At this time, Lin Beifan opened his eyes and observed the situation inside the ancestor of the Zhao family.

"The ancestor of the Zhao family has a kind of living poison that has completely integrated with him. He is very stubborn. If he is attacked, he will control the blood or spiritual energy in the body of the ancestor of the Zhao family to attack, so so many people are helpless. For this kind of poison, ordinary treatment methods are useless. Lin Beifan said

"Master, do you have any cure?"

"Of course there is, and there are two ways! Lin Beifan smiled and said

"What is the method? Master, please tell me!"Xiao Han was delighted and quickly urged

"The first way is to control the strange fire into the body of the ancestor of the Zhao family to kill the virus, just like you did just now. This living poison is very afraid of strange fire. As long as it is killed cleanly, it will be fine.

Xiao Han frowned:"Master, the situation shouldn't be that simple?""

"It's really not that simple. When the alien fire enters another person's body, it will not only burn the poison, but also the other person's body. Just think about the pain you usually feel when your body is burned by alien fire. Even if you are a Vulcan body, others can imagine that even the most powerful people would find it unbearable. If the other person can't help but curl up their hair, you'll be in big trouble."

"This requires you to control the strange fire carefully, and then burn the living poison without harming the body as much as possible. This healing method is very difficult and requires you to be fully alert and have strong control skills to be able to do it. Otherwise, it will be a failure. Not only will it fail to cure the other party's poison, but it will also harm the other party!"

Xiao Han is not very optimistic about this method.

On the one hand, he is not strong enough, and his ability to control strange fire is not so accurate.

If the ancestor of the Zhao family is burned to death, he cannot afford the consequences. I am afraid that the Zhao family , and he is not allowed to do this

"Master, what about the second method?"

"This second method is much simpler, that is to inhale all the poison in his body into your body and kill him. You have a divine body and have gone to nirvana 7 times. Your life level is very high, and you are extremely attractive to living poisons. As long as you attract it into your body, you can control the alien fire to kill them. Anyway, you are a Vulcan body, and the alien fire has been integrated into your body. It will be fine if you burn it one more time!"

"This method is good!"Xiao Han said happily.

Seeing Xiao Han's happy look, Lin Beifan opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing and dived

"Xiao Tianjiao, what do you think? Patriarch Zhao asked.

Xiao Han said enthusiastically:"Principal Zhao, now I have two ways to solve the poison in the ancestor's body!""

"any solution?"Everyone said in unison.

Xiao Han explained the first method mentioned by Lin Beifan first. The

Zhao family was really worried when they heard that strange fire was going to be introduced into the ancestor's body to incinerate the living poison.

This method is too dangerous, too dangerous. It's so extreme, even the most powerful one can't withstand the burning of strange fire. What if he can't control it and burns the ancestor to death?

They can't afford to take this risk

"Xiao Tianjiao, what about the second method?"

"This second method can only sacrifice me!"Xiao Han's face darkened, and he said in a serious tone:"I can inhale the living poison from the ancestor's body into my body, and then control the strange fire to kill him. In this way, the ancestor can recover as before. only……"

"However, Xiao Tianjiao will bear the pain of burning your body with strange fire!"The head of the Zhao family said.

Xiao Han nodded heavily.

The Zhao family and others opened their mouths, but in the end they couldn't say anything.

Asking others to sacrifice themselves to save others is something they simply can't do, let alone others?

If you want to force Xiao Han, what if he is passive and sabotages his work and kills his ancestor?

Moreover, Xiao Han is not a powerless person. Ganan College treasures him so much that they regard him as their successor. If something happens to Xiao Han, the Zhao family will definitely not be able to live with it.

So this matter has become an unsolvable problem.

At this moment, Xiao Han took a deep breath and moved forward bravely:"Ancestor's My physical condition could no longer bear the burning of strange fire, so I decided to adopt the second method, which was to introduce live poison into my body and burn it."

The Zhao family was shocked. The head of the Zhao family quickly said:"But Xiao Tianjiao……"

Xiao Han said resolutely:"Master Zhao, you don't have to persuade me, I have made up my mind! The ancestor's poison cannot hold him back at all. Every extra minute of delay will cause more damage to his body! I am young now, and I am relatively young. It's okay to resist the fever!"

At the end of the sentence, Xiao Han smiled freely, full of fearless spirit.

At this time, you are still thinking about others and are willing to sacrifice yourself for others. This great sentiment, this great personality, this great spirit cannot be described in words at all!

The Zhao family was in awe.

Patriarch Zhao enthusiastically held Xiao Han's hand and said sincerely:"Brother Xiao, please!"

"Brother Xiao, I, the second eldest son of the Zhao family, have never admired others, but you are the first! You are a true hero and a pure man! After it's done, I'll treat you to a drink!"Zhao Laoer said enthusiastically

"OK, it’s a deal!"Xiao Han laughed.

Xiao Han said proudly in his heart:"Master, how was my performance?"

"Boy, you are such a drama queen!"Lin Beifan was speechless.

"Master, I learned all this from you. How could I cheat more good things otherwise? Xiao Han chuckled and winked:"Master, what do you think I should do to pretend to be more like you?""

"Actually, you don’t have to pretend……"

Outside, Patriarch Zhao asked:"Xiao Tianjiao, do you need to make any preparations?"

Xiao Han nodded:"I do need some preparations. Patriarch Zhao, please arrange a closed and quiet room for me, so that I can use it to detoxify.""

"No problem at all!"

After the explanation, Xiao Han took a deep breath, and with the determination of"the wind is rustling and the water is cold, but once it is gone, it will never come back", he bravely stepped onto the ice bed, stretched out his hand to the ancestor of the Zhao family, and connected the two parties. Spiritual energy.

Compared with the ancestor of the Zhao family, Xiao Han is younger, has stronger energy and blood, and has greater potential. The most important thing is that he has a divine body, and his attraction to living poisons is not ordinary.

At the moment of connecting, the ancestor The live poison in the body merged into Xiao Han's body like a surge of wind.

Xiao Han's skin color also turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he looked like he was terminally ill.

"It’s really too poisonous. If it were me, I probably wouldn’t be able to last a day! The ancestor of the Zhao family has managed to survive for so many years, which is admirable! Fortunately, I have the strange fire to burn, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to do this!"

After sucking the poison out of the ancestor's body, Xiao Han stood up unsteadily and said feebly:"The poison in the ancestor's body has been removed. Please arrange a room for me. I want to detoxify!""

"I'm ready, please come with me!"

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