This scene is so surprising.

On the edge of a dangerous forest, there was a cute little girl who was making soup as if nothing had happened. She was ladling soup with a spoon that was bigger than her body in both hands. It scared me to death.

"Such a child...could he be transformed into a monster?"

"She is definitely not a monster. My nose is very good. I can tell if she is a monster with just one nose!"

"She is a human child, five or six years old!"

"In the wild forest, why are there children wandering around, and where are the adults in his family?"


At this moment, the unscrupulous Taoist priest exclaimed:"Look at the spoon in her hand. It is actually made of the sacred material Liuyun Daoyu. How much is it worth!""

"And those two pots, although they are not sacred materials, they are also black tulip, a rare magic weapon material! It actually turned into two big pots, what a waste of natural resources!"The Black Emperor's eyes were red.

"You see, the milk she boils is still soup, that milk definitely comes from the Demon King! And what’s in that soup are very rare and delicious monsters that are rarely seen deep in the wild forest!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest continued to shout

"The animal skin she wears is also extraordinary. It was shed from the Golden Silkworm Demon King. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, and is invulnerable to cold and heat. Ordinary weapons cannot hurt her! Everything out there is priceless!"The Black Emperor shouted

"And that's actually a strange fire!!!"


The two people and the dog looked more and more surprised, and finally looked at each other.

"What kind of evil kid is this?"

"Hello! Have you seen enough of you being sneaky? Do you want to steal my beast milk and beast meat? I tell you, if you dare to take action, I will beat you to death!"The little cute baby Shi Haoyue clenched her fists, threatening her fiercely.

However, she was too cute and cute, and she was not threatening at all.

Holy Body Ye Fan said quickly:"Kid, you misunderstood, we just just I was very curious to see you when I was passing by!"

"Don't fool me, I'm no longer a three-year-old child! Shi Haoyue said fiercely:"I am already 5 years old this year, you can't fool me with your little tricks!" Look at them, their eyes are all green!"

Holy Body Ye Fan looked over and really wanted to slap these two embarrassing things away.

He saw the Black Emperor lying in the middle of the small pot, drooling:"It's been a long time since I drank animal milk. It smells so good.! I remember when I was a child, the emperor was afraid that I would be hungry, so he would find me animal milk to drink every day. I really miss the past! The unscrupulous Taoist priest clung to the cauldron regardless of the scorching heat, and said obsessively:"How many tombs must be robbed and how many graves must be dug to dig out such a large piece of black tulip?" Love it, love it!"

"Get away from me, don't let me touch my things! You big black dog, your saliva is almost dripping into my animal milk! And you, a fat Taoist priest, stink too much, don’t destroy my fresh soup!"The little cute baby picked up the big spoon and drove them away.

Ye Fan felt very embarrassed and pulled the two things far away with both hands:"You two embarrassing things, stay away from me, everyone is I'm chasing you!"

One person and one dog were wailing and screaming repeatedly.

"My black tulip, I want to be buried in black tulip in my dreams, don’t leave, little leaf, don’t pull me away!"

"I just want to drink some milk. What’s wrong? Woah, who is not a baby yet?"

The food made by the cute baby was so delicious that it stimulated their taste buds, so they also caught some monsters from nearby and roasted them to eat, but they were still not as delicious as the ones in Shi Haoyue's hands. They looked at each other with pleasure. Drinking the beast's milk, while looking at the monster beast's legs that were roasting well in his hands, he suddenly felt that it didn't taste good. The

Black Emperor ran over with a large piece of meat in his mouth, squatted on the ground, and looked at Haoyue eagerly. Said:"Kid, I want to trade this piece of meat with you for milk or soup!"

Shi Haoyue gently glanced at the piece of meat in Heihuang's mouth, and suddenly showed a disgusted expression:"This piece of meat of yours is overcooked, has no technical content at all, is hard and unpalatable, I don't want to eat it. Change it!"

"It’s okay not to change it!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest trotted over, rubbed his hands and said with a smile:"Kid, can you share some food with me? I've been hunted for several years and haven't even had a piece of hot food. I'm hungry!"

"Woof! I'm even more pitiful, I haven't drank milk for hundreds of thousands of years!"The Black Emperor wagged his tail and said pitifully.

Shi Haoyue suddenly felt sympathy:"You are so pitiful!"

The eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist priest and Heihuang lit up, and when they thought they were about to get benefits, the child Haoyue threw a few leftover bones to them and said:"There are some bones here, take them and eat them!"

Unscrupulous Taoist priest, Black Emperor:"……"

"Little girl, you probably don’t know who I am, that’s why you disrespect me so much. Now I am only allowed to solemnly introduce myself. When you get to know me, you will fall in love with me! The Black Emperor held his head high and said,"My name is the Black Emperor. I came from 200,000 years ago and was the cute pet of Emperor Wushi."……"

Shi Haoyue suddenly screamed:"Wow, it turns out you are the big black dog!"

"Have you heard of me?"The Black Emperor was secretly happy.

I am indeed the most handsome boy among the dogs, and I am famous wherever I go!

I hold my head high and welcome the compliments proudly!

"I've heard about you!"Shi Haoyue put down the meat in his hand, opened a pair of big watery eyes, looked at the Black Emperor curiously and nodded repeatedly, and said crisply:"I heard Liu Shen said that when you go out and walk in the world, you must be careful of bad guys! There was a dog among them, dark, tall, and extremely ferocious, but extremely shameless, rogue, and without moral integrity. He was the kind of dog that couldn't spit out ivory from its mouth! He likes to catch people and make them his pets, and he is very unreliable in his actions. He not only cheats enemies but also teammates. When you encounter him, you must stay away to avoid being implicated by him!"

After speaking, he took three steps back while holding the meat.

Black Emperor:"……"

The other two people held their stomachs and laughed.

This is the most incisive summary of the Black Emperor that they have ever heard.

"slander! This must be slander! I, the Black Emperor, am so wise, mighty, and heroic, how could I be like this? Someone must be deliberately slandering my image!"The Black Emperor shouted loudly, trying his best to refute this image.

"I think what the other party said is very pertinent!"The unscrupulous Taoist priest laughed

"Yes Yes!"Holy Body Ye Fan nodded repeatedly.

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