The puppets reincarnated in the dirt, the ninja who intercepted them, everything was wiped out under that dagger.

With so many strong people, the combination couldn't make Hasegawa Santai's pace slow down by a step, he shook off the blood on the knife and strode up like this.

Since his birth, Santai has been progressing at a crazy speed almost every day, although it is difficult to accept the strength of Santai, but the people of the Xiao organization are still more or less mentally prepared.

But it's not the same with Rosa and Liedou.

Luo Sha said with a smile: "I didn't even know that in the Sand Hidden Village I managed, such a terrifying ninja had appeared. Old Ancestor, is this the power of the level of the first Pillar and Madara Uchiha?".

Lie Dou swallowed his mouth and shook his head, "Maybe...... I mean, maybe, he might be stronger than the original Juma and Madara Uchiha!".

"What did you say?".

The First Ninja War was commanded by Ryoto himself, and as an ally of Tsuruma and Madara, he had witnessed firsthand how those two men fought. With the same results, the two founders of Konoha can easily do it, but looking at the young man in front of him, Liedou has such a feeling.

Santai's speed is not particularly fast, but in the eyes of everyone, it looks like a mountain pressing towards them. There is no ninja's trickery and ingenuity, there is just an upright absolute power, a terrifying power that is difficult to shake.

Since Santai killed Nagato, Obito has estimated his strength very highly, but he still didn't expect that the strength shown by Santai last time was just the tip of the iceberg.

Obito even thinks that after paying such a huge loss, they still haven't touched the upper limit of Santai.

So he said, "Orochimaru, release that one!".

Orochimaru's body shook and said, "This thing is still doing the final adjustments, are you sure ............


"I said, let it out!".

Now the strength shown by Santai is simply uncontrollable, if you want to defeat the country of wind and successfully take away the tailed beast, then you must use the same level of power as Santai.

This is the only option for Obito.

Orochimaru's hands were sealed, and after a puff of white smoke, a coffin that was the same as before was summoned.

I Ai Luo said: "It's still the third stage, you guys, don't you have other combat power to use?"

However, at this moment, Santai suddenly stopped and looked down at the Enma Sword on his waist. Just like last night, in the dark blue scabbard, the Enma Knife was shaking violently, as if it wanted to come out of its shell.

So Santai suddenly stretched out his arm and stopped Iairo, who was about to continue forward.

"Beware, it's not quite right!".

I was stunned and said, "What's going on? Haven't you already killed many of these puppets?"

Santai looked up at the coffin and said loudly, "May I ask if the coffin is in the pillar or Madara Uchiha?"

It's been a long time since Santai felt this way since the ego stream was developed, and in the Hokage's world, the only ones who could stand on the same level as their current self were the two ninjas who had been dead for many years.

Sure enough, I saw Orochimaru snorting and sneering: "Hasegawa Santai, it seems that you are not only strong, but also have a good brain." However, what you have to face today is not the Thousand Hands Pillar, but the super weapon transformed from the Thousand Hands Pillar. Come out, my greatest masterpiece ~~~~~


With that, the coffin finally opened, and a figure walked out of it.

From the outside, it was indeed a Thousand Hands Pillar, but unlike other filthy earth reincarnations, the body between the pillars was not dirt, but pieces of flesh and blood like snake scales.

Orochimaru said: "Hasegawa Santai, as soon as I think of your knife, my body is aching faintly! "

Santai said: "What is this? Reincarnation of the Filthy Earth? or is it a living person?"

"Or you should say, it's all ~~~~".

The original Pillar and Madara Uchiha are different, and in terms of strength, Pillar is more powerful than Madara Uchiha. In the original work, Madara controlled the Nine-Tails, but he still failed to defeat this god-like powerhouse.

If it was just a filthy puppet between the pillars, then Santai would certainly not be afraid. Because the main combat method of the pillar is a variety of immortal arts, the pillar that cannot use the immortal chakra can barely deal with even the three generations of Hokage.

But if the pillars really lived in the flesh, then I am afraid everything would be different.

Orochimaru Mori looked at Santai coldly, and ordered to the pillars: "Give me ~~~~".

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