress Su. None of the memories of the Sleeping Incident were inherited.

Sister Ai'er's biggest impression of the Medical Fairy is that the former dean of the Imperial Medical Office was replaced by the former dean of the Imperial Medical Office. Now the dean of the Xia Yu Imperial Medical Office is the Medical Fairy.

She is a subordinate who was cultivated by the outside world during the period when the original body was aliased as the Virgin of the Ten Directions, and she was cultivated in the integration period.

All these things were told to her by Hu'er, who also said: "Medical Fairy? Medical Fairy is amazing! I searched all over the world of cultivation and couldn't find anyone more amazing than her. She even blackmailed the Dragon Clan. She was probably... Is he the only human monk who is not a powerful person and doesn’t have to cover his butt when attending a banquet with many people in the Dragon Clan?”

"Moreover, she succeeded in extorting money. Now she is using dragon spiritual stones to live freely in the world of cultivation. She is one of the few human monks who is regarded as a guest in both the human and demon worlds."

After Qingya told her origins and Su Yan testified that Qingya was hers, Sister Ai'er stopped trying to embarrass Qingya.

They have all come under Xia Yu's command. No matter what kind of monk they are, as long as the main body has certified that there is nothing wrong, then no matter how big something happens, it will be nothing.

"Are you guys hungry?"

Sister Ai'er paused for a moment, looked around the animal house, looked at Su Yan and Qing Ya and said, "Let's go eat."

"Uh, okay, Sister Ai'er."

Su Yan did not refuse Sister Ai'er's invitation because he deeply remembered Sister Xi'er's words:

"Among the nine ghosts in Jiuyou, you and I are the only one with a good heart. If you meet other ghosts, you'd better be careful, otherwise half your life will be lost."

Although Sister Ai'er looked kind, Su Yan believed that Sister Xi'er would not lie to him, so there definitely were some problems that he didn't know about in front of Sister Ai'er.

Moreover, it is very likely to cause harm to yourself.

Therefore, Su Yan's rule of conduct is to follow Sister Ai'er's words and try not to disobey her.

"Come this way"

Sister Ai'er did not go out through the front door, but took Su Yan and Qingya to the back door of the animal house. Su Yan followed Sister Ai'er who was walking in front of him and said a few casual words to the waiter, planning to take a stroll. Escort.

Su Yan and Qing Ya followed Sister Ai'er. Sister Ai'er walked to the back door and stood still. She turned her head and explained to Su Yan and Qing Ya:

"I'm waiting for a spiritual beast here. They should appear by now."

"Exotic beasts are healthy and have the effect of fertilizing the soil. They are very suitable for changing barren land."

As Sister Ai'er said, a male monk wearing coarse linen clothes suddenly ran up the street, holding an iron box about ten inches long and wide in his hand. The male monk's general took a deep look at Su Yan. , put the box in the designated location according to the orders from above, and then left.

The order he received was to go to the back alley at the current time, put the iron cage on the ground and leave.

No matter what happens, he only needs to put things down on time, and other things have nothing to do with him.

The monk glanced at Su Yan, turned around, and ran away without any hesitation.

"Take it and go!"

Sister Ai'er opened the black cloth, and inside the iron cage lay a white piglet. On its chest, there was a pattern that looked like a copper coin. There were no ordinary dolphin pigs on the four ankles, which were less than the width of two human fingers. The toe is replaced by a small wing.

When the alien beast Dangkang saw the black cloth being lifted, the originally peaceful expression on his face became angry. He exerted force on all four legs and slammed directly into the iron cage imprisoning him.

"That's it, let's go!"

After Sister Ai'er confirmed that the goods were correct, she asked Su Yan to pick up the exotic beast and leave here.

"Are we rescuing a strange beast?"

When Su Yan mentioned the Dangkang Iron Cage, he always felt that what was happening now seemed familiar, and he couldn't help but recall the time when Sister Xi'er took him to rescue the Moon Rabbit.


Sister Ai'er chuckled and said: "No, what we are doing now should be called kidnapping. Dangkang is a strange beast living in the southern states. It is now the spring plowing period, and the northern part of Xia Yu needs a Dangkang to loosen the soil. So I stopped by and asked King Chi to tie one up for me."

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